The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Sure, we still have to discuss finding my sister." Lyre answered with a nod. Food and baths were nice, but that was important...she wouldn't forget about that.

"This way, Miss." Eryna bowed before Ganondorf before she started leading Lyre towards the bath. Lyre gave him a smile and followed eagerly. She needed a good wash....
Ganondorf would give Eryna time to...weaken Lyre's defenses, as it were. Not that he was expecting something easy, but it was clear that she enjoyed being pampered and spoiled, so returned well after dinner to his harem. Seeing all of the fertile women brought his urges back, perhaps he would satisfy himself soon. Medusa was more often than not smelling of sex, which made his own situation a little frustrating. Ah, the frustrations of being with a goddess, it seemed...

But he had a plan, and one he intended to follow through...
Ernya may have now been a mindless breeding slut for her Lord and Master, but she wasn't stupid. She knew what Ganondorf was doing...this girl was far too pretty for him to not be interested in keeping her. She was also exotic...Ernya had never seen Lethe so it was the first time she ever saw a "Laguz" as Lyre so proudly enjoyed calling herself.

Ernya did pretty much everything she wanted. She washed her back and hair, helped her dress up in her new outfit which surprisingly she didn't mind. Mostly because Ernya knew she enjoyed thigh highs and arm length gloves...she seemed to be comfortable with her body enough to not think too much about what she was wearing. But her Master would be pleased.

The entire time, Lyre just talked and talked...but she didn't mind. She was a very cute girl...hopefully she would transition well into being one of her Master's concubines.
"I see you've found some friends?" Ganondorf chuckled as he moved over to where Lyre was. My my...what a wonderful outfit she had found for was perfect. It showed off every little inch of her muscle...
"Yeah, everyone is really nice!" Lyre said cheerfully as she looked up at him. She was really glad he decided to let her go and bring her to all these...nice naked women. "Did you take care of that thing? Because I should really start looking for my sister again. I'm worried."
"Well, there's no need to rush out and look for nothing," Ganondorf chuckled, sitting down next to her. "I assure you, I have my army looking for's much faster this way, don't you think? Besides, this way you won't keep ending up in cages."
Lyre's cheek flushed and she looked away, her lower lip sticking out a bit as she pouted. "W-well I wouldn't keep ending up in cages if those people would leave me alone." She sighed and then thought about his words for a moment. "And...I guess that makes sense. But it's just hard to sit and do nothing...I left home because I didn't want to do that."
"Hm...a fair point," he agreed, rubbing his chin in thought. "Perhaps I can find something for you to do, then...would that be suitable?"
"I guess it's only fair if you have your army going out and looking for her." Lyre responded as she crossed her arms and started to think about her options. "But then again...hmm. I feel like I can find her faster if I can pick up her scent again. I have a really good nose."
"So it seems," Ganondorf smiled. "Tell me, where did you last smell her?"
"Here." Lyre said simply before blinking and then shaking her head. "Well not here. But when we entered the castle I smelled her. You knew of her, didn't you? What was she doing here?"
"She was looking for Ike," Ganondorf murmured. "Which she found, but...sadly..." he sighed. "We don't know where they went after that...we've been looking, do you have any idea where they could possibly be?"
"Wait, sadly what?" Ike had been here? But then they left? Why was that sad, Lethe had been looking everywhere for Ike! Did they go back to Gallia? "If she found him then they are probably returning home..."
"Of course I do." Lyre responded proudly. "Like I said, good sense of smell. I can sniff out where home is. Good thing too, I have a terrible sense of direction otherwise."
"I see your talents are simply not your beauty," Ganondorf smiled. "But if you must follow your nose to your sister...I will not stop you, however..." he said, rising up. "I would like to see what you are capable of." If what he heard of Ike's taking of Lethe was true, this would be an easy affair...
Lyre giggled a little at his compliments. She really, really liked him...but she did have to find her sister. Then again, if she was with Ike...she should be safe, right? "Well...sure. Umm, but what do you mean by that? Because it would probably just be boring following me while I sniff around..."
"Spending time with you is hardly dull," he laughed. "No, my dear...your combat prowess," he smirked. "What do you say? I tell you what I know if you beat me...and if I stay a little longer, it seems a shame for you to leave so soon."
"Sure, but no weapons. They stink and distract me." Her request wasn't's not like she didn't know that he was strong. If he didn't use any weapons though, she should have a chance.
"Fair enough," Ganondorf smiled easily, cracking his knuckles. "I find them to be a distraction myself...besides, against a true warrior such as yourself, it merely makes me look like a coward."
Another giggle came from Lyre before she stood up, giving him the type of smile that a younger girl would give to the elder she had a crush on. It was innocent enough, though someone like him would be able to see the deeper meaning of it. "Lead the way...I don't want to mess anything up inside."
"As you wish," he chuckled, turning to lead her out to the courtyard. She was quite precious, wasn't he? He would savor the moment he penetrated her and made her submit...
Lyre rolled her shoulders a little bit before taking a deep breath. In a single flash of light, she shifted into her beast form and let out snarl. Immediately, she started circling him...looking for whatever weak spot he had so she could take advantage of it. She was smaller than the others, but that also meant she was faster. It was a decent trade off in her opinion...because she could dodge her enemies and double claw them before they could even have a chance to attack again.
Ganondorf watched her a moment, oddly fascinated by her beast form before he settled into a casual stance and beckoned her with a faint smirk. If he was to conquer everything, he would need to know his opponents, this would be suitable training.
Lyre's eyes narrowed a bit before she pounced at him. Her speed was impressive..she was pretty proud of it since it was the only thing she could do better than anyone else. Her razor sharp claws extended and she went for his side.
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