The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Chi squealed loudly when he started slamming into her. His thrusts were a lot more violent than Pit's...and she liked that. that was the difference. Even if they were the same size, they still felt different just from the way they moved. She definitely preferred Pet..even if he was kind of hurting her right now. But she liked it a lot. "Mnnn!" That was all she could say...the sensations were almost overwhelming.
"Whose better?" Dark Pit growled in her ear as his hips bucked faster and harder. "Tell me!" He wasn't holding back, every bit of sharp power was going into his thrusts into her wonderfully tight ass.
Chi panted hotly, starting to get over the pain that went with his thrusts. It was still there...but the throbbing in her pussy was overwhelming. "You're better!" She cried out without much hesitation. It was the truth...he felt better, he sounded better, he was just better. God, now she was close to cumming...all because he was so fucking hot when he got like this!
"Louder," Dark Pit growled, giving one of her breasts a smack as Pit glanced up curiously, his hips slowing down a fraction. What the...? The more he thought he understood sex, the more complicated it got...
Chi cried out, squeezed down on both of them from the sudden sharp pain to her chest. Though that only brought her closer to her orgasm. "You''re better!" She shouted louder, her toes curling as her second orgasm started creeping upon her. She didn't want it to end just yet..she wanted a little more.
Pit started bucking harder in response, mostly...because her pussy was starting to tighten and it was feeling really good! Dark Pit growled hungrily, tugging firmly on her nipple.

"Good..." he purred, his hips fast and sharp and his voice low. "Because you're mine..."
Chi started wailing even louder now that Pit was starting to go harder...they were both going hard now and she could barely take it. "Y-yes..I'm yours." She repeated breathlessly as she arched her back against him. "I'm going to feel so good..." She cried out, wincing a little as he tugged on her nipple.
"Good..." Dark Pit groaned, face nuzzled against her neck. He didn't say anything...he simply started bucking heavier until he felt it, and stopped, shivering hungrily as Pit's wings fluttered, somewhere in his thrusting mess...he felt another orgasm take over. Sex was exhausting...
Chi cried out as she came for the second time, her wings twitching against Dark Pit as she closed her eyes. She couldn't feel anything for a moment...nothing but pleasure anyway. She made a mess on Pit again, but it didn't seem like he cared. Her chest heaved up and down as she struggled to catch her breath. She felt exhausted too, but for different reasons...
"...Don't you ever do this again, Chi," Dark Pit mumbled against her neck, barely a whisper...goddess forbid if Pit heard. "You worried me." He' with Medusa, find safer jobs. At least jobs that he could keep an eye on her.
"I know.." Chi began quietly, looking into his eyes and giving him a warm smile. It felt really nice to have someone care about her whenever she was away. She never knew that feeling up until now. She then cleared her throat, and looked at Pit. "I asked Sona to find a human named Magnus, he's the strongest human ever or something...but that might have changed. I told her to find him, because I know he'd keep her safe." Because after all, she knew her Pet still cared about Sona's well being. She needed someone to travel with, or she'd find it difficult to survive out in Medusa and Ganondorf's world.
"...Magnus?" Pit said, you could almost see the gears turning in his head before he perked up. "Wait, Magnus!? Magnus, Magnus!?"

"...Sure?" Dark Pit muttered faintly as Pit pulled away and hastily dressed himself.

"Thanks, Chi!" Pit grinned. "I gotta go um...our little secret, right?" Completely ignoring the fact that he outright stank of female ejaculate...his one track mind was almost endearing, if Dark Pit didn't hate him for being him.
"No, this never happened." Chi gave him a smirk as she watched him dress. "When you see her, maybe you can have a little fun with her. She hasn't had sex in nearly a year, I can tell. It'll make her happy, try it!" She had to mess with him one last time before he left, if only she could be there to watch when he eventually found Sona.
"Right!" Pit grinned, quickly bolting back towards Ohma as Dark Pit sighed faintly.

"...Just when I think he's actually learning something..." he mumbled dryly.
"Him? No..he never learns." Chi responded as she started dressing. "Let's get back to Lady Medusa, alright? I've got a lot of stuff to tell her.." Like how they found a tear in the barrier...and how she managed to weaken their fire power by just a little by convincing Sona to leave. Ike and Samus were here, too. So much information..she almost felt bad for what she was about to do.

Ylisstol had become the home away from home, which wasn't a bad was progressing nicely into a place that satisfied Medusa's ego, and Ganondorf's comfort. Ike's loss was somewhat tragic, simply because there were not many people who were as experienced as he was. But his turning tail had galvanized much of the military, Ganessa...she was learning, with the disturbing little Link-look alike. The lessons with her had improved her demeanor, especially. But there were others who had risen up now that Ike was no long around. Some were his children in the early days, while still very much a mortal man...Ganondorf had many talents. It was easy to make a population of tainted Hylians and others when he was the closest thing to a god one could become.

Thankfully (or perhaps, unfortunately) Yong was a loyal, and dutiful little attender to Medusa's every need. He had his own amusements, however...

"My Lord," General Ezka murmured as he arrived in Ganondorf's study. "Forgive me for intruding...but I think we have found something that would interest you." Ezka was one of his first sons, he had little time with him...but Ganondorf had learned a long time ago that loyalty can be inspired in many ways, one of which was not always fear. Otherwise, he and Medusa wouldn't have had such a successful establishment of their borders and villages. But he could see it in the young man's eyes, at times...he wanted to please his father.

"...Oh?" Ganondorf said with a grin. "Something that would interest me?"

"Yes," He smiled faintly. "If you have a moment?"

"Of course," he chuckled, rising up. Aside from Ganessa, Ezka was showing exceptional promise...perhaps he'd watch and see what the boy had...
Lyre was that thing that Ganondorf would find...interesting. Well, that would definitely be the word for it. She had a very good nose, but her stealth left something to be desired. Especially when she bumped into one of the dumb guards and lashed out. She got rather..loud when she transformed. A lot of hissing and growling. So by the time she had finished with the first guard, ten more showed another who seemed much stronger than the others. Embarrassingly enough, she didn't put up much of a fight and was knocked out within seconds. It was no fun waking up in chains and realizing she was lost. All she wanted was to find her sister, and her scent was still lingering all over the place...

She heard footsteps and immediately started growling as she crouched into a defensive stance. She looked at the two, though the larger one smelled much more dangerous than the one who defeated her. It made the hair stand up on her neck, and her tail twitched wildly as she stared up at them both with a feral look in her eye.
"Well, interesting indeed..." Ganondorf grinned, leaning down as he placed his hand on the top of the cage to peer into it. "Just like that one girl that was here...what was her name?"

"Lethe," Ezka informed faintly. "We found her prowling along our city...someone thought she was a wild cat."
Lyre's ears twitched when she heard her sisters name mentioned. "Where is she!?" She demanded as she grabbed the bars of the cage. "Where is my sister?! If you don't let me out of this cage right now, you'll be sorry!" She threatened as she glared up at them both. She didn't care about the dangerous scent, she just wanted to see her sister again!
"I will?" Ganondorf laughed. "Really? Is that a promise, my dear? Because if you think you can beat me, I will gladly tell you anything you'd like to know!" My, she had spirit, didn't she?
"I'll claw your eyes out if you don't tell me where she is!" She hissed at the dangerous one. He was...much stronger than the one who beat her. Still, that didn't matter. She'd never admit that to him! "And let me out of the cage, it's cramped and stuffy in here! This is no way to treat a lady!"
"That we can agree on," Ganondorf smiled. "However, I don't think it's very ladylike to attack a gentleman wanting to help you either, is it?"
"...Huh?" Lyre seemed confused. Wasn't this the enemy? Why would he want to help her? "'re actually going to help me? But that guy attacked me and put me here in the first place!" She glared at Ezka defiantly, baring her fangs at him.
"But it seems he did not harm you much," Ganondorf grinned. "Come now, girl...if you saw someone suspicious wandering somewhere they shouldn't be, wouldn't you do the same? Let's not worry about what happened, instead...why don't we start with your name?"
Lyre blushed a little in embarrassment...she supposed he had a point. "I'm...Lyre. And I was only looking for my sister! She went missing recently and I followed her scent here. Those guards are mean! I wasn't doing anything wrong..."
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