The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"They were doing their jobs," Ganondorf chuckled, taking the key from Ezka. "Lethe is your sister, yes? Perhaps I can help you find her, we're unsure of where she is at the moment...but if you're willing to help me, I'd be willing to help you. Lyre is a lovely name. Are you hungry, Lyre?"
Well..that was strange. She was really expecting something..different. He smelled dangerous but he was nice. "Yes...I'm hungry. you really mean it? You'll help me find her?" She asked as she watched him unlock her cage. "..What do you want in return?" She asked, her voice filled with uncertainty.
"We've been searching for them already," Ganondorf assured. "You will be the first to know if we find anything," he said, tapping his chin in thought. "For now...don't worry about it," he said easily. "Why don't we get you fed and cleaned? You look like you could use a good bath." He saw...potential...
"A bath...really? A proper one?" She had been bathing in lakes and ponds for the longest..a bath honestly sounded better than food at the moment. "Yeah, that sounds good...really good actually. Sorry for hissing at you...umm, who are you?"
"You can call me Ganondorf," he said, offering his hand with a smile. "It is a pleasure to meet such a well behaved woman, Lyre. And a wonderful name at that, it suits you...your voice is beautiful to hear."
Lyre blushed a little at his compliments but only smiled. "Umm, yeah well...thank you. The pleasure is all mine, Ganondorf. More men should be like you and recognize beauty when they see or hear it." Her ego was dripping off those words, and the smile was just as obnoxious. She took his hand and pulled herself out of the cage. That name sounded familiar. But she couldn't recall. It wasn't important right now.
Much like Medusa, it seemed...easy enough. "It is a shame, isn't it?" he smiled, his large thumb brushing over her hand as he lead her into the castle. "We must get you some proper clothing as well, I feel...something that shows off your impressive figure. I do appreciate a woman unafraid to be muscular and toned."
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? It's true that I don't show as much skin as my sister does, but still! I think this outfit suits me a lot.." This was what she always wore...she liked pink and black, those colors were pretty on her. More than that, she just liked how warm her leggings and gloves were.

Eh, if whatever he offered was pretty, she'd wear it.
"Well, something will have to be worn until we can clean your clothes, then," he grinned in amusement. "I look quite stunning. Your sister is nothing compared to you."
She looked up at him when he said that, almost questioning what she heard. She always had a bit of rivalry issues with Lethe, and no one had ever told her that before. She blushed and giggled a bit. "You're flattering me, stop it..." No, please, keep going...she loved it, every second of his praise she was really enjoying.
"Flattery that is true," Ganondorf grinned easily. "We should find something that properly shows off all of your good traits...if there is even clothing that can compare to your natural beauty."
"Well, I don't mind too much what it is, as long as it's pretty. My favorite colors are pink and black. And if I'm going to be wearing something skimpy, make sure I'm in warm places. This body is frustrating because I don't have nearly enough fur to keep me warm." Finally, someone who just...recognized how attractive she was! That stuffy Kyza and her captain always pretended not to notice..for a while she was thinking that maybe she wasn't all that pretty.

But Captain Ranulf had never been too good with the girls. She missed him, but...well he never did return her feelings.
"I have somewhere suitable for you, of course," Ganondorf smiled, leading her towards the wing with his Brides. He did cherish them ever so much, after they had re-purposed an entire wing for them. It was a gorgeous place, too. Many beautiful women, some naked and pregnant, others in skimpy robes that left little to the imagination of their figures, or skin. Some were bathing in a giant scented bath, others were eating or resting...many of them perked up at the sight of Ganondorf.

"Ernya," Ganondorf called easily. "I have a guest."
Lyre had never seen such an odd collection of women. She could admit they were beautiful, but...well she was better looking than all of them. Even that really pretty blonde woman that was making her away over to them...was this Ernya?

"Yes, Master...what would you like me to do with her?" Eryna asked eagerly. Lyre's tail twitched in agitation as she looked at the naked woman up and down. Wait, Master? What kind of place was this, exactly?
"Nothing like that, my dear," he chuckled, hand on her head. "Fetch her some food, and tend to her bath, would you? She's had a long journey...and see if you can find her some suitable clothes? The ones she's wearing are filthy, something that suits her beauty."
Ernya leaned into his hand, sighing happily at his touch before nodding. "As you wish, Master..." She bowed slightly and then hurried to find their new "guest" food and clothing. She would draw the bath when she got back.

"Is that your servant or something?" Lyre asked as she looked up at him. Were all these women his servants?
"Indeed," Ganondorf murmured. "Of a sort, yes..." he smiled. "Don't worry, the women here will take excellent care of you, Ernya will be more than happy to supply whatever you need. We can discuss possible places your sister may have went once you are comfortable, yes?" he smiled. It had been a while since he had impregnated Ernya...perhaps he should do that soon, her figure had become wonderfully shapely after so many strong children...
"Okay..?" She was really confused..maybe Lethe had stayed here for so long because everyone was nice. Either way it didn't take long for Ernya to come back with food, and she was gone the moment she placed the food in front of girl to draw the bath. Lyre helped herself, shamelessly of course. After a while, she stopped wolfing it down. It had been a while since she had a decent meal. "This isn't bad...hmm." She looked up at Ganondorf...studying him a little. He had pointy ears...Ernya did too. Were these beorc or..? "Hey, random question. What are you? Because you don't smell like a Beorc. You smell kind of like a Laguz, but not quite."
"I am what you'd call a Gerudo," he smiled. "A male is born once every hundred years, you see...and the women you see here that have pointed ears, are called Hylians....we come from a land known as Hyrule." he said, his hand subtly slipping across Ernya's back to stroke it as a reward.
"Gerudo..? Can you turn into anything? Or is that your only form?" Lyre asked curiously. "It just..isn't every day that I come across a scent quite as interesting as yours..." She had never heard of Gerudo, or Hyrule, or Hylian's...this land was strange ever since that planes shifted together and Tellius was broken apart.
"I can do many things," Ganondorf chuckled. "I suppose in a way, yes...I do have another form...but it isn't one I am so willing to shift into, as opposed to your people."
"How come? I love my beast form. It feels nice, and I can protect myself that way. Usually..." Damn, she was really embarrassed on how she just lost to that one guy so fast. She didn't even remember how that happened. She was better than that, Lethe had trained her a little and so did Kyza.
"Well, as much as I enjoy the benefits, it isn't very useful in a few situations," he smirked. "I find that my current form is much more reliable, and far more versatile...and if I do say so myself, attractive." he laughed.
Lyre looked up at him and gave him a smile. "Well you do look pretty strong, so that's attractive. But there is no tail...your ears aren't furry. Though all that hair can pass for a mane though." She laughed a bit and then stood up. "I'll have that bath now!"
"As you wish," Ganondorf grinned. "Ernya, please see to her needs...if you'll excuse me, Lady Lyre. I have matters to attend to, I am interested in speaking with you more, later today?"
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