The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Honestly she wasn't expecting to hear that. She blinked a few times before smiling a bit. "Why would they believe you?" She asked after rolling her eyes. Not in a mean way, it was..sort of endearing to hear. "And anyway, Ike didn't really get away with it. He's just trying to make up for everything he did..."
"So why couldn't you?" Pit mumbled. "What makes Ike so special that he can do this and be fine, and nobody else can?"
"Nothing, I guess." Sona answered before sighing. "But I...I'm not going to expect them to forgive me for this, Pit. I've already done enough against their cause."
"So has Ike," Pit muttered. "And he's off doing whatever, isn't he? I think you're being too hard on yourself, Sona." Which, he supposed made sense...not like any of this was easy for her.
"It's hard not to be," She admitted as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I have spent the last three years blaming myself...for everything. Now I'm actually doing something wrong...of course I'd blame myself for it."
"You're not doing anything wrong," Pit sighed. "Seriously, you have no choice. It's not like Ike, where he chose to do didn't choose this, you can't be blamed for what you're going to be forced to do."
"Pit," Sona started softly as she glanced over to him. "It's okay...No matter what happens. Even if it's not my fault, I don't expect forgiveness from them. But..this is very kind of you. The other Pit...he liked to reassure me too." Back when she was too stupid to let go of her unrequited feelings. Back when she was so ignorant to how much her friends really cared about her.
"I'm nothing like that idiot," Pit snarled in annoyance, glancing away. "And I don't care what you say, those people will forgive you, they're your friends. Friends do that crap, right?"
Sona laughed a little at him. Or not him, but what he actually said. She supposed he was right. After all, wasn't that the reason why she wanted to forgive him eventually. "Yes, they do...guess that explains why I want to forgive you, Pit." It was a bold statement, she wasn't one hundred percent sure on that. But...he seemed to want the best for her even after all this time.
"...Well, whatever you do," Pit mumbled, wings fluffed a fraction. "You have the choice to do it, that's the important part."
"Yes...I suppose that is important." Sona stated before slowly moving closer to him. She then gave him a hug...but it was not the tight embrace that he would expect. It was loose and somewhat unsure...she hadn't really touched anyone in a long time. It felt strange, and she started to pull back immediately.
Pit didn't really know how to handle that, but he decided to throw caution to the wind and hug her back. "...Thanks," Pit mumbled. "...I guess I uh...wasn't expecting this reaction, to be honest."
She wasn't actually expecting him to hug her back, but it felt very nice. Her eyelids drooped a little as she let him hold her. "Me neither," she began softly. He smelled really good...and he felt wonderful to the touch. "But it felt right to do."
"...Good," Pit murmured. "...So,'ll uh, figure something out," he murmured, slipping his arms away awkwardly. He wasn't good with...things like this, unless it was Chi.
She let him go of immediately, looking away. But there was a small smile on her face. Even though it wasn't still felt really nice. She was grateful for that. "Yeah. I will. Somehow..." She mumbled that last word as her gaze settled away from him. She had to believe that. He was right. All she could do at this point as live. Live until she could figure out how to get out of this.
When the barrier broke, it almost felt like everything leading up to it was just a dream. Maybe they grew complacent, or maybe Chrom was just exhausted from constantly being browbeat into a corner. There was a morbid sense of relief in the fact that he knew this enemy, he knew the way they looked, how they moved, how to fight them. When the skies grew dark again, when their happy little barrier was broken, at least this time, they had the numbers to hold. But it also meant something horrible had happened, something that was far worse than Ganondorf and Medusa could ever be, in Chrom's opinion.

They were out in the open now, Medusa knew where they were at...and yet there was no divine retribution happening. No mass army forming, because there were undead. Lots of them, so many angry souls from the shifting of the planet, mashed together to form this new world. It could only be Grima. Which in of itself was a problem, but one that they couldn't deal with right now. Chrom rubbed his chin thoughtfully, peering out the window of their home in thought. Tellius had become the home away from home, for many...Hylian culture was starting to thrive again, lives were almost normal. And then this, beyond everything else.

Was Grima working alone? Did he escape? There were so many questions that they'd likely never get the answers for, but that didn't stop Chrom from practically burning a hole in the window thinking about it.
There was only a single barrier left, that much they still knew. Begnion, Kilvas and Phoenicis only remained protected, while Gallia and Goldoa was exposed to the influence of Medusa and Ganondorf. There was an immediate Council to be had between Kurthnaga, the King of Dragons and Caineghis, the King of the Beast Tribe. They had been working together over the course of the last few months anyway after hearing when the first barrier fell. Word from outside of the barrier was that the territory had been immediately occupied by Medusa's followers...mainly Daein's army. The King of Daein was now a devoted follower to the Goddess of Darkness...and still a coward from what she had heard from Nephenee and the other Mercenaries.

The good news was that they had far more people capable of defending themselves than people who couldn't. Some of the older citizens of Ohma had elected to learn how to fight...but then there were some who were losing faith that their Goddess would keep them safe...and now their entire world had crashed down on them again from seemingly nothing.

But it wasn't nothing. She knew from the moment the sky cracked. It was all too familiar and filled her with a sense of dread. She tried to put on a brave face, but somehow she just knew that he was coming for her. Grima...Grima was going to find her now that he was free again. Whatever fool had released him had possibly just doomed the entire land. It's not like he couldn't be defeated again, but...he knew better now. He was more aware and would not underestimate them.

She finally found Chrom, although she wasn't sure if he wanted to be found. He was frustrated and she couldn't blame him. Peace was fleeting...never lasting as long as they wanted it to. But they were trying to build a competent army...they were trying to make Palutena and Ashunera stronger. They couldn't do much else other than wait. "Chrom..." She called his name softly as she approached him, her confident expression withering away into nothing but uncertainty and fear. She couldn't pretend anymore...she was afraid. Afraid of being what Grima had wanted her to be. She thought they were passed this...
"I know," Chrom murmured, slipping an arm around her protectively with a faint sigh. "But it'll be alright, Robin." he assured. "We're a little more prepared, this time...we've got a lot of help." Indeed, from Link to Impa to Ike's mercenary band...they had enough support to keep protected. Time would tell if they could withstand the siege, but they had no choice but to wait anyway. That was the part that made Chrom so impatient, always waiting...never doing. Never having a chance to strike back.
"Yes, we do. We have help, but...there's something else." Robin muttered under her breath. She had foolishly been withholding this information. She wanted to wait for the right time to tell him, but now she had waited too long and this was the worst time. It's not like anyone would notice at this point, but soon they would. "Chrom, I...I'm pregnant again." It wasn't anything surprising considering they were closer than they had ever been. Which meant they were more passionate..more willing to satisfy each other's needs. Chrom always needed relaxing..and she needed comfort.
"...I see," Chrom murmured, smiling a little. "Well, I suppose it's no surprise, since someone is a little eager in the bedroom," he said, giving her a playful nudge. It was bad timing, all of it was bad...but who wasn't happy about being a father again?
"Someone?" Robin started as her expression relaxed a little as she returned the smile. "Don't act like it's only one of us. If you don't get any you get all cranky and stiff." She was glad..glad he could still find happiness in the news. But it was still a little concerning. She would be vulnerable..and she was concerned with the life growing inside her more than herself.
"You make it sound like I'm old," Chrom sighed, scratching his head. He felt like it...he wasn't even hitting thirty yet and he already felt the weight of far too much on his shoulders. "So what does that make you, grandma?" Pregnant was something they didn't need, but it was almost a desperate need at the same time. Normalcy, felt too far out of reach, even now. One problem left alone, another rises up. What a pain.
"No, but we could easily become grandparents at any time...since our grown up Lucina is here from the future." She wondered if that was hard for her...she thought their future had been saved and had left with everyone else. But then...then there was this and she had to come back. Throwing Grima into the mix was just unfair. Was Grima free in her time too? Just thinking about it gave her the chills.
"I pity that boy," Chrom said dryly. "He has very high standards to hit, if you ask me." he mused, fingers tapping on his arm. It wasn't as if his gaze was being directed to a few young men who were interested in his daughter's hand...his future daughters hand. Heavens no, he wasn't that kind of father to browbeat the unworthy men until they left her alone.

...As long as Robin didn't find out.
"Only the best for your little girl, huh?" She couldn't say she wasn't surprised he'd turn out to be that kind of father. He was in for some disappointment...she knew what kind of men attracted her daughter. "Well, who do you think is good enough for her, then?"
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