The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...No. I don't know why, Ike." She mumbled as she glanced up at the sky. "Never thought too much about it. You don't have to explain yourself to me, though." Lies. She thought about it all the time.
"I don't have to, I want to," Ike murmured. "You deserve more than what I've given you...and I'm sorry. But I couldn't do that to you...or Ragnell. Every time I looked at that sword, I knew that I couldn't do it. I couldn't make myself taint the blade with innocent blood. I knew you would never want to believe that I was the one doing those I gave Ike away, and became the Black Knight. All because I thought I was doing the right thing..." he said, glancing up as well. "...I don't know what I did, anymore. If I even did anything. Maybe I should have let Ganondorf kill me instead of hire me, I don't know."
Sona stood there for a moment as her gaze shifted to him, and her eyes softened just a little. As much as she wanted to not care, it wasn't in her. She did...but that didn't change anything. Again...this was not the Ike she knew. But she couldn't do anything. She couldn't make him feel any better...not when there was nothing between them anymore. She reached into her pack that she had recently started carrying around with her..not that anyone noticed. It had everything she needed..not that she owned much to begin with. But she just took out the cape she had been holding onto since the day she became mortal and handed it to him. "You need it more than me," She muttered as she looked away. Her eyes were starting to much as she didn't want them to. "Maybe it will make you feel like your old self again. Maybe it's the only thing left of Ike that isn't Ragnell."
Ike glanced down at the cape a moment, hand running over it. It had was still well put together, if a little ragged. Much like him.

"...I'm sorry," Ike said sincerely. "...That day you found out, I'm sorry. But I had to do it. I'm proud of you for growing so strong, but I never meant to hurt you, or anyone. But I had to."
"I never cared about that." Sona responded as she folded her arms. "I had faith in you..because I used to know you more than anyone else. I knew you weren't evil. I knew that everything you were doing was for a reason. And I'm glad you didn't let Ganondorf kill you. I would have much rather you be alive today. I don't really know what that says about me. I just know that I was looking forward to the day that you didn't have to do those horrible things anymore. I just wanted to be with you again. That's really...the only thought that got me through most days."
"You still probably know me better than you think," Ike murmured. "...Just like I can tell how I came here and did nothing but hurt you." Of course he noticed. "...I love Samus, Sona. But that doesn't mean I love you any less. You will always be the person I know I can rely on, no matter what. Just like Soren, Mist...or anyone. You're more of my partner than anyone. You were my sword. You saw me through everything. Nobody, and nothing can ever take that away...and I will always be here when you want to come back."
Sona felt that deep stabbing pain again and she could only laugh. The knife just kept being twisted...did he know what he was doing? He didn't know..because she never told him. "..You're really bad with women, Ike. You don't get all. At least you're trying to make me feel better, have it all wrong. This isn't some little spell of jealousy, or a contest on who's closer to you or not. I know you don't love me any less. It's the fact that you don't love me any more because of her. I...I don't just see you as a partner, or a friend..or a master. I was in love with you..for so long. And I never got a chance to tell it doesn't matter at all. In the very least. I'll come back when I'm happy. Because right now, every single day I wake up with these unrequited feelings, after having the same nightmare over and over again...I just wish I never woke up in the first place."
Ike didn't really know what to say to that, considering it was true. He glanced off a moment before swallowing. "...Then when you come back, I'll be here." he murmured. "...I promise. This time, I'm not going anywhere, Sona." What else could he say? He couldn't apologize for his ignorance was clear that meant nothing.

He had alienated his partner without even knowing it, all because he wasn't smart enough to understand women.
Maybe it was just...something better left unsaid. Maybe she should have just kept quiet and left it alone...but no. She had to confess, and it really did mean nothing to him. It meant so little that he pretty much just ignored it. As she stared at him, she suddenly felt those tears escape. Guess this was the moment she was looking for. What finally was enough to make her abandon everyone she cared about. Alondite...Palutena..Link..Zelda...she would miss them. But she couldn't take this anymore. There were no words. Her expression said it all, really. It was pretty obvious that he had hurt her feelings again.

So, she just turned her back on him and started walking. She didn't know where she was going. But she was done. She didn't know if she would even be coming back. Because she wouldn't stay in this safe little bubble. No. She was going to fight until she couldn't fight anymore. She'd make sure she was the biggest thorn in Medusa and Ganondorf's side...she would just make herself a distraction so that the others could plan accordingly. She didn't know how, but she'd do it. It's not like she was worth anything else, since she was abandoning everyone and running away just because she couldn't accept that her first love never even thought about her that way. Not even once.
Ike glanced down at the cape a moment, then watched her leave. What...what did he say wrong? What did he say that hurt her so much? He supposed...he supposed it didn't honestly matter anymore. Whatever he had said, that was it. He felt the horrible pressure on his eyes as he wiped his face and headed home. He sat the cape down on the table and slumped in a chair. He didn't know if he could sleep, how could he? His mind was spinning with a thousand different things he could have said, focusing on whatever word made her think that he had hurt her...

He was there for her, always...wasn't that enough?
Her steps never slowed, not even when she heard someone stalking behind her. "What do you want?" She asked without looking back, picking up her pace as she reached the gates of Ohma. Whoever it was, they wouldn't stop her from leaving.

"I..just want to go home. To Gallia." The voice belonged to Lethe. She hadn't been around much, mainly because she didn't feel comfortable around beorc...or anyone really. She had...overheard the conversation between this girl and Ike. This was really her chance to leave. If she had someone with her, she could make it.

"..Then keep following me, Lethe." Sona didn't care one way or another. She had no destination, she might as well take Lethe to where she needed to go.
The morning came violently, but Ike wasn't expecting anything different. Contrary to the hopes of Chrom and the others who still held animosity towards Ike and Samus, they still needed to get food on occasion. Ike had rarely seen problems, and he would attribute that to Soren checking in regularly. But it was nice that he and the others were slowly trying to integrate Samus into their little circle. It was a simple question, one that by all means...was innocent. Alondite was worried, and Ike felt guilty.

"...Where is Sona?" she mumbled in the morning, while many were out and about. Ike didn't know why he spoke up, but he did...maybe he felt guilty.

"She left," Ike said. "After we talked."

And Chrom struck him across the jaw. Truthfully? Ike was surprised, but he wasn't surprised it was Chrom. He had been irritable, upset...and why shouldn't he? They were housing the man who murdered his kingdom, and he had nothing to do but be a father and fester on his grief. There was nothing they could do bit sit and wait, and Sona was supposed to go with Alondite to see what their options were. And now that Ike had obviously done something to jeopardize his one chance to feel like he could do anything, he had nothing left to do but smash the problem that rose up.

Ike went down like a sack of potatoes, grunting in surprise as he landed on his back. Chrom...hit much harder than he was expecting...

"You bastard!" Chrom growled. "What did you do now!?"

"Chrom!" Link said quickly. "This isn't the time!" Bless every single god and goddess that Soren and Titana were reasonable people...but they held a protectiveness over Ike and Samus in their vulnerable state that would make this situation even worse.
Soren always came around when Ike came to meet up with his old friends. For cases just like this one. Immediately he was in between Ike and Chrom. Samus was at Ike's side immediately, and she helped him up. She wasn't aware that he had spoke to Sona...Then again, she never pried about what he did whenever they weren't together.

"Ike..where did she go? Maybe we can catch up to her..." Palutena had knew something was bothering Sona..ever since that night where she was alone with Chi. But for her to just leave, especially after speaking to Ike...Palutena wasn't entirely sure if she'd ever come back.
"I don't know," Ike mumbled, rubbing his jaw as he glanced at Chrom, who was currently glaring daggers at Soren. A fight that he would lose eventually. Soren had a face that could freeze a sun. "I didn't get the chance to ask...she just said she was going away until she was happy."

"Everything he does, and you still defend him," Chrom muttered. "Do you have any idea the blood he has shed? The innocents he has killed!?"
Soren narrowed his eyes at Chrom, but said nothing. He didn't like repeating himself. They weren't going to have this conversation again.

"Why didn't you stop her, Ike?! What if she leaves the barrier? What if she gets into trouble!" Lucina demanded, as she stepped closer to her father.

"Stop two. Please, stop. We're not going to get anywhere fighting with each other." Zelda's voice was soft but firm as she shuffled out of her room. She...probably wasn't supposed to be out of bed. But after hearing about Sona leaving, she wanted to be apart of the conversation.
"Zelda," Link murmured, moving to help her stand. "You shouldn't be up yet, please...sit down." he murmured, moving to get a chair.

"Why didn't any of you notice she wasn't happy?" Ike replied, sharply almost. Some of that old fire flickered in his eyes. "I chose to keep myself away from all of you, because I know I'm not welcome here. That meant I had to keep myself away from Sona, so what was I supposed to tell her? "
"You could have told her not to leave!" Lucina snapped at him as she put a hand on her hip. "Sona's been unhappy for a long time, of course we noticed! How were we supposed to know she wanted to leave, she never told any of us..."

"I'm fine, Link..." Zelda mumbled, though she was already out of breath. The baby was coming soon and she really couldn't wait until it was out of her. "But...we should really stop fighting. Please..."
"I know...hang on," Link smiled faintly, hand over hers before heading over.

"Did anyone ask?" Ike muttered. "Or are you just trying to find something to blame me for?"

"Tch, like we need a reason-" Chrom muttered, before Link moved over and stood in front of Chrom, arms crossed. Truth be told, Ike was a little surprised.


"...Chrom, this is too much," Link muttered. "Ike has done nothing, willingly. He has put himself away and out of sight by his own choice, he has given you his room to grieve, it's time to move on."

"Move on!?" Chrom hissed. "I lost an entire kingdom! To the man you're protecting!"

"I am protecting no one," Link said, blue eyes narrowed. "Ike has never claimed innocence, he has accepted his guilt. He has never been welcome here, and he never tried to make himself welcome...and yet still, you attack him. Why didn't we ask Sona what's wrong? Why didn't we act more concerned?"
Zelda was also surprised at Link's sudden interference, though she said nothing. She only sat and watched..and truth be told she felt guilty. Sona always was around...she always looked like she wanted something. When she asked her if she was okay, she'd always tell her yes. It was a lie...but so many tragedies had happened Zelda just figured she wanted to be strong for everyone, so she never pressed. No one could really bring themselves to answer Link's questions...because they were probably questioning it themselves.

"...Chi might know something." Palutena mumbled as she looked at her feet, deep in thought. "I noticed...that she seemed to be acting strange after a night with that girl. I thought I heard their voices when I passed by Pit's maybe she knows. I certainly found it odd that she would suddenly lose interest in keeping an eye on her after only one night. She told me she didn't need to guard her...that Pit would do just fine. A complete one eighty from when she begged me to be the one to keep an eye on her."
"...Chi?" Ike said, his brow's raising into his hairline. "Chi is here!? When? How?"

"We don't know," Link mumbled. "...I assume you know her, Ike?"

"Medusa's messenger girl...Dark Pit's girl," Ike mumbled, scratching his chin. "If she could get in...this is bad."
"Ashunera is looking into it...she believes that it has to do with her faith..which she has none, to say the least. Kind of like your girl behind you." Palutena said playfully, making Samus shift her eyes a little. "Though we aren't sure...guess the only thing we can do is wait. Right now Medusa has no idea where Chi is, and I really doubt she cares."
"...I'd like to talk to her," Ike said after a moment.

"What?" Chrom muttered. "No, absolutely not."

"Do you know how Medusa works?" Ike asked. "Have you done everything in your power to cater to her whims? Samus and I do, and the sooner she leaves, the less suspicious Medusa will be. We should prepare for the worst. She already had something of an idea when we were looking, who knows what they know now?"
"..Let's go then, Ike." Palutena started walking towards Pit's room. She wasn't exactly sure what he would get out of the little devil, but if he wanted to talk to her that was fine. Besides..him being around Chrom wasn't good for anyone right now. It was stressing out Zelda, who was ready to pop.
"If Chi can get in, others might be able to," Ike said, glancing to the others. "...I'd recommend that you start setting up defenses, Link. Just in case."

"Right," Link murmured. "Chrom, you're with me."

"Tch," he muttered. "Very well," Perhaps it'd give him something to do.
Chi wasn't really surprised when she saw Palutena come in, it was only when she saw Ike and Samus did she straighten up and get a little nervous. The two of them were monsters in their own right and she had absolutely no idea why they wanted. It could have been anything really, but she just kept an innocent smile on her face. There was no need to panic..yet. "Wow, long time no see. You two are looking great...has the farm life been treating you well?"
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