The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"None that she'd be happy with," Chrom laughed. "But, I know better...I can't keep her forever, after all," he murmured, giving Robin a faint kiss. "Well, I'd best be off," he said. "Link and I are needed at a meeting with Titania and Impa to overlook our security," he sighed. It was an ever constant cycle, wasn't it? "I'll be home for supper, love. Feel better, okay? We're going to be fine, like we always are."
Robin smiled and kissed him back before pulling him into an embrace. Truth be told she didn't want to be left alone, but she needed to be strong. She had to believe in his words, that they would be okay. What else could she believe in right now? "Keep yourself out of trouble, Chrom. I think...maybe I'll go check on Zelda." And Leon...he was growing so fast. Suppose there was something in his blood that made him that way. He was already twice as big as their present Lucina.
"Now I need to tell you to keep out of trouble," Chrom joked dryly, hand on her head with a smirk. Remarkably, Zelda...certainly seemed to embrace her new life, not as a Queen. As a leader, yes...she always was. But she seemed quite happy in her current role, Chrom wasn't really expecting that. Leon was an...awkward thing to sidestep. He was growing fast, and everybody knew the reason, they just sort of ignored it. Thankfully, the child was well raised...Link and Zelda seemed to be quite good parents. He had his moments, however...but ah, that was children.
She wondered if he even knew the truth to his words as Zelda was a terrible influence. She was like gasoline to her...Robin was foxy but she was never as bold and as daring as the Hyrulian Queen until she spent some time with her. And well...she felt like Chrom wouldn't exactly be as accepting of that kind of nature as Link was. "Fine, I will stay out of trouble. But I might be dragged into it against my will. So long, my love."
"Just as long as I enjoy the benefits," Chrom said, tossing her a lazy grin. Now, that was a question in of itself...did he know? Either way, he headed down to the village proper to discuss the boring, but needed discussions.

Chrom. Ugh. That despicable noble still lived? Well, that was a minor annoyance...even more so than everyone else in this stupid land. Grima was...surprised, admittedly. And it pained him to have to be careful, to stalk the shadows like some roach that couldn't fend for himself. But he was weak, indeed...even doing what he was about to do would give him only a modicum of power to continue his plans, but it would be a start. Slowly, but surely...the darkness sank through the house like a gust of wind. Robin, as she called herself...her true purpose wasted and pointless years ago, now she would serve as a font of energy.
Robin had to wonder what that was all about...maybe she underestimated him a little? Either way she decided it would be best to head back to their room. She needed to freshen up a bit...calm herself down. Maybe reading a book would settle her uneasiness. Then she would stop by to see Zelda and then find out what little Lucina had been up to all day. She was popular among the other little she would often spend the day playing with them.

As she walked back to their room, she couldn't help but feel chills throughout her body. The uneasiness was returning, that feeling of being watched. She had tried telling herself over and over to believe Chrom. She was safe...everything would be fine. She was fine. But still, she found herself walking much quicker than she really should have been.
He hovered over her, like a faint weight on her shoulders. Mm, there it was...that wonderful familiar energy that she couldn't hide from him. The others probably never knew, because it was so faint. But he could smell it a mile away from her and her children, but she always had the finest scent of it. It didn't take long, even as she made her way to her room, he felt something solidify...fingers that were ghosting after her own hands, a body forming behind her like a ghost not quite there. never told me you had such a happy family, Grima's voice, like a low fog in her mind finally rumbled, the slowly forming body smirking in amusement. Yes, taller, but he liked the shape of it...more masculine, of course.
The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end even before he spoke. She knew he was there...the moment he began solidifying she could feel it. She tried her best to keep calm, but the moment she heard him mention her family she couldn't help herself. Before she knew it she had her hand on the hilt of her sword. In a fluid movement she turned around and swung her sword at...what appeared to be herself. As a...male? Whatever wicked form this thing took, she knew exactly what he was. And she wouldn't let him threaten her family...
Grima caught the forearm with a wide grin, eyes flashing a dark red as he moved forward and shoved her against the wall as hard as he could, flexing his fingers experimentally.

"Curious..." he rumbled, his body forming all the way down to his knees, a twitching, thick cock between his legs. "I wasn't expecting this to feel so interesting..." he said, settling his eyes on her. "Did you miss me, child? I felt so lonely without you around...I thought you had forgotten all about me."
As soon as she hit the wall, she cried out in pain and hit the floor with a thud. She wasn't expecting such overwhelming physical force. She needed...she needed a tome! There were several on the table at the center of the room, if only she could get to them! "Leave me alone!" She cried out as she immediately got to her feet, raising her sword defensively. "I didn't miss you. I never forgot you. I was glad you were gone..." She hissed as she began backing away from him towards the table.
"You and I are connected," Grima purred, advancing slowly. "Unfortunately, I have a need of you...and since you refuse to ever be willing, I must take what I need," he smirked. "Come now, must you always be so violent? This doesn't have to be painful for you...but I will enjoy ruining that happy little life you have." he said, his grin wide and hungry. "Be a good little girl and come here, Robin."
What..what did he want? And why did he look like that? There was so much going through her mind and she couldn't stop her hands from shaking. That didn't stop her from glaring at him though as she continued to move back towards her books. "I will never let you take what you want from me, monster! You should have stayed in that hole we sealed you inside of!" When she was finally close enough she grabbed one of her books with one hand and opened it. It was...unfortunate that it turned out to be a tome of the dark affinity, one that allowed you to take the strength of your opponent and add it to your own. She wasn't sure if it would work but she started chanting the incantations anyway. She had no other choice, if she didn't attack at that moment he'd be on her in an instant.
Grima grinned widely and lunged forward like a primal animal, eyes flashing red with hunger. She was afraid...good. She should be. If she wasn't going to cooperate, they'd just do this the hard way!
Her magic...she wasn't sure if she missed or if it just didn't affect him. She didn't have time to grab another book, she could only use her sword as a defense. "Stay away from me!" She cried out as she thrusted it towards his neck. This wasn't could this be happening?!
Grima ducked low and gripped her throat with a hungry smirk, leaning in to sniff her faintly. " see...I need your energy," he purred, dark tendrils carressing her temples. "But I see you're going to be why don't we change that, mm?" he said, as the dark magic sunk into her skin, worming it's way into her brain. There was so much fear in her mind, what would be a good replacement...?
Robin's eyes went wide as he gripped her by the throat. There was a brief moment where she wondered why he needed her energy, but that didn't last long when she felt his darkness penetrate her mind. She dropped her sword and let out a choked cry. What was he doing?! How could she stop this?! "Stop it...I will never..listen to you! I won't be what you want me to be, Grima!" She gasped as she grasped his arm and tried to pull him away. Her heart was racing, her mind was filled with worry. For her child growing inside of her and her family. She couldn't fail them, she had to think of something before it was too late!
What was this odd little feeling in the back of her memories with Chrom? Something that excited her, brought her great pleasure...yes, he would do that. All it took was a little twist of the tendril and that fear would begin to turn into something traitorous, arousal. "Luckily for you, I don't need you to be anything but compliant," he purred hungrily, red eyes flashing as he slid his eyes down to admire her, his other hand roughly palming a breast through her tunic.
"Ahh!" Robin didn't expect to feel that..the flush of heat that seemed to go from her neck to her breasts and all the way down between her legs. Why? Why was she feeling this?! What was he doing to her? It became painfully obvious what he was planning when she felt his hand squeeze her tit in a rough manner. She could feel her nipples tingling in reaction and growing hard underneath her garments. "W-what are you doing to me..? Stop it..." She whimpered as she tried to push his hands away.
"No," Grima purred, slipping his hand up to hook onto her tunic and rip it open to attack her skin. Specifically, her skin was merely in the way. But the reactions he was getting were pleasant. Mm, her flushed skin held so much wonderful energy, so familiar and comforting as his tongues slid across one of her breasts, his fingers loosening on her neck. In time, she would pathetic, a little magic and she was already lost to the sensations of it all.
Robin didn't know what to felt so good. She had to force herself to think about Chrom to not completely give in. This wasn't right..this was so wrong and she sensed that he was getting what he wanted. She was giving it to him unwillingly every time she gave in just a little to the arousal. Every time her mind faded just a little he was penetrating her and taking her energy. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation but she did feel light headed in the sort of intoxicated way. No..this wasn't good. She started pushing on his shoulders, her boots found the floor as she tried to pull herself from underneath him. She couldn't let this continue any further.
"Mm," Grima purred hungrily, rising up to mash his lips against hers while his fingers tugged at the strings on her pants. So, this is what made mortals weak? Arousal? Fascinating...her reactions were amusing, and his human body was responding eagerly with a thick, throbbing erection pressed against his stomach. He found the entire affair crude, but he savored the feeling of power after being weak.
It was hard to keep struggling when she felt his thick tool against her soft flushed skin. She was barely hanging on, but every time she tried to pull away she only aided him in pulling her pants down. By the time they were off she was gasping for air...mainly because she was trying to keep her mind under control. If she lost her focused even once, she wasn't sure if she would ever get it back. Her scent was thick with arousal, even more so now that her pants were off. She could feel her wetness, her shame trickling inside of her folds. She wanted more than anything for someone to find her and save her from would break Chrom's heart.
"You have poor self control, Robin," Grima smirked, his hand slipping down to rub the increasingly damp spot between her legs. "You crave something...tell me," he urged eagerly. This was far more fun that it deserved to be, watching the smug little heroine Robin squirm in his grip was delicious, gaining power from their touch was just a benefit at this point.
His taunting seemed to give her more focus, an emotion other than arousal. Even while his fingers teased her. She took a moment to respond, but when she did it was probably not the answer he wanted to hear. "I want you to stop, monster..." She muttered as she tried to close her legs. It was the only thing she could do at this point...she wasn't sure when her strength would come back. Her legs were almost numb, all she could feel was her toes curling and her nipples throbbing. But she wouldn't give in..she'd hold on for as long as possible.
"Liar," Grima purred, tugging down her panties...which was a remarkably damp proprosal as he smacked the throbbing skin around her groin. "Tell me the truth, Robin...and maybe I'll quit."
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