The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"You shouldn't even be here, Zelda!" Link mumbled. "You were supposed to-"

"Hey," Ike said sharply, moving between the two of them. He already knew this would go somewhere that wouldn't end. "Enough, both of you." Ike said, because he knew Zelda'd be ready to fire off a retort or two. "Ernya's gone, and we need to go get her. Having her here is dangerous, but she'd come along regardless. So let's get some horses, and get going. We still need to scout out what's going on anyway."

"They're waiting for us," Link murmured. "We have to be careful."

Ike had a feeling 'careful' wasn't going to be part of the equation...
Zelda was ready to fire back a couple of choice words for Link, but Ike reminded them both that they needed to save Ernya as fast as possible. She sighed and then went to go look for her horse that she managed to save. It didn't take long though as it was smart enough to stay out of the way. Though the other horses weren't anywhere to be found. "Come on Ike, just ride with me." Zelda said as she mounted herself up and held out here hand.


"Oh, so that's how it is...." Medusa purred in her palace of black clouds. The lava beneath her illuminated the entirety of her look out. The mirror she had used in Ganon's old fortress was now here as she watched the skirmish between the so called "Hero of Time" and the foreign mercenary. "Well, that was smart of him. Now the Triforce pieces will all be together in one place again..." Finally, Pit was being somewhat useful.
It didn't take long for Pit to return, which was around the time Ganon arrived. The Phantom had served it's purpose, and no doubt would be used again. The combined might of Link and the Mercenary was impressive indeed, a new player to the table always mixed things up in a good way. The cycle would continue regardless, but this time...he had help, and it seemed so did they. Pit landed with the girl in tow, tossing Ernya in front of them.

"There," Pit muttered. "Bait."

"I'm impressed," Ganondorf smirked. "You've learned fast, boy."

"Hmph," he muttered. "Whatever, they'll be here soon enough. That's what you wanted, right?" he said, as Ganondorf knelt down to examine the girl, gripping her by the chin. Compared to him, she was tiny. But she had a pretty, he saw potential...
Ernya was still struggling with Pit as he threw her in front of them. She cried out when she hit the ground..or rather cloud. The surface was solid but she could see the wisps of darkness floating around. She didn't have time to figure out how this was going on, as saw too large booted feet approach her. When she looked up, she immediately knew who he was. This boy had taken her to..Ganondorf. Bait? She was bait? No! They would definitely be ambushed if they came here, and it was all her fault...

She cried out when Ganon gripped her chin with his large fingers. She looked away from him, attempting to put on her bravest face. She heard the woman sitting on her cloud like throne laughing. "Wonderful job, my child. I will definitely reward you for this..." Medusa purred as her eyes went to the woman. Ah, she was quite the pretty one. No doubt about to be a snack for Ganon while they awaited their guests...
"Spirited," Ganondorf smirked, head tilting to force her head back to stare at his burning gold eyes. "What's your name, girl? Or am I going to have to force it out of you?" That sounded like a good idea, actually... "Come now, no need to be so afraid, we have no reason to hurt you if you cooperate. A bleeding bait is a waste, no?"
"I refuse," Ernya squeaked. Why was she so terrified of him? She had been in many battles, faced much evil. But this? These two? They were so strong. The woman looked especially menacing with those snakes in her hair. No, she couldn't let them know she was scared. "I refuse to cooperate with you! I don't want to be your bait, I'd rather die!"

"Spirited, and stupid." Medusa commented as she looked down at the two. She wondered if Ganon was going to give her a show.
Ganondorf gripped her chin tightly, his entire body radiating with dark magic. Suddenly, it wasn't just him...there was something behind him, easily a head taller than him. An aura, or a presence that had burning eyes of hatred and anger. Settled in the exact same pose as Ganondorf, those large, dark fingers mimicking his faint rub of her chin.

"That can be arranged," he said, his voice low and thunderous..and sounding like it was coming both right in front of her, and directly behind Ganon.
Being this close to that evil presence made breath get caught in her throat. But once it began materializing..into something humanoid and even bigger then the man before her...her eyes slowly started going wide. Her heart started racing, and everything was screaming for her to run away..but to where? Then she heard it..she heard them talk. Ernya...didn't want to die. She could feel something warm and wet soak her baggy pants and she realized she had been so scared she lost control of her bladder. Though she was to scared of Ganon to feel shame or humiliation, even though Medusa was laughing at the ever growing wet spots in her pant legs.
"'re going to be a good girl, aren't you?" Ganondorf purred as that darker presence slowly evaporated, but the feeling of it...the power of it lingered in those golden eyes of his as he pinched her chin again. Everyone had a breaking point, staring at the true face of their fear, of all of their legends in was bound to break anyone. Her fear smelled delicious, and the tears pricking her eyes...all the better.

Pit rolled his eyes in disgust, wings flared mildly as he crossed his arms. Such a weak spine, she had...
Ernya gulped as the presence disappeared from her eyesight...though it didn't in any way else. She was trembling as she looked up at Ganondorf. Move! Move your legs! She tried so hard to find her courage, but she couldn't. She only looked away from Ganon, though that was probably not the answer he was look for. She had to get away somehow. What if the Queen came, and...

"Don't think about running away. I could drop you into the lava at the flick of my finger. This is my world, soldier of Hyrule. You are nothing but a toy here."
"I give her credit, she has spirit still," Ganondorf smirked in amusement. "I sense potential...even if she is as shameful as to make a mess in front of your throne, Lady Medusa..." he said, his other hand trailing absently down her chest. "But I sense lots of potential..."
"Potential for what? To be another one of your concubines?" Medusa asked with a bored tone. She didn't sense what he did, but then again, she was a Goddess..she didn't see potential in very many mortals.

Ernya felt his hand graze over her bosom and it brought her out of her stupor. She didn't attack For some reason..she knew that she would never be able to defeat this man. Instead, she pulled her body away from his hand and threw her hands up protectively over her breasts.
He laughed at that, before grabbing her by the hair to yank back viciously as he went around behind her. "You see this woman in front of you?" he purred against her ear, tongue flicking over her earlobe. "This is your new Goddess...perhaps you should bow," he said, his foot shifting to buckle her knees. He knew how to turn this into something properly amusing for her. There was much potential for someone who could be so afraid...
Ernya yelped when he took hold of her hair, mainly because her scalp was still tender to the touch from when she was carried off by the black winged boy. She looked at Medusa as tears streamed down her cheeks, and shivered when she felt his long tongue play with her ear. Her new Goddess? She was about to protest, but suddenly she felt herself being forced to her knees because of his foot. She had never bowed to anyone like this, not even Queen Zelda. "Never..willingly.." She couldn't even talk right. She was so damn helpless.
"You see, my may find spirit to be dull..." Ganondorf said, letting his hand roam lazily down her body as his fingers hooked onto her tunic. "But the more spirit...the more potential to break it in half," he growled, ripping her top in one sharp tug of his fingers to expose her luscious skin.
"No!" Ernya screamed as pulled her shirt open, once again trying to cover herself with her arms so they wouldn't be able to see what she had under all that clothing. The glimpse Medusa did see though..well perhaps it didn't excite her, but she knew that woman had a lot to hide. She grinned as she played with her staff casually.

"I see...well I do enjoy watching people like her suffer and break.." She responded as she eagerly awaited his next course of action.
"Then you should relax and enjoy," Ganondorf purred, grabbing her by the arms to yank them to her side. "Mm, my my....Hyrulian women have grown more and more when I see them..." Perfectly supple, wonderful breasts that he couldn't help but lean her back, his grip firm on her arms as his long, thick tongue slid over one to taste. Mm, delicious...there were certain ways to earn a Goddess' favor that didn't have to do with his personal worship, after all.
Ernya couldn't even hope to stop Ganon from moving her arms to the side. It was less painful if she didn't struggle. She looked away as he marveled at her large breasts. Then she felt him pull her back, then a much sinister feeling was upon her breast. He..he was licking them. "Noo..please..." A blush appeared over her cheeks as her nipples hardened despite her protests. She couldn't deny that it felt good, but she didn't want to admit it to herself either.

Medusa did just as he suggested, feeling herself already getting just a tad excited...mostly at her suffering.
Ganondorf purred in satisfaction, his tongue flicking over her hardening nipple. He didn't need proof, he knew what he could do...his power was frightening, overwhelming...intoxicating. He was more than eager to suckle on her breast while his dark tendrils slid down her stomach, curling around her legs to slowly and surely disintegrate her pants and panties. But that's not all they did, while Ganon was running his tongue along her chest, he shifted her back a little more, giving Medusa a view of dark tendrils slipping between her legs and parting them, exposing her trimmed pussy.

"Mm...such a pretty little body..." Ganondorf smirked, licking one of her breasts. "Such a shame it's been untouched until now..."
"Oooh, she's a virgin..? How exciting..." Medusa licked her lips as she gazed upon the woman's innocent flower. Such a joy it would be to see Ganon rip it to shreds and taint it. Ernya was screaming and begging him to stop, struggling to close her legs in a haphazard attempt to defend herself. Her screams were also sometimes disrupted with very small and subtle moans as he continued to molest her breasts with his long, sexy tongue. Oh, how Medusa craved to feel it against her. Maybe sometime very soon. She glanced over to Pit, to see if that boy had decided to leave or watch. She was curious. After all, he had brought her here for Ganon to violate...
The tendrils slid deeper, their tips brushing over her moistening core as Ganon's tongue trailed up her neck to her jawline in a sheen against her skin. "Tell your new Goddess how it feels, girl..." he purred, letting his dark little tendrils slip across her mons to slowly spread her pink pussy as wide as it could go. So pure and clear...delicious. One tendril couldn't help slowly sinking it's tip in a half an inch, squirming gently. Pit, to his credit...seemed bored of the entire affair. He was likely there because nobody had dismissed him, but he did watch...with morbid curiosity, if nothing else. So this was what mortal beings did? Disgusting...everything smelled and was sweaty.

Heh, he was a child..he wouldn't get the concept of mortal pleasure and would probably not be curious for a very long time. That was least he had enough respect to stay. She wanted him to witness everything.

Ernya kept struggling to no avail. She started to pant and she looked at Medusa, who was expectant of her to obey Ganon. "I hate this...I don't like this at all." She said with a shaky voice. She didn't like that he was spreading her like this. It was uncomfortable was going in! She cried out as it painfully pushed into her, fresh tears streaming down her face. She was going to be violated. All she could was hope that she'd be rescued...she wanted someone to save her...
"Commendable spirit, my dear..." Ganondorf rumbled as more tendrils appeared to wrap around her wrists, pressing them to the floor. There she was, laid bare for Medusa in front of her throne, on her hands and knees arched back. His large hand slid down her stomach, finger finding her clit with a smirk as the tendril slowly slid it, pulsing and throbbing like a real cock. It was surprisingly gentle at first, coaxing pleasure with it's slow ministrations. It was a lie, a hungry tease to break her will and shatter her spirit. She would be foolish to ignore it...because another trio was slipping along her backside, parting her cheeks to offer Medusa a view of her twitching little second hole, and the tendril that swirled around it.

"Hyrulians are hard to break, my Lady...but they have their weaknesses..." he purred, his palm smacking firmly against her clit.
Why did he keep complimenting her when she denied him the satisfaction of her obeying? It was almost like..he didn't want her to obey him. No..he wanted a challenge. No matter what Ernya did she was pleasing him. She was so uncomfortable in this position, but tehre was much she could do with those dark tendrils holding her down. Chills were sent through her body as his hand moved over her stomach and in between her legs. She gasped when all of a sudden another tendril started rubbing against her. She couldn't help but moan, and get wet at the feeling. Her body was starting to betray her...

Then she was horrified when she felt them grabbing at her cheeks. "N..not there! Ahhh!" She cried out when Gannon smacked the palm of his hand against her swollen clitoris. "Please stop, I'll do anything, just please don't humiliate me any further.." Ernya begged. Oh that spirit of hers WAS breaking...or at least cracking.

"Anything," Medusa repeated with an amused grin. "My dear, we can make you do anything we want. Even if that offer was sincere, it's pointless."
"But therein lies the thought..." Ganondorf purred, his finger pressing and rubbing her clit as the tendril in her pussy slowly slid out, and then slid back in. It was a little more firm this time, a geniune attempt to sink deeper into her moistening pussy, but it did stop. All of her horse riding and work as a loyal solider gave her no hymen to break, but Ganondorf knew a virgin pussy when he saw one.

"It doesn't matter...because she wants it to end, don't you, girl?" she smirked, letting his other hand cup one of her heavy breasts to squeeze it, as that second trio of tendrils had begun pressing against her anus and slowly started to push through. It was a hardly unpleasant feeling, but that was the point. He could violate her however he wished, but doing it this ebbed her resistance until she craved it to stop, one way or another.
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