The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Mm," Ganondorf chuckled, nuzzling against her neck with a hungry growl. "Mm, see what patience awards you, Ganessa? Greater reward."
"Yes...I see that now." Ganessa muttered, trying to ignore the chills she got from feeling his seed dripping from her folds. She was a mess...but for some reason she didn't care. "I'll try to be more patient from now on...even if it's exhausting."
"You'll learn," Ganondorf purred. "And I will reward you for learning," he said, tongue brushing across her neck. "Mm, a worthwhile trade, I hope?"
"Sounds fair." Ganessa forced herself to sit up straight so she could look into his eyes. "I want to continue to learn from the best, after all. My body gets stronger every day, but I'm aware that I also need to exercise my mind." Althea couldn't force her to sit down and read anymore, so she had to learn for herself.
"I'm glad you realize that," Ganondorf chuckled. "Then this trip shall be a test of both, won't it? I do need someone I can rely on out here, Ganessa."
Ganessa was quiet for a moment as her expression turned quite somber. Quite strange for her, especially when someone was asking her for help. "One time, I asked mother why I existed. She told me...that my original purpose was to be a gift to you. To help you conquer and destroy your enemies. That's why it was so important to me to get stronger every day so I could do that. Now that you're asking me to help you...I don't know if I'm ready, truthfully. But, I'll do my best, father." Admitting she wasn't sure of herself hurt, but she just felt like being honest. For once in her life.
Ganondorf chuckled, hand on her head. "My girl, your mother is a conflicting woman, at times. I assure you, you do have a purpose, but you are also my daughter. There is something special in that, I think. We must all learn to walk eventually, and that is what we're here to help you with."
"You have a lot of children, father. Don't you just treat me special because I'm stronger than them?" Ganessa asked as she looked into his eyes. That's what she had always thought. She always questioned why she was different, why she grew up faster, why her father even bothered to see her when he didn't with his other children. She just assumed her mothers explanation of her birth was the reason why.
"No," he laughed. "I treat you special because you are the daughter of the woman I love, very much. What else is there?"
Ganessa blinked and then looked away with a slightly embarrassed look. She didn't like being laughed at. "Why do you love her and not all the other girls you fuck?" What the hell was love anyway? She loved her parents but she hated everyone else. And somehow she knew that the love she felt for them was different than the love they felt for each other.
"Mm, when you find someone who meets your desires...not just physically, but is a different feeling," he grinned. "She is an equal, more than that, she is a radiant woman who I bonded with over a common cause. You tend to find a deeper bond. Like you have with Seig, no doubt," he smirked.
Just hearing that stupid name made her heart beat faster and she could feel her ears burn. "He and I have nothing in common, and the only bond we have is that we hate each other..." She grumbled as she folded her arms. A different feeling...she hated a lot of things but the way she hated Seig was different. Was her father really right about that? He was never wrong...she just didn't want to admit to herself that it was possible that she did miss him. That she actually...cared about him in some strange way. He did too, that was the infuriating part. He didn't want to see her get hurt even though she hurt him all those times. It confused her.
"Ah, yet desire has no care for such things," Ganondorf purred. "You want him, don't you? Take him when you see him, I took Zelda...and I bet even now, she would crave another moment with me, no matter how much it disgusts her."
The idea admittedly made her pussy throb pleasantly despite being thoroughly satisfied by her father. The pounding of her heart seemed to get worse, too...she couldn't lie to herself about this anymore. She had always been attracted to Seig, even more so when she found out he wasn't a threat when it came to the love she received from her parents. "..When I see him. I've been looking for him for a long time. Until now I never really thought about what I wanted to do when I found him. I guess now I know what I want to do. I never thought he would want it, but I suppose Zelda never wanted it from you either. And yet she still enjoyed it." At least from what she heard, anyway. Such a thing happened when she was a baby, but she had memories from even back then.
Ganondorf snorted in amusement. "Zelda? She is a base animal in royal clothing, nothing more," he smirked. "Savoring her body was worth every moment of suffering I had," he laughed.
Ganessa smirked at that, waiting for him to finish laughing before she chimed in. "Perhaps the most righteous are the ones who are the most lost in darkness, because they choose to ignore it. That thing that likes to follow me around is a prime example of that." She didn't know much about The Interloper, but he didn't mind sharing how he came to be. Coming from the hero of time that was responsible for her fathers demise countless times, it was surprising to her.
"Everyone has two sides," Ganondorf mused, hand roaming through her hair. "But enough of that, daughter...clean yourself up, we're going to take a look at these ruins."
"Not me. I'm bad and I like to be bad." Ganessa smirked before she removed himself from his lap and left the tent..completely naked.

For some reason she had the confidence to go fetch herself some water for her bath...and she just wanted to see her men squirm.
Squirm they did, considering they were used to seeing Ganessa surly and sour next to Ganondorf. And many of them were intentionally not trying to look at the daughter of their Goddess and Ruler traipse around naked. Needless to say, they weren't quite sure how to handle the entire thing, especially with Ganondorf around. The only one who didn't seem entirely unsure of what to say was Ezka, who decided to...let that resolve itself.

Ganondorf washed and redressed in his armor with a faint chuckle, already sensing the many frustrated urges coming from many of the troops. Maybe that was a lesson he'd teach next, not harassing the army...
Ganessa enjoyed the attention greatly, but she stuck to her original plan of finding water to bathe and she did eventually find it. After she returned to her fathers tent she redressed herself, strapping on what little armor she had. She was a Demi God, she had natural armor that could not be pierced by normal weapons as long as she wasn't taken off guard. "Ready!" She said with excitement in her voice when she was finished. She wanted to know what was in those ruins...
Now this seems interesting... The little Link shaped shadow grinned against Ganessa's shoulder, looking at the ruins. He felt something wonderful there...were they here to explore that? To use it? To become stronger with it?

"Is this truly wise, sir?" Ezka asked curiously, glancing at Ganondorf.

"I think it is," he mused. "Besides, I feel your men need to get something other than their blood running," he smirked. "My daughter is quite lovely, isn't she?"
Ganessa had learned to not be surprised whenever her little pet decided to show himself to her. He seemed to only be around when she was doing something of interest to him, which irritated her considering he was her toy.

"This energy is far to negative to be what we're looking for, but we might as well explore it Ezka. Don't be scared, brother." She smirked. Usually she would never acknowledge anyone but Pit as her blood, but she was trying to be nice.
"I...yes," Ezka mumbled in surprise. "It is not fear, Lady Ganessa, just a healthy concern for caution." Brother...? Did she really just say that? He supposed that they were related, but...on completely different levels, really.

"Better to explore the unknown than to leave it," Ganondorf grunted. "We proceed, Ezka."

"Yes sir," he said loyally as Ganondorf began to walk deeper into the ruins, with the Interloper glancing around with a wide grin. Fascinating, what was this place? He could see memories of something, long since gone. Shadows within shadows that told a history barely remembered by the stone.
"We're being plenty cautious, I think. We've prepared, the strongest of us are scouting. It'll be fine!" She gave Ezka a grin. She like him way better than Ike. Pity he failed against him the last time they ran into the traitorous scum.

She knew there was possible danger, but she was confident in their strength. Excluding her little toy, she had never seen him fight but he was good at slithering away..she'd have to keep an eye on him.
Whatever this place was, or whatever it used to be...Ganondorf couldn't say. It had long, sweeping hallways and pillars that suggested a wide roof. Given what was left of the ruins, this place had to be a massive castle of some kind. There was a strange, ominous air over much of it, but none so much as they came across a central room that was easily a mile wide, with a perfectly white marble table in the center of the massive room. The Interloper seemed particularly excited about this room, above all others.

"What is that?" Ezka said warily, hand on his sword as Ganondorf cast a glance around and began to walk towards the table.

"A place of great importance," Ganondorf reasoned. "It seems most of the construction was made to supplant this room."
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