The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Medusa chuckled softly when he touched her cheek. She then rose her hand up to touch the back of his, letting him continue to caress her skin. "Is it customary to touch someone before you've even given them your name in your culture?" She asked curiously, her blue eyes staring deep into his as she looked down at him. A few tongues belonging to the serpents in her hair slithered out, indicating how pleased she was. She enjoyed how fascinated this man was with her.
"...No," he mumbled, his body reacting quite pleasantly to her touch. "...I am Yong," he mumbled. "...You are radiate warmth. Are you the one that woke us from our slumber?"
Such words pleased Medusa..she liked this one especially, who had the courage to face her. "Yes...I, along with the Demon King who stands before you have changed the world, together. It is unsurprising that such a feat had the power to awaken you and your people. I am the Goddess Medusa, Yong..." Her grin grew wider, her eyes sparkling just a bit with excitement as she softly grasped his hand. "I can tell from touching much power you have inside of that body. I have never met a dragon in the form of man before..."
Yong felt his face heat up, his fingers curling in surprise. " offer me far too much praise," he mumbled, glancing away. "...But if it is you who awoke us, Goddess is you who we serve."
Medusa was amused at his reaction. Shy boy, was he? "Excellent. That pleases me greatly, Yong." She purred as she let go of his hand and started to circle around him. "In return for your service, I will protect you and your race and make sure you have everything you could ever want or need..." She continued as she inspected every inch of him.
Yong glanced at her curiously, he wasn't quite sure what the gaze was...but it made his body throb faintly as he swallowed. "...We are honored, my I...please you?"
"You do," Medusa said as she stopped in front of him. It was her turn to touch him as she reached out and gently gripped his chin, making him look up at her. "I would like for you to be my...personal servant. How does that sound, Yong?" She moved down to kiss his neck softly. "I will treat you well...I can give you everything your heart desires...I can make you the strongest of your race with my blessings...All I desire in return is your absolute devotion..."
Yong blinked in surprise, his breath escaping at her kiss. His loose pants suddenly tightened, showing an impressive erection mashed against him as he let his eyes fluttered. "I...I would be honored, My Lady...I do not deserve such attention...we...we will happily serve such a loving Goddess...what do you ask of us...?" He was chosen...? Truly? He felt his heart slam to his throat.
Medusa's eyes lowered to the erection in his pants and she casually let her hand drop down to caress it. Not bad...not bad at all. "Unfortunately...there are people in the world who do not wish to be under my rule. They have gone out of their way to murder my people, my worshipers. One in particular murdered thousands, and now my army is weak. I fear that they will strike again at any moment knowing that we are currently short on men..." She told him as she moved her hand back and forth against him firmly.
Yong let out a pleased little growl of satisfaction, eyes rolling back a bit as his hips leaned into her hand. "Then..." he panted faintly. "We...we will help people are eager to see the outside world again...we know nothing of these lands..."

"I'm sure we can find somewhere more than suitable for such powerful aid," Ganondorf smirked. My, it seemed Medusa was smitten. "Wouldn't you agree, my love?"
"I would have to agree..." Medusa responded with a smirk as she slowly pulled her hand back, licking her lips with her long tongue. She would have to thank Ganondorf properly for finding her such an interesting, charming creature. He would make a wonderful pet...and unlike Ike he meant every single word he said. "There are much more suitable areas...especially for you, Yong." Maybe she'd keep this one in her room...
"I would be...honored wherever you placed me, my lady," Yong said, bowing despite his aggressive erection and his regaining composure. "I will be wherever I am ordered."
Such eagerness was so pleasurable to Medusa...she really did like this boy, and she would turn him into the pet that Ike never was. "Excellent." She turned her back and went over to Ganondorf. "What a lovely discovery you made, my dear. I will have to show my appreciation later." She purred to him.
"Good," Ganondorf grinned. "Yong, I believe we have a forest that would be very suitable for your people...but we will allow your kind to rest wherever they please."

"Thank you, Lord Ganondorf...I will discuss the matter with my people," he smiled. "...I am honored to be your chosen one, Lady Medusa...I swear on my blood that I will not fail the tasks you give me."
"I'm sure you won't, Yong. I sense much potential in you...when you are finished speaking with your people, I will bring you to your new home in our castle..." Medusa felt better already..such a powerful race following her would be a great asset...a very great asset. And Yong? She would give him power beyond his wildest imagination..provided he did well. She had great expectations.
Yong nodded faintly, scampering off into the shadows to speak with his eager brothers and sisters. He wasn't the only one that seemed excited, the others shared honest jubilation at the news.

"I will do some digging into what they know, my love," Ganondorf mused. "Who knows? Perhaps at one point, they truly did worship you...regardless, they seem quite eager to serve...I think I know of a good use for them to start with."
"Oh?" Medusa purred as she watched Yong talk to his people. She could feel their was refreshing, to say the least. "What's that? Will you breed with some of their women?" It wasn't a serious question...or maybe it wasn't made in complete jest. Regardless, Medusa wanted to know what his plans were.
"No," Ganondorf grinned. "Although has been a while," he mused with a faint sigh. Yes, once he had a proud harem...but time made things less suitable to simply impregnate women as he pleased. "It is strange to hear you sound slightly possessive, love," he smirked, glancing at her. "I quite like the venom in your voice, you tire of me bedding unworthy women?"
"Hmm...only when they get in the way of you paying attention to me. I'm sure Ganessa feels the same way...I've caught her terrorizing the maidens in the castle for lurking around wherever you are." Medusa smiled as she crossed her arms slightly. "I suppose I'm not one to talk, I do have a collection of..decent looking slaves to groom and feed me."
"That is because a woman of your caliber deserves proper attention," Ganondorf smirked, tilting her chin up. "My daughter must be quite fond of me, then...perhaps I should teach her what the benefits are of using her wiles to get what she wants, mm?"
"Hmm, she is about that age now...and that little pet of hers is quite clingy. His scent was all over her...I'm sure she's getting curious." Medusa mused as she caressed his cheek. Yes, perhaps it was time to teach her about those things before she got into it all on her own with someone unworthy. "Come to think of it, she's been acting strange ever since I let her watch Ike violate that filthy animal who harmed her."
"Like mother, like daughter," Ganondorf smirked, leaning down to kiss her. "I suppose I should spend some time with our beautiful girl then...I trust I can expect you to behave when around Yong?" He would be surprised if she lasted much longer, the way he was acting.
"Behave? What does that mean?" Medusa asked, raising her eyebrow. "Now you're just talking to me like you talk to Ganessa. Not everyone can be as even tempered as you, my love." He always enjoyed patronizing her just after he put her into a better mood...she didn't mind it though.
Ganondorf laughed at that, giving her a fond kiss on her forehead before turning to leave in a glower of dark magic. Ah, her dry wit never ceased to amuse him...truth be told, the thought kind of excited him. His daughter was lovely, and the sooner she learned to use those assets, the more dangerous she would be...perhaps he was just hungry, he and Medusa did not always go as often as he liked...
Ganessa was trying to enjoy a bath..she didn't care one way or another if the Interloper was around. She had set him straight by yelling at him if he touched her without permission. Truth be told she was still angry about not having Seig around anymore. Absolutely infuriated...she cared about that more than anything else, and she wasn't even sure why. He was annoying...cowardly..never ever wanted to do anything fun. Most of all, he was her enemy! And still she...ugh!

Maybe she should find another stupid servant to torture...
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