The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Ganessa laughed and then threw herself in his arms, clinging onto him much like she had when she was much smaller. "Thank you, daddy. Like I said, you always give the best gifts. I've been dying to spend time with finally get to is a dream come true!" It wasn't just a few hours they were going on a trip together. Perhaps all of her hard work paid off and she was worthy enough to be by his side.
"Oh really?" Ganondorf chuckled, hands slipping down her back to squeeze her ass and push her up closer. "Have I been ignoring my daughter lately? Shame on me," he smirked. "Consider this trip an apology, then?"
"Yeah...sure. But I know you've been busy being the strongest ever." Ganessa told him as she nuzzled against his neck as she wrapped her long and muscular legs around him. "So I forgive you already. Plus I've been distracted trying to find my dumb little brother." They weren't really related, but for some reason she still thought of him that way...or in some way other than just a traitor. Sometimes she just got angry thinking about when he escaped. He didn't want her to get hurt...if that was the case he wouldn't have left her in the first place!
"I know, I know," Ganondorf chuckled, patting her back. "Get your things, daughter....we'll be gone for quite some time. I think your mother needs the castle to herself anyway, she's in one of her moods." One of her brooding, planning moods. Perhaps Yong could get her to relax in the meantime, at some point.
"Yeah, probably." Ganessa said before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Well now she knew where her older brother got his brooding from. After unwrapping herself from his form, she took hold of the sword again. The minute she thought about the difficulty of hauling such a behemoth on her back constantly, it started to instantly evaporate in inky darkness before collecting inside of her palm. She blinked for a moment, wondering for a second how she did that. But stranger things have happened to her as she grew up...her magic was a fickle thing and did whatever it wanted to when it wanted to. She accepted that. "I'm going to go pack now." Ganessa told him before dashing back to the castle. She wanted to be ready as soon as possible so she could be alone with her father.
It was quite the fanfare when Ganondorf himself was going to take part in a campaign, complete with the treasured daughter. A battalion of their elite troops, lead by recovered Ezka would join them. It was his chance to regain his honor in front of Lord Ganondorf and Lady Ganessa. Ganondorf was amused at his honor bound word, but he left it alone. Whatever kept him loyal was important, and perhaps getting him away from Medusa would help her mood. Ezka was a loyal man, but very...fanatical, at times. Together, they set out of their capital city, intent on finding the cause of their current mystery.

A thousand years was a long, long time. It was time to think, time to brood. There was nothing but darkness, nothing but thoughts. Thoughts were infuriating, because they did nothing if they could not be acted on. He could feel it all, however...he could feel the landmasses shift and dance, he could feel the darkness in the air like a pungent aroma that he was desperate to smell. But he could do nothing, as it would always be...and yet, he had influences. Enough to entice people, enough to make his resting place seem valuable.

It was nothing what it used to be, simply ruin...but the ruins were vast and sprawling, much of it in the open air as the centuries had passed. A testament to his once true glory, now slowly rotting away into obscurity. He would be patient, and he always had.
Despite much of their kingdom covering what they knew to be the continent, it was impossible to assume they knew every little corner and edge. Ruins were everywhere due to the massive shifts of the planet's continents, sometimes places had new ruins from once proud buildings. But the sprawling structure that they found, it was not, Ganondorf could see that by the construction of the once mighty entrance that it had been here for a very, very long time. He could smell it, practically...something was here, something powerful.

"...Sir?" Ezka murmured curiously as Ganondorf crossed his arms in thought, glancing over the long structure.

"...Have the men set camp, Ezka," Ganondorf rumbled. "This is most curious."
Ganessa seemed overall bored with the entire situation. As much as she enjoyed having a bunch of people following her to command, more people meant less ground covered. Because mortals were unbelievably slow. Always stopping to eat and rest every few hours.

Still, when she felt that energy it sent chills down her spine. She couldn't help but to be somewhat curious, especially when her father showed interest. It was a sizeable amount of power, but nothing compared to her parents. At least they were doing something interesting for once. "Father, can I come along? I want to see what's in there too." She had to speak...somewhat properly when other people were around. Calling him daddy would give the wrong impression to their army.
"When we go," Ganondorf agreed with an easy smile. "For now, we should set up camp and shore up our defenses," he mused, stroking his beard in thought. "Something seems very queer about this entire place, Ganessa...I would rather be prepared. Would you like to join me in my tent?"
"...Sure." Ganessa looked back at the structure before her eyes settled on him once more. "Is the power in there a threat to us?" Defenses...that was something that people did when they felt threatened, right? Not much made her feel that way. She kept forgetting her mothers words...something about not taking things at face value? Ugh, she had a lot to learn to be as smart as her parents.
"Precaution is what causes victory, my dear," Ganondorf smiled, hand on her shoulder. "Regardless of the threat, acting reckless will only serve for a humiliating defeat. Would you believe that some scrawny hylian boy in a green tunic has defeated me countless times over the ages?" he sighed. "You either learn wisely or you learn painfully."
Ganessa frowned and shook her head. "I've never seen you defeated father so I can't really imagine that. Even though you talk about it a lot." More than she wanted to hear, admittedly. She loved her father but it was hard hearing him be so passive about certain things because of his countless defeats before her time.
"Well," Ganondorf grinned. "I've lived a very long time, my dear. You can't live as long as I have without suffering setbacks, but they are simply that: a setback. Knowing you can always come back gives you a sense of patience, I feel..." he mused, leading her to their tent.
"Are you older than mother, daddy?" Ganessa asked just after she slipped inside of the tent with him. It was nice that she actually had time to ask him all the questions she had wanted to ask before. Questions she had wondered since she was a small child. "Because she has a harder time with accepting set backs."
"I don't know," Ganondorf chuckled. "Possibly not, but your mother has had the taste of something greater and lost it, it is a frustrating feeling," he said, scratching his cheek. "I have spent my life being in and out of imprisonment, suffering time and time again...but I have always had chances, your mother has never had that in the same way."
"You don't know how old mother is? I thought you knew everything." Ganessa stated as she took a seat. "Why doesn't mom just take back what she lost?"
"The realm of Gods is a complicated one," Ganondorf grinned, arms crossing. "What may be so easy to some is not for Gods, power and faith rule much. Your mother gains power from those who worship her in their hearts and minds. That is why it is important for us to make sure the people are satisfied and happy, my dear. So their worship of your mother is sincere. That is why we spent all that time re-building, constructing roads, adding security...of course, those who don't worship her are problematic...but producing a certain type of citizen fixes that," he smirked. "Why do think there are so many hylians of my blood running around, hm?"
"Because you like girls." Ganessa answered with a smirk. "At least that what mom says every time I asked her why there are a lot of naked girls running around the castle." If her mother got power from people who worshiped her, she'd probably have to stop terrorizing their citizens. Even though it was really fun to do.
Ganondorf laughed at that, rubbing his head. "Ah, yes...your mother seems so amused by that, as if she forgets she has her own toys to play with." he smirked. "More importantly, it's to secure a population of loyal worshippers," he murmured. "People born into a world of stability are happier with stability, my dear. That is why our kingdom is more stable, even with the occasional trouble of rebel groups, some people just do not respect who is in charge, and fight for it." he shrugged.
"I see...that makes sense. I always wondered why you were so nice to people who don't deserve it. Maybe...I should be nice sometimes." Ganessa didn't enjoy the thought. She liked bullying people and she liked feeling strong because of it. But...maybe if she had been a little nicer to Seig he wouldn't have been so ready to leave her...

Ugh...she hated that feeling she got every time his stupid face crossed her mind! How could she be nice to someone who made her so angry?
"You will find that anger gets you many places that kindness will not," he smirked. "But you will find that kindness is an effective tool, sincerity can be faked, but make no mistake, Ganessa...your mother and I could not do this without the genuine respect and kindess that our people have given us, regardless of how we see it." he chuckled. "Being an effective leader means many things, but recognizing that a leader needs people to lead, and people who want to be lead by them is most important."
Ganessa listened to him carefully, taking his wisdom to heart. Some day she did want to be a leader and actually be useful in ways other than destroying things. Especially when they wiped out the rest of the rebels, she'd have to find something else to do. "Fine, I'll start being nicer to people so they'll be nicer to me. I'm kinda bored with everyone being so scared of me anyway. It was funny seeing them tripping all over the place just to make sure they didn't displease me, but now it's old. I want to see where pretending to be nice gets me." Even though she still hadn't done that other thing she was supposed to practice. Using feminine charm was embarrassing...she had no idea how she could ever be as seductive as her mother.
"Well," Ganondorf laughed. "You'll have to start small, my dear...people won't exactly believe you if you start being charitable. You are a beautiful, powerful impress them with your known talents first." Ah, her excitement was amusing. She really wanted to change? Perhaps their influences were finally starting to sink in? Would they be so lucky?
"My talent is destruction, how would I use that to be nice to people?" Ganessa didn't like change much because she never liked feeling like she didn't know something. But if this was what her father thought was best, she'd try to...
"My dear, being a soldier means being very good at violence and destruction, but in a measured manner," he murmured. "Take Ike, for instance, despite his traitorous ways, he was a man that many looked up to and admired, he was professional, focused...yet rather unhinged when it came to combat." he said, patting his leg for her to sit. "I can teach you something that will help you maintain focus."
Ganessa was very quick to accept his offer, moving one leg over his so that her crotch pressed right against her legs. She leaned in, her heavy breasts pressing against each other as she squinted her eyes in a suspicious manner. "Focus? What am I supposed to be focusing on?" She asked. "Being nice so people can look up to me?"
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