The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Sona grimaced and shifted her eyes. "It matters because you said I was your friend." She told him, her voice suddenly downcast. "You didn't lie, did you?"
"...We're friends, okay?" Pit said, hands up in the air in defeat with a sigh. "We're friends, I promise....stop givin me that, alright?" he muttered. Jeez, what was with this girl? Ugh... "But I still have a job to do, I can't help that."
"Yes you can." Sona urged as she got to her knees, feeling his cum leaking from her pussy. She didn't really care about buttoning up her shirt, even though it was a little cold. However, she looked into his eyes and frowned. "Friends don't fight friends. If you try to take Zelda, I'm gonna have to fight you. I care about you, that's why we made love." She felt tears stinging at her eyes, but she ignored them. "Pit, please..."
"We just met," Pit grumbled, glancing at her almost in surprise. "...Why in the world would you care about me already? We've done nothing but fight until now!" Ugh, why was she so weird!? What did he do that made her...ugh, it had to be what they just did. Medusa got the same way around Ganondorf, all...ugh. This was a bad idea.
"Because you're my care about your friends." She told him as she rolled her tear filled eyes, causing a single stream of wetness to roll down her cheek. "And I know we've done nothing but fight, but I don't think you want to do the bad things that you do...I don't know. I just see some good in you. If you were nothing but evil I wouldn't have been your friend."
He sighed faintly, rubbing his head. "Well, world isn't so black and white, is it?" he muttered. Probably saw some good in him because he was yanked out of a real do-gooder. Bah, this entire conversation made him feel...weird, he didn't like it. "Look, I still have to get going, you don't want to bring trouble here, do you?"
"No..." She began as she looked away from him. "I guess not, but...I trust you. I trust you'll do the right thing when the time comes, because you're my friend." Sona told him as she forced herself to look back into his eyes.
"...Yeah," Pit mumbled faintly. "Look, I need to go, Sona. Alright?" he said, slipping on his pants again. "...I'm...sure I'll visit again," Not the way she wanted, but she supposed she'd learn that the hard way.
Something was wrong, but she ignored that feeling and smiled at him. She closed the distance between them, kissing him on the cheek. "I look forward to seeing you, then..." She was being genuine. She really did think he would come back to her under better circumstances...hopefully.
"...Okay," Pit mumbled, glancing at her before taking off into the air with a faint sigh. Stupid girl just didn't get it, did she? He supposed that was...nice, in it's own way. She was in for a world of hurt, and now he didn't know how he felt about it. Ugh. He should have just flown away, or killed her. Killing her would have been easier.
For a moment, she watched him until he disappeared from her sight. However, she grimaced and sighed. What..was this terrible sense of dread that she felt? She felt like...she had something floating around in her stomach. Butterflies? She buttoned up her shirt and suddenly she felt..cold. It was time to go back.

After cleaning herself up a little bit, she crawled into bed with Ike. Sex with Pit was..nice. But it wasn't like the way she had sex with Ike. Maybe because of that bad feeling she got. Like she did something bad.

Maybe she needed to try making love to other friends.
Ike shifted a little bit when she came in, hand on her back with a faint yawn. "...Sona?" Ike mumbled, glancing down at her. Did he fall asleep? It seemed late outside...the moon was high in the air, judging from the light through the door. Samus was fast asleep, but it had reminded Ike of a predator finding the most defensible spot in case an attacker came. Frightening, and somewhat comforting all at once.
When she heard Ike say her name, she wasn't sure what she felt. It was..a very deep pain. She hated it. She suddenly embraced him tightly and dug her face into his chest. She...didn't want to tell him what just happened. He might get mad at her. So she'd keep it a secret for now. Still, she was hurting and she couldn't hide it. She clung to him hard and started to sob very faintly, tears falling from her eyes. She hated this. Maybe this was how he felt whenever he made love to Zelda.
Ike blinked a little in surprise at that, suddenly more awake when he heard her start to cry as he slid his arms around her waist as he sat up. "Sona?" he said in concern. "Sona? What's wrong? What happened?" He had never seen her like this, and the only thing he could think of was the worst possible things. But she seemed okay, she didn't seem injured...which meant something else. Something more complicated.
Sona shook her head, just wanting to be held right now. Even though she thought it would be best to keep it a secret, apart of her really wanted to confide in him. "I can't..tell you. Because you'll get mad.'s okay. Just go back to sleep." She whispered to him, not wanting to wake Samus.

But she was really already awake..she had been awake since Sona had come in.
"Sona, I won't get mad," Ike murmured, keeping her close. "What's wrong? What happened? Did...someone hurt you?" She didn't seem hurt, but he swore...if he so much as heard any story about someone touching her...or anything like that, there'd be a few missing people in the barracks.
Maybe..she could tell him some parts. She wanted to. It was painful and she didn't understand why she felt this way. Her relationship with Ike..well she trusted him. "I...made a friend today. Umm, but he does bad things..because he is forced to do them. I know he's not bad, but he feels like he doesn't have a choice. So..I thought maybe if I..did something...he would see how good friends could be. But after we did it, he left to go back to the people that make him do bad things. I want to believe in him. I want to believe he'll do the right thing...but I feel really sick and sad. Because if he doesn't...I might have to kill him."
"...That's a pretty serious thing," Ike agreed, hand on her head. He was trying to wrack his brain with just who that might be...but right now, Sona's mood was more important. "...Sona, do you know what it means to be a real mercenary?" he asked.
"It means you fight for money, doesn't it?" Sona asked as she sniffled a little. At least he..wasn't getting upset with her for trusting someone who was "bad".
"Yes, but it also means fighting for something you may not believe in...or agree with, your ideals don't matter. You only do as you are assigned." Ike murmured. "Not everyone who has that mindset is a mercenary, though. Your friend...he may very well...have something in him that disagrees, but some people have no choice. Some can't...or they won't, simply because they know nothing else, or the alternative is worse." He knew many people like that, who had died was a tragic way to go, but if they truly had faith, then what else were they to do?

"The worse thing you can do for your friend is not respecting his choice when the time comes, Sona." he said, hand running through her hair. "Friendship means lots of things on a battlefield, but one thing you must always do is fight them like you mean it, that's the only way he'll know you're honest."
Sona was silent for a moment before she nodded slowly. She..knew that if he did choose to keep doing bad things, there was nothing she could do about it. But the thought still hurt. A lot. "Okay...I just...really wanted him to know what having a friend felt like. And I thought maybe, it would convince him. I'm not so sure, but I'll keep what you said in mind." She told him as her hold on him relaxed slightly. It wasn't something she wanted to hear, but...for some reason it brought her the slightest amount of comfort.
"Sometimes, knowing that there's someone there who wants you safe can be enough," Ike murmured. "But they have their own choices too, their own desires...but we'll see," Ike smiled. "Get some sleep, Sona. Things will resolve itself one way or another, alright?"
"Okay. Goodnight, Ike..." Sona said softly as she shut her eyes. She really was tired, and that bad feeling in her stomach was going away slowly. Not because she was any less worried about Pit, but because she was with Ike. That alone comforted her.

Sona. Don't trust him. It's time you know the truth about that boy.

Sona opened her eyes and found a strange place. Strange but familiar. She'd been here before. She looked around and saw a staircase. There were clouds everywhere...and it was a little dark and gloomy. Though she caught movement at the corner of her eye, and she went to draw her sword that wasn't there.

"Hey, it's okay!" A familiar but...not familiar voice said. She narrowed her eyes as a boy came out from around a pillar. He was..Pit but not Pit. He had white wings, brown eyes..and he was dressed in white. He gave her a smile, and Sona tilted her head.

"..Who are you?" She asked softly as she let her hand fall to the side.

"Pit, I'm Pit. The real one that you haven't met before." He murmured, looking away from her shyly as his eyes went up to the staircase. "Come on..Palutena wants to see you." Sona watched him run up the steps, hesitating a bit before following him, breaking out into a jog too. She noticed something about one of his wings. It was bandaged and it looked almost lifeless. She wondered if he was injured.

Once they both got to the top of the steps, Sona saw Palutena. She was just as beautiful as Sona remembered, and yet she hadn't recalled ever seeing her in person before. The woman greeted her with a warm smile. "'s nice to see you." She told her before rising from her throne. Sona nodded.

"Nice to see you too, Palutena. Umm, I can properly thank you. I'm sure if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here still..or maybe I would, but I'd be a disembodied spirit or something weird." Her eyes flashed to Pit, who stood at Palutena's side proudly. "...Why did you bring me here?"

"Because I wanted you to know who Pit was. I wanted you to see what you sensed in Dark Pit. Because I don't want you to be fooled by him, Sona. I know you care about him, but he's lost. He was created from Medusa and Ganondorf's dark magic, along with Pit's blood and feathers. He cannot escape them and while he may express the interest to be free, he never will be. Medusa...probably knows about what happened between you two, and she'll try to use that against you. He'll be forced to try and take advantage of you somehow." Palutena explained as she walked up to Sona and gave her a pat on the head. "You want him to be free. I know you do. But I don't think he ever will be, even if you destroy the people who created him. So that's why, should just be careful."

Sona's eyes looked up at Palutena and then shifted to the real Pit. She believed the entire story, but something at the back of her head nagged her. She still wanted to believe in Pit..or Dark Pit. Whatever they called him. She grimaced and looked away. "I don't want to give up on my friend, but I also won't let him take advantage of me either. You have my word, Palutena." She said softly.

"Good...then you have my blessing, Sona. I've been meaning to do this once you were ready. You know what magic is. You use it unintentionally when you fight with Ike, and it manifests in Ragnell when you're close enough. But you can do other things with it, too." She said as her scepter began to glow. Sona felt a warm feeling inside of her body, and she shivered when she felt the heat grow. "I have to borrow Ike, and if anything happens, I'd like you to be able to fight on your own until I return him." Palutena said as she took a step back. Sona felt the heat inside of her dwindle...but the suddenly it exploded inside of her. Her entire body lit up and fire and light emitted from her body.

Then it was gone. Or rather, it was still there, but controlled. Sona knew though, she could bring it out whenever she wanted to. "..Borrow Ike?" She asked as she tilted her head. "What did you just do to me?"

"Tomorrow. Not for long though. I just need him to do me a favor, Sona. He'll be back before you know it. As for what I did to you, I unlocked the power that you held in your body. The power I originally gave you. Sona, the more spirit you have, the stronger your magic becomes. It is up to you to decide how to harness it...but that's all the time I have for you today. You need to rest..." Palutena gave her a tight hug, and Sona returned it. She almost felt like...Palutena was her mother. But she had a that she had to cut down. Or rather, she was used to cut her down. Palutena though..was different than Ashera. She cared.

"Okay..Goodbye then." She glanced at Pit, who gave her a smile. "You too..."

"Bye!" Pit said with a grin and waved to her. Palutena smiled and then tapped her staff gently on the ground. And then..there was nothing but darkness...and then dreaming.
When morning came, Ike was already out with the troops that he had gathered prior, plus Samus. She was...striking looking, and she was intimidating the troops just walking around with Ike. She was easily the tallest person there, and Ike had to admit that it was somewhat amusing to see them so terrified of her. But...well, he couldn't blame them either. Her neutral face reminded Ike of a passive mask. Guess that's what happened when you were used to fighting in armor?

"Your suit interests me...your Zero suit, you called it?" Ike said, glancing back at her. He wasn't really used to talking to people as tall as her, so the first thing that he stupidly glanced at was her breasts before his eyes snapped up to her face in an instant. "Is it protective, like armor?"
Samus was starting to..get used to the strange attention that she was getting. Before, she found the stares to be somewhat annoying, but...seeing as how everyone here was...smaller than she was, she couldn't blame them. The only person who didn't seem to find her height completely uncanny was Sona. Though after last night, and her crying..she had definitely seemed much more calmer today. Almost...distant? She wondered if whatever happened last night was bothering her, but she didn't really have the right to ask when it was none of her business.

She looked down at Ike when he asked her about her suit. Again. Well, at least more directly. "It's not really armor. It's just meant to be worn under my armor...though when I just wear this suit, it adds to my dexterity, reflexes, and acrobatics. I can move much faster in it. That's all it is...and it also allows me to manipulate my power suit too. Into putting it on, or taking it off."
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