The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Sorry," Ike admitted faintly, rubbing his neck. He knew why he didn't feel it, he supposed he just didn't want to admit it. "I'll rest when we get back, Mist...promise. I'm starting to feel it," he wasn't...but he knew better than to tell her that, or to ignore what he knew was a reality, he shouldn't have fought. But he wasn't going to leave Samus and Lethe alone.
"You better. We're going to actually head back to the Queen...she needs us. Are you coming with us, or are you staying in Ohma with Nephenee and the others?" They could come too, Queen Elincia could house them. It really depended on what they all wanted to do.
"...I'd prefer to stay in Ohma, for now," Ike mumbled. He'd rather stay anywhere else...but... "I don't think I should be the one to be in any sort of royalty for a while, Sis."
"Okay..well Soren says he's staying with you so..." Mist knew something was wrong, but she wouldn't pry. Whatever her brother needed. She gave him a tight hug. "We're parting at the barrier. I love you big brother."
"...I love you too," Ike said, arm around her. "Be safe, Mist." She had gotten stronger, but I guess some things never changed...
"You too, Ike. Come to the castle whenever you feel better, Elincia and the others would love to see you." She told him before she gave Sona a smile. She didn't know who she was, but yet she seemed familiar. Sona returned Mist's smile but kept herself silent.
"Sure..." Ike said, watching her meet up with the others. "...She's gotten a lot stronger, hasn't she?" he asked Sona. "I can tell when she looks at me." Less awe and adoration for her big brother, and more love and confidence.
"Yeah, I can feel it. She's become very capable of a sword as well as magic. She feels nice, like you." Probably a strange thing to say, but Sona still resonated with people who wielded swords. She felt comfortable around them the most...suppose some things never changed.
"I'm surprised I still feel nice," Ike said. "...But thank you, I should probably find somewhere in Ohma to rest, I doubt the others want to be around me. I'm sure Nephanee has somewhere I can stay."
"Yeah, that's a good idea." Sona agreed as she watched the mercenaries part from their group. "She'll have a place for you and...Samus." They would still be apart..probably a good thing until Sona could figure out what she was feeling.

He still felt nice...but it wasn't the same feeling. She didn't get the sense of pleasure she used to get just being around him. Maybe..maybe she wasn't in love with him anymore?
"...Thanks for being here, Sona." Ike smiled, hand on her shoulder. "...We'll talk again sometime soon, alright?"
"Yeah...alright." Sona smiled and then walked back over to her sister. It was disappointing...she thought she would feel better but she didn't. Guess feelings weren't so simple...guess things would never be the same.
It was a simple, modest little place that Nephanee could find for him. But it worked, a little house outside the majority of Ohma that used to be a farm, but for all intents and purposes, the other was gone, or left...and the garden was long since ruined, overflown with weeds. The barn had long since been torn down for lumber, but the house was...perfect to him. Two floors, one being the bedroom and the other being everything else. He glanced around it faintly, it was dusty...a little dirty. But...maybe Samus would like it too.

"This will work," Ike decided. would work perfectly.
"...Alright Ike. If you need anythin' just let me know." Nephenee was so glad he was okay..more or less. But he seemed different. Soren...Soren was the same as ever. Just...quiet. Really quiet. And he also seemed a bit wary. She wouldn't pry.

"I have enough money to buy us food for the time being." Soren told Nephenee. "Are you hungry, Ike?"
"Not right now," Ike murmured. "But thank you know where Samus is?" he asked, glancing to him. "I'd like to get her settled as soon as possible."
It was an odd day when Ike wasn't hungry, but he supposed that was just one of the many things that changed about Ike. "Yeah, she's still standing outside..."
"Good," Ike murmured. "...Could you give us some time, Soren? Until Dinner?" he asked. "...There's a lot to talk about."
"...As you wish. I'll be in my room, Ike." He had a few tomes to study anyway...he'd be busy.

Samus could feel the stares she was getting..and she couldn't blame them. She stuck out like a sore thumb in her zero suit..and part of her really wondered if she should bother continuing to wear it. It didn't the way it used to, and she felt like it was time to start...dressing appropriately for the world she lived in now. She might spend the rest of her life here, and even if she could find a way back to the stars...she owed it to this planet to fight until her last breath to release it from Medusa and Ganondorf. How foolish had she felt for letting things get so bad...
Ike joined her outside, his sword settled against the wall inside.

"...It's quite peaceful, isn't it?" he murmured, standing next to her. Before everything went to insanity, this was seemed like a dream.
"..I want all of it to look this way again." Samus muttered as she looked down at him. She had something to say...she wasn't going to say it until she confirmed what happened. He had left her to..butcher half of Medusa's army by himself. Did he know he would survive? She didn't feel like he did. "What happened, Ike? What did you do when I left?"
"...Something I would have never forgiven myself for if I didn't keep my promise," Ike said, glancing up at her eyes. "...I'm sorry, Samus. But I kept my promise, if anything...I'm glad I could do that."
"You killed them all, didn't you..?" Samus asked as she looked him up and down. "Ike..I don't know how you did it, but that's something a man with a death wish does." She wasn't happy..yes, he was sorry but...there was a chance that he would have never been able to say that to her.
"I know," Ike said, glancing back out towards Ohma. "...and I didn't want you to see if I fell, you didn't deserve to suffer because of what I wanted to do."
"Ike," Samus narrowed her eyes as she looked away. "You took on five thousand men to die...Regardless of whether or not I would be there to watch, your death would have hurt me more than anything. You're..the only person I have in this world. But more than for you deeply. More than..anything else...why didn't you just let me in? You promised me we would make up for everything..together." She ignored the stinging of her eyes, the single tear that escaped and rolled down her cheek. She was upset...angry...but happy. Happy that they didn't have to do horrible things anymore...
"...I'm sorry," Ike said, hand brushing her tear away as he pulled her face down. He didn't hesitate, he kissed her firmly, fingers lacing through her perfect blonde hair. He was...he was so sorry, but he couldn't take it. He couldn't handle doing anything horrible anymore, and the most horrible thing he could think of was seeing her when he died. To be a failure to the one person who he had always relied on.
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