The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...The life of the Sheikah is similar," he murmured. "Our duty, above everything Zelda, the royal family...and all connected to it. We are shadows, nothing more than forgettable people in history, that is why the leader has always taken the name Impa. I am but one of many women who has been named as such, and I will not be the last. But you see, it is never so easy." Impa chuckled. "Zelda is...fond of me, perhaps in the same way Ike is fond of you, perhaps not...but our goal is absolute, our lives mean nothing if they are not in the service of those we cherish. My training is not for the weak will be broken down into the sum of your parts, and made new. There is no hesitation, no fear...and no turning back. Once you choose to be a Sheikah, you will always be one."
Samus listened to every word, and she only nodded at the end of her speech. Ike thought Impa would be able to train her, so she would trust him. Not to mention, she had seen first hand the skills that Impa and the others possessed when she invaded Hyrule castle. "I see no problem in that. I am just..very honored that you would train me after everything I've done. Thank you, and...I'm sorry."
"We need everyone we can get," Impa murmured. "My brothers and sisters died protecting Zelda, as they knew would happen one must distance yourself from such things, only those who we protect matter."
Samus only nodded, feeling a slight resonance with Impa's words. She had always felt that way...that Ike was the only thing that truly mattered. That was why she could do those horrible things. "When do we start?"
"Immediately," Impa said, unfolding her arms. "You will be given an hour of free time to do as you see fit, you are mine the rest of the time." she murmured. "You will not complain, you will not question, you will simply do. Are we clear?"
"Yes." Samus answered without hesitation, though her eyes narrowed slightly with curiosity. If she could do that for Medusa, she could do that for Impa too. Especially if that meant getting stronger so she could help Ike and protect him when he needed her to.
"Good," Impa said with a faint smile. "Follow me, then." she instructed. "I hope you have no issues with modesty?"
"Not at all." Samus responded, though she wasn't one hundred percent on what Impa meant by that. Still, no matter what she meant, there would be no complaints from her, she only followed as Impa wished.
"Good," Impa smirked, leading her out of Ohma and towards the dense forest that her tribe had claimed. "To become a Sheikah, you earn everything. Even the clothes on your back. We usually don't train someone so old...figuratively speaking."
"So you want me to take off my clothes?" Samus asked, making sure she understood correctly before she started stripping out in the open. It wasn't like she cared...she had nothing to be ashamed of. But, she would check before the clothes came she didn't make things awkward.
"Yes, you start from the will be trained by me," she said, turning to face her. "You are a grown woman, and a powerful warrior in your own right, I expect you to keep up with me."
"Very well." Samus began as she started to undo her corset. Whatever it took...she would keep her word and do whatever Impa asked without question. Once the corset was off, she pulled off her tunic and then her boots and tights. She stared at Impa with no shame on her face, as she stood out in the open stark naked. There was nothing to be ashamed of really...Samus had a figure to die for, and she knew it from all the looks she got.
"Good," Impa said in satisfaction before moving closer to take her hand, and beginning to wrap it. "You must be a weapon...with or without anything," Impa murmured. "Some of you, I see already is...but we must hone it." she smiled.
Samus looked down at her hand curiously as Impa wrapped it. She silently agreed with a nod..she needed to get better without a weapon. Without her suits, guns, and shadow powers, she felt lost. This was a good first step.
She wrapped both her hands, then held them up. "These...will be your weapons." she murmured. "You will hunt, fight, and rely on only your body until I see that you are ready for the next step. There will be moments when you are the only thing between the one you cherish and an opponent, you must not fear being alone, or unarmed. Your body is a weapon, and I will teach you how to use every single limb."
She looked down at her hands before lowering them. Her gaze turned to Impa as she looked into her eyes. "Please, don't go easy on me. I want to be ready when the time comes."
It had been too long, far too long. Long enough that it made him antsy. Chi was supposed to be back by now, and she hadn't been. He had to find her, to make sure that she was alright. That...was the problem, however. He had a decent idea where...or...rather, where she was supposed to be. But he was standing right at the edge of it. He settled his hand on the air, and it simply stopped. He curled his hand into a fist, and it just shifted around it. He frowned deeper at that, wings fluttering in annoyance.

She was past that, he knew it! How in the hell was he supposed to get inside?

"...Chi?" he called curiously. " out there? can you hear me?"
There was a silence right after his words before he would hear an answer. There was a delay, but her voice called out to him. It seemed distorted as it echoed through the barrier. "Pit? Is that you?!" She called out. Damn it, it was just as much of a pain to get into the barrier as it was to get out..but that was fine. She was close, she just had to follow the sound of Pit's voice.
"Chi! Hang on! I'll find a way to-" The moment he put his weight on his hands, he suddenly felt himself falling through...and face first into the ground with a pained grunt.

...What kind of barrier was this stupid thing!?
Chi was startled when she saw him just...fall through. He could go through the barrier too? Was there a hole there or something? She put it to the back of her mind before she moved to his side to help him up. He didn't even get a moment to recover because she immediately clung to him. "I missed you so much!" She told him as she wrapped her arms around him tightly and squeezed.
Pit blinked in surprise at that, but slid his arms around her tightly in turn as he nuzzled into her hair. "You're okay?" he mumbled faintly. "You're not hurt?"

...Guess he'd figure out what happened later, as long as Chi was safe.
"I know, right? Guess I lucked out, Ike decided to let me go. They had me locked up in the other Pit's room for a few days. You know, the dumb Pit." Chi gave him a sheepish grin. "He did all sorts of naughty, perverted things to me until I escaped. It was awful!" Yeah, she missed messing with him as much as she missed him in general.
"...He did?" Pit said, brow raised curiously. Strangely enough, he didn't feel upset...mostly confused. Did Pit even know how to do any of that stuff? "Are we thinking about the same guy?"
Did he actually believe her? Chi just smirked before shaking her head a little. "I was kidding, he just sat there and acted stupid, as usual. But what if he did? Would you be jealous? Would you?"
Pit was about to reply, but his eyes perked up behind Chi and he grabbed her shoulders to shift her behind me, immediately, his bow appeared in his hands. He had barely sensed that Pit-stain coming, was she followed?

"Wait! Wait..." Pit said, hands slumped on his knees with a pained wheeze. " fly fast..."

"...The hell do you want?" He muttered faintly.

"...Huh?" Pit said, glancing up. "Pittoo?! How did you get here!?"

"I found a way in, naturally," he said blandly. "Now buzz off!"

"No, wait!" he said, hand on his chest to take a breath. " you know anything about Sona leaving?"

Dark Pit's weapon lowered a fraction. What? Sona Used to be here?
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