The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"My Lady," he said, catching the hint easily as he bowed to both of them before heading off.

"...Those Brood have become quite helpful, no?" he chuckled, watching Yong leave. "Eager to serve."
" is a good thing you discovered them when you did. You have shown me that a little kindness goes along I have powerful and loyal subjects that are willing to die for me. It is a wonderful feeling..." Medusa especially loved how Yomg treated her...
"Yes," Ganondorf said, moving forward. "Not only entire realm that sees us as saviors, as heroes." he smirked. "I must admit, it is a nice feeling...but that is simply because we do what they are afraid to have done."
Medusa moved to embrace him him, pressing her lips against his. She did enjoy the status they both had. She had never felt so powerful in her entire existence before...and it was amazing. "Without you, I would never be here....I can't deny that." She told him as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Ganondorf glanced down at her a moment, grinning in regardless. "...Well now," he purred. "What brought this on, my love?"
"I had a moment with Pit earlier, and I'm still feeling disgustingly emotional. I figured I'd thank you while the mood lasts." Medusa explained as she trailed a finger down his chest.
"I see," Ganondorf chuckled, hand over hers to squeeze it. "You don't need to thank me for being here, I would remain regardless...but I do appreciate the attention," he smirked. "Between all of your new pets, I dare say there was little left for me."
"You're one to talk," Medusa smirked as her slender fingers curled over his hand. "I saw the newest edition to your little harem, and she follows you everywhere. Cats require a lot of attention, do they not?"
"A cat and a dragon are two different things, thank you very much," Ganondorf smirked. "Aside from that...she may offer a distinct advantage, my love...her people are powerful, perhaps more powerful than is worth the effort to suppress them. Right now, our main problem is Ike and his merry band...I suggest we steer clear of Gallia, that is where her people reside."
"Did she ask you to ask me to leave them be?" Medusa asked as she raised an eyebrow. She always trusted his word, but she was curious as to how this came about. She hadn't really thought about the other two parts of Tellius...just the one that had Ike and Palutena.
"Yes, but having witnessed their power firsthand...I think it's a worthwhile point to make," Ganondorf murmured. "She clawed right through my armor, Medusa. As if it wasn't even there. And that was just one of them."
"Hmm..." Medusa narrowed her eyes in thought. That was quite a feat. Perhaps it was best to use discretion when addressing this type of enemy. "Fine...we will leave them be for now. I am only interested in two things. Making that traitor Ike pay, and finding the last hope of the non believers and crushing it. There will not be another Goddess in our world. Not under my watch."
"And we will," Ganondorf murmured, tilting her chin up to kiss her. "And we will do that efficiently by doing as little as possible to make that goal harder to obtain."
"I know we will," Medusa muttered as she shifted her eyes. "One way or another, we will." She always got what she wanted these was a matter of when and not if.
"Hell hath no fury?" Ganondorf smirked in amusement. "I must ask, my love...what is it that Palutena has done to earn your scorn?"
"Before or after she banished me from Skyworld?" Medusa's expression soured the moment she thought of that witch. She wouldn't have minded Palutena being loose if she was living a life of misery, in constant fear of being found and killed. But she was just enjoying the comfort of being watched after by another meddlesome Goddess. "She not only took away my status as a Goddess, she turned me into a monster and sent me to the underworld. All because of the fact that she didn't like how I treated mortals."
"Hm," Ganondorf mused. "So that is what I have sensed...that energy, one that is like an illness...strong, yet not entirely true. A lie made real..." Interesting, he wondered what Medusa looked like before her curse...
"I thought..that I'd be back to normal. But I'm not." Medusa sighed inwardly as she looked away from him. She barely had been so long that she barely remembered how she looked before. She had gotten used to this form, however. It had been a long time since she had even tried to find a way to lift the curse. Even with her current power, she had no idea how. "I suppose it doesn't matter anymore."
"Nonsense," Ganondorf said, turning her head back. "The world is a strange and confusing place, my love...and even you, in your infinite wisdom and beauty, cannot know every nook and cranny...the fact that there are so many goddesses tells me that they do not know everything either. But what they do not have, is someone who has lived for untold years, watching...always learning." he purred. "With your curse would be powerful, far more powerful. Perhaps I can find a way."
Medusa chuckled softly as she looked into his eyes. "You have given me everything I have wanted so far..if you say something like that I might start hoping again. While I have grown...accustom to the way I am now, I do miss my original form and the power it held. Don't tease me..." She caressed his cheek, being careful not to graze him with her sharp, talon like nails.
"Mm, I never tease...merely that I will look into it," he assured easily. "I might miss the snakes, however..." he smirked playfully. "I feel they add a certain aura to your already impressive glare, my love."
"You won't be the only one who will miss my scales and snakes should they ever disappear." Medusa returned his smirk before turning away. "But in the end, it will be worth it. Every time I see my reflection, it is nothing but a painful reminder of what I once was. My beauty..could not be surpassed at one point. Yet still, the humans liked Palutena more than me..they enjoyed her light more than my darkness..and that is why I chose to punish them. They feared me...I wanted to give them a reason to." She had never ever told anyone the reason why she hated mortals. She never wanted to admit that she was jealous of Palutena..
"Darkness comes in many forms," Ganondorf purred, arms around her to pull her into his muscular form. "And yes...we hate, we burn...but if one has safety in the shadows, why seek the light? We have shown that to many people, they follow us earnestly...not out of fear of what may happen."
" That is why I said I would not have any of this without you." She told him as she leaned her head back against his chest. "If I did this would have been different. I wouldn't have been this strong..or this happy."
"And I would not be here without you," he smirked, nuzzled into his hair. "No matter what happens, my love...they cannot simply root you out of the problem. We have made an empire, an empire that will weep at our passing and spill blood for our return."
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