The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

When he took his cock out of her mouth, she gasped for if she had been holding her breath this entire time. Though she didn't seem breathless really. "Was that..okay? Did I do something wrong, Master?" She asked him with a concern stare. He seemed to be enjoying it, but all of a sudden he didn't want it anymore.
"No, you did...very good," Ike exhaled. "But I'm clean now, Ragnell...thank you." He really needed to stop that, or maybe he needed to ask Palutena why] Ragnell even had that kind of thing in the first place. "We should probably get back, it's getting late...they might start looking for me." He didn't have time to worry about moral concerns, he needed to focus for the job at hand. He didn't get paid for having his head in the clouds.
"Alright." Ragnell said as she fixed his pants for him, fastening them and everything. She then hugged him tightly and pulled herself in his lap. "Thank you.." She whispered, closing her eyes and letting herself shift back into her original form. She laid across his lap, light reflecting from her brilliant blade. She looked..different. Glowing. Maybe it was because they just had sex? Swords did work in strange ways..
He was confused, to say the least. But...he held up Ragnell a moment in surprise, before sheathing it to his back. "...You're welcome," he said, heading back down to camp. He stopped midway and took a casual glance around. The noise of the forest had never really stopped, but something made his skin crawl. He rubbed the back of his neck and paid it no mind, he needed sleep...all of this was running on his nerves, he was looking forward to getting back to battle.

This forest was surprisingly peaceful, maybe he'd actually get a good night's rest?
When Ike found their camp, everyone had been sleeping more or less. Not Sheik though. However, she said nothing to Ike when he came back. She was just having trouble usual. Well, she couldn't try to snuggle up to Ike or Link. Not when she was in disguise like this.

Morning came sooner than everyone hoped. As soon as the sun rose, Ernya was up and packing. She woke everyone including the man who had even kept his mask on when he was asleep. It was strange but she didn't question it.
Link ran a smooth ship, even though Ike had a feeling that he was functioning purely on the fact that he was the Hero of Time. But still, he had a natural sort of charisma that Ike found himself drawn to, he knew what he was doing...even if he didn't actually know. He had served under far worse people, that was for sure.

"Seems like our hidden friend is always alert," Ike said to Ernya as they mounted up. He still seemed very familiar...but how? It wasn't as if knew a lot of people in Hyrule. The conclusion he was slowly spinning didn't sit well with him, so he'd just...have to make sure everything would be fine with them before he jumped to any conclusions.
Ernya looked over at "Sheik" while he saddled up and nodded towards Ike. "Indeed. Though I can't say I don't trust him. It's just that..he feels familiar. I don't think I know anyone other than Impa from his tribe though." It was nice that Ike had come up to her to make conversation. He didn't seem the least bit intimidating to her, even though she was nervous around him at first.

Sheik looked over to Ike and Ernya for just a moment before a smile was on her lips. Yeah, those two were suspicious, but they were almost to Death Mountain, so..if they did figure it out, they were way too late to send her home. Still, she'd prefer it if they didn't find out. She liked being left alone and not coddled.
"Funny how that works," Ike said after a moment. But right now, it really couldn't be helped...Link had spoke only briefly to him about the Lost Woods. Just about everyone aside from Shiek, Link and himself seemed more than a little nervous. The Lost Woods were aptly named, dark magic swirled in it's branches....even the entrance seemed more like a cave than a forest. Supposedly, you had to go through the paths in a very certain order, or you'd be lost forever. To say nothing of the 'stalkin', which sounded like skeletons to him.

"Stay close," Link said to his men. "Remember, do not go off course. This will be as fast as we make it."

Such an odd place, Hyrule...from what it looked like, it was all part of the Kokiri Forest, yet this just felt like a completely different place. But with little else to stop them, they trotted into the Lost Woods with Link as their guide. But, not everyone feared the darkness...some reveled in it, they were it. A six foot tall creature with burning red eyes waited, as well as a sour faced youth that stood along one of the many huge branches of the Lost Woods.

"Tch, this is stupid," Pit muttered. "Why don't we just get rid of them and be done with it?" As much as he didn't like being scolded by Medusa and Ganondorf, there was some minor part of him that felt like a failure. It annoyed him, it annoyed him even more that he even cared at all what Medusa thought.

Patience. The Phantom murmured, dark magic burning in his hands as he tightened it. First...we must make the noose a little tighter, then we let them hang... There were many in the Lost Woods who had never made it, still wandering aimlessly in hopes of getting out. The only thing that sustained their life was the curse of the Lost Woods, even if they did escape...they were forever doomed to wander, even if they were nothing but bones. More importantly...they had a very important guest with the Hero of Time and the Mercenary, and it wouldn't do to have them late, would it?
It was really odd how Sheik was utterly calm when even Ernya was nervous. She had heard the tales of this forest, everyone in Hyrule had. She could understand Link, he had the Triforce of courage after all. He could understand the foreigner, who probably didn't know anything about this place. Sheik though? He just trotted along, his eyes front and center as he followed Link without even the slightest bit of fear. It honestly made her wonder about his capabilities.

The closer the traveling party got to Pit and the Phantom, the more uneasy Ragnell got. Because she sensed a familiar presence, and one that was almost pure evil. However, she wasn't sure how to tell Ike this. Perhaps the others wouldn't her growing brighter as much as if she straight up spoke. So Ike would find her reverberating and flashing a pale blue light to alert him of what she felt. Danger.
Ike glanced back behind his back a moment, then took a quick sweep around. Link stopped in curiosity, turning to face Ike. "What's wrong?" he said, and more importantly...his sword was glowing faintly. That was when they heard the faint rumble, and from the very ground itself, came the Stalkin. Skeletons with little more than rage in their glowing eyes as they pulled people off their horses, some clawing at them as Epona trampled down on one, kicking another.

Others weren't so lucky, Ike went tumbling as his horse was clawed through the gut with a pained whinny. He rolled off the saddle with a curse and drew Ragnell, backpedaling towards Ernya. And more were coming from the shadows of the woods. Weren't they following the right path!?
Sheik suddenly halted her reigns just before her horse ran into a Stalkin that was about to ambush her from the ground. She jumped off her horse, knowing it wasn't going to follow orders because it was spooked. Ernya was actually pulled off her horse by one of the skeleton monsters, but she drew her bow right before she hit the ground and fired, killing it before it could do anymore damage to her. Scrambling to her feet, she sent off more arrows to help her men who were being swarmed by these wicked looking monsters.
Link held his own in a way that Ike had only heard stories about, to be honest. His swordsmanship was superb, his shift from offense to defense was in a split second. Blows were deflected off his shield and crushed by his Master Sword in an instant. He was a whirlwind of precise strikes and defense as he rushed to defend the scouts, some didn't make it. Others went screaming into the shadows, being dragged by Stalfos.

Ike kept Ernya covered, his blade crushing their bones with it's immense weight, but that wasn't what Ragnell was warning him about, he soon realized. Through the shadows, came a demonic steed, snorting fire.

"...Who is that?" Ike muttered to Ernya. He stood six foot tall, with a horned skull for a head and burning eyes, in his hands clutched a long, deadly spear. It's blade already dripping with the blood of a fallen scout. Whoever it was, it immediately gave him a sense of dread.
"I...have no idea." Ernya was almost frozen with fear looking at the this..thing. It wasn't alive, it couldn't have been. But it was definitely different than the monsters they had encountered. Her bow wasn't very effective unless she hit certain spots of the monsters...and she had just under half of her arrows remaining since she was trying her best to save her men in vain. They were the only one left...Link, Ike, Sheik and her. Ernya had seen a glimpse of Sheik's fighting style. He was using some sort of strange bombs, and hand to hand combat. She wasn't sure if that would be effective on their opponent that they stood against now...
"Great..." Ike mumbled as the massive man slid off his horse with a faint thud. Giving his spear a casual spin as he regarded the four of them left. It was hard to say what he was thinking about, his eyes burned with a dark fire. This was what Ragnell was really trying to warn them about.

Well, if it isn't the mighty heroes, come to save the day... The voice echoed in their minds, because he had no mouth. I'm afraid that your little brazen attempt stops here, he said as Link settled into a defensive posture, blade pointed from the side of his shield with his eyes narrowed. Ike glanced to Ernya, nudging her shoulder.

"Hey, stay with me," Ike murmured. "We'll get through this, alright? I promise."
Ernya looked up at Ike, gazing into those deep pools of blue. He was..reassuring her. He probably sensed that she was scared, as any person with a bit of sense would be. The sound of metal filled the air as Sheik wound up one of his peculiar weapons. He was staring right at the phantom, crouching in a low stance as if looking for an opportunity to attack. "Yeah...everything is gonna be fine." If Ike, Link, and Sheik could be brave, so could she. She drew one of her arrows and then pulled it back, aiming at this formidable looking opponent.
The phantom deflected it with a minor flick of his spear, but it was an opening that Link took almost immediately. Advancing in three quick steps to deflect a stab that skirted across his shield in a shower of sparks. Ike moved forward, Ragnell's glow increasing as he swung it at an arc, a blade of energy soaring through the air. It was deflected, but it hissed against his dark infused armor with a faint growl of pain. The fight was on.
Even if Ernya could only create openings, she'd do it gladly. She was amazed at Ike's sword, how it could cut long range, or rather send out so much power. Strange enough, it felt warm, and Ike himself would notice a change in it's aura. The holy property of Ragnell had gotten even stronger, one of Palutena's gifts to Ike.

Sheik disappeared from the spot he was standing and appeared at a distance behind the phantom. She took one of her bombs and threw it, waiting for it to stagger backwards from Ike's blow. The phantom would feel it's body slowly moving back as the bomb created a powerful vortex that sucked it's enemies near it just before it went off.
An impressive display of teamwork and magic, the Phantom shifted his foot back and stabbed his spear into the ground to keep himself from moving, the explosion rippled across his back as Link advanced and the Phantom brought up his spear to deflect. Ike was already moving to assist Link by coming in low while he went high. Meanwhile, Shiek had her own issues...because out of the trees on a rush of black wings came Pit, his blades flashing as he moved down to strike the shadowy third member.

"Hurry it up!" He told the Phantom. Oh, he knew that look kidding, their prize was here?
Ernya noticed the figure behind Sheik, and immediately she aimed her next arrow at him. Before she released it, however, Pit had found his mark and connected with his shoulder. A rather girly sounding grunt came from the masked figure, though still unfamiliar. He quickly moved herself away. Great. There was more than one. Not only would Pit find himself with an arrow flying straight towards him, but a dozen quick and silent needles that Sheik had thrown as a counter attack.
He grimaced in annoyance, but had an ace up his sleeve as his arms radiated dark energy before he summoned up a glimmering shield that sent the arrow and needles rebounding off effortlessly. That really was her, wasn't it? They needed to wrap this up soon. Link and Ike were busy dealing with the Phantom, their blades a blur of gold and silver as the Phantom's spear summoned another blade with dark energy at the bottom, and he was expertly fighting off two of them with little effort.

"Time to stop hiding," Pit smirked, shield in one hand and his blades in the other.
That boy knew who she was...and without a blade she was at a disadvantage. She couldn't fight him like this. He was right, it was time to stop hiding. As Pit charged at her, he would find his blade just about to touch her skin. Though her body suddenly disappeared in a vortex of swirling light magic, and his blade just slipped through it. Once the energy dispersed, Zelda was in plain view with her sword drawn.

"Q-Queen Zelda!?" Ernya cried out before realizing the further danger of the situation. She drew her short sword and ran over the the black winged boy, charging at him. "Stay away from her!" She cried out as she took a swing at his torso.

"Ernya! Wait!" Zelda cried out. Pit was much more skilled than she thought, Ernya was an archer not a swordsman...
Pit blocked the swing and shifted, slamming his elbow into her gut. Stupid girl, but...bait. Bait was good. Bait would mean they'd press on, regardless of the danger. Ike and Link were too busy with the Phantom to help, even as Ike grit his teeth and Link's brows furrowed as the Phantom slammed his spear on the ground and a shockwave of dark energy surged forward. Ike was faintly sure that Ragnell had saved him, just like Link's Master Sword had protected him. The Phantom took a step back.

Acceptable, The Phantom agreed with a heavy chuckle. What a wonderful turn of events...
Eryna gasped for air and dropped to her knees, coughing and sputtering as her sword dropped to the ground.. Zelda had to get him away from her. Quickly. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if another died on this mission. She summoned her bow quickly, and then an arrow of light appeared. "Ernya, don't move!" She called out before releasing the magic that had been responsible for defeating the winged boy the first time. Zelda had seen her needles ricochet from his shield but didn't think much about it.
The Phantom stabbed his spear into the ground and focused his dark energy as the arrow sunk into a barrier, Pit grabbed Eryna by the hair and forced her up with a smirk. He took the opportunity to take to the air, disappearing in a glimmer of magic.

"Shit!" Ike growled, lowering Ragnell as he rushed forward, Link had no choice but to follow after. The barrier wouldn't hold, and sure didn't. The Phantom showed no hesitation when he surged to the right and the arrow finally slammed past, ripping into his side in a spray of dark blood. Ike let out a vicious roar as he leapt to the air and brought his shining blade down. The Phantom blocked, but Link was right there. He let out a shout of his own as his glowing Master Sword slammed into his gut.

Nn... The Phantom growled in pain. Well...done... It muttered, before the skull's eyes finally blinked out, and it hit the ground in a hiss of dark magic. Ike panted heavily in frustration, sword pressed against the ground. Dammit, dammit...

"We have to go after her," Link said quickly, sheathing his weapons. "Now, we can't wait. Who knows what's going to happen to her?"
A barrier..? Zelda looked over at the phantom with her mouth nearly agape. Suddenly she heard Ernya cry out loud as he grabbed her by the hair. "E-Ernya!" She screamed out loud, though before she could even try to save her, Pit took to the air. "No!" She cried out as the two disappeared. Where did he go?

She looked over to Ike and Link, just in time as Link dealt the finishing blow to their opponent that managed to draw her attack from Pit and into itself. She glared at it, though it was longer of this world. She looked at Ike and Link, and she could barely make a sound of frustration. This was her fault...she should have just stayed in disguise...

"We're saving her!" She told Link and Ike, though she was sure they wouldn't be too happy to see her right now.
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