The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...Well?" Pit muttered. "You remember everything now?" he said, rubbing his hand idly. Judging by the reaction, that'd be an emphatic yes. So what did that accomplish for him? Nothing, really...she'd be angry at him, furious even. But was this better? Generally, least now, she had the choice to be angry, or the choice to accept it. Whatever the case, it was all her now.
"What do you think?" Sona snapped as she looked away from him and towards Ashera. This...this was terrible. It was so terrible that she felt like she wanted to scream and just...she didn't know! "I should have just died...death would have been better than this. Serving my former enemies and being stuck here with you." She said bitterly. She didn't know if she should be thankful for this, or if she should scream at him for giving her back her memories that were filled with nothing but pain and suffering.

There were some nice ones in there, but...they were just as painful.
"Welcome to Ike's world," Pit shrugged. "Feels like crap, doesn't it? You're welcome, at least now you're interesting to talk to." That...hurt a lot more than he was expecting, but what else was he expecting?
"I'm not going to thank you for this. You're the reason...why everything went wrong. Because of you...I couldn't be there for Ike. Because of you, I lost the one person in the world that I cared about. Do you have any idea how much hell I went through after you nearly killed me? You can't even do that job right!" Sona growled as she stood up. She wanted to pounce on him...hit him. Instead she started pacing back and forth. She had to think about this. Even with her memories restored that didn't change anything. She would still be forced to do things she didn't want to do. Just like Ike...she supposed.
"Because of me?" Pit muttered. "Right, because you were forced against your will to attack Ike. You just charged right ahead like a bull with sharp horns, without even thinking. That's my fault? You better get your priorities straight, girl. I didn't do any of that crap. I did what I was ordered. That was all."
She stopped in her tracks, her back still turned to him. How? How could he be so callous still?!

"Are you stupid!?" She hissed as she turned towards him. "It's your fault because I couldn't help Ike! It's your fault that he was stuck using some dull lifeless sword while I laid in the forest bleeding out! It's your fault that he didn't stand a single chance in hell against Ganodorf!" She started stalking towards him. "And you're not even sorry, are you? No, you're not. Because you told me this would happen...because you had no intention letting me go that night." She grabbed him by his scarf, glaring up at him as she felt the familiar stinging of tears. "You didn't care who you struck down to be able to fly, and still here you are...following orders despite your supposed freedom. You tried to kill me just to be on the same side. I wish I would have killed you that first night, if I had then things wouldn't be like they are! Instead I fucked you, I believed in you, I thought you were my friend. How stupid...I deserved everything that happened to me because I'm a fucking idiot!"
Pit gripped her hands and shoved them off with a frown. "Don't talk to me like that," Pit muttered. "Do you think I was ordered to do this? Do you think I'm here because I have no choice? I'm here because I'm allowed to make that choice, just like I had the choice to make you remember. And the only reason I was allowed to make that choice is because I did what I was told!" he snapped. "What do you want me to say? I'm sorry!? Of course I'm sorry, you stupid idiot! You were the reason I can even do this! Do you think I wanted to be stuck with no choice? Do you think I liked having to stab you? Why do you think I didn't kill you? Out of pity? Because I didn't want to! Maybe if you weren't so busy being so narrow minded, you'd see the bigger picture! I. didn't. have. a. choice." he said, empathizing every word with a harsh jab against her chest. "I'm not some stupid hero like you and Ike, okay? I'm just some stupid kid who wanted to be able to live. I can't just throw away responsibility for some...some greater good, because I can't. Not everyone can just drop everything and do what they want."
Sona just stared at him in silence for a bit before turning her back and gritting her teeth. He was...he was right. If what happened to Ike taught her anything...if this entire experience taught her was that sometimes you couldn't choose based on what you wanted. You had to do whatever was best...because right now she wanted something that would probably just get her killed. Or worse.

"Fine...then you win." She muttered as she sat down on the ground, curling her legs to her chest. "I had a choice. I chose wrong. Wasn't anyone's fault but mine...." She knew that all along...she just wanted someone to blame and it wasn't him.
"No, I don't," Pit muttered, slumping back down in irritation. "Because I lost the only person that gave a crap about me before anyone else, do you think I was happy about doing this, Sona? It's not like I'm an idiot, I knew that one day we'd just be on opposite sides, but I didn't care about that, because you helped me, so I wanted to help you," he grumbled. "So there you go, you got your memories back, you can't do anything about it, but at least you're more interesting."
"It doesn't matter...when Ganessa comes back I won't be able to talk." She said bitterly. "No...I don't think I thought you were happy about...any of this. But it was the fact that you were happy after it, and I wasn't. I'm just...some jealous fool, yearning for some purpose that doesn't exist. Even Ganessa was happy to get rid of me. So what can I possibly do now?" Like he would know the answer to that...
"Live," Pit said. "What else should you have to do, Sona? Maybe there will be a time when you can fix your problem, but there's no sense giving up always told me not to sink into that miserable little pit, so listen to your own advice for once." he murmured. "If you don't think you can handle this, you're weaker than I thought."
"No, that's not it. I know I need to continue on. The problem is I don't know what side to continue on," Sona grumbled as she slouched over. "You keep saying I'm a hero, but that's not it. I did everything I that I could garner some kind of acceptance. Before that, I did whatever Ike thought was best. I have never truly thought for myself. I don't know whether or not I should at this point. Ashera did not create me to be a good person. She created me to keep the world safe. Now the lines are all blurred up and I don't know what I want. Maybe Medusa is still influencing me. Who knows."
"Maybe," Pit shrugged. "...Way I see it, though. Keeping the world safe isn't something that has a good or a bad side, you can be angry all you want about it. But Ganondorf and Medusa brought stability when there wasn't anything."
"I know. I've seen that world first hand while travelling with Ganessa and it's not...bad. That's what's confusing me." Sona muttered. "The only people that are terrorized are the ones disturbing the peace. So what am I supposed to do?" Sona asked again as she turned to him. Things were easier when those attachments were forgotten. She was more content with helping them because of that. But then she remembered the first part of everything. So much killing and bloodshed. So much death. She was...tired of it all.
"I don't know," Pit said. "Mortals are confusing, you know?" He sighed. "I mean, yeah...Medusa and Ganondorf have done awful things, and they're probably what you'd call awful people. But if someone else did the same thing, would everyone say that?"
"...Probably not. I have been used for something far more sinister than what they have done. So has my sister. We have been used in favor of the complete annihilation of an entire continent, simply because Ashera did not believe that mortals could be left to their own devices without hurting each other. And still she had people who followed her even until the end." It was all so confusing. She didn't know what to believe in at all. "I have..nothing left to fight for other than pure selfishness. I was fighting so hard to be noticed...and appreciated. I was fighting so hard to get my revenge. not me."
"So," Pit shrugged. "You have two choices, the way I see it: You deal with what you got now, try to make the best of it...or be a giant pain in the ass and get nothing in return for it. You guys might not like Ike for what he did, but he knew how to work his position to his advantage, no matter what his personal opinion was. How else would he be a general?"
"I suppose I'll just have to make the best of it." Sona said as she finally felt that pain in her chest dwindle slightly. She had to let things go. Things would never be the same ever again. And despite how much she truly cared about all of her friends..her sister. She had to just deal with this until another choice presented herself. She was still so confused, she couldn't do anything about it right now. "Starting with trying to protect Ashera from Medusa." One of the only people in this world that loved her unconditionally. Even now...she knew Ashera did not blame her.
"There you go," Pit sighed. "See? Was that so hard?" Well, maybe that wasn't so bad after least she wasn't glaring at him like she wanted to cut him.
"Yes. Look, I'm not used to this. Thinking for myself..." Sona told him as she lowered her head again. "I was so busy doing what everyone else wanted, I never really noticed. Even your girlfriend manipulated me into leaving everyone in the first place, so..." She shrugged. She wasn't quite sure if she really forgave him. She wanted to, but it would take a lot of time. It would take a lot of patience for her to forgive everyone who had hurt her, even the ones that did it unintentionally. For now she needed to focus on what was best for Tellius, and this war wasn't.
"...Yeah, I know," Pit murmured quietly. "I'm not asking you to forgive me, Sona. I just want you to have the choice if you want to, or not."
"I want to..eventually." She began as she looked away from him. "I knew all along...that you never wanted me dead. And I wouldn't have made it if Chi hadn't looked for me because of you, so I'll try to let it go. It still hurts, but it was my decision. My mistake. I put you in an awful position and expected something from you that you couldn't give. I'm sorry for that." It still burned her when she thought about it, but...those were her own issues.
"...It's alright," Pit murmured. "Look, I know you're not happy about all this...but since you're here, let's at least make something of it, alright? Medusa won't care as long as you follow orders." he insisted. "Trust me, I want you to have a choice, but you need to understand what that means in the long run."
"I understand that I'm probably going to lose a lot of friends, and I'll probably have to do things I don't want to do. Is there something more than that?" She asked him, her tone absolutely miserable. What could they possibly make out of this? Other than her possibly convincing Medusa to leave Ashera alive.
"If Ike can get away with this crap, so can you," Pit muttered. "And I don't care if they say anything else, I'll make them believe it."
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