The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Great, thank you so much." Sona said as she eagerly awaited for her to finish her tea. "So who are you? If you don't mind me asking. Chi didn't tell me much about you.."
"I imagine she didn't," Gaol mumbled. "I am Gaol, Magnus' partner...of a sort. I was once a General of the Underworld."
Lethe's ears twitched and she looked over to Sona, her eyebrows furrowed with worry. Sona just shrugged and then turned back to Gaol.

"Interesting...What made you decide to be...this?" Sona asked as she looked her up and down. She was dressed like...well a housewife. General of the Underworld, huh? She must have been much did she know about Medusa?
"Be what?" Gaol smiled warmly. "A woman? The armor I was given, it was cursed. I was...not strong enough to control it, it took time...but eventually I could. Thanks to Pit and Magnus."
"You know Pit too?" Sona asked as she tilted her head. Well it made sense since Chi knew Pit. "That sounds just like him..I wasn't aware that Pit knew you and Magnus...but I wasn't really told much."
"Chi must have sent you here for a reason," Gaol murmured, sitting down at the table. "Probably not a good one either, but you don't sound like the kind of person she usually likes to be around..." she mused, glancing at her. She looked like the person she liked to be around...she was an angel only by birth, and little else.
"I don't? Because she likes me..a lot." Sona muttered, her cheeks growing hot. That girl was a pervert. "But she told me that I shouldn't be alone out here, and that Magnus was someone who would be interested in what I want to do. Which is basically being a real pain for Ganondorf and Medusa...and maybe giving other people the inspiration to fight against them, too..." And also to buy time...for Ashunera and Palutena.
"You'd be correct," Gaol smiled faintly. "I suppose I already know the answer, but let me ask you one: Why should we follow you?"
"Because I'm strong and I know what I'm doing." Sona started with a grin. Lethe looked over at her curiously as Sona crossed her arms. "And regardless, I'm going to do what I want to do, with or without your help. I am just here on a favor to Chi."
Gaol laughed at that. "Are you strong because you've never fought anyone stronger, or are you strong because you think you are?" Well, she certainly had spirit!
Sona's smile disappeared as she grew serious. She looked into Gaol's eyes for a moment before answering. "I'm strong because after everything I've been through, I'm still here fighting...and I still have hope. I still believe that I can do something, regardless of how hopeless things appear to be. That's why I will not allow myself to be defeated. Not until I give everyone a fighting chance.."
"Hm, quite the eloquent wording from one who looks so young," Gaol smiled in interest. "And do you think that this is enough to win?"
"I'm older than you." Sona's smiled returned as she regarded her for a moment. "But to answer your question...It doesn't matter what I think. I have to try regardless...if no one ever tries, we'll never be free again."
"I see," Gaol mused. "Well, then I suppose that answers itself, doesn't it?" Never judge a book by it's cover, after all. If she said that she was older, she had no reason to doubt her. It was good timing, because when they were done speaking, a large, tanned skin man opened the door. He was huge, and muscular. The sword he was carrying made Ragnell look like a toothpick, and the deer was draped casually on his shoulders as he regarded their guests.

"...Thought I said no visitors, Gaol?" Magnus grunted in displeasure.
Lethe cringed at the stench of that unnecessarily large sword on the man's back. This must have been the Magnus that Sona was looking for...ugh.

"I'm an exception." Sona answered as she rose from her seat, giving him a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Magnus. I'm Sona. Nice catch.." She said as she glanced at the deer. Yeah, this was him. Chi described him exactly right...a "really muscular hot guy with a big sword".
"...Uh huh," Magnus said. "I'm going to skin the deer, Gaol," he said, turning to leave. "Get the pot ready, would you?"

"Of course," she smiled, glancing at Sona with a faint tilt of her head to follow him. "Lethe, was it? Do you mind helping me?"
"..No." Lethe began as she rose from her seat. Anything to get away from that giant hunk of metal. Humans were so strange, what was the point? It seemed inefficient...

Sona watched as Lethe followed Gaol and then she turned back to him. "That looks really tasty..."
"So what are you here for, exactly?" Magnus asked instead, pulling the knife out of his vest as he started to skin the deer. "I did say no visitors, so this better be good." he grunted.
"Chi sent me here." Sona told him as she watched him, studying his technique carefully. "She said you'd be interested in helping me. I want to take back the world from Medusa and Ganondorf."
"That right," Magnus said, smoothly cutting underneath the skin to peel off the side. "Chi, huh? I'm amazed someone hasn't gutted her yet. And why would she tell you that?"
"These were her words, not mine. But she said you liked pretty blonde girls and that you wouldn't just let one go off on her own to fight evil without any help." Sona smiled sheepishly. It didn't seem like Magnus liked Chi as much as she liked him..
Magnus snorted at that, but let out a sigh. "Yeah...sounds like something she'd what,'re just going to solve the world's problems, just like that, huh?"
"No," Sona said as she sat down in front of him. "I'm going to do what I can to give other people opportunities to solve the world's problems. I'm well aware that I can't do much by myself...but maybe if I fight enough, other people will want to fight too. And then my friends...will have a better chance to defeat those monsters who did this to the world."
"That right," Magnus said, glancing at her. "And why should I want to follow you, exactly? You look like you know your way around a blade, but I don't walk around on a suicide job. Been there, done that."
"The goal isn't to die, but it's definitely a possibility." Sona sighed before pushing a strand of hair back behind her ear. "To be honest, I want to do this alone. I understand that what I'm doing is dangerous and probably stupid. Definitely stupid. But someone has to do something and I figured it might as well be me. I only came to talk to you because I owed Chi a favor. She saved me from the brink of death and I'm pretty much living on borrowed time. I might as well use it to do something good for the world..."
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