The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...Thank you," Pit said honestly, sitting up a little to regard her. "...You've changed," he said honestly. "I um...I like it," he said, leaning forward to nuzzle against her again. She was never like this before, what happened?
Maybe she had changed...she wasn't nearly as angry as she used to be. She had fallen in love with Ganondorf, and she would do anything for Ganessa. But she remembered that Pit had been there for her longer than anyone else had. Back when she was angry at everything. "I did. I like it too, for the most part." She smiled at him, her hand continuing to stroke along his back.
Pit's eyes lidded faintly, content to nuzzle back against her as he slowly slid his cock out. "...So Chi is okay, then?" he asked. "You won't hurt her anymore?"
"No. I won't hurt her." Medusa smiled at him as she caressed his cheek. "Did you seduce mommy to make sure your girlfriend doesn't get harmed?"
Pit flushed a little at her touch, wings fluttered faintly. "Um, well..." He wasn't against keeping her safe...but. "No...actually, I just...I really liked this, Mom."

Mom, it felt weird calling her that...a good weird.
"Good. Go to her then. I have other things to take care of. Chi can take a break from her duties if she wishes." Medusa told him as she lifted herself up off the bed.
"...Okay," Pit said, moving forward to kiss her scaled cheek. "...Thanks again, Mom." he said, moving to get dressed. Chi was safe, that's what mattered...but...Medusa was...happy, actually happy. He could see it on her face. She was once a Goddess like Palutena, he supposed that wasn't odd to assume she could be was just...surprising.
"You're welcome, Pit..." Medusa told him before returning the gesture. She then slipped off the bed, feeling their combined fluids slipping down her thighs. "Can you find Yong and tell him to come here? I need a bath before I do anything."
"...Sure," Pit murmured faintly, getting dressed. "I'll um...see you soon, alright?" He had to get used to this feeling...
"I'd...really like that." Medusa told him as she watched him get dressed. She wasn't sure if she could ever truly accept Chi with Pit...but she just wanted him to be happy.
It wasn't long after Dark Pit left that Yong entered, taking sight of Medusa as such was...pleasing, but he knew when to convey his interest...and minor jealousy. And when he shouldn't.

"My Lady?" Yong said loyally.
"I need to speak with you about something...and of course I need you to bathe me." Medusa said as she walked over to her bath, the water suddenly sizzling with magic as heat began to fill the room.
"Of course," Yong said, moving closer. "What is it you wish to speak about, my lady?" he said, watching every curve of her, the faint trickle of cum between her legs...soon, he knew. He would have his gift, as long as he had earned it.
Medusa sunk into her bath and then closed her eyes in thought. "I need you to accompany Ganessa to the barrier where most of my army was slaughtered. My son and Chi found an opening in the barrier, one that I shall rip wide open. It's time to make our move on Tellius...and make it ours."
"Then we will need to make the hole bigger?" Yong murmured faintly, lathering up his hands to begin to rub into her shoulders. "A hard task, my lady...but one that will succeed. Likely, however...they will know."
"They already know we're coming...." Medusa began as she narrowed her eyes in disgust. "They are already preparing for us. We cannot give them the time they need."
"Then I will assemble my brood," Yong murmured. "They should understand the might that you now possess, my lady."
"Yes, that's true. Perhaps they will surrender quicker and there will be no need for mass genocide. I'd like to avoid death as much as possible..." Because the more people who were left alive, the more power she'd possess from those people. Taking away Ashunera's believers and making them her own was her ultimate goal...
"My Lady cares much," Yong smiled, hands slipping down to lather her breasts. "It honors me to be your servant, with such kind words."
"Mnn..." Medusa leaned her head back against him as his hands moved over her breasts. "And I am glad to have someone like you as my servant...and I will make sure that you are rewarded in the most splendid of ways when we take over that part of Tellius."
"I am honored, my lady," Yong murmured, fingers daring to brush over the hard nipples. "I will earn my place, I promise."
She moaned softly as her lips curled up in amusement. Each day he spent with her, he grew a little less meek. That was good, but she wanted to corrupt him more and make her into the toy she always wanted. But she had to do it little by little. "I know you will...and there is still the matter of finding you some worthy women to mate with. I will get you everything you need in time."
"I have faith in that," Yong assured with a content smile. "You and Lord Ganondorf have given my people much...we are eager to return your generosity in any way we can. It has been too long since we could safely have children."
"I'm glad that we can at least do that much. Your race is so wonderfully fascinating, it would be a shame to see them die out. I do have another request though. I need one of them. To act as a scout while we make preparations to march." She was going to use Chi, but she decided against it because of...recent circumstances.
"At once," Yong smiled. "There have been many who have been wanting to test themselves, I know just the dragon to aid you."
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