The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Good," Ike said casually, moving closer as he pulled up a chair to sit. "You look well, Chi. Has Pit been keeping you happy?" She was terrible at hiding it, always was. Samus terrified her, Samus terrified a lot of people when Ike was the Black Knight. Her very presence could unnerve some of the strongest rebels. Some things never changed, no matter how comfortable they got...Ike was always aware of Samus' presence behind him. Waiting and watching.
"Not the one that guards me." Chi said as she rubbed her nose a bit, feeling antsy under Samus' gaze. Maybe if she didn't look at her, she would just go away. "What do you want? Come to keep me company? I'd appreciate it, no one ever wants to talk to me anymore."
Ike offered her a faint smile, but it seemed somewhat dangerous combined with the sharp, unfaltering gaze of his lover behind him. "What do you need to tell Medusa?" he asked easily. "What can you get away with telling her without being in danger?"
"I'm telling her everything. She'll kill me if I keep anything from her. Everything I know, from what I've seen to what I've done. She has to know it all. I'm a horrible liar, you see. I'm still on thin ice from saving Sona. You can't expect me to keep anything from her." Chi answered as she stretched out her wings a bit and then turned around to face the wall. No, they weren't doing that...she hated when people stared at her like that.
"...I see," Ike said. "Then I imagine that means we're done here," he said, rising up. "Since there's nothing I can do to change that...I suppose we should kill you." he murmured.
Chi whirled around, her eyes wide with terror. If it were anyone else, she wouldn't have reacted in such a way. But she knew...she knew that neither of them would hesitate. "W-wait..Wait." At least with Medusa she had a chance to live, because of Pit...but with these two...fuck. "Kill? That's harsh..maybe we can work something out..please?"
"No," Ike said. "Medusa will kill you if you hide anything from her, but I shouldn't let you leave knowing how to get here." he said, arms crossing as his shoulders relaxed. "...But I can't," he admitted. "...I'm not that person, I don't want to be, and I never was good at it." he mumbled. "...It's time I stopped running, stopped acting like a beaten down animal. Go, tell Medusa what you saw...and tell her that she will never take my home. Not while I still breathe."
Chi was silent for a moment. Was..was he serious? Or was this some kind of a trick? She narrowed her eyes a little before rising up from the bed. "...So you're just letting me go?" She asked carefully, her eyes glancing over to Samus for a moment as if trying to see any indication of deceit..not that she could ever tell what that woman was thinking. Ever.
"Yes," Ike murmured. "...Pit is a good kid, even if he doesn't want to act like it. I can't blame him for being loyal to Medusa, nor can I blame you for being loyal to him." he said. "...Is that okay with you, Palutena?"
Palutena sighed a little and then shook her head. "I don't have a problem with it, but It's not me that should decide. Alondite should...this is not my realm to endanger, Ike. This realm belongs to Ashunera. She has already expressed interest in keep the girl here. We've already alienated one of Ashunera's envoys. Maybe we should try not to do the same to the other and ask for her opinion..."
"It doesn't matter much now," Ike murmured. "If Chi is gone much longer, then Medusa will know either way." he said, rising up. " much as it would spare us grief to kill her, I won't." he said. "Chi is as neutral as I was, but I won't make her suffer like I did either. Like I will." he grimaced faintly. If Medusa ever got hold of him, he knew his death would never come...and his pain would be endless.
"We need to prepare," Ike murmured, letting out a breath. "...We can't just...let the world go by us, anymore. We made this we should fix it," he said, glancing to Samus.
"I agree. Did you have anything in mind, Ike?" Samus asked as she watched Palutena follow Chi with a serious expression on her face, leaving them alone together. She had been training a little with different types of weapons, though she hadn't truly became comfortable with anything yet. Still, she was formidable regardless.
"Training," Ike murmured. "...I need to feel a sword in my hands again...and we need to find you a suitable teacher." he said, glancing at her.
"Who did you have in mind?" She asked, though she felt like she had a good idea. There weren't many people who had a similar fighting style that she would suit her.
"Someone I'm going to need a favor from," Ike joked faintly. "Come on, Zelda seems least more so than the others."

...He had forgotten how much he actually missed being part of them. But he wasn't deserving of that, not anymore.
Samus followed Ike back to Zelda, who was still seated outside with everyone. When they came back, she looked up at the two. Palutena hadn't come back, so she thought she would speak to Ike. "Did you talk to Chi? Did she know anything about where Sona might have gone?"
"No," Ike murmured. "Chi is leaving...which doesn't give us much time."

"She's leaving?" Impa frowned. "What do you mean?"
"We let her go." Samus answered quietly as she glanced at Impa.

"..You let her go. Of course. So what now?" Zelda wasn't really sure how to react to that. She was worried about Sona, but there seemed to be nothing she could do. Not like this, anyway.
"I need a favor, Zelda," Ike murmured. "...I know I don't deserve one, but Samus and I want to help...and to do that, Samus needs to know how to wage war, like we do."

Impa arched a brow at that, sizing Samus up curiously. She had a feeling she knew where this was going...but for the moment, she held her tongue.
"Do you want Impa to train Samus?" Zelda asked as her face tightened a bit. Another contraction..they kept getting closer and closer together. Honestly, she wouldn't be any help. If that's what he wanted, she would allow it. As long as it was okay with Impa.
"...My lady, with all due respect," Impa mumbled. "My techniques pass to members of the Sheikah tribe, and the Sheikah tribe only. She is not even Hylian!"
"I understand if you don't want to. I won't make you, but.." Zelda winced as she slowly got up. It was clear that she was in pain. "If you don't, I'll just have to do what I can to help. Unfortunately, without Samus at her best...I won't have the luxury. To sit this one out, you see." It wasn't really a bluff, but Zelda knew what she was doing. "After all..I won't risk the people who have been so generous to us..."
"...As you wish, my lady," Impa murmured, hands over hers. "...Please, allow me to return you to bed, you must rest...the midwife said that the baby should be coming within the day or two." Zelda always knew how to twist Impa to get exactly what she wanted...
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