The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Ganessa nuzzled against his bare chest for a minute, although she seemed to be more frustrated than flattered. It was a great that she would have enjoyed had it not been for the fact that this was...probably her fault. And she hated admitting guilt, but without her scape goat she didn't have a choice but to face the fact that if it hadn't been for her they wouldn't have had to deal with this. "Thank you, father. It was...the least I can do." Being humble didn't suit her, not one bit. "Are you saying that even mother cannot destroy this thing?"
"I don't know," Ganondorf murmured. "But there is much your mother cannot destroy, don't worry too much about it, that's what parents are for," he grinned easily. "But I believe my time is over, for a bit."
There was a point in time where she would have done just that...but she wanted to think for herself for a change. Those words the interloper said were still in the back of her head. Honestly she wasn't even sure if they knew anything about this creature. A freightening that made her realize that there was a possibility her mother and father weren't the strongest in the world, and that scared her.

She didn't like being scared.

"Your time is over...what does that mean?" She asked as she tried to keep herself together. It was hard...she wasn't happy at all in the least. Fear...guilt...they were horrible feelings and all she wanted to do was get away from them.
"It means I need to rest," Ganondorf chuckled. "Grima was no small opponent, Ganessa. I had to put everything into it just to put him down, and I fear going any further would have put me at a disadvantage. Don't worry, I'm going to be fine. I just need to let you handle things for a while, I can trust you to do that, can't I?"
Ganessa nodded once, though her concern never really left her expression. She'd do what she could to let him get his rest, but now that Grima was gone it seemed like their army was more than capable of handling themselves.

It wasn't very long before Chi found them...and she had seen some disturbing things during her flight. It seemed that those things weren't just confined to one area, they were wandering around like hoards of zombies and they attacked everything in sight. She was really glad she could maneuver pretty easily in the air..those that had bows tried to shoot her down when she came into their vicinity and it was annoying.

She landed in front of Ganessa and Ganondorf, Medusa's staff tightly in her hands. "My Lord...Lady Ganessa." She greeted a bit nervously. It wasn't every day that she spoke to fact she was sure this was the first time she had done so. But that wasn't all...she had never seen him quite like this. Without his armor...fatigued looking. She shuddered to think what exactly could tire the Demon Lord himself.

"Chi..?" Ganessa hadn't seen her in a while. She was looking as small and as meek as ever...yet she was one of the few that Ganessa didn't outright find annoying. Mainly because she was a good source of company when she was growing up. "I see...seems like mother thought ahead."

"Yes. She told me to give this to Lord Ganondorf. If you would accept, My King?" Chi attempted to pass along the package. "I will take you back to the castle so you can recover appropriately." No wonder Medusa wanted her to get there as soon as possible.
"Ah, my thanks," Ganondorf smiled, taking the staff with an easy grin as he felt the power of Medusa radiate through him. "Ganessa, remember...these men, they're your responsibility," he murmured. "Remember that your mother and I are a thought away," he smirked, as dark fire started to lick at his boots and trail up his skin, until he was gone in an instant. He was grateful for the escape, to be honest. He had no idea the strength he had used to put the beast down until he finally arrived in the comfort of Medusa's personal chambers, where he promptly collapsed with a pained grunt.

Keeping appearances was such a chore, sometimes...
Medusa was on him in an instant, her face twisted with a cross between anger and agitation. She did not like this one bit...she did not like this at all. She was at the very least glad that Chi had got him here as soon as possible. "I knew it..." She muttered as she kneeled down and took his face in her hands. "You are weak, this is unacceptable. I must nurse you back to proper strength, but..." She could feel it...something festering. That wouldn't solve the problem immediately...
"I'll be fine," Ganondorf assured. "We have a more pressing issue," he sighed, shifting up carefully to nuzzle against her breasts, arms curling around her waist. "I brought you the head of that beast, Grima...perhaps you can do something with it." Everything hurt, but the comfort of Medusa made things easier to deal with.
"Perhaps..." Medusa said as she slipped her arms around him. "It's not dead...but I'm sure you're aware of that. I have to seal it somehow until I figure out how to destroy it. If there is even a way..." She would not let some beast ruin the perfect world they had built. Especially not one that claimed her own element...her domain.
"Mm, in is not a problem for now," Ganondorf purred. Yong was nearby, unsurprisingly...Medusa was quite fond of the dragon as he moved forward, head bowed respectfully.

"I will ask the elders of my people," Yong murmured. "There may be something in our histories of this Grima, more than just a name."

"That would be helpful, Yong." Ganondorf murmured against Medusa's bosom. He was exhausted...more exhausted than he had felt in years.
"Then I'll simply seal this part of it away for another could be useful later." Medusa stated as she helped Ganondorf up. "Come, my love. You need your rest. I will take care of everything." They were vulnerable...Medusa would be too busy helping him recover after sealing part of that thing away. She needed to make sure her prize was watched over appropriately and she didn't trust Sona right now after she showed...hesitation. She thought it would be simple to control the girl as she was simply a sword spirit, but there was something far more complicated to her than she had realized in the beginning.

"Yong, please deliver a message to Pit on you way out. I need him to watch our prisoner..."


It was...hard being away from Ganessa despite how she treated her. She had some sense of abandonment and she hated it. How happy her master was to be given another sword while she had to stay here and take her punishment accordingly. It hurt...but it was nothing short of what she deserved, and now she had to stand guard around the Goddess who had created her. Something just didn't feel right. About any of this. She was still thinking about that man...who claimed to be the son of Greil. She faintly remembered something but it was blurry and she couldn't think straight whenever she tried to focus on those memories that escaped her.

She turned to face Ashera, who had been quietly sitting inside of her cell without so much as a twitch. She was surrounded by runes, things that kept her in a single place so that she couldn't move. Sona sighed and wondered if she had any answers, if she could explain anything to her. But she didn't wasn't her place to speak. At least that's what she had been told.

"...If you want to talk, then just speak to me." Ashera said after the third glance Sona gave her. Sona blinked and then turned her back again, shaking her head.

"Weapons are not meant to speak..." She responded dully as she stared at the stone wall in front of her. Nothing else to stare at in this dungeon other than her creator.

"You are not a weapon, are much more than that." Ashera calmly responded as she tilted her head. Yes...her and Alondite were not created from nothing. Though they were content to think that, and they always seemed to forget no matter how many times they were told the story. She supposed time was to blame with that. If you spent enough time as something you start to believe that's what you were.

"If I'm not a sword, than what am I? I can turn into one...and I have spent my entire life as one up until Lady Medusa gave me my form." Sona grumbled as she half turned to glance at Ashera. "You forged me...I know that much. That is why we're connected. But other than mean nothing to me..."

"No," Ashera began as she shook her head and kept her eyes on her. "I did not create you from nothing, Sona. Your soul is human...and so were you at one point. You have always had that form, so has your sister. But over the years both of you simply preferred yourselves as weapons and went dormant. You can't even remember who you used to be. Partially Medusa's doing, but also your own for choosing to be a weapon instead of a person. But it was your choice...and hers. I never interfered with what the two of you wanted."

Sona blinked a little at her words, and there was that pain in her head again. Memories...that weren't there. "No...stop messing with me! I'm not going to believe a thing you say. You just want me to help you get out of here. Nice try." Sona turned her back again. She didn't want to be confused anymore...

"You don't have to believe me. But I figured you'd want to know." Ashera went silent, sensing that someone was coming closer to them. She would leave Sona alone for was obvious that Medusa's influence was strong.
Guarding a guard, what an odd job this was. But he didn't want it, not really. Medusa didn't seem to care, however...something had her in a mood. Probably Ganondorf needing to actually rest for a change, she was in the kind of mood that meant arguing would make it worse. So, down Pit went into the dungeons where Ashera rested with Sona standing guard. He didn't want to see her, truthfully. It was like all of his worst decisions in his life had stood right in front of him. It hurt, honestly. It hurt seeing someone that had given him his freedom reduced to...this.

Some hollow, empty shell of a person. There was no life in her eyes, not enough for Pit to be satisfied with it. And now he had to share a room with her. What did he do to deserve this? So he simply didn't say anything, but plopped down in front of the cage, arms crossing sourly. None of this was right, but this was his stupid fault in the first place, wasn't it?
At first, Sona just thought it was someone bringing food or something...but when she saw him, somehow she knew. She knew, and she wasn't quite sure why. More memories that were barely in the back of her head, more of a headache...but she was probably just confused because of Ashera's words. Still..he actually hurt to look at. Something about him made her feel a burning in the pit of her stomach, like an old wound that hadn't quite healed.

"Who are you? Did Lady Medusa send you?" If she did, then there was no reason for her to be here when she could be with Ganessa. And she wasn't even sure if that's where she really wanted to be....
"Yes, she did," Pit grumbled. "You and I are supposed to guard Ashera, so that's why I'm here." He couldn't stand the way that she looked at things, so...empty, devoid of any energy. Nothing like Sona, nothing like Sona before he stabbed her, either. Why was this better? Couldn't they have let her...think? Or was this Ganessa just being a controlling, bossy woman?
"Oh. Alright then." Sona responded blankly. Why? Did Lady Medusa not trust her enough to watch her alone? Either way, it wasn't her place to ask questions. Still..she couldn't help but shy away from him. She wasn't sure why, he just gave her a bad feeling. It felt like...rejection and some form of betrayal. Things she was used to feeling for no reason, like the time she saw that man who reminded her of her old master.

Maybe if she stopped thinking, all this confusion would go away. She was fine...just being Ganessa's sword. All these feelings weren't something that a weapon should feel. Nothing should have mattered except her loyalty to her current master.
"...What?" Pit muttered, noticing her awkward glances. "Something on my face, or what?" She could remember, couldn't she? The way she acted, skirting away from him like he was ill. But she didn't remember, wasn't that better? He could just...tell her something and then that would be it, but wasn't fine. He couldn't lie to her, that was the annoying part. Was Medusa planting him here for that, or what? Ugh.

This whole thing was stupid, why did he have to be here?
"No, nothing..." Sona said meekly, forcing herself to look into his eyes. Big mistake, but she was slightly afraid. No, she was afraid. Being that she only dealt with Ganessa and Medusa, whenever they talked to her like that it usually meant she was going to get hit or punished. She didn't really want to upset him and go through that again. "I just..." She started but then shook her head. No, this was stupid. No one cared about her feelings...feelings she shouldn't even being having! "Nevermind. It's nothing."
"No, what?" Pit muttered. "We're going to be stuck here watching her do nothing until Medusa says otherwise, so stop acting like a frightened animal. What?" Maybe his mood wasn't helping, but just seeing her like this was...agitating.
"...It hurts to look at you." Sona admitted after slight hesitation. Maybe she should have just lied. She was aware of how stupid that sounded. She didn't even know least she didn't think she did.
"It probably should," Pit muttered. "You don't remember anything, do you?" It was a stupid question, but it only served to make him more irritated.
"No," She began with a confused look. "I mean...I thought I there something I should be remembering?" She was trying her best to deny it but if he knew her, then...was Ashera actually not lying?

One step at a time, she thought. Just because she might be having a memory lapse doesn't mean this Goddess was incapable of lying to her.
Pit stared at her a moment before rising up with an annoyed sigh. "Dammit, come here," he mumbled. "And don't say I ever did anything good for you, because this isn't going to be good for me."
Sona took a step back when he got up, giving him an incredulous stare. Everything was telling her not to get closer to him, she didn't know why...but her backbone had never actually been there. Especially when she was so used to doing what everyone asked her to do. So she slowly made her way closer to him. What was he going to do to her? Something that wasn't good for him?
He stared at her a moment before scratching his head. "Ugh, dammit...this is your fault, you know that?" he muttered. But he couldn't leave her like this, just watching her was gut wrenching. Freedom, he always wanted he had it. And at what cost? Without Sona, he wouldn't be here now, he wouldn't have Chi. No, he had to do this. She could snap at him all she wanted, but a willing slave was better than a frigid one, right?


He pressed his fingers to her forehead, brow furrowed in concentration. He knew the spells well enough, not everyone was a loyal citizen. Some needed 'reducated', a few words here...a secret phrase, some just had their memories rewritten. Medusa did more than that, he couldn't fix everything...but he could get her the memory she deserved, even if she was locked in servitude. Whatever word he spoke, was in a tongue that was barely comprehensible. Lines of dark magic trailed up his arm like sick veins before his hand jerked back with a spark of lightning, hissing in pain as he shook his hand viciously.

Like a literal lightning bolt, everything would rush in.
Sona didn't know what he was doing and was honestly bracing herself for more pain, like when Medusa had punished her.

She got what she expected.

Everything came rushing back in a flash, so much that she cried out as the memories that were trying so hard to surfaced were unleashed. She started to back away as she held her head, whimpering in confusion. Somewhere along the way she tripped and fell. It was...too much almost. Too much for her to remember all at once. All she knew was that she felt like crying but she couldn't. All of these emotions, all of this pain. She couldn't help but curl herself up in fetal position as she waited for it to stop. As she waited to feel nothing again...

She didn't even know where to start. She wanted to hurt Pit...she had so much she had wanted to say all this time. All the bitterness she felt towards him, he was the reason why she couldn't be with Ike. He was the reason!

Her fingers started digging into the flesh of her legs as it finally slowed down and she could focus. She swallowed hard before looking up at him, her eyes much more alive than before. She was angry...angry with him. But...despite all these memories she didn't move.

She didn't know anymore. She didn't even know who she was.
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