The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

He evaporated like a puff of dark smoke, laughing all the while. It was a laugh that someone did when they simply couldn't breathe, and Ganondorf was the first to arrive when he heard that shrill cry of fury. The blade impacted and cratered, Ganondorf frowned deeply as he watched the shadowy wisp dart into the ruins. It seemed that they wouldn't have the time to consult Medusa, he didn't trust that little wretch, and it was time to deal with him.
Ganessa panted heavily through her teeth, realizing she had struck nothing. That thing...that thing had played her and now she knew exactly what it was going to do. This was her fault..! She should have just killed it when she had the chance!

She didn't have time to sulk around, she had to go after it. She didn't even bother to consult with her father, she was too furious...and somewhat humiliated to do so. She darted after it, her aura erratic and violent as she struggled to keep herself under control. She was going to go on a rampage soon, even with the knowledge that nothing good would come out of it. No one made a fool out of her!
They were fools, but he had realized that far too late. No matter! That could be resolved! Grima had offered everything that he truly wanted, and he could feel it. He was like a skittering cockroach to a goldmine. A place full of his food and his hunger, the ghostly illusion of Grima appeared only faintly, smaller as it glanced at the insignificant little thing, aspiring to greatness it could barely comprehend.

Well, what is this? Grima rumbled as it slid onto the marble table, sinking into the grain. A foolish, stupid creature...but one that Grima would accept easily for what he was doing. By the time that Ganessa and Ganondorf arrived, the marble cracked, a harsh, unfiltered cackle filled the air as a power unlike anything Ganondorf had ever felt suddenly crashed into the room like a tidal wave. He held his arm up with a grunt, cape billowing behind him.

That fool!
Ganessa was nearly thrown back, however she stood her ground. That abrupt, violent aura was almost overwhelming. No! She wasn't going to just stand by and let this happen! The moment she could move freely again she summoned her powerful, black flames. She let out a war cry that could be heard for miles as she slung two spheres of pure black fire, hurling them like meteors at the center of the room. She didn't have to know where it was, because as soon as her magic touched the ground it exploded in two large, fiery blasts.
Ganondorf grimaced as he walked forward, hand on his daughter's shoulder. A wave of unholy, dark energy started to seep out from the thick plumes of smoke, six sharp, narrow eyes cut through the glow, followed by thunderous roar that shook the ground around them as the massive wingspan of Grima folded out, kicking back the dust. A massive dragon, by any understanding of the word. The sky was tinted red, and the ground started to glow as cracks began to form...and from it,, souls given form. Angry, vengeful creatures.

Go, my Risen! Grima cackled eagerly. Swallow this world in darkness!

"Ganessa," Ganondorf said firmly, a massive blade appearing in a rush of dark flames. "Go to Ezka, help them maintain a defensive. We cannot let these mongrels escape."
Ganessa gritted her teeth angrily, but she knew this wasn't the time for arguing. She could feel how powerful this creature was, but she had unwavering faith that her father was stronger. She just nodded and then hurried back to meet Ezka so they could stop this new threat. This was all her fault...she wanted to fix it. But right now she had to make sure her mistake didn't poison the world that her mother and father created...

At least she had a lot of things to kill and take her anger out on...
Ganondorf's weapon split the ground in two when he rested it against the stone, looking up to admire the creature of darkness and fury. It examined Ganondorf not unlike an insect, which made him narrow his eyes. The power that Ganondorf felt, he knew that it was not the true limit. Whatever this dragon was, it was weakened considerably...a thought that made him grimace to think of it's true power.

You will move, It snarled, massive claws sinking into the stone as it lurched forward. Ganondorf rose up his massive blade and rested it against his shoulder, his long red mane whipping in the wind as the sounds of battle carried around them. Ganondorf surged forward as Grima opened his mouth and let out a torrent of black fire, he swung his blade upwards as the flames parted and he leapt into the air, moving to strike right for Grima's skull.

Yong's eyes snapped wide open in the middle of the night, the thunderous storm overhead did nothing to justify his panicked state as he rose up in his dragon form, wings unfurling. He quickly skittered like a frightened child to the comforting, dark presence of his Mistress, watching from the balcony. She felt it too, no doubt.

"My lady," Yong rumbled, body coiling around her protectively. "You must stay inside, it is dangerous!"
Medusa wasn't happy at all with her lack of knowledge of the situation. All she knew was that something ancient and very powerful had seemingly appeared out of thin air...and Ganondorf and Ganessa were fighting against it at this very moment. She didn't like things that weren't planned, especially when it was working against them and she was tempted to simply abandon her castle to help her daughter and her lover. However, with half the troops gone and the fact that they were still training most of the ones that remained here, she knew it was a very bad idea to leave when they could be potentially ambushed by their enemies.

Then there was Ashera...risking her escape wasn't an option.

"Yong," Medusa muttered softly to the dragon. "Do you know what the meaning of this is? This dragon and it's plague of undead creatures did not exist until now, if it did I would have felt it a long time ago." She didn't seem the least bit concerned with her safety. No. She was just agitated. And perhaps even...worried. However, neither her daughter nor Ganondorf were showing any signs of weakness. In fact, her daughter was keeping excellent control of the swarm of twisted, corrupted souls that were being puppeteered to be this dragons personal army by being the leader that Medusa knew she could be. With Ezka's help, they seemed to have the upperhand.

As for Ganondorf...he seemed to be fine for now.
"I do not know everything," Yong admitted ruefully. "...But my people speak of a dragon, mired in darkness and hate, who wishes for nothing more than the destruction of everything. He is nothing to be trusted, my lady...he is pure evil, a festering wound. I was told stories by my great grandfather about a battle fought, long before even he was born of a darkness that consumed everything, and left the world to rot. It seeks nothing less that to have everything under his control to wither and die. He is the Fell Dragon, Grima."
Medusa looked into Yong's eyes as he spoke, listening to his every word. They narrowed slightly before her gaze turned back to the horizon as she continued to watch the battle from afar. Her hand moved to rest on the top of his head gently as she did. "I see. Then he will not be allowed to exist for much longer. So long as Ganondorf and I rule this world and the heavens above it, we will never allow the world to ever see such a state again. He will be exterminated." She said with only the confidence that a Goddess would possess. A powerful one. "I must stay here so I can protect everyone. But Ganessa and Ganondorf will handle this."
"And I will protect you, my lady," Yong said in easy determination, nuzzling against her ribs affectionately. "My brood will not allow a single enemy to see your walls, this I swear." The cracks and rumbles that Yong was hearing was not lightning, truly...the power that Medusa and Ganondorf possessed were worthy of awe. He hoped that Grima could be dealt with sooner than later, there would be no good for allowing it to live.
"Yes, I know. Your people are loyal and powerful...and so are you." Medusa said as she continued to stroke the top of his head with the back of her scaly fingers. "We're going to ready the forces just in case anyone decides to take advantage of this distraction, Yong. We have a very important prisoner that is very desirable to our enemies, and I will not have anyone infiltrate and foil my plans again."
"I will inform my people," Yong said, a content purr filling his throat. "We will insure that every area is protected," he murmured, slowly uncoiling from around her. There was little else to do at the moment, except hope that Lord Ganondorf would prevail.

His blade slammed down on the dark barrier , the explosion of dark energy sending Ganondorf flying back with a pained growl as he slammed into the already crumbling walls, his blade sinking deep into the ground to slow down as Grima's thundering steps shook him back to reality.

"I see that I'm underestimating you," Ganondorf grunted, dispersing his blade with a wave of his hand.

A mortal made godlike is no match for a true being of raw power, Grima rumbled.

"That is where you are wrong, fool," Ganondorf smirked, grabbing the collar of his armor and tearing it off with a snarl, his muscles tightening as dark energy enveloped him like a thick fog. His slow, building roar made the ground shake as lightning crackled across his body and Grima growled curiously. Ganondorf's hair stood on end as the dark shadow of something far more powerful began to tower over him, it's eyes like two burning comets in the dark skies. There was much that the Triforce granted him, to say nothing of what their victory had wrought years ago. Grima snarled and lunged forward as the shadowy figure behind Ganondorf moved his arms with him, catching the furious attempt to snap at him. Ganondorf slid back a few feet before he dug his heels in and twisted his arms with a roar, sending the massive dragon slamming into the ground and on his side.

"Goddess bless us," Ezka muttered in the middle of the fight, cutting down another risen. He had...never seen Ganondorf do that, ever. It was a terrifying, powerful revelation of what kind of power the man had possessed.
"Heh," Ganessa smirked, feeling renewed vigor just before she took her blade and sliced three of Grima's creations in half. "This is nothing! These creatures are nothing, and that dragon is nothing! The Demon King has awakened, so fight! He will not fail us, so we won't fail him! This is what we've all been training for, this is our moment! To prove ourselves to our Goddess, and to our King! The two people who protect us and the people we love!" She shouted just before the wicked blade she was holding exploded in black flames. She had to control her destruction and harness it into something strong...something tangeable. Something that people would believe in!

She suddenly dashed off into large group of risen, her eyes wild with barely contain power. In that moment, there was no hesitation. No fear...nothing clouding her judgement. There was just...clear focus as she stampeded through, swinging her sword so fast that it was nothing short that a display of rotten blood and flames in every direction as the corpses dropped to the ground like dead weight. At least thirty of them were destroyed in that single moment, and Ganessa was only getting started. Somehow her energetic display was infectious, revitalizing the men who were growing tired of the numbers they were up against.

That was all Medusa needed to see to be satisfied for the moment. She needed to find Pit...and ask him for a favor or two. Something she knew he wouldn't like. She was sure he was around here somewhere...he wasn't stupid. He had to have sensed Grima too.
Grima's jaws snapped at Ganondorf as he gripped the mouth open, muscles tightening with a growl of fury as Grima thrashed, it's massive tail crushing the ruins around him. This beast had a power that Ganondorf couldn't describe, but it was weak. It had to be dealt with now, before it grew too strong.

I am unrelenting, fool. Grima rumbled You cannot destroy chaos, you cannot destroy darkness!

"No, but I can devour it." He said, eyes flashing red as his shadowy ally gripped the mouth with him as he let out a furious, blood curdling roar that rumbled the very ground around them. Grima snapped and hissed through his open mouth, but soon his head jerked to the left...and to the right before he sunk his fingers into the gums of the mighty dragon...and pulled. Grima's entire body tightened as it's eyes began to flicker dimly. There was a snap as Ganondorf pulled as hard as he could and dark, purple, hissing blood spilled out like a fountain. The body already evaporating in a noxious cloud of poison as Ganondorf dropped the severed head of Grima, the stone cracking underneath the massive weight.

He pressed his hand against the head of the beast and focused, dark tendrils wrapping around it as it still twitched and thrashed, and sunk into a dark void.

The Risen's ferocity did not abate, but they seemed far less coordinated. Ganondorf let out a heavy exhale as the dark figure behind him faded away.
Ganessa stopped just long enough to watch her father rip the head off the massive creature that had stopped them and she couldn't help but grin proudly, even while the straggling band of evil creatures moved towards her. A casual swing of her sword took care of that, although her focus was gone already. No, she was sure that they were fine now. Her daddy always took care of everything.

Now she needed to look for that stupid little parasite. She couldn't even sense him right now, so it was very possible that he was dead. But...that seemed off to her. The men could clean up the rest of this trash, she had to at least look for it.

Medusa could sense her lovers victory, however, there was something strange about it. Like a stench, its aura lingered just barely enough to make her uneasy. She stopped in her courtyard after sensing Chi, and it wasn't long for her presence to be acknowledged by the girl. She landed right in front of her, kneeling almost immediately.

"My Lady, I was just about to go scout and make sure everything was okay-." Chi began, although Medusa raised her hand to stop her.

"Don't bother, it's mostly over already and Yong is making arrangements to increase our defenses. I need you to deliver something." She...promised not to send Chi out on dangerous missions. However, the little girl did have a purpose. She was fast and nearly untraceable. She did have a that she'd be able to get the job done.
Ganondorf slumped down after a while, resting his head against a nearby pillar with a heavy grunt of exertion. He felt sore, his chest glistening with sweat as he flexed his hand experimentally. It fought, even headless...the entire way through. What a stubborn creature, and Ganondorf knew full well that it wasn't the end of it. "Ganessa," he called with a grunt. "Don't bother, a more pressing matter is at hand." They needed to get back, as soon as they could.

It was an irritating, frustrating consequence, but no matter. His body was merely a shell for his true power, and that shell had lost it's usefulness. He could not be a mighty, powerful frustrating as it was, much of his power was not his at the moment. But he had enough...enough to find her. He supposed that he should be grateful that the insufferable woman in her, the woman that was supposed to be Grima was still alive. No matter, none of it mattered. He could sense her, far away...but no barrier could protect her from him, from what he was owed.

Someone's dreams would be dark tonight, but that would be all. He needed time, and slowly, bit by bit, mile by mile...that barrier would start to crumble under the corruption festering inside, like a sickness.
Ganessa was a little frustrated but she noticed that her father didn't seem well. "What's wrong? Isn't it over already? Did it injure you?" She asked as she moved over to his side, resting her sword on her shoulder.

Chi was more than puzzled when Medusa summoned her staff and handed it to her. Still, she took it and clutched it to her body protectively.

"Take this to Ganondorf. Don't straggle. It's important that you get there as soon as possible." Medusa mumbled as she looked back out onto the horizon. She seemed out of kind of made Chi uneasy.

"Umm, sure. Right away!" She said before bowing and taking off. Aww damn...she was headed right into that general direction of danger. Like usual. kind of made her feel a little important. She just had to make sure she made it there and back safely so she didn't get yelled at.
"It is not over...but the battle is won," Ganondorf chuckled, rolling his shoulders. "You think that was an easy feat for your father? That was a being whose power could have rivaled your mother's, my is an exhausting task, fighting at that level."
"...okay, but you still won. So it's fine." Ganessa mumbled, refusing to truly accept the gravity of the situation. It was...hard seeing him like this and she didn't really know what to do. "Anyways...what matters did you want me to attend to? What is so important here that our men cannot handle? Do you...need something?" He was fine, right? Everything was going to be okay, like it always was.
"I need you to help me stand up, for starters," Ganondorf chuckled. "Stop looking at me like that, girl. A battle won is always something to be proud of, but not every battle is an easy one. More importantly...we need to return home, as soon as possible."
Her eyebrows furrowed with worry before her weapon disappeared and she knelt down to help him up. She could see that now...that this wasn't an easy victory. At least not for him. "Can you...are you going to be able to walk all the way back home?" Ganessa asked as she tried to contain the uncertainty in her voice. She couldn't tell what was wrong with him..whether or not he was just tired or if he was in pain. And now that she was close enough, her skin against his, she could still feel that thing. Was it..was it inside of him?
"I'll be fine," Ganondorf said, hand on her head as he let out a faint grunt of exertion. "It's just been a while since I've had to dig so deeply, your worry is touching, my dear." he grinned. Much like her mother, she struggled with...genuine feelings.
"I...okay." Ganessa grumbled as she started to help him towards somewhere safe. They were almost done with the clean up...honestly it didn't make sense that these things were still moving until she realized that creature was still here. Inside of her father. "Yeah I'm worried...I've never seen you break a sweat, much less see you be unable to walk on your own. Is that thing inside of you now?"
"Not at present, no," Ganondorf murmured. "I am simply keeping it safe until your mother can examine it fully. I already believe I know what she is going to do with it, but it won't fix the will, however, buy us time." he said, arm draped around her shoulder. "You've done very well today, Ganessa...I am very proud to see it."
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