The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"And it was a risk that you and I both accepted," Ganondorf reminded, forehead resting against hers. "However...we have much more than what we started with," he murmured. "We have people who were born and raised in what we have started, people who are born loyal and born eager to serve. Ike is an exceptional warrior, but he is one that is scarred." he smirked. "We have time...and I promise, we will be stronger than ever."
"I want them dead still. I want everyone who opposes us dead...We may get stronger but I don't want to give them time to get stronger either. It's much easier to simply crush them now!" Medusa hissed as she folded hear arms. Everything he said was true...but she still felt bitter and angry.
"Is it?" Ganondorf asked easily. "Our most elite aspect of our troops is gone, and their morale is currently low. We have an idea where they are, but no idea how to get in. As much as I do not doubt your power, my must not underestimate the strength of a single person." he mumbled. "Link and his accursed predecessors have toppled my plans, and it was rarely more than him and a few others."
Medusa frowned and then moved over to her bed, sitting down. She...she couldn't doubt the power of a single person. Pit had taken down her entire army at one point..she knew what he meant. "I know where you're coming from. That doesn't make me any less angry." She muttered as she crossed her legs.
"I am not asking you to not be angry," Ganondorf said, sitting next to her with a faint chuckle as he rubbed her leg fondly. "I am asking for focus, my dear...I have not let you down yet, and I do not intend to do so...Ganessa is eager, with some proper application, she will be more than Ike ever could be," he smirked, leaning forward to kiss her cheek as his hand slid between her legs. "All I for time..." he purred, letting his finger roam against her slit. "Time to see that you can release the anger you have so rightfully gained."
Medusa whimpered softly and looked away. She hated that a single touch could take all the venom out of her attitude. She was quiet for a moment before her gaze returned to him. " haven't let me down. Fine, you'll have your time. I'll just take my anger out on some souls in the underworld until the time comes where I can have my revenge." It wasn't as satisfying as torturing the living, but she supposed it would have to do for the time being.
"Mm...that is a problem, isn't it?" Ganondorf smiled, letting his thumb brush along her slit. "You need a new pet...someone who is eager to please you, and willing to sink into every depth of depravity that you want..." he said, tongue brushing over her scaled cheek.
Medusa could feel her hot pussy growing slick with wetness the more he played with her. She started squirming a little, pressing her thighs against his hand. "A new pet would be..nice. But you said it yourself...I'm very hard to please. It's hard to find anyone who can entertain me.."
"Mm, true..." he purred, tongue flicking along her neck as he kissed it. "Perhaps I should just give you more attention in return, my love..." he growled hungrily, slowly letting a fat finger sink in. Truthfully, it would have pleased him like no other to have her a hungry, dick obsessed woman. There was a certain sense of extreme arousal when he could make the Goddess of Darkness wet...
She groaned softly when she felt his finger slip inside of her wet folds. "..I would appreciate that, but I can't use and manipulate you like I can with a toy." Or at the very least, she didn't want to. She wasn't sure what that meant, but she never cared enough to question it.
"Mm, I have found something that may excite you, then..." Ganondorf purred. "We've discovered something interesting in the southern mountains...something that I think you will appreciate." The world was full of so many strange things, these days...they were all fascinating, and potentially useful.
"Something interesting?" Medusa asked, her eyes sparking with curiosity. This was the first time she had heard of something like this..though she was focused much more on other things lately. "What did you find?"
"I would like to show you," Ganondorf smiled, kissing her cheek. "And then once your mood is properly restored...we can celebrate," he purred, rising up to offer his hand. "Are you familiar with dragons, my lady?"
She took his hand and then stood up, grinning faintly. "Yes...I know a bit about them. They are interesting that what you discovered in the mountains?"
"I discovered much in the mountains," Ganondorf purred. "Most importantly, my love...they are interested in meeting with you. It seems that their legends speak of beautiful Goddess wielding amazing powers."
"I see...well then, I suppose I can take the time to meet these dragons. Shall we go?" Medusa always enjoyed being around those who worshiped her. It was a good start to change her rotten mood.
"Of course," he smiled, arm around her waist to pull her closer. "I would move the mountains to put a smile on your face, my dear."
"You treat me so well..." Medusa purred as she moved to press her lips against his. There weren't many people in the world who could quell her angry moods. In fact, he and Ganessa were the only two that could. She loved them deeply. Almost as much as she loved herself. "Take me then, dearest."
Their trip was short, not that it was surprising between the two of them. The mountains in the south were not a byproduct of Ylisse's natural geography, but something that seemed to stubbornly slam up into the sky like a defiant roar. The mountain itself was quite impressive, but slightly hard to tell with the mountain range that appeared. The cold was biting, but it wasn't hard to ignore it when you were as powerful as the two of them. The mouth of the mountain was a natural cave, and it wasn't long before multiple sets of eyes flickered in the darkness. Not afraid, simply wary.
Medusa walked alongside Ganondorf with a confident, content smirk on her face. She did notice the attention they were getting, and she didn't mind it. From what she knew of dragons..they were really distrustful creatures. So she couldn't say she expected anything more than this.
When they reached the mouth of the cave, a single dragon moved forward...not a dragon, but it was clear he was part of them. He was shorter than Medusa and Ganondorf, reaching about Medusa's chest. He was dark skinned, his black hair waving faintly in the frigid winds. Unsurprisingly, he was shirtless, his chest bearing a tattoo that twisted around his right arm. He didn't say anything, he simply stared at Medusa with a scrutinizing frown. She was...beautiful, absolutely flawless. Her scaled skin was as reminiscent of a dragon as anything could be...
Medusa stopped when the man approached her..or rather the dragon. She could sense his true form, much like she sensed the animal within that cur that had harmed her daughter a few weeks ago. It..pleased her. Excited her, even. "Is this what you wanted to show me, Ganondorf?" Medusa asked as she looked him up and down with a seductive smile.
"He's the one who approached me, but he said nothing." Ganondorf murmured as the man's expression softened somewhat. They were not so easily fooled, but Ganondorf knew when Medusa was bewitching people and when they were naturally attracted, this one fell on the latter. Regardless, he approached closer with a curious frown, his nostrils twitching a moment. She smelled very familiar...
"Hmm, he seems to like me. Can you talk, boy?" Medusa asked as she took a single step closer to him, keeping that smile on her face. What an interesting creature...did he like her scent? Either way, she wanted to know more about him. She sensed potential...great potential.
"Yes," He said, his hand reaching out to touch her face. He seemed quite interested in the scales across her cheek. He rubbed them faintly, finding the sensation pleasing as a faint purr escaped his throat. Yes...this was her, wasn't it? The one from the stories? It had to be...when they awoke, they would be greeted by a Goddess.
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