The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"No," Ganondorf chuckled, hand roaming through her wild mane of red. "Close your eyes, Ganessa. Find a place that brings you great pleasure, somewhere that allows you to focus." he murmured. "Meditation can be very important, it allows you to harness your thoughts into something stronger than anyone can handle. It allows you to plan ahead, to think." If there was one thing his daughter sorely needed, it was that.
Ganessa hesitated for a moment before she sighed and closed her eyes. A place that brought her great pleasure? She was sitting right there already, so all she needed to do was think, right? It was kinda hard with him playing with her hair..she liked the way it felt. But she would try to think about stuff.

What was she supposed to think of, again? Planning ahead? But what was she supposed to be planning? She was starting to get frustrated and it was showing in her expression as she forced her eyes to stay closed.
Ganondorf smirked in amusement, tapping her forehead. "Girl, empty your mind. Find something that you can think about all day, without pause." Well, he would commend her for seriously trying. "Anything at all, my dear. Think about it until there is nothing else to think about." Given the way she was reacting to his hand through her hair, he had a fairly solid idea what was going through her mind.
She took a deep breath and then tried again...honestly thinking his fingers through her hair helped. Her face started to relax as she focused on his touch. It wasn't long before those thoughts turned into something less innocent as she remembered her very first and last sexual experience. The way he touched her then was far less gentle but she had still liked it. She had been wanting to do that again for quite some time but of course he had been fairly busy and so did she. Thinking about it brought that great pleasure like he told her it would, so she continued to think about it despite the fact that it was making her throb and twitch between her legs.
"Good," Ganondorf purred, letting his hand slide down her back. "Now, let everything else fade away...focus on nothing but your thoughts," he said, nostrils flaring when he picked up her scent. She was just like her mother, honestly. Why was he surprised about that at all? Perhaps he had spoiled her, but at least she was beginning to show some serious focus and dedication to being more than what she was, that was rather important.
Ganessa's breathing started to slow as she continued to focus on the feeling of his touch. It felt...amazing honestly. It wasn't just that, but listening to the sound of his voice and his breathing was also very pleasurable. The sound of everything else just vanished and the only thing she was aware of was him. It was like he was her focus and nothing else mattered at that moment. Not her obsession with Seig, not her confusion on her place in the world...nothing else was clouding her thoughts.
"Good," Ganondorf soothed, hand staying on her back with an easy grin. Look at that, she could learn to focus her thoughts...even though, Ganondorf was quite certain the faintest movement would break that focus. They stayed that way, for a time. He was impressed, admittedly...the normally impatient and stomping around Ganessa had achieved a serene sense of focus for once. Perhaps there was some serious hope for her to be a very capable contender in the future. But there was also the part of him that could smell her desire, and all it took was a casual, easy shift of his leg against her heat.
"Mnn!" It was first sound she had made since she had finally found her state of meditation. She had been extra sensitive since she had been turned on for quite some time without even realizing it. She kept her eyes closed, not knowing if he had done that on purpose or accident. She was still supposed to be focusing, right?
He chuckled quietly at that, but made no other real movement as he settled back, regarding his daughter a moment before he let his hands trail along her stomach and up, palms cupping her large breasts. She had a more muscular frame compared to Medusa, no doubt his side of the genes kicking in quite viciously, but there was one thing that she certainly got from her mother. He was impressed, was she still trying?
She gasped softly as his hands moved over her breasts, her erect nipples tingling in pleasure at his touch. He didn't...he didn't tell her to stop trying to focus so she was just going to keep her eyes closed still. Maybe this was apart of him teaching her? Either way she wasn't going to complain, it certainly felt good to her.
He slid his hands down further, then up her tunic as he squeezed her breasts hungrily, the shirt lifting up along his arms. "Open your eyes," Ganondorf purred hungrily, shifting closer. It had been a long time, perhaps he should relive her of some undue stress.
She couldn't help but squirm against his leg, rubbing her folds against him as she opened her eyes slowly. She couldn't seem to look him in the eye, not when he was touching her in such an embarrassing manner. She knew she was being stupid, but she was used to being angry all the time and wound up. This feeling made her feel the she wasn't herself. She was probably making a mess on his leg by now...
"What's wrong?" Ganondorf chuckled, slipping a hand up to tilt her chin up with a faint smirk. Was she...embarrassed, now? His strong, powerful daughter...shy, of all things?
"N..nothing! I just...I'm still not used to feeling this stuff. I like it though, daddy. I really do..." She told him as she took his large hand and nuzzled against it. "So please, don't stop."
"I knew there was more to my precious daughter than anger," he grinned, letting his other hand slip down between her legs, sinking into her panties. Mm, she was absolutely soaked, wasn't she? It was an easy task to let his thick fingers brush across her swollen clit.
She cried out softly when his finger brushed up against the wet fabric of her underwear. Her breathing became ragged as she looked away again. "I didn't know that..until my first time doing this. It still feels weird, but in a good way."
"As it should," Ganondorf purred, taking the chance to attack her neck with a hungry little bite as his hand tugged down her panties. She had no use for any of her clothes right now, he was hungry for a warm bed, and Ganessa was a fine woman to share it with.
Ganessa tilted her head back as he bit into her flesh, her pussy lips twitching at the exposed air. Her scent was sweet and heavy, nearly identical to her mothers. She didn't have a lot of garment to take off, mainly because she enjoyed being scantily clad and showing off her muscular body. That still didn't stop her from impatiently trying to undress herself so that her daddy would stuff his cock into her as soon as possible.
He slid his face down eagerly, sinking between her breasts as his teeth trailed over her bosom hungrily, hips shifting forward to buck his clothing covered erection against her. Mm, this was a wonderfully different feeling to Ganessa, he liked it, a lot.
She wasn't sure why his teeth running over her flesh felt so good, but that was nothing compared to her feeling his cock pressing right against her wet slit. She remembered the way it felt last time and she was almost drooling with anticipation. What would it feel like without the pain of her first time? Would it feel even better?

"Daddy, I feel you inside of me. Please..." Ganessa told him as she pressed her breasts harder against his face.
"Then you need to unfasten me," he smirked in amusement, his wide, thick tongue brushing across one of her breasts as he gave another hard buck of his hips, mm. That pressure against his groin was perfect, her begging made it even better.
Ganessa's hands desperately moved to his pants as she struggled to undo them. It was like she needed permission to do anything to her father...she still respected him in that regard. Even though they were her parents, Ganessa still feared them somewhat and would never want to anger them. Even though she did have a little outburst with her mother earlier...

Eventually her struggling paid off, the minute she released his fat cock was the very minute she raised her hips so she could ease it inside of her.
"Mm, you're impatient, aren't you?" Ganondorf purred, powerful arms around his waist as he lifted her up effortlessly, his fat tip pressed against her soaked pussy...but there was no gentleness here, just a vicious, hard thrust into his daughter as he growled in satisfaction.
"Ahh!" Ganessa cried out as he shoved himself deep into her tight canal. It still hurt a little, but it was nothing compared to the first time. It felt even better than she remembered, she wanted to feel more and her hips were already starting to move up and down. She wasn't very good at whatever she was trying to do, but he was right. She was impatient.
Ganondorf settled his hands on her thighs to stop her from moving, smirking. "You wait, like a good girl," he purred, kissing her neck, teeth running across it. "Mm, pleasure like this needs to be savored, Ganessa..."
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