The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Bring them to me then..." Medusa dipped herself in the water to rinse off and then rose to her feet. Within seconds she was dry and fully clothed. "I want to talk to him personally."
"At once," Yong said, bowing low before heading off quickly. Things were starting to pick up, armies were being mobilized and morale was beginning to soar high. Ganondorf had made great pains to ensure that there was stability here, that their brutish exterior military was only one facet. No, there was much for their people to be proud of. Economies, trade...Ganondorf had taken the lead simply because Medusa seemed unconcerned with the how, simply that she wanted it. Ah, the lengths he went to for a woman he was a strange feeling that he had felt only a few times in the millenniums that he had slipped in and out of.

But even as he watched Yong dart through the city, his hand was resting on Lyre's head in an affectionate rub. Lyre had become a constant companion, of sorts...and usually a naked one.

"So busy these days, aren't we?" Ganondorf mused.
Lyre leaned into his hand, her ears perking up a bit before they relaxed as she cuddled against him. She had given up on seeking out her sister because she felt like she was safe. If Ike was with her, she had to be. Besides, it wasn't so bad here outside of Tellius. Perhaps one day she'd come back and tell all of her brothers and sisters that it wasn't so bad out here...but somehow she doubted they would listen. She wasn't too worried about it though.

"It seems that way. Is something going on?" She asked as she lazily looked up at him.
"Mm," Ganondorf smiled, scratching her scalp fondly. "We appear to be mobilizing towards Tellius, my kitten...I trust you are ready to understand what that means?"
"..Tellius?" Lyre frowned and then looked away. She knew this was coming, but she didn't think it would come so soon. "I understand what you're planning to do. I don't understand why though. They aren't planning on harming you, they just...have different beliefs and don't want to be subjugated..."
"You're a smart girl," Ganondorf smiled, rubbing one of her ears affectionately. "However, you are wrong...unfortunate as it is, one will defeat the other. While our people are happy, there are many who find us to be evil." Which was true, not that Ganondorf has ever hid that. "I have made great pains to make this empire, and I will do what I can to maintain it. You understand, don't you?"
"...Yes. But can I at least come with you? I have to try to make peace with my people. Tellius is my home and I don't want to see my friends being harmed or worse." Her loyalty was first and foremost to Ganondorf, as he was her mate and the father of the life that was growing inside of her. But she could at least...try to help the people she cared about.
"If it were so easy, my dear..." Ganondorf mused. "I cannot promise the safety of the people you may or may not bring back, Medusa is not always a generous woman, especially to those who have been slighting her...or impeding her dreams."
"Oh..." Lyre sighed a bit before she nuzzled closer to him. "But my country...Gallia. If they surrender, she would spare them, right?" She could let go of her beorc friends if she had to...what was more important was her family.
"Hm," Ganondorf murmured, rubbing her head fondly. Indeed, her people would be a...thorn in the side in many ways. "I will speak with Medusa," he decided. "Your people are strong, I would have to question if the casualties would be worth it...perhaps there is another way." Right now, Ike and his little heroes mattered more.
"Thank you, My Lord...All I ask is for mercy. My people are stubborn but...if they have no other choice, they will kneel. I'm sure of it." From what she had seen, there really was no choice. He was stronger than anything she had ever seen before...and then there was Medusa...she didn't know was powers or strengths she possessed, but she was sure that she was stronger than their Goddess Ashunera.
"It is a interesting world that has been made, no?" Ganondorf chuckled, more to himself. "I will be back in a while, my kitten...make yourself comfortable, I will summon you when we ride."
Lyre pouted a little. She never liked being separated from him, but she never ever disobeyed him. "Alright..I will be waiting." She murmured. Maybe she'd take a nap.
"I'll make it up to you later," Ganondorf promised with an amused grin, leaning down to kiss her hungrily. "Then you can return to your rightful place."
She kissed him back with fever, her ears perking up just a bit before giving him a happy smile as her tailed raised up happily. "Yes, My Lord..I look forward to it."
"Good," Ganondorf smiled, reaching back to give her ass a firm squeeze. "Now go and be a good kitten, I'll return when I can." he said, giving it a playful smack.
Lyre just giggled and then scampered off. She would definitely take a nap and await her masters return.

Medusa was in her throne room as usual, awaiting for Yong's return. Her servants were doing whatever they could to entertain her while she waited. Brushing her hair, caring for her feet and nails..nothing was too extravagant for their Goddess.
"My lady," Yong murmured as he entered with a man beside him, pale skinned, shirtless, with long black hair and fierce eyes. "This is the scout I was mentioning to you, Qunat."

"It is an honor to serve," Qunat said loyally, bowing in respect.
Medusa shooed away her servants before rising to her feet. "I am glad to have you serve me, Qunat. I'm pleasured to make your acquaintance..." She purred as she started walking closer to him, letting her eyes run over every inch of his muscular body. She liked what she saw. "Why did Yong pick you over the other dragons? What makes you the most suited for the job I need done?"
"I am fast, and quiet," Qunat murmured. "Before we slept, I often served at the front of Prince Yong's armies, seeing far more than one man or dragon could before the army found them proper. I have fought against many, and no one has killed me yet, under your wise protection, I will be immortal." he said, tilting his head. "I humbly ask for the chance to show you my people's might, Lady Medusa."
"I see. Well, if Yong says you are suitable for the job, then I believe you. You will have your chance. I need you to sneak into the barrier and find our what our enemies forces look like. I know they have armies...I know that my former general and his whore is lurking in there too. I want to be prepared before I rip the barrier asunder and send my men in there."
"With all due haste, my lady," Qunat said, bowing low. "You will learn everything when I return," he said, turning crisply to leave, bowing in respect to Lord Ganondorf as he moved into the throne room, arms crossed.

"Playing General, my love?" he smirked. "I thought that was my job?"
Medusa looked up at Ganondorf and grinned at him. "It is your job, but that doesn't mean I can't take the initiative once in a while..." Not to mention the dragons tended to be more...motivated when she was around. She turned back to Qunat. "If you need anything at all before you leave, see my priestess Althea. She will take care of everything."
"Of course, my lady," Qunat murmured, exiting with all due haste as Ganondorf chuckled.

"I see that I am no longer needed, then?" he joked, grinning in amusement. "Since you have all well in hand?"
"Don't be ridiculous, my love. I would have sent Chi to look on ahead, but this mission is better suited for someone who knows how to handle themselves. All of the preparations are in your hands..." She knew he was just playing with her, but still. She glanced over at Yong. "Thank you for bringing Qunat to me. Go my dear, start preparing for our departure." A nice way to tell him to leave them alone.
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