The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Yeah?" Magnus murmured. "Y'know, kid...there's a lot of messed up things going on in the world with Goddesses an' all, but nothing is absolute. Not even Medusa, or Palutena...not that she ever did her job right in the first place," he muttered. "I ain't here to help with death wishes."
"I'm not wishing for death. That's not what I want. I'm not even sure what happens when I die..." Sona trailed off in thought. Would she just...return to Ragnell? She didn't want to find out any time soon. "To be honest, all I want is to be happy. And I don't think I can ever be in this world. Maybe it's impossible for things to go back to normal, even if Ganondorf and Medusa are defeated. But it would still be better than living in constant fear."
"Hm," Magnus said, gutting the deer open and letting the entrails spill out. "...and what did Gaol say?"
"I'm not sure...she just said, 'I see'. So I guess she kind of sympathizes with me?" Sona didn't seem to be bothered by the gory display, she had seen it all.
"...Alright," Magnus sighed. "If Gaol thinks you're alright...then I guess I can't be a lazy ass no more, huh?" he grunted. "We'll go with you, to whatever it is you're doin, blondie."
Sona gave him a smile. Sure, she didn't expect to have anyone want to join her..but it was nice to know that she wouldn't be alone on this stupid mission of hers. "Thank you, Magnus. I appreciate it. Looks like I don't have to worry about food if Lethe decides to separate, you hunt just as good as she does."
"Well, gotta eat," Magnus shrugged. "Gaol will insist on stayin' for dinner, so you might as well have her stay too."
"She'll stay." Sona began as she rose to her feet. Knowing Lethe she was being extremely cautious, rightfully so. "She knows that we're in danger here. Chi...isn't a bad person. But she's still Medusa's servant. I'm sure she'll tell Medusa about sending me to you."
"She's going to have to," Magnus snorted. "Stupid girl wants to get herself killed," he said, beginning to strip down the carcass. Made him wonder what the hell that girl was thinking...
It was inevitable that Chi return to Medusa to tell her what happened. She was dreading it. She would start with the good news and end with the bad. Ugh, this was twice now she risked her neck to make sure Sona would have a fighting chance. This time Pit had gone with that made her feel a little..better? But even he wouldn't be able to stop Medusa if she got angry enough.

"'s been a long time." Medusa sat in her throne room, her precious new pet standing next to her. He was new..must have showed up when she disappeared. No wonder Medusa hadn't noticed she was gone. "I trust you have a proper excuse?"

"Yes, My Lady." Chi began as she slightly bowed her head. "I got lost in the barrier. The very same one Ike and Samus to refuge in. I found them, but I ended up getting captured for a period of time. However, Ike came to talk to me..and he let me go."

"Let you go?" Medusa raised an eyebrow. So he murdered most of her army but he couldn't actually kill her messenger girl? Or was it something deeper than that? "Why?"

"I..have no idea. He knew that I'd report to you everything, and I will report everything that I saw while I was there." Chi started from the beginning, from when she first slipped through the barrier. She had even drawn a small map of the area, though most of it was unlabeled. It brought Medusa great joy to know that there was a way inside..a small space that she could tear open. And Chi and Pit knew exactly where it was going to be.

" they had to communicate to Ashunera through an artifact? So that means she's not inside of that barrier, but rather somewhere else." Medusa was disappointed to hear that...but the rest of it was good news. "What else, Chi? What else did you do while you were there?"

"Well my Lady, since Ike took a valuable warrior away from you, I took one from them. I convinced Sona to split off from them and now she's outside of the barrier." Chi could feel Medusa staring her down...her heart rate was quickening and Medusa frowned at that.

"And..?" Yes, more good news..but that little girl was getting nervous about something so there was a second part to it.

"Well, I sent her off to see Magnus." Chi admitted, and that was when she saw it...the look of agitation and the hiss of the snakes in Medusa's hair. Yep, she was angry. "B-but...I did so because he might be a threat later, and so I thought we could take care of him along with Sona!"

"You're a liar." Medusa got up from her throne and started walking towards Chi slowly. "You are either a liar or you're an idiot...or both. You did a good thing by splitting her away from Ike and the others. But then you ruin it by sending her to that damned Magnus who is more than capable of holding his own against most of my army!" Medusa hissed, causing Chi to back a little. "I warned you Chi, that the next time you did something to defy me I wouldn't go easy on you."

"B-but I didn't defy you, honest! Magnus and the ex General of the Underworld isn't a threat...yet. That's why I thought it would be best to take care of them now. There's only three of them..." This wasn't looking good, Medusa's eyes were doing that thing that they did when she was about to turn people into stone. Ugh.

"You thought it would give Sona a better chance of survival, didn't you? You knew that I have wanted that girl since she harmed my beloved back before the world was ours! You should have just sent her here! Now come here, you little cur! I do not tolerate traitors!" Medusa reached out to grab her, and Chi just closed her eyes and held her breath.
Dark Pit's hand gripped Medusa's wrist with a frown, glancing up at her.

"...She's not lying," he said firmly, red eyes narrowed. Medusa never let things go, did she? Ever. It infuriated him, Chi had made one mistake...and yet here she was, cowering over so much as wording her report wrong? "I'll bet my life on it."
Medusa froze when she felt Pit's hand on her wrist. She looked at him in almost disbelief before she turned back to the cowering girl before her. Chi was shaking in fear with her eyes still shut. It...seemed like she forgot for a moment that Pit still cared about his little toy. " this girl really worth you betting your life on?"
"Is her word worth betting mine on?" Dark Pit frowned. "She made one mistake,, what kind of idiot would make two with you around?" he muttered. "Or is it because she's not one of your special little pets, like that lizard you keep?"
Medusa narrowed her eyes at him before pulling her hand away. "Yong has not made me question his loyalty once, let alone twice. And I told you..if she crossed me again what would happen. But if you don't think she's lying...then fine. I will take your word for it." She didn't know why, but there was something about the way he looked at her that made her not want to cross him. Not because she feared him..but just because she feared losing him.

Not that she'd ever admit to that.
He was a little surprised, to be honest. But he wasn't going to complain as he turned around to Chi, hands on her shoulders.

"Head to our place, alright?" he said quietly. "I'll be there in a little bit," he needed to talk with Medusa, about...things, things he wasn't sure how to approach.
Chi slowly opened her eyes and looked into his. "..Alright." She wasn't sure if this was a trick or not..but she'd trust in Pit. She'd trust that Medusa really did care about him enough to respect his opinion.

Medusa watched as Chi left, her eyes narrowing a little before she looked down at him. "I said I trusted you and I meant it. I won't try anything." She assumed he didn't believe her...not a lot of people would believe that she gave mercy to the same person..twice.
Pit stared at her a moment before swallowing a little and moving closer, wrapping his arms around her to nuzzle his face affectionately against her bosom. "...Thank you," he mumbled sincerely. He didn't know what her reaction would be, but...he was grateful, very grateful. Chi was a lot of things, but she was also a lot of things to him.
Medusa wasn't expecting all. Not the hug..and not the feeling she got from being so close to him. She had always thought that he never truly loved her..and that was probably the reason why she disliked Chi so much. She felt like they would both betray her one day...except now that feeling was gone, and she couldn't help but return the hug.

She pressed him against her body, closing her eyes. She didn't know what to say really. She felt happy that he had finally shown her some kind of physical affection without being coerced or forced. But she finally found the words to say. "Anything for you, Pit."
"...She won't betray you," Dark Pit promised, face nuzzled contently against her breast, eyes closed. "...Neither will I." He didn't understand it, but at this point, it wasn't worth it. This felt...nice, nicer than he expected. He didn't think she'd actually return the gesture. He didn't want to leave it.
Hearing that meant so much to her. So much that Medusa felt herself tearing up a little. She ignored it..and she slipped one of her hands up and down his back while she pressed his face into her bosom. "..I believe you. I'm sorry...I just didn't want her to take you away from me."
"I'm not going anywhere," Dark Pit promised quietly. "I never will, Chi means...a lot to me, but that doesn't mean you don't."
She didn't know how to express how much that meant to her. She wasn't sure if any words could express what she felt right now after hearing that. So she pulled away a bit and then gripped his chin gently before pulling it up so he would look into her eyes. She stared at him, her gaze filled with nothing but affection and love. Finally, she pressed her lips against his.
Pit's eyes widened a fraction in surprise, his wings fluttering. He...was not expecting that reaction, but he wasn't expecting to return the feeling either in turn. It felt...nice, really nice. A weird, confusing kind of nice.
She pulled back and then ran her fingers through his hair, giving him a smirk. For some reasons she liked that more than she thought she would. "How is Chi taking care of you..?" She asked as she looked into his eyes. "Is she satisfying you?"
"...Yeah," Pit mumbled faintly, licking his lips a little. "She's...she's a lot better than she acts, she's just a brat." His brat, though...something he'd cherish forever. But her gaze was different, loving...motherly, or their version of motherly. Whatever it was, it was hard to think straight.
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