The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Chi let out an exasperated sigh. "You're dumb." She rested her head on his shoulder as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Falling asleep on the back of her enemy in enemy territory seemed like a bad idea.
"...You're dumb," Pit grumbled lamely, but lead her into his place anyway to lay her on the bed. Jeez...was she asleep already? He supposed she wasn't bad looking now that she wasn't talking...ugh. He scratched stubbornly at his head, he'd talk to Palutena about this...she was way better at this stuff...
"Finally brought a girl to your bed, huh?" Palutena whispered in his ear with a small grin. She had been following him ever since she spotted him carrying the girl on his back. Chi, she remembered her. This was a problem...
"GAAH!" Pit said, clamping his hand over his mouth halfway through as he spun around to glare at her. "L...Lady Palutena!" he hissed furiously. "You shouldn't...this is my room!" he huffed. "You could have knocked!"

Jeez...she was so...sneaky!
Chi grumbled a little but surprisingly she didn't wake up. Palutena just gave him a smile before taking him and dragging him out of his room. "That was rude, you should treat your little girlfriend better. She's obviously exhausted." Palutena lectured, wagging her finger in his face.
"She's not my girlfriend!" Pit insisted, wings flared in surprise. "L-Lady Palutena! There's something more important going on here!" Ugh, how did she always act so relaxed!?
"Apparently. We should find Sona or Alondite so we can get to the bottom of this. They can contact Ashunera." From what Palutena understood, only true believers could get into the barrier. She doubted that Chi fit into that category...
"She doesn't seem like she's bad..." Pit frowned, arms crossing. "...But she said some weird stuff about I don't know."
" know, said he was all...romantic and nice to her," Pit mumbled. "That doesn't sound like him, to me."
"Well he hates you. There are different sides to everyone, Pit. Pittoo would never show you his romantic side...if he did I would be a little worried." Palutena laughed a bit. "Still, he seems popular with the ladies. First Sona and now Chi...guess he surpassed you in that department." She grinned at him and ruffled his hair. "One day, huh?"
"...I guess?" Pit said, glancing at her curiously. "I suppose I should start researching...who knew being around people had so many levels?" he sighed. "This is so confusing..." he grumbled, slumped in defeat. "I miss being in the was easier there, I just beat up bad guys."
"Well maybe you should talk to people more so you understand them. You know, instead of just patrolling around alone down here. We'll return to the sky one go find one of the girls. I'm going to stay out here and make sure Chi doesn't get into anything..." Maybe she should find a playmate for Pit...or something.
"Yeah yeah..." Pit sighed, heading off into the night. Why did he always have to be the one who never understood anything...?
Sona was still staying with the others, helping everyone with everything as much as she could. With cooking, cleaning...anything. Anything to get her mind off of personal feelings. She was going stir crazy, she wanted to leave but didn't have an excuse. Hopefully soon she could go back out of the barrier and go back to the way things were when it was just her and Alondite. She hated being around Zelda and Link...and Chrom and Robin. She hated seeing how happy the two couples were, and it reminded her of the glaring fact that Ike and Samus were together like that too.

Not that she ever would tell them that. She loved all of them dearly, but she just couldn't stand it anymore. Even though playing with baby Lucina was fun.
Pit came into the inn building with a scratch of his head. Ohma had been something of a second home for most of them, the villagers had adjusted to the fact that they were really, truly and positively not Laguz. And all of the help that they gave was more than enough for them to warm up to them. It was more of a communal place than anything was certainly odd to see the former Queen dressed in much more homespun clothes, but she certainly seemed happier. So did Link,

"So uh..." Pit said by way of awkward entrance. "...We might have a problem..."

"...Might?" Chrom said, brow raised curiously.
Ah, a problem. Sona was there in an instant, putting down the last of the crates that she was organizing so they could find their supplies better. "Problem? What is it, Pit? Is it more bandits? Can I beat someone up?" She asked eagerly with a hopeful smile.
"Uh...maybe?" Pit said, scratching his chin. "We uh...a girl came in...with wings. The girl who was with Pittoo?"

"...Her?" Chrom said, rising up with a frown. "Where is she? Is she put away?"

"...Well, she's kind of sleeping in my yes?" Pit said casually. "Palutena is keeping an eye on her."
"That's...oh. " Sona narrowed her eyes a little. She hadn't heard of a girl with...the other Pit. Then again, she tried to ignore whenever they spoke about him. She was still...really angry with him. He ruined her life, at least that's how she felt. "I don't understand...Ashunera's barrier is absolute..." She muttered.
"Maybe it only works in absolutes," Chrom muttered. "If Ike is any indication, then there may not be extreme loyalty to Medusa in every person. Just enough for them not to be here."
"Well we can't just let her leave now. She might go back to Medusa." Sona said as she scratched the back of her head. Maybe Alondite would know more about this. Ugh, this type of problem wasn't one she could solve.
"Or we could just kill her," Chrom groused.

"I think that's a little far..." Pit said nervously. "She hasn't done anything wrong...and she obviously isn't all bad if she got in, right? I mean...that's how it works, isn't it?"

"Not exactly," Alondite murmured when she came in, holding a bundle of laundry. Her embracing of the mortal way of life was enthusiastic...and incredibly awkward, but at least she had gotten the basic functions down. "However, she got in...the Lady must know of this, immediately."
'Yeah, yeah." Sona knew this was coming. Whether the girl lived or died, it wasn't her concern. "I have the medallion, we need her here so Ashunera can read her intentions. Or we need to go over to...Pit's room. An odd place to keep her." She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him.
"H-Hey! I didn't know what to do!" Pit said, waving his hands nervously. "She...she said I was her boyfriend and-"

"Oh good gods," Chrom said as Alondite grinned in amusement. "You cannot seriously believe that's true!"

"W-Well, I mean...Pittoo and I are kind of the same thing..." he pouted, poking his index fingers together. "So I didn't know how that whole dating thing worked..."

"The Captain of the Guard to Lady Palutena," Link mused. "Cut low by a few words...the shame."
Sona just rolled her eyes before making her way over to Pit's room herself. She didn't really find his ignorance amusing one bit, and the fact that "Pittoo" had a girlfriend pissed her off. Whatever, he was living his dream and was probably as free as a bird now.

Palutena could feel the animosity coming from Sona a mile away...maybe she should have just told Pit to bring Alondite instead. Oh well...Chi was in for a rude awakening.
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