The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Ganondorf almost didn't catch it, her claws tearing an impressive gash across his armor. He blinked a little in surprise as he spun around, glancing down. Incredible...they could ignore armor like that!?
Lyre quickly retreated, using her hind legs to jump away and create considerable distance between the two of them. She then stalked around him again to look for another opening. He seemed surprised at her speed. That was a good thing!
Ganondorf smirked in surprise, but decided to circle her as well. These Laguz were terrifying opponents, it seemed...he would have to try a little harder...
Lyre growled at him before she pounced again, this time feinting and doing a quick turn to nip at his leg with her teeth. She'd try to wait until she could knock him off balance to send him to the ground...if she got him on top of him she could do some major damage.
Ganondorf was quicker this time, weaving out of the way and turning with a smirk as he focused dark energy into his hand, and slammed it on the ground in a shockwave. She was fast...but he was strong...
Lyre jumped away, growling lowly as her tail puffed up and the hairs on her stood on end. He really was strong, if she got hit by that it would be over. Still, she charged in. The sounds of her paws hitting the ground was heavy as she suddenly jumped high in the air, aiming to tear her claws right into his shoulder.
Ganondorf moved forward with a smirk, meeting her half way as he wrapped his arms around her and turned, slamming them down on the ground together. Her claws sliced right through his armor, and sunk into his skin effortlessly. "As strong as you are beautiful, I see..." he growled, blood running down his shoulder. "I'm impressed!"
The look in Lyre's eyes seemed like surprise when he grabbed her. Next thing she knew she was on the ground, and she started kicking her hind legs to get him off. This was...not the way she wanted him on the ground. This way was...more intimate than an outsider to their race would realize.

Well, at least she impressed him..for some reason that made her happy...and excited.
He grunted in surprise, but simply pressed down further. If he was correct, this was what Ike did...given what little he could tell of her reaction, perhaps he was correct.
Try as she might, she couldn't break out of his hold. He was..really, really strong! And before she knew it, she lost her form. Ugh, these Gerudo were stronger than any beorc! Or maybe it was just him.

"You win." Lyre muttered, her cheeks bright red. Not because she felt ashamed for losing, but it was the way she lost. He had overpowered her, and her form changed because of her baser instincts...her body submitted and changed back to the proper form for mating.
"So I have..." Ganondorf purred, nuzzled against her hair. Mm, yes...he could smell it... "You've impressed me, Lyre...not many do that."
Lyre was puzzled by his statement, not that she didn't appreciate it. Her heart was racing, because of the fight and because of how close he was...and her body was being stupid and she felt like she was going into heat. Ugh...that was something that Laguz should only feel for their own race. What was wrong with her? "R-really...but you beat me so easily." It took her a minute to respond, but she was just distracted..
"I see potential...potential that could be drawn out..." he purred, hands shifting a fraction so he settled them on the ground and shifted his hips, right between her legs.
Lyre whimpered a bit as he positioned himself, and all of a sudden she became conscious of her attire and how little of it there was. Her chest was still heaving, and her cheeks flushed even more. Though she tried her best to ignore it. It wasn't like he knew about how her kind mated...

"Potential? For what..?"
"For so much..." he growled hungrily, his lips brushing along her lips as his hips pressed again. "For pleasure...for power..."
"Mnn!" She cried out suddenly when he pressed into her. She could feel his...oh. He wanted to mate with her, didn't he? Even though her body wanted him...and probably a small portion of herself, she wasn't sure if she should. "Pleasure...but mating with anyone other than my own kind is a crime against the Goddess..." Her Goddess, anyway.
"That's not what your body is telling me..." Ganondorf growled hungrily. "I can smell it on you, want it..."
"I..I do." She admitted as she stared into his eyes. "But..but Lethe tells me all the time that I should never even look at outsiders. If we are successful in mating, the child will suffer. He will be rejected by my people. I don't want that."
"Stop worrying about what Lethe wants and tell me what you want..." Ganondorf smirked. "What do you want, my pretty Lyre...?" he said, his hand trailing down her body.
Her tail twitched a little as she felt his touch. It was...nice. Very nice, and she was really sensitive. She could feel herself getting wetter, ruining the bottoms they had given for her to wear with a nice damp spot that soaked all the way through. For a moment she hesitated, but she realized she couldn't control herself anymore. "I want you.."
"Good..." Ganondorf purred, fingers running through her hair. "Then why don't you get out of those stuffy clothes and we can find somewhere suitable?" he smirked, his sizable erection mashed against his pants.
Lyre leaned into his hand and then smiled a little. "Okay, let's go then." It wasn't the first time she mated...wasn't the first time someone had showered her with compliments to get her to consider them. All she cared about was being mated by the strong so her children would be..but so far she had never been successful in conceiving.
Ganondorf grinned, scooping her up bridal style. "Mm...a woman like you appreciates nature, does she not?" he purred, nuzzling against her face. "I think that will be a perfect place for me to satisfy your every desire..."
Wow, he really made her feel good about herself! Forget the Captain...she was starting to have those tingling feelings for the man in front of her. Even if he wasn't Laguz, she didn't care...he treated her much better than any of her kind did, anyway. "I love nature, that's the proper place in my opinion. Soft grass has always been my favorite place to be naughty..." She gave him a seductive smile, one far less innocent than the ones she gave him before.
"Then I know an excellent spot," Ganondorf smirked, using his magic to float from the ground. "Hold on tight, my precious Lyre."
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