The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Ganondorf slid his cock out with a heavy pant, dripping his seed. "'re an excellent woman, my dear..." he purred, kissing her neck. "But there is so much more to teach nobody can take advantage of you."
"Take advantage of me..?" Ganessa asked as she did her best to catch her breath. The blissful pleasure of her orgasm was starting to fade..and she was really sore. All least wherever he struck her. Her body was all marked up from where he had hit or squeezed her. But she ignored it for now.
"Mm,'re a beautiful woman, my dear...perhaps one of the most beautiful. If you're not familiar with the feelings, then someone might try to exploit that for their gain...and the only one who should do that, is you to other people." he smirked, hands running down her breasts and toned stomach.
Ganessa felt her cheeks heat up a little. Honestly, she had never really looked at herself like that. Beauty? She was more focused on being strong...but she was starting to see things a little differently now. "What feelings should I be familiar with, daddy?"
"The feelings you're feeling right now," Ganondorf purred. "There is no shame in feeling them...but know that they will make you think...foolish things, things that should be considered."
"I if I am used to it, I will not think those foolish things?" Ganessa asked softly. "And then I can use those feelings to make other people think about foolish things?"
"Exactly," Ganondorf smirked. "Imagine being able to make men and women dance to your tune, just to see something they aren't worthy enough to see, I'm sure you've seen your mother do it?"
"Yes...she likes to be close to people...and they seem to be under a spell or something. I can do that too?" Ganessa asked as she lifted herself out of the tub and turned to face him.
"Mm, absolutely," Ganondorf purred, admiring her toned backside and full featured body. "She uses nothing more than her natural talent at making people hear what they want to hear."
"Well then...I guess I'll have to try it some time." Ganessa said as a large grin spread across her lips. Pity Seig was not around for this..ugh, and now she was thinking about that loser again. She hated how much he was on her mind now that he was no longer around. "All I have to do is act like mother, right?"
"Yes, and must find what makes people excited about you," he chuckled. "It may not be the same thing as your mother, for instance."
"Hmm, what excites people about me?" She asked thoughtfully before smirking. "I know what scares people. But I suppose that isn't the same thing..."
"Hm, sometimes," Ganondorf grinned. "Your mother is adored and loved for her beauty and her cunning wit. She favors people who rightfully praise her, but she's always been able to tell when it's genuine or just out of fear. She savors when men want her, when women want, however?" Ganondorf mused. "You have much to be proud of, my daughter. You radiate confidence like your mother, but you lack experience to make it seem stable...I'm sure your mother can tell you all about making people dance around your finger, just for a glance." he chuckled. "She's very good at it, I think she enjoys watching me squirm, at times."
"I would enjoy it too. You're the most powerful man in the world, daddy." Ganessa smiled at him. "And mother has you all wrapped around her finger, that sounds really fun. Maybe I'll go pay her a visit after I get dressed and asked her to teach me how to manipulate people with my charm."
"Like mother, like daughter..." He sighed dramatically, hand running through her hair. "You did very well today, Ganessa...I'm very proud of you," he said, kissing her forehead. "I'll teach you more, once your mother tells me what you need help with."
Ganessa leaned into the palm of his hand, happily accepting his praise. "I already feel stronger. Thank you, daddy." Pain was something that she hated, but now she saw it was necessary. Perhaps she would stop letting her mother and Althea heal her whenever she got hurt.
"Good," Ganondorf smiled. "Once you learn pain, it is no more of an irritant as a bug biting at your skin, you have much to learn...but I am pleased to see you eager to learn it."
"That's because I want to make you and mother proud. I want to be the third strongest in the world, after you and mother of course. That way I can crush all of your enemies for you." Ganessa grinned and hopped out of the tub. That, and she couldn't let Seig outdo her next time they met.
"Good to hear," Ganondorf grinned, slipping out of the bath. He had to wonder, was Medusa behaving with Yong? She seemed quite smitten with him...
It was hard to know what "behaving" meant to her love, but she was being tame so far. After making the proper arrangements for his people, she took Yong straight to the castle to show him around. She still wasn't exactly sure where she would keep him yet. He was hard to read...but that might have just been because his interest seemed to be in her and her alone. Which made her feel wonderful. Yes, he might just be worthy enough for her to let him sleep at her feet. Once they were back in the throne room, she sat and smiled at him.

"You have seen my home now, Yong. Know that you have authority over the servants and concubines to do with as you wish. They are..replaceable." She said with a grin.
"I am flattered," Yong murmured, glancing around in awe. "You have so much property, my must truly own everything I see." His people had made the safe choice, indeed. And she was being so generous! "I don't know how I can express what your generosity means to my people," Yong said, bowing in respect. "We are not worthy."
Medusa just grinned at him, resting her cheek on her palm. "I know the favor will be returned...especially by you, Yong. You will make an excellent champion for me...won't you?" She asked as she licked her lips. "Come closer, dear."
Yong swallowed faintly, but moved forward regardless. The way that his Lady looked at him made his body flush with a hunger he didn't know he had...could he even satisfy someone as beautiful and powerful as her?
"You look you have doubts that you can fulfill my expectations, boy?" Medusa purred as she reached out and trailed a single clawed finger down his bare chest.
", my lady," Yong mumbled, sucking in a faint breath. "I...merely wonder if I am worthy of your attention..."
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