The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"She's Ashunera. Or at least half of her...the other half is Ashera. It's a long story but...Yune helped us defeat Ashera and convince her that Tellius was worth not destroying. After that they reunited and became their true form, Ashunera. But they've split apart once more. The only explanation for that, is that as long as Yune still exists the barriers that remain around Tellius do as well. I can't think of any other reason why Ashera would weaken herself knowing that Medusa was coming for her." Soren explained as folded his arms. "Medusa probably knows this by now...unless Sona hasn't told her yet."
Magnus stared at him a moment, as if the entire universe had slowly started to compress around his head.

"So, you're telling me that this little carrot here is actually part of a Goddess? Why didn't you just say that?" Magnus sighed. "What is it with people and big, long winded explainations."

"Don't mind him," Gaol smiled. "Big words are very confusing," she laughed, even as Magnus flicked the back of her head with a grumble.
"I'm not part Goddess, I am a Goddess!" Yune corrected before she got out of bed and to her feet. "And I can't stay here any longer! The longer we just wait around the more likely Ashera's gonna be killed, okay? We've waited long enough!"

"Yune," Soren began as he rose to his feet. "More than likely Sona has told them about Ashera. They won't kill her because they might need her later." Because that was how Ganondorf and Medusa least from what he knew.

"Sona..?" Yune questioned as she raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?"

"Ragnell." Samus answered as she came inside with Lethe trailing behind her. "Her scent was here. Lethe picked it up along with Ganessa and Medusa's." Samus informed.
"I knew it," Alondite murmured, brows furrowed. "They knew exactly where she was, I should have known. I didn't even think about it," Alondite growled furiously, digging her palm into her forehead. "Now Medusa has one half of the only goddess who could even think of standing a chance against her!"

"Hey," Magnus grunted. "Don't get your scabbard in a twist, girl. It's not over yet."
"No, it's not. We still have Palutena." Samus stated as she glanced over to Yune. "If we can figure out how to get her at least some of her power back we'd have a chance. Medusa is a Goddess, yes...but she's not immortal. If we all work together there's still a chance."

"What about that monster Ganondorf?" Lethe asked as she crossed her arms. "Together there is no telling what they are capable of when they actually try."

"Then we split them apart when the time comes." Soren responded.
"You guys are worryin' about something we ain't gonna be able to deal with, yet." Magnus murmured. "We need to figure out how to get the little carrot safe," he said, thumb pointing back to Yune. "Medusa's gonna figure it out at some point."

"Yes, but leaving now would only incite suspicion, as would staying," Gaol shrugged. "One way or another, we will be suspect...we may as well stay where it is more defensible."
"Why do you people keep talking like they already know where you are?" Yune asked in an annoyed tone. "You know they can't see us right? Not when you're around me."
"With respect, Lady Yune, Medusa is a full fledged goddess." Alondite murmured. "We can't assume that you are able to keep yourself hidden anymore, and even if you can, it's possible she's going to learn that she only has one part of you. The first place she would look is here, but going somewhere else allows her to see our every movement."

"So, we're basically guessing that we're safe," Gaol smiled in amusement. "Until we have a clear indicator that she can't see us?"
"But she can't!" Yune objected, her soft voice raising to just a loud squeak. "I am the Goddess of chaos! I am the one responsible for obscuring that snake women's vision! That is why she cannot see past the barrier we created! That was why we could hide from her outside of our barrier and the only one who was able to find us was our own creations!"

"Well, Lady Yune," Soren began as his sharp gaze turned to her. "What would you have us do? Say we go try to rescue Lady Ashera. When we get to her, what then? Without a plan, we'd practically be handing ourselves over to Medusa. And she'll kill every single one of us." Yune stared back at Soren angrily before she sighed a bit and relaxed herself. He was right...and she hated it.
"The only plan we have right now is to wait," Ike's voice finally rumbled through the room as he came down the stairs, noticeably not carrying anything resembling a sword. He looked...different, he felt different, if he could be honest with himself. The familiar weight of Urvan around his shoulders was a better one than Gurugant. "At least, until we have a better idea of what we might be dealing with."

"Well, look at you," Magnus whistled. "That's a fine axe you have, Blue. Where you'd get it?"

"My father," Ike said, glancing at the blade. "...Although, I don't feel as if I deserve to use it, so I have to earn that right." But it felt good to have that purpose, it was honest. He'd make his father proud again.
"Where is Gurgurant?" Samus asked with a tilt of her head. She was sure he wouldn't leave a sword like that just..laying around. But she was curious on what he had done with it. She knew his father was gone, he had told her about him. He must have visited his grave. She was definitely relieved that he had finally found an alternative to Gurgurant...and he looked better without it. Noticeably so.
"Destroyed," Ike said, rolling his palm along the shaft of Urvan. "Nobody else can carry that thing anymore, I made sure of it."
Samus gave him a look of relief before nodding. "Good. Lethe and I searched the perimeter. There wasn't anyone around but Ganessa and Sona were confirmed to be here. I'd imagine Medusa just came and left with Ashera. She didn't bother to bring any troops with her."

"Or Ganondorf." Lethe added with a huff. She really wanted to sink her claws into that man...
Ike nodded, glancing at Soren. "Then I think the wisest thing for now is to rest here," Ike said. "Regardless of the danger, we're not going to do anything if we keep exhausting ourselves, and we need a plan to get Lady Yune somewhere safe, but she may be safest with us."
"I've already located all the vantage points in case we do get unwanted company." Soren assured as he stood up. "There are some high points in this church. We can easily spot intruders."
"Good," Ike murmured. "See what we can do about setting up camp, then," he said, glancing to Yune. "I'm sorry, Lady Yune, but we can't take the risk of going and saving your other half, not right now. She might be waiting for us to do just that, we're going to get somewhere safe, alright?"
"You mean Tellius? Or what's left of it, anyway." Yune muttered with with a discouraged tone. She knew why Ashera did what she did. She wanted to protect Tellius at all cost even if it meant sacrificing herself.
Ike smiled faintly at that, glancing at Samus. "...Anyone else hungry?" he offered easily. "I'm starving."
"I can go hunt. I do it much faster than you beorc." Lethe quickly suggested. Her and Ike..well she wanted to impress him now that they talked. She wanted to be a good mate.

"Sounds good...probably safer too. Animals don't draw as much attention as a stray man does with a giant weapon." Soren said thoughtlessly, making Lethe's ear twitch a little in agitation.
"Something like that," Ike laughed. "I agree, that's a good idea." He had missed Soren's stark vernacular, it was something of a relief these days. Maybe he just felt better in general, he felt lifted, free almost. The axe on his shoulders was a familiar presence, something he hadn't had since Ragnell.
"Then I will go do that..." Lethe responded stiffly as she moved towards the door.

"Be'll be by yourself." Samus told her just before she walked out. Lethe didn't respond with anything other than a twitch of her tail. Honestly...she could sense danger from much farther away than anyone else! She was always careful!
"She's used to it," Ike chuckled, hand on her shoulder. "Lethe can handle herself, besides, we may as well take advantage of our chances and's hard to say if we'll get another chance like this."
Medusa finally appeared inside of her throne room with Ganessa at her side. Behind her was none other than Ashunera, the Goddess that had managed to run away from her for this long but failed. Failed because of Medusa's clever little plan to use the sword spirit that had been annoying her for a few months by killing a good chunk of her forces from the underworld. It was the perfect revenge against Sona, turning her back into Ragnell and having her aid in the capture of her own creator. Even if she wasn't aware of what she was doing now, perhaps Medusa would give her back her memories one day and watch her grieve. But she was happy with what she had right now.

It was another win for her, a victory that she wanted to savor before she came up with a more permanant solution as to what would happen to their new guest. She wasn't as fun of a foot stool as Palutena was. She had no expression except for that tight lipped, smug, glassy eyed gaze that went right passed anything that was right in front of her. No matter what was done to her or said to her, she didn't least not in a fun way. Perhaps she had lost the fight in her when Medusa defeated her by capturing her in a painful prism that kept her in place while weakening her laughable powers that Medusa could easily dwarf.

What was confusing was that she was able to hide for so long as well as maintain the barrier around Tellius with this power. There was something that was off about that...but perhaps she was underestimating her.

Either way, it didn't matter. Her love would be back at any time, doing his little war games and continuing to conquer bit by bit. It was already his world, but there were still people in it that tried to pretend they didn't belong to them. Once he was finished with that, maybe he'd have a few fun suggestions on what to do with their little prisoner to untighten those lips. But right now, she was bored.

"Ganessa, you did well. Run along with that thing that you left in the castle by itself." That thing that resembled the hero of's purpose one unknown, but nothing threatening to her or even her daughter.

"What? But what about her?" Ganessa demanded as she pointed at Ashera. "I want to watch you kill her so we can finally take over Tellius. And I know that coward Seig is hiding somewhere in there so I want to do it right away!"

"Patience," Medusa purred as she moved over to Ashunera, her clawed hand moving effortlessly through the cloudy black restraints that held her in place and stroking her cheek. No response. Not even a twitch of the eyebrow. Just that blank stare even while Medusa's magic rippled over her, causing her dress to tear slightly. "I am merciful. I'll give her a chance to surrender and dispel the barriers herself. So go entertain yourself for a bit while I talk to her." Ganessa scowled at that and crossed her arms. Patience..she hated being patient. Her mother was starting to sound like her daddy, ugh!

"I don't want to play!" Ganessa hissed as her magic began to flare up. All she had been thinking about this whole time was finding Seig was infuriating that she couldn't! "I want to find Seig and this stupid woman knows where he is and she's protecting him! I want her dead! Right now!" She slammed her foot against the marble floor, sending a large crack all the way across the room. She was starting to pant, trying to keep her anger in control. She really just wanted to go on a rampage right now...and Medusa could tell by the way her energy was shifting. This was probably the first time she had an outburst against her, and she wasn't one hundred percent sure what to do. If she just let her go on like this, there would be a lot of cleaning up to do.
A large, familiar hand settled on the wild spikes of red, fingers tight against her skull as dark magic rippled across Ganondorf's arm, his eyes were a vibrant, glowing gold as he stepped out of the shadows.

"Ganessa," Ganondorf said, his eyes narrowed. "I have spent countless lives falling to the Hero of Time, countless plans ruined." he muttered. "Do not think that it is against me to remove...unpleasant elements from a successful plan, do you have no faith in your parents? Or shall I remind you why we are still in control?"
Ganessa didn't see it coming, but Medusa did. She turned her back on them both only to focus on her prisoner. It was a good thing he came when he did, she didn't want to punish her daughter...maybe she had spoiled her too much.

Ganessa was absolutely still underneath her fathers hand, her magic settling down while she pouted miserably and waited for him to let go of her. "'s not like that..." She said softly, much more different than before. She knew when to behave..this was one of those times.
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