The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"You are. I see it. You no longer have to question that worthiness, because your Goddess has told you." Medusa cupped his cheek as she looked into his eyes, the smile still remaining on her full, pale lips. "You are my chosen one, Yong...I see so much promise, so much potential. Tell me, what is your deepest desire?"
"M...My deepest desire?" Yong blinked, his eyes searching hers for that answer. "I...that is a hard question," he admitted. "...My desire is to see my people thrive, and to be strong enough to protect them and those who protect my people, such as yourself, my lady."
"How honorable of you..." She would enjoy corrupting this boy. "Your people will thrive..and you will get stronger. I can grant those desires...but you have to prove your loyalty to me..."
"How?" Yong said firmly. "Tell me, I will do anything to prove my loyalty!"
Such eagerness excited was felt so much better hearing him praise her than when Ike did. "You will do as I say without question. You must have absolute faith in me...and my words. You will pledge your mind, body and soul to me, Yong." She rose up slowly, looking down on him with a wide grin.
Yong's expression shifted a moment in thought, but nodded dutifully. "For the one who has given my people land, safety and your kind embrace...I will serve you in whatever capacity you need me," he said resolutely.
"Good," Medusa began as she caressed his cheek once more, staring deep into his eyes. She was searching for any sense of doubt or deceit..but there was nothing. She sat back down and then lifted up her leg, her dress doing nothing to hide her glistening folds from him. "Then...lets seal the deal with a kiss. My foot...kiss it, Yong." He would literally work his way from the bottom to the top...before she would let him be intimate with her.
His eyes went right between her legs a moment, his nostrils flaring at that surprising scent...before he leaned his head over to nuzzle her foot affectionately before he kissed the top of it. Her skin tasted...he didn't know the word, but he liked it...
"Excellent..." Medusa purred. She noticed that brief moment of hunger, and that was enough to make her want to tease him more. She slowly moved her foot up and down his cheek, spreading her legs slightly to give him a better view of her increasingly wet folds. "Now tell me about yourself, Yong. What can my new pet do? You are dragon, and yet you are in the form of a man. What powers do you possess?"
"Many of my people are capable of this, my lady..." Yong said, his voice growing low as his eyes half lidded with pleasure as he gave her ankle a faint kiss. "I am...I am the current leader of my people, as my father passed away before we slept...I have not yet had time to find a proper mate..."
"A proper mate..?" Medusa asked, tilting her head slightly. "Interesting..what type of woman would be a proper mate for you, Yong?" Another wish she could fulfill? Or was it something a little more complicated than that. Either way...she was curious. She pulled her foot away and crossed her legs with a smirk.
"...Someone powerful," Yang murmured. "Someone who could bear many children, to continue my line...someone that is beautiful, with a soft heart for her children and a harder heart for our enemies." It was hard to think straight with that intoxicating scent in the air...
Medusa licked her lips once more in thought, however before she could answer she felt her daughter presence as she appeared in the corner of the throne room. So...Ganondorf had finished making her a woman.

"My apologies...mother. I did not know that you were speaking with a guest." Ganessa moved out of the shadows, her eyes narrowing a bit at Yong. Who was this? He didn't smell human..nor demon.

"It's alright...Yong, this is my daughter, Ganessa." Medusa did her daughter feel about her first experience?
Yong turned and bowed respectfully. "It is an honor, Lady Ganessa." It didn't surprise him that a strong mother had sired a powerful daughter, not in the slightest.
"Who are you supposed to be?" Ganessa asked with a slight tilt of the head.

"He's my new champion, Ganessa. He's a fearsome creature...a dragon. You've read about those in your books, haven't you?" Medusa asked as her eyes glanced at her daughter.

"A dragon?" Ganessa suddenly moved in close to him, narrowing her eyes as she looked him up and down. She obviously didn't care about personal space. "This...little man is a dragon? Haha. Doesn't look like one."
"And your demeanor wouldn't suit a daughter of the Lady Medusa, yet you are still her daughter," Yong replied sardonically, glancing up to her face. "Appearances can be nothing but lies, can they not?"
"What? Ugh! Mother, you always pick the most insufferable toys." Ganessa growled, though her mother just chuckled.

"She is young, Yong. Less than a year old. Forgive her...she doesn't know how to see with something other than her eyes yet. Maybe you can show a demonstration to her? I'm curious too...I want to know what you're true form looks like. I bet it's fantastic..." Medusa purred.
"...As you wish," Yong said. "...Lady Ganessa, if you could take a step back?" he asked politely.
Yong took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, before they opened as slitted, reptilian orbs. Dark energy flittered around his body, his skin darkening as his teeth grew razor sharp. He let out a thunderous roar as dark magic exploded from his body, a thick tail lashing out as massive claws sunk into the ground. Easily, he was the size of two horses, his wingspan probably more than that as he spread his wings. He was a handsome dragon, his scales dark as night and his maw hissing out pure magical energy. Dragons had no true alignment, they used what they were born into. Yong was simply a child of dark magic, nothing more.
Ganessa's mouth was agape as she stared at the dragon in front of her. The energy that let off his body when he transformed had given her chills. Wow..he A real dragon, huh? Smaller than what she initially thought. And yet...he felt menacing. Dangerous.

"Magnificent..." Medusa complimented with a big of a laugh as she moved over to him for closer inspection. She circled him once before reaching out to feel the scales underneath his maw. "You are every bit as impressive as I thought you may transform back now..."
Yong purred contently at her touch, which sounded more like a minor rumble of thunder before the magic sunk inward, and soon enough, Yong was in his human form again. Looking as pleased as a cat who had found prey to play with. "Thank you, my lady," he said proudly. "I have trained hard to maintain my strength."
"I can tell..and I'll make you even stronger, my pet." Medusa purred as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Ganessa, do you doubt him to be a dragon now?"

"..No mother. I do not. I apologize, Yong." Ganessa muttered as she let her arms relax at her sides. She knew when to admit that she was wrong, but it wasn't just that...she was in love with the dark magic that radiated from him, it felt good.
Yong's purr never left at her touch, eyes half lidded. "Your apology is not needed, Lady are not the first to doubt me." He was...after all, a little bit on the short side.
Seeing the way he was acting reminded Ganessa of why she was here. "Oh yes! Mother, I..would like to ask you about something. It's about..umm..." She felt her cheeks growing hot. Ugh, this was kind of embarrassing to talk about now.

"What is it, Ganessa. You can say it in front of my pet." Medusa continued to run her fingers through his hair. He really did enjoy her touch, it seemed like almost a drug to him.

"Umm...just...well what you're doing to him...can you please teach me how to do it to other people?" Ganessa asked in earnest as she looked away. Medusa just grinned.

"Oh dear, the art of seduction is not a hard lesson to learn. Though it's a little different for everyone. Yong likes being touched and caressed. He enjoys the feel of my skin against his...and he enjoys my praise. It's actually quite adorable." She cooed as her long tongue slipped from her mouth and went right underneath his jawline. Once it retracted into her mouth she grinned. "But then again, I think he likes it best when I do it..."
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