"At once," Yong said, bowing low before heading off quickly. Things were starting to pick up, armies were being mobilized and morale was beginning to soar high. Ganondorf had made great pains to ensure that there was stability here, that their brutish exterior military was only one facet. No, there was much for their people to be proud of. Economies, trade...Ganondorf had taken the lead simply because Medusa seemed unconcerned with the how, simply that she wanted it. Ah, the lengths he went to for a woman he loved...it was a strange feeling that he had felt only a few times in the millenniums that he had slipped in and out of.
But even as he watched Yong dart through the city, his hand was resting on Lyre's head in an affectionate rub. Lyre had become a constant companion, of sorts...and usually a naked one.
"So busy these days, aren't we?" Ganondorf mused.