The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"..There was nothing else you could have done? Are you certain?" Sona mumbled as she looked at her feet. "We..we defeated a Goddess before. When Ashunera's speaks to her new believers, she tells the tale countless times. That Medusa could be defeated. People believe her. Ike...I'm not going to tell you it was all for nothing. Had it not been for you, we wouldn't have Palutena...and she's important. So is Pit..they know how to defeat Medusa." She sighed and then folded her arms. "I kind of understand though. And maybe one day everyone else will too."
"No," Ike said. "...But Samus was bound to Medusa, and I had already committed enough atrocities. Some things you can't turn away from, no matter what. I had chosen my path...I have too much blood on my hands for it to simply be forgiven."
"Hmm." Samus..right. She sighed softly and then folded her arms. Just hearing her name made her chest hurt...and she hated feeling that way. "Well, I suppose all you can do is just pray for the Goddess to forgive you. In the end, she's all that matters. And considering she let you into Tellius, it shows that she at least trusts you."
"...You don't like Samus, do you?" Ike said after a moment. It was sort of obvious, but he could see why.
"I don't know her," Sona started, keeping her eyes away from him. "It's unfair to say that I don't like her. I'm just glad she could be there for you, since I couldn't. I suppose I deserved that."
"Unfair to say, but doesn't make it any less true," Ike said, glancing at her. "...Samus is... something special, she is the only reason I kept sane. But that doesn't mean you're not anything less special."
"I know. But, she's closer to you than I can ever be. And...well that's fine. I'm glad you have someone you can relate to, that knows what you're going through. I won't be able to be there for you like she can be." Sona gave him a hurt her but she did it. Part of it was genuine, but the words she spoke just hurt her more. She should have just been grateful he came back at all...but part of her wanted to know if he would have even bothered to see her if he didn't need their help.
"You don't have to be there for me like her...because I want you to be here like Sona," he said quietly. "That's all I want...I've done so many horrible things to you, when all you wanted me was to be around...I'm sorry. I've been so selfish."
"Yeah well..." Sona couldn't hold back her tears anymore even if she wanted to. The minute he said those words, she just wanted to break down and cry. But she stayed strong. "It's fine. At least now you don't have to worry about me being attached to the hip with you...I learned to take care of myself."
Ike waited a moment, before settling a hand on her shoulder. "...You're always welcome to do it again, Sona," Ike murmured. "...I know I don't deserve it, but..."
Sona just held herself tighter when she felt his hand on her shoulder. "...Maybe I will, after all this is said and done. But...I'm too busy to do that now. Too busy trying to keep everything together...too busy trying to give people something to believe in. Too busy with everything to care about what I want."
"I spent the last year doing that, Sona," Ike murmured. "...Remember I'm here when you want to breathe." If he even earned that right...
"...Alright, Ike. I will keep that in mind." She wasn't sure if that pain in her chest would go away...but as long as it was there, she wasn't sure if things would be the same. "I'm glad you're alright..and for whatever it's worth, I don't think any less of you."
"It's good to hear that," Ike murmured. "...But I know it's not that easy." It never would be...
"'s not. Which is why my words mean very little. I'm only one person." Sona muttered before glancing over to her sister. "But Palutena, Pit, and Alondite are also behind you. Link, too...I think. Again...for whatever it's worth."
"It's nice to have them," Ike admitted. "...But none of them matter as much as your words, Sona."
Sona glanced at him, the pain in her chest growing duller. If that was true...that made her very happy. "I see. I'll do my best to be there for you then, Ike. I still don't understand feelings too well. I can barely deal with my own..."
"Humans never understand all of their feelings," Ike mumbled. "Or none of this would have ever happened." Now it just all...felt pointless, really. What had he really accomplished?
"None of what would have happened?" Sona asked as she looked up at him. "I don't think Medusa and Ganondorf did all this because they didn't understand their feelings."
"No," Ike chuckled. "No...they knew exactly what they were doing," Did he? Yes, he did at one point or another...but it was hard to see if what he did had any merit, or when he simply started to enjoy it. Did he enjoy it? It scared him to wonder. "At least now I can rest."
"There's that. You need plenty of it to heal..." Both physically, and mentally it seemed. She wasn't sure how to deal with him when he was like this...she wanted to help but she didn't know how.
"I do," Ike murmured. "...But it's nice to see that you're safe, Sona. You look stronger than ever, we'll have to spar sometime, I want to see what you've learned."
"Not anytime soon." Sona said with a laugh. She wasn't sure how she felt..about sparring with Ike knowing that he defeated five thousand men all by himself. "Let's do it when you don't look like you're about to die."
"That might be a while," he admitted with a faint smile. It was...good to smile again, to actually smile. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Ike!" Mist called out as she walked over to him and Sona. "What are you doing? You shouldn't be walking, you're hurt! It's bad enough that you wanted to fight in that condition, let your body rest!" Mist couldn't believe how bad the damage was, and her magic seemed to have little effect on his wounds..she didn't know why either. It was frustrating though, seeing him like this.
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