The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Good girl," Ganondorf grunted, thick arms slipping around her waist to pull her close. "Your mother has a plan, and she will do what is right. I have waited untold lifetimes for this, and I will continue to be patient until our time is right," he said, nuzzling into her mane. "That is fine, is it not?"
"But.." Ganessa grumbled in annoyance before she leaned into her fathers embrace with a defeated sigh. "Fine...I'll go find something else to torture then if I can't find Seig."

"What is with your obsession with that boy? He is probably too busy cowering behind his bitch of a mother while you grow stronger every day. You would do well to forget about him until the time comes where he will be dealt with." Medusa said as she glanced over to them. Ah, well it seemed like she wasn't the only one who spoiled her.

"I can't. I can't!" Ganessa whined. "I can't get his stupid face out of my head. I have to kill him!"
"You're a bad liar, daughter," Ganondorf smirked, patting her stomach. "You favor the boy, don't you?" he laughed. She was more like her mother than she acted like, that was for certain. Medusa too, enjoyed toys that she knew would break in time. He supposed he was the same way with Zelda. Hm, maybe he should see her sometime...she did have a precious little child of his.
"Favor?!" Ganessa snorted as she felt her cheeks burn hotly at the thought. Favor..that meant like. Her father thought she actually liked that blue haired, know it all! There was no way she liked him!

"Is that what this is about?" Medusa asked with an amused tone in her voice. She hadn't noticed, honestly..she was focusing on other things. It was honestly quite entertaining knowing that Ganessa had a little crush on Seig. She must have gotten used to having him around to torture. "I suppose we will have to work quickly then so you can get back your favorite toy."

"I don't..I don't like that idiot!" Ganessa protested, though her mother already had turned her back on her to face Ashunera once more. This time she took hold of her chin, roughly tugging at it so she could look into her eyes.

"I'll give you one more chance. Your hiding people that we want...and my daughter is so impatient. Surrender yourself to me now, and we'll spare you the usual treatment that we give to people who defy us." Medusa's claws sunk into Ashunera's perfect skin as she licked her lips, cruelly savoring the power she held over another Goddess. It was just so delightful...

The trapped Goddess this time looked at Medusa...really looked at her. Only to just close her eyes in response after exhaling slightly. Finally, her lips parted as she decided to answer Medusa for the first time since her capturing. "Never will I surrender Tellius to the likes of you people. The barrier will remain active no matter what you do to me. And this time, there will be no holes or tears for you to rip open, Medusa."
"And why is that?" Ganondorf mused curiously. "What possible power could allow you to do that when Medusa holds you here? She is a Goddess, just like you." Interesting, but unfortunately no surprising. Ganondorf had adjusted well to the entire fact that heroes had this annoying ability to pull out solutions at the drop of a hat.
Medusa narrowed her eyes as she awaited an answer, though the only thing that answered Ganondorf's question was silence. Her fingers released Ashunera's chin before she wound her hand back and struck her hard enough for her to fall to the floor. With Medusa's darkness holding her in place it wasn't very hard to send her to the ground. She grunted in pain, but it wasn't from the fall. Medusa's magic was slowly becoming more violent, tearing into her clothes and skin. "Answer him. Or I will mar that perfect skin of yours over and over until you decide to talk."

"There is nothing to talk about. You will never take magic will stay strong long after I am destroyed." The darkness around her pulsated as she spoke, cutting deeper into her. Not only physically but in a mystical sense...Medusa was somehow draining her of her power. It was long as Yune was safe, this was fine.

"You're too weak to make any barrier permanent, which is why I was able to destroy the last one. You're hiding something..." Medusa muttered suspiciously. Was she not the one who controlled the barrier?
"I see," Ganondorf mused easily, eyes narrowing in thought as he tapped his chin. "Then clearly there is something that we have missed, my love." Something like that simply didn't exist by the will of the earth, oh no. There had to be something, something that was maintaining it. But what in the world could that possibly be. "Perhaps we should return to where we found her, it's possible there may be some physical connection to the barrier that we overlooked."
"Tch." Medusa knew Ganondorf was right...but it was infuriating knowing that somehow this stupid woman was one step ahead of her otherwise perfect plan. She was ready to die...Medusa sensed that. So there was no bluff...but the mention of returning back to wear they had found her did raise some uncertainty in her demeanor. It was the slightest change of expression but Medusa noticed. "Fine. I suppose we should return and see if there is anything that might be able to explain how the mighty Ashunera can maintain her magic even in death."

"Or maybe this dumb sword knows something." Ganessa interjected as she pointed to her back. "Didn't the bitch create it? It should know her pretty well."
"Indeed," Ganondorf chuckled, hand on Ganessa's head. "Come, let us see if Sona knows anything, call her, my dear." At least she was quiet for a change, he would be grateful for that.
His daughter was ecstatic when she felt his hand on her head and more than eager to please. She pulled Ragnell off her back and let her fall to the floor. "I know you heard us so go ahead and talk, sword." Ganessa ordered before crossing her arms.

Medusa watched Sona transform into a more acceptable form to communicate with, though she found it interesting how Ganessa had trained her. Head down, kneeling in front of her pleased Medusa so much to see this girl who had been such a pain early on to be reduced to nothing more than an object for her daughter to torture.

"Lady Ganessa," Sona began as she stared at her owners feet, narrowing her eyes a bit. "I don't know anything about what she claims. She has never had such abilities when I was in her presence." Sona knew that she had to tell them...that they had the wrong person. But she was hesitant for some reason...there was a nagging in the back of here mind. That man she met earlier who said he was Gawain's son. For some reason she was confused...her mind was a cloudy mess and she wasn't exactly sure why.

"Is that right?" Medusa asked before glancing over to Ashunera. She had a very blank face...she was too expressionless. That just made her even more suspicious. "So if we kill her, do you think the barrier will stay up as she claims?"

"Yes. Because..." Sona began before she glanced over to Ashera. Their eyes met briefly and she couldn't help but choke up. Ugh...this feeling. There was a feeling there that this wasn't right...even though the only thing that mattered was serving Lady Ganessa. That's right...right and wrong...there was no difference when it came to anything else but her master. "She has never had the abilities to put up barriers in the first place."
Ganondorf crossed his arms in thought, brow furrowing in displeasure. "So, we have caught someone else, then...yet she is still a powerful woman in her own right, something is off," he grunted. "We've missed something, Sona. What is it?"
Sona glanced up at Ganondorf before she looked back at Ashera. "You have half of the Goddess you're looking for. Her name is Ashera. Her other half isn't here." It wasn't long before those words left her mouth before the hissing of snakes could be heard in the air as Medusa stepped closer to Sona.

"You didn't notice this when you found her?" She demanded, though she kept herself restrained until she heard an answer. She was already getting at her boiling point. Such a perfect plan...ruined! She wanted someone to blame and she wasn't about to blame her daughter.

"I did notice when the two split. But..." She stopped herself from continuing on. Lady Ganessa was the reason why she didn't speak up. She wasn't allowed to talk unless she was given permission. But if she said that, they'd think it was her fault...maybe.
"I see," Ganondorf chuckled. "Rest your head, my love. We still have one half of a goddess, which means that so long as we can find these places, we can find a way around them...and since we know where those places already are..." he mused. "Perhaps it would be wiser for the time being to see what can be done about sending troops through? I'll handle the matter of this other Goddess personally, with Ganessa's help."
Ganessa was about to explode on Sona but hearing her father say he wanted her help was like a dream come true. For a second, all the anger and agitation was gone. "R-Really? I mean, yes of course! I can definitely help! We found this half of the Goddess so we can find the other." She stated proudly with a smug grin.

"I can't sense her other half. She is not the one who created me and further more, she is the Goddess of chaos and obscurity, the complete opposite of Ashera. It will be exceptionally hard to find her through any magical means." Sona told her, hoping that Medusa would forget about her earlier question.

"Then you are useless, Sona." Medusa muttered as she turned back to Ashera. "And so is she. But I won't kill her...No. I still have plans for her. Go ahead my dear...find the other half of our problem. I'm sorry Ganessa, but you're going to have to leave Sona here while I think of a fitting punishment."
"That's quite alright," Ganondorf purred, hand brushing along Ganessa's shoulder. "I think I have a suitable replacement for you, Ganessa. Would you like it?"
"Yes!" Ganessa stated eagerly. "The best thing that stupid sword has been good for is making Seig's traitorous father mad. You can borrow it for a bit, mother."

"What?" Medusa asked as her eyebrows arched a bit. "Why didn't you tell us you ran into that man?"

"Because he wasn't a threat. His sword can't even touch me." Ganessa said proudly as she placed both hands on her hips. "I guess I forgot about it."
"Ah, yes," Ganondorf smiled. "Rest assured, my love...I am handling it. Ezka has done very well, I dare say that he is becoming rather competitive to please you, since Yong has arrived." Medusa was quite fond of that dragon.
"Good," Medusa purred as she snapped her fingers and Ashera disappeared. She would be in a special cell, where she'd be watched at all times. Medusa needed time to cool off and think of a way to put her to some use while they searched for her other half. She wouldn't kill her until she was sure she had no more purpose. "Then I'll have a talk with Ezka about assimilating more troops. Perhaps Ashera will make good bait for the people of Tellius." Medusa stated as she walked over to Sona, who was still kneeling with her gaze to the ground. She placed her hand on top of her head. "But first, I will have to teach Sona a lesson about being useful to our cause." She stated as her fingers tightened painfully around her skull, her nails sinking into her skin.

Sona gritted her teeth as Medusa's dark magic began to slowly seep inside of her. The feeling was nothing like physical pain...she felt like her soul was slowly being bent in half. Like she would snap at any moment. But she said nothing...what could she say? Lady Ganessa gave her mother permission to borrow her...perhaps it was for the best.
"Come," Ganondorf said to his daughter, arm around her shoulder. "I did promise you a gift, did I not?" he grinned, leading her out of the throne room. "You've matured quite well since I last gifted you a weapon, my dear. I think it's time for one that can handle your impressive power."
"You always give the best gifts, Daddy." Ganessa said as she nuzzled against him. The only time anyone would have thought Ganessa as cute. She was a completely different person around her father, it seemed. Even with her mother, Ganessa was still violent and loud. "I can't wait to see what it is!"
"I think you'll like it," Ganondorf smirked. "The time I have spent with the Triforce has allowed me much more opportunities into my magic studies," he said, his forearm burning with dark power. "It has allowed me to access certain facets of my power," he said, extending his hand a moment as a hilt formed, large and suitable for someone of his bulk as the blade shot out like an arrow, a rush of power filling the courtyard as the blade formed like some manner of pulsating scar of energy, the inner core of the blade faintly resonating as the jagged, dark edges hardened. It was easily a blade up to his hip in height, the red spurs looking like deadly claws as he stabbed the blade into the ground.

"Try and pick it up," he purred. "You are of my blood, it should be nothing for you."
Ganessa watched in pure awe as he summoned such a mighty blade. She had never seen anything like it. It was much bigger than the weapons she had been using thus far. But she could feel the power pulsating from it, almost in unison with her own heart beat as she stared it down. She wanted it...this was a sword crafted from her very own father and she knew it was meant for her. She silently reached out to it, ignoring the fact that it was about three quarters of her size. That didn't matter, especially if she trained with it.

The minute she touched it's hilt she felt a rush of energy. It was enough to make the hairs on her body stand on end...the chills were almost pleasurable as he nipples slightly hardened from the sensation. She pulled it from the ground and took it with both hands. She was proficient with one sword as well as she was with two...

"Magnificent. This sword..I feel like I can do anything with it." She muttered as she stared at the blade.
"As you should," he laughed. "It is a weapon of limitless potential, Ganessa. The blood of our lineage is within it, so long as you have the force of will, you can do it," he smirked. "Don't make your old man worry now, power is an addicting feeling...but you should not be a slave to it, you should make it a slave to you."
"Hmph. I am a slave to nothing..." Ganessa said as she lifted the sword over her head and looked across the courtyard. Taking aim at large tree nearby, Ganessa swung the sword down mightily, not stopping until it hit the ground letting out a deafening crack as the earth split suddenly from the impact. The raw power alone from the swing hit the tree in seconds causing it to split and fall over. Ganessa laughed and clapped in delight. "It is wonderful feels as though it's apart of me when I swing it!"
"As it should," Ganondorf smirked. "Don't chop up your mother's courtyard, she'll be a little upset. Prepare your things, we're leaving immediately. Consider the trip a bonding experience."
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