The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Ganessa was starting to get bored, up until the point where she had an abrupt and violent sensation come over her. Her eyes flashed ice blue for a second before she shook her head. What the hell was that? She had never felt a sensation like that before, but...she knew whatever was lurking around here was ancient and very powerful. She glanced over to the interloper and saw his excitement. He sensed it too, didn't he? "What are you so goddamn excited about?" She asked suspiciously as she walked closer to him. "You know something we don't?"
"You can't feel it?" The Interloper grinned widely. "All that power?"

"Yes, I can," Ganondorf interjected a moment as he crossed his arms, frowning. "And whatever you are, you can stop hiding."

My apologies... A voice that did not speak, but simply vibrated off the inside of the skull. Ganondorf narrowed his eyes at that as a massive being of scales and wings, and many narrow eyes. It was an impressive, and perhaps terrifying illusion that made his men draw their weapons. But it was simply that, an illusion. A ghost of power that had little to offer now, but there was still something that unsettled him about the massive beast before him, a ghost of an image though it was. A dragon, a huge dragon...fascinating.
Ganessa didn't know whether to be scared or fascinated. She could see that he had no physical form which was probably why she wasn't frightened. "I've never seen a ghost before, much less a dragon ghost." She commented with a grin, feeling the...tension coming from the others. Reassurance went a long way for morale, she assumed. She wasn't going to comment on the intense power this thing only felt so because it was just permeating around them. Nothing was stronger than her parents.
I have watched you and your love from afar, Ganondorf, It rumbled in amusement. You have done well, I am impressed...but there is still something that eludes you, yes?

"And you are capable of helping me?" Ganondorf replied with an arch of his brow. "For what?"

My freedom, Grima said, leaning down to Ganondorf's body. Name what you wish, and I will do it...all I ask is for the chance to be free. I sense that there is still light that has pestered in your domain. I can help with that...all I ask is a chance to breathe. Ganondorf regarded the creature curiously, stroking his chin in thought.

"Do it," The Interloper grinned. "Do it! Imagine! Just like that, your problems solved!"
Ganessa narrowed her eyes, feeling something was particularly off about this whole thing. Her eyes...she detected deceptive movements from the way it's aura shifted as he promised her father his desire to extinguish the rest of his enemies. "Freedom to do what exactly?" She demanded as she crossed her arms. That little shadow was too eager for her liking as well.
I can aid you, Grima said easily. Your is something that I can appreciate, and I would like to see this chaos continue. It murmured. And in return, your world will be laid bare. All I ask is freedom. he rumbled. You will have the might of the Fell Dragon at your disposal, Lord Ganondorf.

"I see," Ganondorf said, turning to leave. "I will think on it, for a time."

What...? It said, the ghostly image unreadable as the Interloper's expression settled into confusion.

"If you've waited for so long here, you can wait longer," Ganondorf smirked. "Powerful though you are, right are little more than a parlor trick designed to intimidate the lesser mortals. I know what you are, beast. Don't think I am so easily swayed by promises."
Ganessa was getting irritated, but at least her father was wise enough to see through this things tricks. She didn't trust it, honestly. Normally she would enjoy the thought of instant gratification, but she just had a bad feeling overall about this dragon. It was different than the ones who served her mother. "Father, perhaps we should talk to mother about this?" She suggested.
"Wise counsel, my dear," Ganondorf smiled, hand on her shoulder.

If it will satisfy your paranoia, very well. Grima said with a tilt of his head. But know that my patience is limited, Ganondorf. I have waited so long, my waiting will not stay much longer. Ganondorf wasn't sure if that was a threat or not, but they headed out of the ruins all the same, and Ganondorf made sure to post sentries everywhere he could think of, what little it would do. But it would buy time just in case.
The minute they were out of the ruins Ganessa felt a lot better. Especially after it threatened them...she could see why her father was being careful. "I don't trust it...but mother has a way with dragons. Perhaps her pet knows something about this thing..."
"I agree," Ganondorf murmured, glancing at the Interloper now staring in irritation at the ruins. "Have you been keeping up with your magic lessons, Ganessa?"
"Uhuh! Magic comes to me naturally, so I don't have to spend so much time on it like I do training. Why?" Ganessa asked as she followed her fathers gaze. She had to wonder why the Interloper was so eager to release Grima...she still had a bad feeling about that.
"I think it's time I taught you something myself," Ganondorf grinned, hand on her head. "When we have the time, anyway."
"That's for later," Ganondorf reminded with a smirk. "Did we not have a lesson about patience?" he laughed, heading towards his tent. He needed to speak with Medusa about this...Grima. Something felt very, very wrong.
"Well yes, but..." Ganessa began before he started to walk away. She sighed a little bit and then glanced back to the ruins for just a moment. She had felt some weird things before, but...ugh the worst part of being a demi god was that things just happened with no explanation. She usually just accepted it and moved on, but she had never felt such a violent reaction to any being. Ever.

She moved behind the Interloper and crossed her arms. She had been ignoring him lately but him being so excited about something just made her uneasy. She had technically been the one to allow him to be in their presence, so he was her responsibility for the most part. "You seem awfully disappointed."
"It is a waste," It sighed, in an overly dramatic fashion. "You question and ponder, and yet when something offers you the power to escape the problem you now simply wish to wait longer, I do not understand you people," it said dismissively. "He could help you remove all of your worries to have a world full of chaos and darkness, and yet you turn it away," he mused, arms crossing in a rather mocking posture of her.

"Perhaps you have gone soft," he smirked. "Does the idea not excite you? To be able to crush your enemies as if they were nothing?"
"No, no one is going soft." Ganessa said in an irritated manner. "And crushing the enemy is only sweet when you do it with your own power. Borrowing it from some ancient bag of dragon bones without a moment of thought, that's stupid. There's a reason why it's sealed away!"
"Interesting, interesting..." It mused thoughtfully. "But isn't your mother accused of taking away powers that are not her own?" he grinned. "She was not a Goddess before, yes? She had to get it from somewhere, did she not?"
Ganessa knew he was right, but she still took major offense to what he said. She immediately grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close, her eyes brimming with barely controlled anger. "My mother took what was rightfully hers. No one gave it to her." She growled as she stared him down. "You better watch your mouth...annoying foot kissers disappear a lot around here."
"I don't recall you ending up missing," he smirked, the collars of her shirt fading through her fingers as he stood in front of her regardless. "Or was that not the sounds of a doting daughter I heard earlier?"
"That's none of your business!" Ganessa snapped at him, balling her fists as she gritted her teeth in fury. She didn't know what the fuck he was or even if he could be destroyed, but she was going to kill him. "Fucking hold still, so I can grind you into the dirt!" With that, she swung her fist at him abruptly, ignoring the fact that he was probably invulnerable to physical attacks. She just wanted to punch him.
"Mm, isn't it?" The Interloper smirked, even as fist slammed into his face and sent him tumbling and rolling across the rocks with an amused cackle. If it hurt him, it was hard to say. "I think everyone knows what kind of business it is now! So hung on to your father's every word, you don't like thinking for yourself!"
"I do think for myself, you disgusting parasite!" Ganessa hissed in anger, already on top of him as soon as he hit the dirt. Once again she grabbed him, this time by the neck. She wound her fist back again as she glared down at him. "I think for myself plenty! All the time! I am my own person!" She then punched him again, and she didn't plan on stopping until he stopped laughing. She hated when people laughed at her!
He grunted in pain, not that it stopped him from laughing any less. "And yet! You get so angry when you hear you're a Daddy's girl!" he cackled, even as blood started to stain her fist. "Daddy! Daddy! I need help!"
"Shut up! SHUT UP!" Ganessa screamed before she stopped punching him only so she could call forth the new sword that her father had given her. "Just die already!" She shrieked as she raised the wicked looking blade above her head and then swung it down, attempting to split his head in two. No one made fun of her and lived! No one defied her!
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