The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Alondite went with anyway, considering she was curious about something as Pit was trying to apologize for something that he didn't intend to do, nor did he actually understand why Sona seemed so upset at him.

"...Sona," Alondite said quietly. "...Is Pit the person you're upset at, or are you upset at Chi?"
"I don't know." Sona didn't even know who this "Chi" was. But she already disliked her. Hated her. For the wrong reasons, too.

"She's still asleep," Palutena began when they got there, but opened the door regardless. "Let's not wake her up too suddenly. She's actually kind of cute when she's unconcious."

Sona just ignored her and walked into the room, her foot steps heavy on the floor. Chi immediately woke up sensing danger and sure enough...

"You are the worst boyfriend ever." She groggily said as she pulled out her bow, which made Sona immediately draw her sword. She wanted her to put up a fight...
"Wait wait wait!" Pit said quickly, standing between the two of them. "Let's not do this, alright?...and I'm not a bad boyfriend because I'm not your boyfriend!"
"See? Worst boyfriend. Damn it are really ungrateful, too. Oh well...kill me if you want. I deserve it." Chi lowered her bow. She had to play her cards just right to make this work...and even then, she had a feeling she had backed herself in a corner with no way out.

"Ungrateful? What do you mean?" Sona looked at Chi with a frown. She looked familiar but...

"Fuck, your tits look just as amazing as I remember...I would love to suckle on those!" Chi laughed as Sona narrowed her eyes. Those words were familiar...wait, this was...

"'re the one that saved me." She lowered her sword in disbelief. That was Chi?
"...Wait, what?" Pit muttered. "...Can someone translate for me, please?" Why didn't anyone speak normally anymore!?

"I'm curious too," Alondite frowned. "What's going on, Sona?"
"She's right, I saved her when she was bleeding out into the dirt...she was near death when I found her. Alone, scared...yep, I patched her up and brought her somewhere safe. Then I left." Chi replied as she leaned back casually with a haughty grin.

"...She is correct. Did...did Pit tell you to..." Sona trailed off. Maybe he actually did care...?

"Nope, he just felt sorry that he had to stab you. I wanted to make him feel better, so I went against Medusa and saved you, for his sake. It was also the right thing to do." Sona sighed softly. She just couldn't even have that one thing, could she?
"...Huh," Pit mumbled. "That's kinda surprising...guess there's a good guy in that somewhere after all..." he mused.

"Well, he is your double..." Alondite murmured. "I imagine that both of you share traits that neither of you want to admit."
"Ah, I think Chrom is right...we should inform Ashunera of this. Chi doesn't worship Medusa...never has. Just like you never did with me... " Palutena gave Chi a smile, but Chi just glared at her. She had to act nice...for now.

"I don't want to worship anyone, but I do know that Medusa is someone I don't want to serve anymore...she nearly killed me. I think Ashunera is a good half way point between you and her." Chi said as Sona moved closer to her.

"Thank you...for saving me. Even if your reasons were for another..l appreciate it. But whatever judgement Ashunera deals is absolute. I'm sorry." Sona told her, her words real and genuine. Another person she couldn't hate..but wanted to.
"Huh..." Pit mumbled, scratching his head. "You sure about this, Lady Palutena...?" he asked. "I don't know...something seems weird about this?"

"It's not our choice, regardless," Alondite murmured. "Lady Ashunera will know the truth."
"Do what you gotta do..." Chi said with a nervous laugh. Fucked...she was so fucked.

Sona pulled out Lehrans medallion and the closed her eyes. She had done this so many times but it never got better...she hated doing it. Regardless, she began to sing the galdyr of release, and the medallion in her hand began to glow brightly. Chi watched in awe...the song was beautiful and somewhat calming despite her predicament. She listened from beginning to end, and when Sona's voice hit the final note perfectly the medallion burst in what seemed like blue flame, surrounding Sona's body. Then it disappeared, and Sona opened her eyes again. The red hue had changed into a lighter orange.

" of Medusa's underlings managed to make her way into the barrier..." Ashunera said thoughtfully, projecting her voice through Sona.
"She claims to have no allegiance to Medusa," Alondite murmured. "Is this true, Lady Ashunera?"
Ashunera turned to Chi, who gave her a nervous grin. Ashunera reached out and placed her hand on top of. Chi's head. There was silence for a moment as she concentrated on Chi, who was like a statue.

" doesn't seem like she has an allegiance to Medusa.'s unclear. This girl...she doesn't have much anything."
"Well...that's not...bad, right?" Pit frowned, arms crossing faintly in thought.

"No, but it isn't good either," Alondite murmured faintly. "It means her loyalty is about as worthwhile as a hungry animal."
"It's not that...she has loyalty. faith. She is loyal to the one she loves." Ashunera stated as she removed her hand.

"Pittoo." Palutena thoughtfully pointed out as Chi's cheeks flushed bright red. "Then her allegiance falls on him..And he serves Medusa."

"Precisely...she cannot be trusted. Though she is like Ike and Samus...she has never believed in Medusa, thus she can pass through the barrier. At least that's what it appears like.."
"That still doesn't settle what we should do with her," Pit frowned. "If we let her go, she'll tell someone...I doubt she'll be able to keep this a secret, you know?"
"...she is not evil. I see no reason to kill her. She saved Sona, after all. But I'm afraid we cannot let her go...she will simply have to be a prisoner until the circumstances change." Ashunera responded as she looked back over to Chi.

...there was no way to fool a Goddess. Chi knew that more than anyone. She wouldn't try to lie anymore...but she wasn't sure what she was going to do now.
"Well..." Pit said, arms crossing. "That adds another problem..."

"It does?" Alondite murmured curiously. "How so?"

"Because if I know Pittoo like I know me, which is to say that I know myself very well...he'll look for her." he frowned. "And he'll keep looking until he finds something...that could be bad."
"Well, we will deal with that when the time comes. We have no other choice...she cannot be allowed to roam about Tellius and scout for Medusa." Ashunera told Pit as she looked down at the medallion. "She already knows too much..."

"She's right, Pit. For now, this is all we can do. So you're responsible for her since you found her...she likes you best out of all of us, you know." Palutena gave him a wink.

"Hardly..." Chi muttered under her breath. She could only hope Pit could find a way to save her from these people.
"...Ugh..." Pit sighed, rubbing his head. "Well...if you say so, Lady Palutena..."

Why him...?
"..Alondite. I need more followers. Soon, I need you and Sona to start campaigning again." Ashunera told her as she turned to face her. "We need to start making our first moves soon..."
It's not that Sona didn't trust was just that she didn't trust Pit's all. Chi was a very conniving, clever girl...and she could play him like a fiddle. Sona asked Palutena if she could take over his duties and watch her herself...just because the crafty girl just couldn't be left alone. Medusa's minions were sneaky...they always had tricks up there sleeves. Sona wouldn't have been surprised in the least if Chi disappeared the second someone took their eyes off her.

She had thought that she would feel better now that she was kind of alone..but she couldn't get away from her feelings. Even if she wasn't around the people who made her heart ache with their togetherness. It was really painful watching Link be the loving and caring man that he was. He treated Zelda with the utmost of care now that she was ready to give birth at any day now, any moment. He gave her all the attention she needed, which was a lot considering how rough the pregnancy had been to her. Chrom was also treating Robin like the Queen she was. He gladly helped her with the baby whenever he could to make things easier for her. The four were very supportive of Sona...yet she couldn't help but envy them. She felt horrible about that..she felt horrible about a lot of things. But here, at least she didn't have to pretend to be okay. She didn't have to smile..she could just glare at the wall and wallow in her never ending misery.

"..That look doesn't suit you at all." Chi's low, scratchy voice broke the silence. Honestly, Sona hadn't known until today that the person who saved her was female, but it seemed like everyone thought so. Plus.. according to her, she was the girlfriend of the person who betrayed her by stabbing her in the gut and leaving her to die. Pit...she refused to call him "Pittoo" because she knew him before she knew the Pit that she was with now. No, the word traitor would suffice considering what he did to her. Even someone like him had someone who loved him as more than just a friend or a brother.

"What do you mean..?" Sona inquired as her fingers tightened stiffly on the hilt of her blade.

"That look. It reminds me of that scary woman, Samus. On her, that expression was really fucking on the other just look like a sad little puppy." Chi answered with a playful grin. Sona flinched when she said Samus...A name that made her feel completely sick to her stomach. Being compared to the woman who took Ike away from her..? She wasn't in the mood. She tried to ignore the pain she felt in her stomach as she turned away from her prisoner.

"Shut up...No talking. I don't care about what you think I look like, anyway." Sona growled as she lifted up her sword and placed it on her lap. Slowly, she moved her hand into her pouch and then pulled out a sharpening stone. Her ruby eyes stared down at the dull, cracked and scratched up blade. It reminded her of herself...used, damaged, and disposable. It was exactly like her. Well, they were technically one, since Sona had been born from the blade itself.

She began to grind the stone against the blade in deliberate, strong motions, though it seemed to have no real effect. Maybe that's why he threw away and chose a different blade. Because it was useless to him now, just like she was. She couldn't stop feeling like this ever since that day..the day where he finally came back to her..only to do something completely different than what she expected. Seven months. Sona spent seven months thinking about him and what would happen when they were finally on the same side and reunited. Every single day was filled with thoughts and hopes about him...she even looked forward to dragging him back to the side of good if she had to.

Though she never saw it coming...the reason why he actually came back to them. It wasn't because he missed her like she had missed him. It was because he needed their help to rescue her...Samus. The woman who had replaced her as a companion. She was no longer the closest to Ike fact Ike couldn't have been any further away from her. After they had rescued the woman, and Ike's was then that he decided she was worth the time to talk to. His words made her feel a little better, but she couldn't help but feel worse when the only thing she received from him was a smile and a pat on the shoulder, and some words.

There was no tears...there was nothing. Nothing but disappointment. He wasn't the same Ike she was used to..but it wasn't just that. She couldn't feel anything from him. He longer her master. No longer her anything...the connection was gone, it had been ever since he had stopped using her...or rather the blade. Either made Sona feel bad. However, when they finally got back to Ohma, she had decided to go through with her promise to herself...which was to tell Ike how she felt about him. It had taken her weeks to figure it out, but she did...she knew that she was in love with Ike, and she hadn't figured it out until after they had been separated thanks to the world ending.

Which would have been fine....had she not heard what she did that day. She followed him to where he was staying in hopes to talk to him in a more private area. But Samus..Samus stayed outside for a while. Because she knew that she was following them. Yet she said nothing, even as Ike came out to get her. Sona could still remember the way they sounded when they spoke to each other. Maybe it was just her, but his apologies sounded much more genuine when he spoke to her replacement. He also seemed more like his old self around her, like the Ike she knew. Sona watched from a distance as they kissed, and immediately...she could tell. That kiss wasn't the kind of kisses Ike gave Zelda or the other girls he had been was a real one. With love...and attraction. He was...really attracted to Samus. She could tell...she got a really bad feeling. The pain came back to her chest just by remembering how she felt as she stood there and watched them lock lips together, passionately.

And yet..she refused to believe what she knew deep inside of her heart. She watched them go inside, and she ran to the door and just stood there. She couldn't bring herself to knock..she could only listen to them talk about their home like they were some married couple or something and then...other, more passionate things. The sounds of them making love didn't chase her off She just stood there and waited, hoping to talk to him when they were done. That was..until she heard Ike confess to Samus while he slammed into her again and again. Those three words...I love you. Words she wanted to say to him, words that she wanted to hear back from him.

It was really all a blur after that. She remembered feeling like someone was piercing her heart and her gut at the same time with two rusty, dull blades...the searing pain of her lungs burning because she couldn't bring herself to take a breath. She just stumbled around and passed out somewhere, and when she came to it was morning. She just told everyone she fell asleep on the roof...not that people believed her, probably. Only a single question went through her head then, and even now. How could he? How could he just..fall in love with someone like that? They had been together for years, and yet...he probably never thought about her like that once. He probably thought about her not even half as much as she thought about him. It wasn't like she wasn't attractive. She turned down other men for him during her travels, strange men, but men regardless...because she couldn't get over him. Even after she knew he was on the other side, she still couldn't bring herself to be interested in anyone else.

Sex wouldn't feel good with anyone but him...because he was all she wanted. All she fantasized about. Being in his embrace, feeling his cock sliding in between her legs..feeling his lips against her skin. She had sex with Link and the other Pit felt good but not as good as when she did it with Ike. Because she loved Ike...she fell in love with him in the months that she was with him after she became mortal. But he had..never felt the same way about her. Even after everything they had been through, he still chose someone else...because she was just a stupid sword. Something he didn't understand, some oddity that was best left alone.

Just like Pit chose to kill her to be free. She was..expendable. Disposable trash...she couldn't stop feeling that way no matter what anyone said. All the things she did was just so she could feel like she was doing something other than wasting air. And yet here she was..just sitting here to collect dust. She wanted to just be..Ragnell again. If she was just a dumb sword, she wouldn't have nightmares anymore...she hated feeling the phantom pains of Pit's blade slowly pushing into her gut as his cold eyes stared into hers. She wouldn't be scared of battle...because she wouldn't be scared of dying when she had no life in the first place. No one knew that she still dreamed about that...almost every single night. Walking the thin line of life and death had traumatized her, and she wanted someone to just notice without her telling them.

"I can't...I can't stay quiet any longer. I don't have thoughts to get lost in, not like you...Sona." Chi's voice broke her out of her stupor again, and her eyes darted to the girl. Annoyance was clear on her face. "Well, I do..but if I think about them too much, I'd probably off myself." Chi continued with a laugh as she shifted in the bed, laying on her stomach so she could face Sona.

"Hmph...I'm much stronger than you...or anyone." Sona snapped as she stopped sharpening Ragnell. It was still as dull as ever..just like her.

"I see that..." Chi playfully began as her eyes trailed up and down her body. "What's your problem? I didn't think big breasted women had issues like me."

"..My body has nothing to do with it, you fool. You're obsessed with my breasts, aren't you?" Sona pulled her legs up to her chest to hide her generous cleavage that Chi couldn't keep her eyes off of..the little perv.

"I can see your panties now.." Chi pointed out with a grin before Sona glared at her and then looked away. "Come on, tell me what's wrong. You got nothing to lose, I'm just a prisoner."

Sona wasn't really sure why she felt the urge to tell her. Maybe it was because she felt like no one else would understand. Or maybe she just didn't care anymore. "Well, let's see. Up until a year ago, I was just a sword. Then I got a body...then I became mortal. I've been fighting with stupid, human feelings for quite some time..these feelings made me befriend my enemy and even give myself to him, only to be stabbed for it. I almost died, and during the process I couldn't be there for the man I he lost his battle, and then abandoned me so he could use another sword for his evil quest that actually turns out to be for the better. I worried about him for months, until I finally found him. I thought he was dead, for a while actually, before I saw him staring down at me. I was ready to give up on the world. Only to find out he was alive, but my enemy.

Then I had to fight against him, that was fun. I had to give everyone the strength to keep up with him, and they nearly killed him. After that, I fainted and was dragged away. I spent another few months thinking about him constantly and trying to figure out how to get him back on our side. Then he just shows up out of no where, and after seven god forsaken months of separation, he tells me he's not there for himself, but to save some traitor that helped Ganondorf retrieve the final piece of the triforce. So I help him, and then he tells me a few things to make me feel better. Only it doesn' just made me realize that he will never return my affection because he loves that same girl we saved. Now I'm here, guarding you because I just want to be away from all the people who love me. Because I just want to have a day where I don't have to pretend to be okay and be strong for everyone..just one day." Sona could feel her eyes watering, but she didn't care. She never got to cry. Her sister sucked up negativity like a sponge now that she was mortal. So she had no choice but to pretend like she was fine.

Chi just stared blankly at her for a minute before frowning. "That sucks. I'm sorry you had to go through that...doesn't really seem fair to me." She began thoughtfully, which only made Sona nod her head.

"It's not...everyone has their own little slice of happiness..even my sister because she loves our Goddess so much and enjoys her company. Alondite tries to make me happy, but I can't be. Not when I have to see Ike and Samus together...Because I know he loves her. I hate it. I spent so long with him in my head...I feel like I wasted so much of my time thinking about him. Even now I can't stop..."

"You can stop. All you have to do is stop caring about him, and then you'll eventually stop thinking about him." Chi told her as if it was the simplest answer in the world. Sona just shook her head.

"I can't...we've been together for so long. He named me...he taught me how to be human. We've been through too much together." Sona wrapped her cape around herself, hugging it to her body as she tried to fight back the tears.

"Then give yourself a different name. Reteach yourself how to be your own thing and gain your own experiences..think for yourself." Chi shrugged a little. "If you really want to know something juicy...that dumb Pit was my first love and he never noticed me. All he ever cared about was Palutena this and Palutena that. So I just stopped caring about him. He doesn't even recognize me from before, so I'm glad I did. Now I have something better...which is him, but much cooler. You're never going to be happy under Ike and that giant woman's shadow, Sona. You should just do your own thing."

Sona..wasn't sure what to think about Chi's confession, so she didn't comment on it. Really..Pit? The original..? He seemed a little too innocent to crush on. Even if he was cute. "My..own thing?" Sona asked thoughtfully, glancing up at Chi for a moment as she let her tears stain her face. Was that..really what would make her happy?

"Yeah. Good and's all bullshit. What really matters is what you want. And you want to be happy. You deserve just do your own thing. Fuck everyone else...if they were truly your friends, they'd understand." Chi explained as she twirled a long strand of dark blue hair around her finger.

"...but the entire world needs me. Ashunera needs me, Alondite needs me...I can't just leave." Sona muttered under her breath.

"Who says? If that's what you want to do, then do it." Chi gave her a smile before moving off the bed, slowly and cautiously. Sona didn't react at all despite being her guard...she was lost in deep thought. Chi sat beside of her and then leaned against her, nuzzling into her shoulder. "You're a lot better than this. Being used as some errand girl. You can make a yourself. You don't need Ike or anyone, Sona. You are strong. So just tell Pit to come back to his post and leave. Just leave and never come back until you want to. You obviously need get away. You don't want to be around Samus and Ike being all lovey dovey, right? You don't want to be around that ignorant guy who left you high and dry for some big titted, brooding blonde woman, do you?" Chi asked with a grin.

"No...I don't." Sona mumbled as she ran her fingers through her hair and narrowed her eyes.

"Then leave..." Chi whispered eagerly in her ear like the little temptress that she was. "Be the person who you want to be, Sona. Who are you?"

Sona looked down at Ragnell, studying the blade carefully as it began to glow. She..finally felt something other than sadness. It was determination. Suddenly Ragnell didn't look so lack luster was brilliant...beautiful. Just like her. Yes, she was beautiful, and powerful. The same was true for the blade..her old vessel. "I'm Ragnell...and from now on, I'm doing things my way..." She stated as she unclasped her cape and yanked it off her shoulders. It was time to return that to its owner.

"Great...that sounds like a good plan. Now maybe you can return the favor of when I saved you...I need you to do something for me, Ragnell..." Chi snaked her arms around Sona and grinned, resting her head against those large, delicious tits of hers.
Ike had long forgotten what it was like to not have a sword in his hands, in some ways...he enjoyed it. In others, it made him antsy. He was a warrior, it was simply his blood. The garden in front of their house was well cared for now, the weeds removed and seeds planted. It was somewhat endearing watching Samus adjust to a life she never knew, and the clothing...he had to say, he enjoyed seeing her curves under leathers and tunics. They suited her far better than he thought, and when she let her hair down? Beautiful.

But it wasn't all wonderful, he had dreams...nightmares. Screaming, burning, bones snapping...terror. The laughter, but the laughter wasn't was Ashnard's. More often than not, he didn't sleep in the bed all night. Ike had a feeling that Samus knew, but she never said anything...that, in itself...was supportive. She would always find him in the morning and simply be near him, quiet and comforting. It was an odd feeling, but one he was used to. Together, he felt strong...alone? He felt like a miserable, horrible coward of a man.

So much so when he thought about Sona, what he said to he ignored her. How he was so blind by his desperate need to save Samus and Lethe that he ignored the one woman who was always at his side, always dependable. It took him one harsh night to slip out of bed and into a tunic, the cool night air doing well for his hot skin. He was surprised when he rested on the railing of his home's fence that he saw the familiar tuft of blonde hair and dark skin out in the streets at night, and before he knew what he was doing, he was already heading down to see her.

He needed to talk to her, he needed to...he needed to let her tell him whatever she wanted, she deserved it, so did he. But still, he felt...nervous, afraid almost. He had no right to tell her anything, to expect anything of her...but he was expecting that she wanted to see him again anyway.

"...Sona," Ike finally said. "...You're out late."
She was going to leave..she was just waiting for the right moment. She wasn't sure when...she knew that she would figure it out. Chi was right..she couldn't be happy here. She had to go and do her own thing. Despite her plans to leave, she acted perfectly normal. Almost too normal. The very thought of feeling something other than pain or any form of anguish excited her. Sure she'd be lonely, but she'd rather be lonely by herself than around others. She'd make new friends...she was sure of that. Even if she missed her old ones, she just couldn't stand being around them anymore. Alondite...would probably be upset with her. So would Ashunera, maybe. But that still didn't matter. She had to do this for her. She had to find her identity.

She had been so disconnected to her surroundings that she didn't notice Ike approach her. His voice made her stomach drop and her heart race. That familiar feeling of suffocation crept up her throat, but she forced herself to take a deep breath to make it go away. What did he want with her? She didn't care. He wasn't anything to her anymore. Just another, he was the person who had made her miserable...worthless. She wasn't those things. She was better than that. She was Ragnell.

"Yes, but I figured since Pit has his hands full I'd take over his evening patrol." She told him as she turned around slowly and looked up at him. It was hard..seeing him. But she would remain strong and resolute. Her gaze was icy as she regarded him, trying to ignore all the feelings and thoughts that wanted her to care. She didn't care anymore...she was tired of caring about him. "I assume you can't sleep...but being out here won't help you one bit. When I can't sleep, I just close my eyes and keep them closed until sunrise. It's..almost resting." Pointless, mindless small talk. That's all she ever did with anyone these days.
Ike could tell that she didn't want to see him, and his face slid somewhere into a minor sense of loss. He deserved it, so he didn't say anything. Fine...he supposed he'd make this quick, he didn't deserve her time, or her friendship anymore. He swallowed after a moment.

"...Do you know why I gave you Ragnell, that day?" he asked out of nowhere, looking up into the stars. "When I told you that I was no longer worthy of holding the sword?"
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