The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Mm, you want more?" Ganondorf growled hungrily, hands roaming along her breasts to squeeze them possessively, giving one a harsh slap as he picked up his pace, easy from the slickness of her marked pussy.
Lyre hissed in pleasure when he smacked her breast, leaving a large, red hand print on her flawless skin. "Yes..more!" She begged desperately. Even if they had finished breeding, she wanted it to keep going on and on. She wanted him to fuck her until she passed out...
"Louder," Ganondorf growled, his hips were brutal and hard, his hands roaming over her body to smack and claw it. He wanted to mark every inch of her perfect body, see it heal...and then do it all over again...
"More, MORE!" She screamed, as her body tensed over and over again around his cock each time he struck or clawed at her. That made her want to be rougher in turn, her tail excitedly flitting from side to side. She started biting him again, this time harder..this time she held onto his shoulder longer with her teeth and was threatening to break skin.
Ganondorf smirked hungrily at that, hands slipping down her ass to squeeze it hard, and then smack it firmly as he laid on his back, parting her ass as his fat cock slammed into her messy pussy, the combined mess running down his shaft. Mm, she loved it wild, didn't she?
When he leaned back, she went with him as her teeth stubbornly held onto his shoulder. When she let him go, she only went back to bite somewhere else. Her wanton, lustful moans turned into high pitched growls as she kept biting him over and over again. There was plenty of places to..he was a very large man and that only made things better for her.
His hands roamed up and down her body as his cock mindlessly slammed into her hungry pussy, clawing in return with hungry growls and pants, squeezing her bruising ass, clawing down her back with his thick fingers. He could feel another orgasm coming...sucking in a pleased breath. "Mm, I'm going to cum again, my little kitten..." he growled. "I'm going to mark all of you..."
"Yes..I want it! Give it to me..." Lyre hissed as she felt her own orgasm started to become apparent. She ignored it though...she tried to, anyway. Once again, she wanted this to last for as long as possible. But her body was betraying her, she was almost there! She dug her claws into his flesh as she slowly became tighter and tighter around his dick, the heat growing between her folds.
He kissed her heavily, teeth biting her bottom lip before his tongue slid inside her mouth as he pressed her down with a hungry groan, his hips jerked upward, flooding her well used cunt with his second round of thick, hungry seed. The spurts into her pussy starting to run down his shaft from the excess. Mm...perfection...she was perfect, worth the effort...
This time Lyre came at the very same time as he did, and she shut her eyes tightly as her second orgasm slammed into her with so much force that she almost passed out. Her pussy milked his cock for every last drop of his semen as her own juices started running down his shaft and collected into his groin. She was tired. But she had never felt so good in her entire life. It wasn't long before she literally started purring in satisfaction while she laid against him.
"Mm..." Ganondorf rumbled, hands running down her back as he squirmed his hips, cock still nestled in her pussy. "I trust I satisfied you, my kitten..." he said, nuzzling against her hair.
"Yes.." She sighed softly as she closed her eyes. "I think I'm going to take...a little cat nap." She muttered as she nuzzled against his chest contently.
He chuckled softly at that, fingers running through her hair. 'Mm, you do that..."

Well, guess Yong wasn't the only one who wanted to mill about their superior...
It had been a rough start on their journey considering they ran into more than a few of Medusa’s underlings...most of them they sought out by choice to secure the barrier’s perimeter. However, the two of them were surprisingly a good team together. Not to mention Sona was ruthless…Lethe had never seen anyone so willing to throw themselves into combat melee with groups that outnumbered them twenty to one. Still, the way the girl fought seemed like she had been in situations like that before countless times…and she cut down her enemy with ease. Lethe didn't have to do much except watch her back. They could have just walked away but Sona insisted they at least do that much, but she was sure more enemy units would start occupying the area.

Lethe had spent the past week with Sona without speaking a word to her. She supposed that she should, considering it was obvious how miserable she was. But she wasn't sure if she had any right to say anything to her. Still, even though they were headed to Gallia…she was starting to have doubts about whether or not she really wanted to go home. For months she had gone back and forth between it, and she only decided when she saw Sona just… walk away from Ike. But now that she was away from him, it felt wrong.

Because he was her mate.

How could she go back to Gallia having a beorc as her mate? Did she even want to be away from him in the first place? She was confused…because she felt like she missed him despite the fact that he had raped her and claimed her as his against her will. The more primal side of her couldn't help but want to be with her mate. Still…he was with that Samus woman and…Lethe just couldn’t tell what she wanted. He wasn't evil…he was still the Ike she knew. Which made this all the harder. It was really tearing at her…she couldn’t help but feel like Sona might understand. So as soon as they stopped to make camp, Lethe ran off to hunt something good for them to eat…alone. It was the least she could do for what she was about to bring up.

She came back just after the sun set with a large boar. Sona just nodded at her in thanks as she fed the fire, but quickly turned away as she usually did. As Lethe prepared to cook it, she looked up at her. “Sona. Can I ask you something? Who are you? In general and…to Ike?”

Sona perked up a bit and then raised an eyebrow. Lethe had never really said a word to her. It was a complicated question. One that she wished she could answer easily. But she sighed and then laid back on the ground, looking up at the stars. “I’m Ragnell. The sword that Ike used to carry with him. Palutena gave me a physical body, and eventually I split entirely away from the sword. I was once Ike’s partner. Now I am nothing but an old friend. I left because I didn’t want to be just that. I wanted to be something more, but it was never meant to be. Ike never saw me like that once.” She answered bitterly, narrowing her eyes as she remembered the last thing he said to her. Now that she thought about it, he probably didn’t mean it the way she took it. But even still, the fact that he couldn't even acknowledge her feelings after she confessed made her upset.

“I see…so you know me?” Lethe asked as she looked at the blade Sona was carrying. She had wondered why she had it now instead of him.

“Yes. I know all of Ike’s friends. But none of you know me. It’s a very lonely feeling after a while, but I got used to it.” Sona answered as her expression grew forlorn. Now she really was alone…without her sister. But this was for the best.

“I see,” Lethe began as she carved through the meat with her special blade made from sharpened stone. Metal and steel never agreed with her…and the fact that she knew Sona was once a sword explained why she never liked her scent much. “I know I came with you to go back to Gallia, but I don’t want to anymore. Maybe I could just stay with you? If you’ll have me..”

“No.” Sona quickly replied before sitting up a bit as she glanced at Lethe. “You can’t stay with me. I have things that I need to do, things that are going to make me dangerous to be around. Lethe, I don’t want you to be involved. I care about you deeply…”

“Ike is my mate.” Lethe bluntly came out of nowhere with that…and it was enough to stun Sona into silence as she stared at the Laguz with a blank expression.

“What..?” Sona began after a little while, looking away as her eyebrows furrowed. “Ike is with Samus, you can’t be his mate.”

“Yes, he is with Samus. But that does not change the fact that he made me his mate some time ago. You should know…how I feel. At first I hated him for doing that to me, because I didn’t want it. It’s not natural. But now…I feel all sorts of things. Anger…jealousy…longing. I want to be with him. But I don’t know how to approach him. He didn’t…really understand what he did after he mated with me. He claimed me as his and so I am his.” Lethe explained as she began to put slabs of meat over the fire. “Because of this, I do not want to go back to Gallia. I am ashamed…but I also want to be with him. It’s all so confusing…”

“I’ll say,” Sona muttered as she crossed her arms, turning away from Lethe after a bit. “Why? If you didn’t want him to mate with you, why did it happen?”

“Because…he wanted to protect me. It was either that…or something much worse.” Lethe had figured that out some time ago. Ike didn’t actually want to do it, but he did it anyway because he thought it was the better thing to do. “At the time, I didn’t’ see that. I only saw a traitor.”

For a moment, Sona was quiet. She felt sick to her stomach…but she couldn’t be mad at Lethe. At least…Lethe had actually been there before she physically had. Even still…she was still pretty upset hearing this. But for Lethe’s sake…she would push aside her jealousy and be a friend. She could at least be a friend to the person who was there with her.

“…If you want him, then the next time you see him…just remind him what he did. He claimed you and made you his mate. So he should treat you that way. You…can’t just sit around and wait for him to remember or notice something. You have to be really clear with him. If you want, we can go back. I’ll escort you to the barrier.” Sona told her as she looked into Lethe’s eyes.

“But…you have something you want to do, don’t you? When we travel, you look at a map a lot even though I’m leading you to Gallia. Are you looking for something?” A map in this new, twisted world would do nothing for her anyway.

“…Yeah. Well, actually we’re close to where I want to be.” Sona took out the map and spread it out on the ground so Lethe could take a look at it. “This is actually a map of most of the continent. I got it from Chi….she flies around and maps things out in her free time, she said. But I’m supposed to find a man, and she said the last place she spotted him was here…” Sona moved her hand over the map and pointed her finger to a town that was just outside of a forest…probably the forest they were in.

“Someone…could actually map all this out within a year? How?” Lethe asked as her eyebrows furrowed.

“I imagine you can do a lot when you can fly…” Sona began with a smile. “But after this, I’ll take you back. And you can set Ike straight.”

“..Thank you. I appreciate it. A lot. Even after everything that happened between the two of you, you still want to help me.” Lethe sighed heavily as she looked up at Sona. “You’re a good person…”

“It’s no problem. Now let’s eat. That smells so good, hopefully it doesn’t attract bandits.” Sona wasn’t a good person at all…she was a horrible person. Right now she was just trying to not get any worse than she had already fallen.
There were plenty of places that had been affected by the shift of the landmasses, cities had been swallowed up or partially destroyed. Biomes that had never been connected together had begun to form in the strangest ways possible, mountains that made no discernible sense in their location simply rumbling along fault lines that had appeared. No matter how the heroes could argue it, the world would have still been a ruined and possibly uncivilized mess if it wasn't for Ike and Medusa. Who had made roads to connect the major cities, to move her armies. Who cultivated farmland, irrigation and these people were grateful, legitimately loyal followers of her and her will. But to those who knew the score, and those people were very, very was annoying, but capable of being ignored.

There was a village that was out of the way of most paths, the only real indication of it's existence was a barely worn dirt road, and the village itself only had a handful of houses. It was unsurprising that Medusa would keep tabs on Magnus, a mortal man whose strength could defy gods. But he was no threat, and Medusa had no intentions of making him one. Yes, in one quaint little house in the sleepy little village...there was a beautiful, fair haired woman cooking the morning meal with a content hum, her sharp blue eyes catching sight of a very strange pair wondering into town.

Hm, that was different...
Lethe was worried that they were heading into a trap. After all, they were told by an enemy to meet this man. Sona didn't seem to really be interested in him herself, but it was some kind of promise she made to Chi that she had to keep. She watched as Sona found a villager and started speaking to them. The woman seemed a little distrustful of her at first, but after a moment she pointed over to a house. Sona seemed to communicate well with other people...

They started walking over to the house that they were directed to. "Don't worry, this shouldn't take long." Sona told her as she stopped outside of the door.
The woman inside watched for a moment, before wiping her hands off and heading towards the door to open it. An unassuming looking woman, but her hands were calloused and heavy, her arms and shoulders gave away more than people thought. She was not a soft little home maker.

"...Can I help you?" she asked curiously, glancing at the dark skinned girl and girl? Companion.
"Hello," Sona began with a polite smile. This must have been the woman Chi was talking about...but this wasn't the person she was looking for. "My name is Sona. I'm looking for a man named Magnus. Does he live here? I would like to talk to's very important."
"...Magnus?" she said, her eyes narrowed sharply. "...Why? What do you need to talk to him about?"
"An old friend of his told me to find him. She said he would be interested in the same thing I am...and I'm interested in taking back this world from the Dark Goddess and the Demon King." She said casually.

Lethe narrowed her eyes a bit. Was it really okay to say such things to strange people? She just felt like something was off...
"...And what old friend is that?" she asked, arms crossing warily. "You've heard wrong."
"An Angel. Her name is Chi." She wasn't surprised that this woman didn't trust her, but she would keep trying. "Please, I have to see him. I promised her I would."
"...Come in," she sighed, taking a step to the side. "Would you like something to drink? Tea?" She knew Magnus would be interested, even if she didn't trust these two...
"Tea sounds great. What about you, Lethe?" Sona asked as they walked in. Lethe gave the woman a side glance before she turned back to Sona.

"No, thank you." She responded. She would have to keep her eyes and ears peeled for anything suspicious. Sona seemed to trust her...and this Chi girl for whatever reason.
Gaol narrowed her eyes a fraction, but said nothing as she moved to get the pot off the oven. "Magnus should be back soon," she murmured, pouring Sona a cup. "He's out hunting."

Who were these girls? She had never seen anything like them before...
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