The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Soren just shrugged. All he knew was that he would be sticking to Ike like glue. He would be Ike's armor if he refused to wear it. He wanted to die, Soren knew he wanted to die. Or rather he'd fine relief in dying. But he wouldn't, not if he had anything to say about it.

They weren't..finding anything really. Samus didn't understand why they were wasting so many men and resources just to look for something that was wasn't really a job for 5000 men, who moved sluggishly. Though there was probably some reason behind it, just nothing she understood.

It was..awkward to say the least. She wasn't used to talking...she wasn't used to making decisions. She hated the way these men looked at her and Lethe. Even if most of them were afraid to get close, knowing what she was capable of, that still never stopped their hungry, judging eyes. It unnerved her..or maybe just not being with Ike unnerved her. Eyes tended to be more daring with the master wasn't around his favorite pets.

...But they continued nonetheless. Ganessa was surprisingly behaving herself for reasons unknown...perhaps Ike had humbled her when they fought. Or maybe it was because of her easy defeat against Lethe. She just seemed...more focused that usual. More quiet...almost bored. She didn't expect Marches to be so...uneventful. And when she got bored, she started getting irritated.

"Seig. Let's go off and do something fun." Ganessa didn't like him..but he was the only thing in this world like her. She really didn't give him much of a choice, she just pulled at his arm. "All we're doing is just walking slowly. We can do our own thing and join up with the army later."
"What?" Seig mumbled, getting pulled along. "But...General Ike ordered us to patrol the scouted area..." he said, stumbling a bit before stopping. "We can't disregard his orders!" What Seig really didn't understand was why Samus was in charge...Samus was always Ike's shadow...why was she and Lethe on the forefront now? It didn't make sense at all...he felt something weird in the pit of his stomach, and he wasn't sure what it is.
"General Ike isn't here." Ganessa told him as they diverted from the others. Not that anyone would say anything to her...they knew who she was and who her parents were. "Look, there's a lake over there. I'm hungry, lets go get some fish!"
"But-" Seig didn't have much of a choice, because he was already being dragged along. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to get away from the group, but...they were already well and away when the thunder started. Wait...thunder? The men glanced around curiously at that, before turning to where they assumed Tellius was. It was the only place the sound was coming from...and it was getting louder, they drew their weapons nervously, already shifting into formations.
Ganessa scoffed, her eyes dead set on that lake. "Oh Seig, don't you realize that whenever you're with me you're allowed to break the rules a little? As long as I say it's okay. You should be happy, the only reason why you're even here is because I told my mom to let you join." Ganessa said proudly as they approached the lake.
"Would you be happy that the only reason you can do anything is because someone else said it was okay?" Seig grumbled. "Because I don't think you would be, at all, Ganessa."

Like a tide of hooves and war, Ike and the many people behind him appeared. Almost in an instant, Gurgurant ignited in dark magic as he swung at his side, battering away an armful of men. "Samus! Lethe!" he called, reaching out for them. "Get on, hurry!" He was hoping that the fact that it was him would offer them a split second of time.
"That's how the word works, everyone has to listen to what my mom and dad says. Everyone but me, anyway....mostly." Ganessa smirked, however she heard the sound of screams in the distance..she felt a strong dark magic coming from where their army was. Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Of course when I leave something interesting happens. Let's go."

Samus was..definitely surprised to see Ike with some familiar faces behind him. She didn't hesitate, she took Lethe's hand and ran. Had it not been for Lethe seeing a few familiar faces, she wouldn't have wanted to go. But she ran with Samus, yanking her every which way when she sensed arrows coming near them.

Palutena scanned the enemy forces. Where was Seig? She couldn't sense him...
Seig furrowed his brow as he glanced the same way he did, and didn't question. Wait...he knew that feeling...mother? Mother was there!?

"We need to hurry," Seig said quickly, picking up the pace.

Ike slid off his horse, rushing forward in a burst of impressive dark magic. Titania almost stopped midswing when she saw it, Ike's eyes were burning red, leaving after images in it's wake as he gave his sword a wide swing and a thunderous roar as a torrent of dark energy sliced through men like a hot knife through butter. "Get on the horse! Go! Quickly!"

"Soren!" Titania said, swinging her axe to cut a man's head in half. "Did you see that!?"
Soren had seen it but..he wasn't really believing it. It at least explained how Ike could cut down five thousand people by himself. "Yes..that sword has only gotten stronger since I last saw it." He jumped off his horse and trailed after Ike. He wasn't kidding, he wouldn't let him out of his sight. Archers were aiming right for him, and Soren kept him safe from the arrows with his wind magic.

The rest of the mercenaries trailed behind him, making sure that he would not be overwhelmed. Mist covered Boyd with her magic while he hacked away at the men who were trying to get behind Ike and Soren.

Palutena could sense him now...he was coming closer. She sent a firework in the air. Wherever he was, she would find him and bring him back safely!
"Mother..." Seig blinked, and bolted into the crazy battle with his sword drawn. Ganessa didn't matter, nothing mattered...Ike was...he was fighting against Medusa's forces!? Was he finally helping them!? It didn't matter, he had to find her! Father...father was different, hate filled his eyes, fury possessed his swings. What had happened to him...?
"Seig! Don't run in front of me!" Ganessa growled as she gave chase. When she caught up to him, she grabbed him by his long hair and pulled back. "Hey, what gives-." She stopped when her eyes raised and she saw Ike..just mowing through all their forces. For a minute..he didn't even look human. She just stood their stupidly, though she didn't let go of Seig. could anyone betray her mother like that..? She controlled everyone and everything!
Ike's eyes turned to Ganessa, his wounds were minor compared to the rush of power that the cursed blade in his hand held. But he saw his son, and his eyes narrowed.

Ooh, Light Goddess...listenlistenlisten... The being within Palutena spoke. That sword...that drinks in such misery, it is tasty...and that girl! That pretty girl! Her gift is a curse! It will know, will know how to get to your pretty paradise...but I can stop it...if you let me. Hehehehehe... With it...he could have a body, a real body! I will be free, and your little paradise will remain! Do it! Dooo it!
When Ike met her gaze, Ganessa felt chills rushing down her spine. Was she...afraid? she wasn't! "What are you doing, you fools! Don't just let him cut you down!" She screamed at the soldiers around her as she started yanking back Seig to retreat. She wouldn't lose her favorite toy, her favorite punching bag!

What are you talking about?! Palutena muttered as she used her magic to clear a path so she could get to her son. What can you stop that I can't?! It was talking in riddles, but it sounded like it was warning her about something getting inside of Tellius..something that shouldn't. But right now, all she cared about was saving her son!
I will use it! he insisted. You want to save that blue haired boy, yes? I want a body! All I want is freedom! I will take that blonde girl's gift! Safety! You will be safe! Please! Your body is insufferable! I wish for my own!

Ike narrowed his eyes at that as he moved forward, weaving through the men like they were nothing, he cut them down, one by one in showers of gore as he advanced. "Get your hands off my son," Ike growled. "Now."
Save her son? Palutena couldn't think straight...all she wanted was Seig. So she moved towards Samus, who was making sure Lethe was safe. She would help Ike if he would fight...he had no armor, he had nothing. He needed her. Before she could move out, Palutena stopped her.

"..Excuse me. I need to help Ike." Samus muttered as she tried to walk around Palutena.

"Wait...I need your help, Samus, hold on." What was she supposed to do again?

Ganessa drew her blade and held it to Seig throat as she continued to back away. She was honestly scared, scared that Ike would kill her too. She wasn't just determined to keep Seig as a toy..but to use him as a shield. "Never, he's mine! And you won't get away with this, traitor. Take another step forward and I'll slit his throat! If I can't have him, no one can!"
That closeness was all he needed, darkness leaked from Palutena's body before it launched itself at Samus. Whatever she was gifted with shivered and shuddered, and peeled off her toned body like a second skin as it dropped to a puddle around her feet.

"Hehehehehehee..." It was a distorted, disturbing giggle as it lurched itself towards Ike like a skittering snake.
Ike narrowed his eyes, but stopped. His blade hissed and crackled, eager for more blood...for a strong blood. His fingers twitched faintly, but he didn't move.

"Ganessa," Seig mumbled. "...I don't want to see you hurt because of me, please...just...just let me go, okay?" It was a stupid thing to say, but...Ganessa was it, that was all he had in his life. His father was right there, so was his mother. "...I want to be with my family, like you are with yours. Is that so wrong?"
Samus and Palutena stood there confused. Palutena's gaze moved towards her son and Ike as the battle continued. Had she..had she just made a mistake? Why did she have a bad feeling now?

"Yes, it's wrong!" Ganessa hissed as she continued to back away. "Ike is a traitor, I'm not going to give him what he wants! He betrayed my mother and father! And you belong to me, you're mine! Not theirs, they lost their right to you when they lost to my mother!"
Seig squirmed just a little at that, eyes narrowing. "Then cut my throat if you feel like you can, but I will see my mother!" he growled, his eyes shimmering with light energy as the dark little mass lunged toward Ike's blade with a gleeful cackle. Before Ike knew it, the darkness around his sword swirled and danced before it launched towards Ganessa.
"Don't tell me what to do!" She hissed as she pressed the blade deeper into his skin but hesitated. By the time she could glance up, she barely realized what was going on. She moved her sword away from Seig's throat and tried to sheild against it in attempts to stop the energy...for some reason her blade couldn't absorb and control wasn't normal magic, this had a will of it's own..."
"Ooh...I like you..." The feeling across her body was hardly unpleasant as it roamed up her breasts before it formed behind her. "I like you a lot..." A humanoid shape formed, and through it came a handsome face with a wide grin, and burning red eyes. Ike blinked faintly in surprise. was Link...?

The man was naked, muscular...and all together far too happy to press herself against Ganessa, nostrils flaring. "Mm...I smell much anger within is delicious..." he purred.
The sensation was enough to make Ganessa cry out with surprise and...pleasure. It was enough to make her grip relax against Seig's hair, but she didn't let go. " dare you touch me! I didn't say you could touch me!" She whirled around and turned her blade towards the naked man and launched it forward. Even if he was..really one could just..touch her like that! Not unless she said so!
Seig took the chance and twisted his hair, and her arm as the man grinned and backpedaled, dodging. "Ooh, you're fast too...and pretty," he said, hand running along her toned arm. "You're perfect...I think I'll stick with you for a while, pretty girl."
Ganessa couldn't focus on Seig and this random naked guy at the same time. She wanted to scream at Seig, but the words of this stranger made her feel...well, she just like the way this guy was talking to her. "Y..yes, I'm perfect're distracting me...let go of my arm, Seig!" She really was as much of an egomaniac as her mother.

"Seig!" Palutena called out to her son. "Come to us! Let's get out of here and go somewhere safe!" Palutena begged him as he ran over to the scene with Samus trailing after him. She'd ignore this being for now..they needed to leave. They were all starting to get tired..
"Today is not the day you fight, pretty one." The man purred, ears flicking as he caressed her cheek. "Let the blue haired rat go, you are destined for much greater things...I can sense have much anger in you, much is delicious. I want to eat every inch of it."

Seig wrenched from her grip. "Mother!" he grunted. "Let me go!" he snarled, his body letting out a flash of light magic.
Ganessa hissed at sudden burst of light magic, feeling her skin sizzling at it. Damn it..usually his magic was so weak she could barely feel it! She looked at the man in front of her..narrowing her eyes. Who was he? Why did she feel like letting Seig go all of a sudden?

"Fine..." She muttered as she pushed his hand away. She still didn't give him permission to touch her. "Enjoy being a traitor, Seig...enjoy it while it lasts. The next time we meet, I'm going to wipe your miserable existence from the planet." Ganessa growled as she stared into his eyes for a moment. Then, reluctantly..she let him go.
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