The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"I see," Ike mused. "I find that hard to believe, look rather fit as it is, what kind of magic allows it to do that for you?" Mostly because she looked to be so fit and healthy in the first place, what sort of strange land did she come from?
"It's not...magic. And it doesn't aid me by much. Just enough to give me an edge over my opponents. I am already in top condition because of...well...I could start throwing around names and terms, but I'm not sure you would quite understand. All of what I have is a form of technology. Like this..." She pulled out her Paralyzer. She wasn't going to fire it for no good reason, but she just wanted to show him. "This uses energy to stun my opponents. It can also form it's energy to be a beam whip. You'll see when I have to use it." She then pointed to her heels. "Even my shoes...they are technology that gives me a blast to my kicks, and they increase my jump."
"...I see," Ike said, his expression somewhere between honestly ignorant awe and deeply rampant confusion. "...Well, so long as you are well protected, I suppose I don't have to worry, then." As long as she knew how to fight, he supposed that was the only thing that mattered. "I suppose technology goes some amazing places at some point."
"It does. But I'm guessing there is a lot of magic in your world?" Magic could be just as amazing. Magic might be able to fix her predicament. It was a glimmer of hope, but Samus wasn't ready to just accept her fate here. She would find a way off this planet.
"Yes," Ike murmured. "Much of it fills our land...and I would say much of it is the reason of our current problem," he said. "But it is like any other weapon, how it is used depends on the wielder. If things calm down, you have my word that we will look into repairing your vessel in some manner or another."
"Thank you..." She couldn't say she knew much about magic. Only that it could be stronger than technology at times, but less reliable perhaps. She glanced down at Sona, who was still lost in her own world. Samus reached out a put a hand on her shoulder. She might not have any business talking about what happened last night, but she could at least attempt to comfort her. She watched as Sona looked up at her, and she seemed quite confused. "I don't know whatever is on your mind, but everything will be alright. I like you better when you're happy. It's good morale. Not just for me but everyone else, I'm sure." She wasn't sure if that was a good way to comfort someone, but it did bring a smile to Sona's lips.

"I'll try to cheer up, then." She told Samus, though when she turned away the smile dropped a bit. She just..couldn't get Pit out of her mind. Or Dark Pit, or whatever!
Ike watched her for a time, before taking his arm around Sona's neck and pulling it in. "Hey, the lady told you to cheer up," Ike said, rubbing his knuckles on her scalp. "Don't be rude, Sona...whatever's wrong, we can fix it together, right? That's why you're my partner."
She winced and then swatted his hand away, looking up at him with a pout. Though it quickly fell from her face, and she just smiled before she felt her stomach growl. "I think I'm just hungry." Sona admitted, laughing a little. She had forgotten to eat this morning for whatever reason. "Oh, I forgot to tell you something, Ike. Palutena gave me more access to the magic inside of me and now I can do things with it. I don't know what kind of things, but..I'll figure it out."
"...Oh, she did that one thing she does?" Ike mumbled, blinking a little in surprise. Well, he supposed it made sense...he was glad he wasn't the only one though. "That's something then, come on...let's get you breakfast before you eat out the entire barracks." he smiled, hand on her head. "Feel better?"
"I'll feel better when I eat." She told him with a grin. "And maybe make some mischief. Play some tricks on some poor soldiers." Sona didn't like being in a bad mood. She was glad Samus had said something to her, but even if she hadn't, she was sure Ike would have. Sona gave Samus a tight hug. Sheesh, she felt like a rock..everything was so tight on her, except her breasts.

"Sona.." Samus said awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Should she hug her back? She didn't even really know this girl.
"...Get used to it," Ike said somewhat in dry amusement. "She hugs everyone, regardless. Sona, don't make Samus uncomfortable."
"Uncomfortable? Am I really making you uncomfortable?" Sona asked Samus and the woman looked down at her and sighed faintly. Was she? It's not that she didn't like it, but...

"I'm just not used to...people. That's all. I'm usually alone." She admitted.
"...Well, I suppose we have something in common, then," Ike admitted. "I have been traveling for months now, mostly by myself. Sona has...been a nice change," he admitted with a slightly embarrassed rub of his neck. "...This has been my longest job in quite some time, I had forgotten what it was like to have so many people around." He had also forgotten the kind of effect he had, even these hardened soldiers viewed him almost like they viewed Link, some hero they could never be.
"Job? You're not actually with these people?" Samus asked, though it actually made sense. Sona and Ike did not look like they were from around here, not even in the slightest. But the strange thing was, apparently Sona was some new change? They talked as if they had known each other forever. They even slept in the same bed together, which Samus found odd. What was the relationship between those two?
"It feels like I am," Ike admitted, arms crossing to regard the men. "...These Hylians, they fight against anything. I'd hate to be on the opposite side of them...I've been here for about two months, I think. Whatever happens, I intend to see this through to the end. I owe them that much." Ike could see the minor confusion in her face, he supposed he'd have a lot to talk about with her if she was ever curious.
"That's very kind of you." Especially if he was fighting a losing battle. If this was a job, and he was still here...he either was getting paid a lot or he had grown attached to this country, enough to want to defend it.

"After it's over though, we're leaving, huh?" Sona asked Ike, looping her arm around his.
"We'll see," Ike said, before he felt something...strange. He felt a little lightheaded for a moment, before he realized that his feet were slowly coming off the ground. "...uh..." Ike mumbled curiously. "Sona?!" he said as he started lifting up a little higher. What in the world was going on now!? Couldn't he have one break!?
Samus' first instinct was to reach out and grab him to keep him from flying any further. Was this magic? Sona was about to say something, but she suddenly felt Palutena take over her voice. Which answer to what was going on in itself.

"Ike, don't be afraid. I'm just guiding you to Skyworld. I know that I said I would wait for you to be ready, but it can't wait anymore. Medusa's child has been born." She told him through Sona. Samus...relaxed her grip. She really was confused about what was going on...
"...Oh," Ike mumbled, glancing down at Sona. "...Alright then, I' back soon, hopefull-" He didn't get to finish, he let out a surprised little yelp as he launched into the sky like a rocket, magical energy surrounding him. He wasn't ashamed to say that he flailed like a bird trying to fly as he went through clouds, finally getting a grip on himself to exhale. It...was kind of amazing once the fear finally went away. Winged, armored men watched the skies warily from where Death Mountain stood, the crackle and rumble was growing ever closer, ever louder. Waiting for the exact moment to strike.

Ike's landing into the temple was...less than graceful, but he would attribute that less to Palutena and more to his unsurprising grace in landing from flight as he hit the marble floors with a pained grunt. Eyes opening to Palutena's slightly amused face, but her eyes were serious as ever.

"...Nice to see you finally in person, Lady Palutena," Ike grunted, rising up from his spot on the floor. And there was...a little winged boy that reminded him of-no, that couldn't be right. But it looked just like him!
"Yes, it is nice...I wish it could be under better circumstances..." Palutena followed Ike's gaze to Pit. "Don't be shy, dear. Introduce yourself to Ike. Then I need you to go rest some more in your room. You're still quite weak..." Two months and still Pit was recovering from his last battle. His wing would take another month or so to be healed. Ganondorf had crushed it nearly to dust.

"I'm Pit, it's nice to meet you. Nice landing!" He laughed a bit, remembering his first time being guided by Palutena's magic. It was...scary and disorienting at first. But he had gotten used to it. He walked towards Ike and reached out to him for a handshake.
"...Likewise," Ike said, shaking his hand in minor confusion. "...Pit, huh? have any relation to..." Well, the guy who had been hounding Zelda? He looked almost exactly like him...
"No, we're not related. He's pretty much a clone of me though. So maybe we are. I like to call him Pit two. Because I'm the original." Pit wasn't really sure how to feel about Medusa's version of him. He and Palutena had watched him for a little while, and he was so unlike him personality wise, but their fighting style was almost identical. That and his appearance were the only thing they shared.

"It's a long story, but...I made sure Sona met him last night. That friend she was talking about, Ike? That was Pit's doppelganger." Palutena told him.
"...I...see," Ike said, rubbing his head. "...So what am I here for, Lady Palutena?" That opened up more questions than he wanted to really hear the answer to right now. But he supposed it couldn't be helped.
She wondered if he had really forgotten what he was there for, but she didn't really have to explain with words. "Pit, I will see you later on. Go rest." She dismissed the boy, and he was happy to follow her orders. Palutena then turned her back, and then used her scepter to move her large throne. Underneath revealed a staircase. "Follow me, Ike." She told him as she started to make her way down the stairs, the sound of her heels clicking on the marble.
"...Sure," Ike murmured, following her down the stairs. His wheels started turning a little, and then it hit him when he was watching the sway of her hips. "...Oh," Ike said, almost lamely. "It...right, the child was born." He remembered her saying that through Sona. That alone made this serious, was this supposed to work?
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