The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

He scrambled out of her grip, and Ike moved back with him.

"Soren! We're retreating!" Ike said, hand on Seig's shoulder to move him back to his mother as Ike parried a swing and slammed the pommel of his blade into his skull in a spurt of blood. "Everyone, fall back!"

"Good good," The man grinned widely. "Come, come...we must leave. That man is far too strong, and we must not sully your perfect skin."
Ganessa watched as they retreated before her yellow eyes turned to the man. She..liked the way he was talking toh her, but she still needed to set him straight when it came to touching her. "I hope you know who I am, I'm the daughter of the Demon king and the Goddess of Darkness. Ganessa. Who exactly are you?"
"Hmm...that is a good question, I am an interloper..." he said, circling her curiously. "Demon king? Interesting...Goddess of Darkness? Even more interesting...Can I meet this...Demon King, and Goddess of Darkness?"
"Depends, what will you do for me?" Ganessa asked, narrowing her eyes. What was with this guy? He was weird...but interesting enough.

..She should probably gather the rest of the men and go home anyway.
"Help you," The Interloper grinned. "I like seem interesting...much more interesting than those cowering little rats from before, you have want to see more of it," he purred. His form was starting to stabilize rather quickly, his face settled into more definition, his body becoming more defined, muscles started to form, and an impressive cock dangled between his legs. Hm, how did he know this form...? Ah, yes...the Hero of Time, his name was? Link? Yes...that was it. His body would do fine.
Ganessa's eyes lowered and she stared for a bit...then she forced herself to look back up at him. Whatever he was..he was some manifestation of energy..magic..darkness. At least that's what it looked like before he took this form. It was...a good form. Ganessa liked it. "Hmph. I don't know...if you waste mother and fathers time, it will look bad on me. This entire thing makes me look bad, actually. Mother isn't going to be so happy..."
"I sense mother will be happier if her precious girl is unharmed, mm?" the Interloper purred. "And better that you return with something, than will look quite favorable to you, yes? You do deserve a higher station, someone befitting your beauty." Hm, her eyes gave him a certain reaction...a reaction that caused a very pleased sensation to trail right between his legs, and cause his cock to throb. Fascinating, this is what mortal men felt when they were excited?
"You're a weird little thing, aren't you?" Ganessa said with a grin as she watched his cock grow. That's how it worked, huh? "Hmph, fine. But you're mine. I found you, so you're mine."
"This seems like an acceptable agreement," The Interloper grinned. "Besides, I like have promise...I wish to see it grow." Hm, yes...far more interesting than that Goddess of Light...he liked the air out here, too. It suited him much, much better...
"You and me both." Ganessa grumbled as she sheathed her sword. She would fulfill her promise to Seig. She would kill him the next time her paths crossed, and she had to be strong enough to do it. Her eyes roamed over his body once more, his pale eyes. She really liked what she saw, but she couldn't do anything about that right now. "I'm going to get you some clothes after I gather the survivors up. Stay close to me..." She muttered as she turned her back on him and started barking orders at the stragglers who were still recovering from the shock of their losses. Where was the other half of their army? Did Ike just abandon them somewhere?
Ike had a lot to make up for, a lot to apologize least he could do this. At least he could hold one promise. They were staring at him like he was a demon, and maybe he was...he didn't think about it as he looked at the two of them. Seig had finally found his mother, hugging her so tightly he thought he'd squeeze the breath out of her. Perhaps he was a Mommy's boy...but the comforting dreams of his mother was all he had, being away from them made him stronger...but he still missed her, so much.

"...Are you two alright?" Ike asked, not that he had any right to do so. "Soren, can you see about getting Lethe's collar off?"
Soren studied the collar, doing his best not to make Lethe uncomfortable, even when they had given her some clothes to put on so she wouldn't be naked anymore. The runes were difficult to make was made from something that he had never seen before. "..I can't decipher it here." Soren mumbled under his breath before glancing at Palutena who was still having a tearful reunion with her son. She could probably help...

"We're fine.." Palutena answered as she ran her fingers through Seig's hair. "You've gotten so big..." Palutena murmured to him with a smile. "I missed you so much, my dear."
"Thank you," Seig said quietly, smiling. "...Oh, Lethe," Seig murmured, moving over to her. "I want to show you what I learned while I was there, mother..." he said. He had heard about the horrible thing that his father had to do to keep himself safe, why did he seem so...beaten?
"What is it?" Palutena asked as she watched him. What could he have possibly learned? Had Medusa taught him anything or had he just figured it out on his own?

Lethe looked away from Seig when he approached her. She was still...on edge. Confused. She wanted to go home to Gallia and see her sister. She wanted to get away from all this for a while. But she needed the collar off, so she didn't snap at Ike's son.
Seig ran his fingers over the collar a moment, brow furrowed. "...I'm really sorry," Seig said quietly, too quiet for anyone to hear. "...I wish my father didn't have to make you suffer," he mumbled, closing his eyes a moment as the collar cracked with light, before it was simply a halo of energy that evaporated around her neck. He exhaled a little at that, smiling in relief. That was...a little more exhausting than he thought...
Lethe just stared at Seig for a moment. There wasn't any...falseness to his words. They were genuine, and for some reason, she felt less angry. But...she stayed quiet until she felt the collar disappear. "..Thank you." She told him quietly.

"Oh wow...that's really impressive!" Palutena praised as she moved over to him and gave him a smile. "I can't believe it...did someone teach you how to do your magic, or did you just figure it out?"
"Ganessa liked to practice on me," Seig smiled. "Eventually, I learned how she did it, so I could make it hurt less...I'm glad I could help you, Lethe."

"We should get back," Ike murmured, glancing to Samus...then to Sona. He had...he had a lot to cover, didn't he?
Lethe just nodded and started walking ahead without even acknowledging her old friends. She didn't know what to do..if she should talk about what happened or not. Especially to the Greil mercenaries.

Sona was doing her best to pretend like everything was fine. She didn't want to be another problem, another thing for Ike to deal with since it was clear he had been through a lot, and she didn't even know what yet. She stayed close to her sister, and Pit...had done that since the battle started. She liked Pit because he could keep a smile on her face, even when she felt like garbage.

And Samus...Samus just stayed quiet as usual. She was still confused as to what happened to her suit. Something had come from Palutena and stole it from her...but she was relieved to be back in her old suit honestly. She could leave that part of her behind, finally...she could finally stop doing horrible things...and she and Ike could finally start atoning for their sins.
The trip back was quiet, mostly because nobody had much to say. Palutena's glowing happiness and Pit's enthusiasm kept things less than depressing...but Ike knew he had a long road ahead, and he had to start somewhere. That somewhere, was Sona. He slid off the horse, making sure that Samus was good enough before he moved to find Sona. He...didn't know what to say to her, but he had to say something...
Sona looked up and saw Ike making his way towards then. She could feel her heart racing, but she did her best to calm keep calm. She...she had a bad feeling she just couldn't shake, but she would face it. She couldn't just pretend like he didn't exist forever.

"..I'll be right back." She told her sister and Pit before she walked over to meet him. "Ike...why are you walking? You should get back on your horse..your injuries are horrendous." That was her greeting...and really she was surprised she could even say that much.
"It's fine," Ike murmured. "I've felt worse, Sona...much worse," he said, glancing at her. "...I don't know what I can say to change what I've done," Ike said. "...But I want you to know that this wasn't how I wanted it to end up," he mumbled. "...I'm sorry, for ever hurting you."
Sona looked at him for a bit before she shook her head. "Nothing can really change what happened. But I'd like to know why...I have asked myself why ever single day since we fought. Why didn't you just escape with us that day, when we saved Palutena, Pit and Chrom?" Yeah he did bad things...but he was here now...why didn't he just leave sooner?
"Because it would have done nothing," Ike murmured. "...None of this would have mattered if I would have left then, there was no hope. I was a target...a human target, something that they could target. It worked, to an extent." he said. "...Hating a Goddess is one thing, but hating a man you can kill gives people courage."
"So you just made everyone hate you so they would want to fight back?" She couldn't say she got it, but she didn't want to hurt him while he was down. She..she didn't even really want to go too far into it. It really didn't matter in the end, right now they were back where they started, plus Palutena's son. "...So what now, then? Now that you betrayed Medusa and Ganondorf, what do you plan on doing?"
"Fighting back," Ike murmured. "Sona, you have to understand...the people don't believe a Goddess is something that can be killed. People believe because they have to, some do believe...but others don't." he said. "...I killed innocents for wanting to believe in something else, every child, woman and man I cut down, I made someone angry...that anger turned into motivation. Their world crashed around them, I wanted to charge them."
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