The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"I want to be with you," Ike breathed hungrily, face nuzzled against hers...a testament to her flexibility as he bucked into her perfect pussy, his balls smacking wetly against her cunt. "I want you to stay with me..."
It was..hard to talk...and think when he was still pounding away at her over and over again. Her pussy was starting to twitch and ache..he was rubbing right against her sweet spot in this position and it felt so good. Her eyelids fluttered as her fingers ran through his hair. "...I'll stay with you, Ike. I don't ever want to be apart from you again."
"Good..." Ike breathed, kissing her. "I want you by my side...always," he said, picking his pace up with a heavy groan as his hands moved to hers, fingers linking together.
Samus returned the kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth again as she gripped his hand tight. Her chest started heaving as she started getting closer...and she was starting to get louder as well. She loved him...she really did..more than anything in the universe.
He rocked into her faster, or as fast as he could go with a heavy growl of pleasure. He couldn't stop moving his hips, faster and felt so good, it felt so real. He wanted to feel it all with her again.
Everything felt so was almost like this was their first time ever making love. She couldn't hold it anymore, she didn't want to. She just wanted to let it all go. She wanted to feel! "Ike..!" She cried out just before she felt her climax take hold of her. Her body trembled as she squirted her hot, sticky cum all over his groin. She came so hard, she couldn't feel her legs...
Ike let out a hungry moan, face nuzzled against her chest as he came inside her with a firm, powerful thrust. He gasped heavily, rolling his hips as he flooded her hungry pussy with his seed. Their first time was nothing like felt like their first time. He couldn't believe the difference. "Nn..."
For a moment, she was quiet. She waited for her body to stop twitching...she waited until she stopped whimpering. It was good..really good. "Ike...thank you...thank you for not leaving me." She muttered just before she went to kiss him once more.
"I never will," Ike murmured, kissing her faintly in return. "I keep my promises...I'm just sorry I never saw you like this earlier..." he groaned in appreciation, leaning down to kiss her perfect breasts.
"I'm sorry I never told you how I felt. I just..couldn't. I didn't know how." Samus mumbled as she dragged her hand down his back, being mindful of all his wounds. It was hard for her to express her emotions, or sometimes even accept that she had them. It started out as started out as just wanting a friend. But over time..she just grew to admire him and everything he much he was willing to suffer just for something he believed in deeply. Weaker men would have never been able to sacrifice what he did...
"I don't mind," Ike murmured. "...I love you, that's all that matters, I don't need you to tell me, I can feel it by you being here," he smiled faintly. "...But it is nice to hear."
Samus felt her cheeks grow hot when he said it again...he loved her. She just...that really made her feel good. She only returned his smile. "Good...I'm glad to hear that. you too, Ike. No matter what, I'll be here for you."
"Good," Ike chuckled faintly, slowly slipping out of her as he collapsed next to her with a faint breath. "This is our house now...kind of weird to think about, isn't it?"
"..Yes. But not unpleasant." Samus said as she took the blanket and moved it over them. She then laid down at his side, draping her arm across his chest. "A little bit of normalcy is just what we need, I think."
"Says the woman who came from the stars," he said easily, fingers running through her hair. "I agree...we need some of it."
"Sounds like a plan," Ike smiled, nuzzled against her hair with his eyes closing. They did deserve that much, anyway...

Not everyone, however...was pleased with them. Chrom never liked it, and now that they were actually here...he extremely did not like it. He was not one to ruin Palutena's happiness about her son...but...

"I can't believe we're allowing this," Chrom mumbled, arms crossed sourly. "We simply wave away what he's done, offer him safety?"
Robin did her best to comfort Chrom, but even she felt...upset towards Ike. "Calm down,'ll wake the baby." She told him as she reached out with her free hand and held his.

"Chrom, what do you think we should do with him?" Palutena asked as she rubbed her sons back. "Send him away with those wounds? He will die if we do that. We can decide what we want to do after he heals."
"This isn't fair," Seig mumbled. "None of you know what my father went through!"

"Seig, I am extremely aware of what your...father did," Chrom grimaced. "Because he is the reason my people are gone, my friends are gone...and we can't say a word to anyone?"

"And what makes you think he is okay with what he did?" Seig said firmly, frowning. "I saw my father suffer for months! He did it because he had no choice! He wanted to make it better, but what could he do?"
"Your father suffered for months, well my father will be suffering for the rest of his life! And so will my mother. Your father took away our people..our can't just expect us to forget about it." Lucina told Seig as she crossed her arms.

"Ike will also suffer for the rest of his life," Palutena interrupted as she held Seig close to her. "It's not about who is suffering more, Lucina. I don't expect you three to forget what happened in Ylisse. But...for the sake of the entire must put aside your difference so we can focus on our greater enemy.."
"...I know that my father will never forget what he has done in Medusa's name," Seig mumbled defensively. "...and if I'm not mistaken, he has lost just as all of you were once considered his friends."
Lucina didn't say anther word...she just looked away.

"..Well, you know what I think? I think all of us need some food in our bellies. Chrom gets cranky when he's hungry, right? Robin?" Palutena asked with a smile as she got up from where she was sitting.

Robin looked up at Palutena and gave her a light smile. "Yes...that's a good idea, Chrom. Let's eat. Please?" She knew they couldn't be selfish. They needed Ike on their side to stand any chance against Medusa, Ganondorf, and their army...
"...Fine," Chrom muttered. "...Why do you defend him, Seig? After all he's done?"

"Because he tried to do what he thought was best, and now he blames himself for not doing it," he said. "...I am so sorry for what he has done to your people, Lord Chrom. But I know that he suffers from it as much as you do. I've never seen my father...happy, you know that?" he admitted. "Every day was another burden of his orders."
Sona stood outside the door as she listened to Chrom and Seig's conversation. She had hoped by the time she had finished taking her..walk..that they would no longer be talking about Ike. But they were, and she didn't want to be apart of the conversation, not even to listen. Maybe it would be better if she just came back later...

"Sona." Soren's voice made her jump, she whirled around in surprise when she was face to face with the mage. Soren? What was he doing here? "Excuse me, I need to go in there." Squirrely little thing...Sona was snooping around when Nephenee took them to the place they'd be staying at. He had seen her multiple times following them..but she was harmless so he didn't say anything.

"..Oh. Okay." So much for leaving..Sona opened the door and walked in with Soren behind her. "What are you doing here, Soren?"

"To talk." He simply said as he approached Chrom and the others. "About Ike."
"And you are the Mercenaries he traveled with prior, correct?" Chrom sighed. "The Griel Mercenaries, wasn't it?"
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