The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Medusa smiled and then turned around, draping her arms around his broad shoulders. She then pressed her lips against his, slipping her long tongue into his mouth for a passionate kiss. She really did love this man...she didn't know she was capable of such a feeling until recently. She really did like it...she liked being loved and adored and actually being able to return the feeling.
Ganondorf growled faintly in appreciation, returning it with an open pair of hands sliding down her body as his wide tongue slid along hers. Well now, she had gotten more...expressive, not that he was complaining...
Eventually she pulled back, not before nibbling at his tongue playfully. "Do you also think I've changed?" She had, but she wanted to know his opinion on the matter. Pit seemed to think it was for the better.
"Mm, of course," Ganondorf smirked, head tilted. "Far more confident, and far less angry...that makes you dangerous, and patient...not to mention beautiful."
"I cannot help but feel that it's partially your doing...on purpose." She ran her fingers through his wild mane as she leaned against him. "Or maybe it was having Ganessa..I was much happier carrying her around than I thought I'd be. She was meant to be a present to you, but I got attached to her before she was even born into the world."
"The curse of a mother," he joked with an easy grin. "It is not so easy to be so detached, she reminds me of you, in lots of ways. Haughty, overconfident...all of the good features."
Medusa chuckled softly at that. "She takes after your appearance much more than mine, but she took after me in every other way. I think it's fitting. I miss her though, she's been busy...trying to impress us. I don't think she likes our new pets one bit..." Or anything that remotely distracted them from her. No matter what, she was always starved for their attention.
"Well, it is true," Ganondorf grinned. "We do have quite a few distractions, anymore...I suppose it is to keep appearances in some way."
"We should still make time for her..otherwise she'll start getting antsy and she might do something reckless. After all, we are the only ones she loves unconditionally." That thing that was following her around that called himself an Interloper, he seemed to enjoy being attached at the hip with Ganessa. There had to be a reason, and Medusa had always been suspicious about that. It seemed to feed off anger and negative emotions, and Medusa never liked the thought of her daughter being a host for it.
"Hm, indeed." Ganondorf mused, scratching his chin in thought. "Then, perhaps once we understand what we have with Tellius...we will make the time," he decided. They couldn't wait on this, they had one moment and they intended to rip it wide open.
"Hopefully we can also make time for each other." As much as Medusa loved her pets and her children, she also loved him too..and they had been neglecting each other as of late.
"Running an empire does make the heart grow fonder," Ganondorf smirked. "Rest assured...we will find the time, my love."
"Good. Then let's take care of this little matter as soon as possible." Medusa purred as she gave him another peck on the lips.
Something was coming, not that anyone knew. Or maybe not that anyone would believe him but Soren and his mercenaries. The sky rumbled ominously, but there was no thunder. Ike watched the line of clouds rolling in, harmless to most people...all they did for him was fill his gut with a sense of dread. He knew it was impossible to ignore everything around them, but he had hoped...perhaps selfishly that he could for a little longer. They didn't trust him, that was fine...he didn't honestly expect them to, but that wasn't important.

The wind started blowing, just a little. Signaling a coming storm, his eyes slid down lower to his son, who was rushing up towards the house he was sharing with Samus.

"...Father," Seig huffed, face pale and stricken with worry. To anyone who didn't know what the creeping dread of Medusa and Ganondorf was, it was just a simple storm. But it was more than that, the air seemed heavy with purpose.

"I know," Ike said, hand on his shoulder. "Stay with your mother, Seig....she'll need your help more than I will."

"What?" Seig huffed. "But...but father-"

"We'll get our chance," he promised with a faint smile. "But right now, your mother's safety is important." he said, as Titania and Soren came up on horses. Ever loyal, ever there when he needed them.

"Soren," Ike said. "You wouldn't happen to have any armor that fit me, would you?"
Soren pushed his hair out of his eyes as the wind flitted through it, giving Ike a simple nod. "Your sister dropped off some equipment last time she was here, it's in my study." He knew what was going on, Ike didn't even have to tell him. The air was thicker than usual, not that many people would notice. These clouds were similar to the ones he saw outside of the barrier. It was only a matter of time before the Goddess could no longer protect them, but Elincia, Mist and Pelleas had been preparing a long time for this.

Hopefully Daein and Crimea would be enough. If only they hadn't been separated from Begnion and the Laguz...
"Good," Ike said with a hand through his hair.

"...What's happening, Ike?" Titania asked faintly. "I've never felt anything like this before."

"Hell," Ike muttered. "Hell is happening, and we're going to be banging on the front gates. Soren, I want you and Titania to spread the mercenaries out with the Hylians and the locals, bolster any spot that seems lacking. Set up mages behind the front lines, keep them as far away as you can. We're going to need it."
Soren's horse snorted as he tightened the reins. "I'm on it, Ike. Titania, let's go." He muttered before taking off without waiting. There was no time...they needed to do this now. The air was growing thicker already.

"Ike." Palutena's voice called out to him just before she appeared behind him. Her eyebrows were furrowed with concern, though when she spotted Seig, she seemed to be slightly more relaxed. "I've already informed the others and they are making preparations. Medusa and her army will be here very soon."
"I know," Ike murmured. "No doubt she's a little upset, too...Seig is going to stay with you, Palutena. We can't afford to lose you now." he said, brow furrowed in thought. Something felt off, but when fighting a Goddess...what felt normal?

"...What's wrong, father?" Seig said faintly.

"Something feels different," he admitted. "I hope it's nothing...what's the worse case scenario when they break through, Palutena?"
"Worst case..Medusa summons the dead to aid her. Monsters from the underworld, wayward souls...I don't know how powerful she has become since I last saw her, Ike. But if she does that, we won't be the only ones in danger. We have to get the civilians to a safe place. Or more innocent lives will be lost." Palutena answered grimly. She was the only one who had even a remote idea on what Medusa was capable of, and if she was joining in on the battle then she had a goal. One that probably involved Ike and Samus..and of course, her as well.
"Just a usual day when dealing with the gods, huh?" Ike murmured. "Well, I'll be at the front of it anyway, Medusa probably has a bone to pick with me, that should buy time to set up defenses elsewhere."

"Father," Seig mumbled. "Is that really wise?"

"Not really," he admitted. "But that's just the reality, Seig. This is different from training, don't be afraid to be afraid, use that fear to focus."

"...Right," Seig said quietly. "I'll stay with mother and protect her, best I can."

"I have faith you will," Ike smiled, hand on his head. "Just remember, there is no glory in dying...there is always glory in fighting another day. If things look bad, I want you and your mother to get as far away from here as you can, alright?"
"We will be careful, and so should you. Take your own advice." Palutena told Ike before taking her sons hand and leading him off. They needed to evacuate the villagers to safety very soon.

Zelda and Palutena had difficulties convincing the villagers to evacuate. Ohma was so close to the barrier that Palutena knew that the village would more than likely be a battlefield. Even with Nephenee fully adorned in her battle armor, the villagers still had faith that Ashunera would keep them protected.

..But that quickly changed when the sky above them suddenly cracked with an audible sound echoing throughout the land. That single crack was all it took for the barrier to shatter in a brilliant display of light magic. The fragments started to harmlessly fall towards the ground and disappear...and the sound of Medusa's ominous laughter could be heard, signalling the blight that would soon befall Tellius.

Thick, black and heavy clouds immediately formed in place of the barrier...and Palutena knew what would be coming next. Medusa would not give them an inch...she was going to summon her creatures...and more than likely she had multiple armies marching in all directions to capture everything within the now fallen barrier.
The wind was howling, her laughter was almost jubilant. The rumble of marching soldiers, but there was more than that...the roar of dragons. Fully dressed in armor, his tattered cape billowing in the wind as Gurgurant seemed to ache for blood. It's blade radiating a dark aura of malice and bloodlust. Ike's eyes glanced up to the sky as winged dragons, bigger than a horse flew past. That would add an extra level of complication, combined with the ground forces.

"Guess she came prepared," Ike murmured, watching as the army began to march. It was chaos already, the dragons overhead had already inspired panic...but thankfully the Hylians were used to these sort of odds. And that was when the demons came raining down like a dark rain.
"Would you expect any less from her?" Samus approached him, her eyes trained on the marching army that were creeping closer and closer. They hadn't seen each other for a while, mostly because she had been too busy with her training. She felt just as good as she did when she was in her suit. No..better. More confident in her abilities. Still, they were in a bad spot. The dragons were starting their assault, and on her way to Ike she saw Robin and a group of mages taking up to the rooftops to attempt to strike them down. The demons just added a more chaotic factor, and she had no choice but to draw both her Tanto blades. "She knew we were preparing too..."
"I know," Ike murmured, glancing at her. She looked different, in a good way. "Samus, I need you to protect the mages, can you do that? Without them, we're going to be in even worse... secure an escape route." he mumbled, resting Gurgurant against his shoulder. They were buying time, that much was clear...there were too many of them to repel. "I'll join you later, I'm going to help Link and Chrom with the defense."
"Be careful." Samus leaned over to give him one quick kiss. She needed remind her what she was fighting for. Today was their day to redeem themselves for all the wicked things they had done, or at least start on a path to redemption.

It wasn't long before she got back to the mages. She could hear Robin shouting orders for the wind mages to target the red scaled dragons while the thunder mages focus on the green scaled ones. Samus wasn't sure if it made a difference, but the group seemed to trust her explicitly.

Though they were so busy focusing on the dragons, they weren't prepared for what happened next.

The monsters started dropping heavily in numbers right above them. Samus could hear an ear shattering scream as the first demon had a taste of flesh, and she immediately flitted up to the roof to aid them. She drove her two blades into the back of it's neck. Samus paid no mind to the dark blood that spurted from it's wounds as she effortlessly slid her blades back out of it's flesh. She heard a choking and sputtering snarl before she kicked it away from the bleeding mage underneath her. The wound didn't look mortal, but it was enough that she needed to find a healer as soon as she could. "Stay here...I will be back." Samus muttered before moving over to the next creature. They were weak, but strong in numbers. She had to get rid of them fast so the mages could pay attention to the dragons.

Fire and wind breath reigned upon Ohma from the fierce creatures above them. The dragons took advantage of the demons that were distracting the only threat on the ground to them. Nephenee and about ten other soldiers helped Samus route the monsters that were coming from the sky. Nephenee couldn't even see Samus dispatch the demons, they just dropped like flies. Samus went for mortal blows, she had no time to combat such weak foes. She had once fought alongside this vermin and knew what she was up against.

It was the dragons they had to worry about...these things were just cannon fodder.
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