The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

When he brought her down for a kiss, she was..much more passionate than usual, sliding her tongue into his mouth as her hands slipped around him to pull him into an embrace. It had been a long time since they just...kissed. She knew how much he had been hurting and she felt helpless. She knew how much he hated doing the things that he did, and yet he couldn't stop doing it. Even now...the pain wouldn't stop. The guilt would never go away..
Ike blinked a little in surprise, his mouth almost frozen as they shared the kiss and his body was suddenly mashed against hers. Despite himself...his face was red when the kiss stopped, and he was more than a little breathless. His head was swimming, his mind going a thousand different directions. She had never...ever been that...eager.

"...I keep forgetting you're taller than me," he exhaled, arms around her waist. "...I like it."
"How do you forget..?" Samus asked as she looked into his eyes. He looked..different. Like he was actually..feeling embarrassed or something. It's not like it was the first time they kissed.
"...Because you don't often pull me in," Ike said,hands running smoothly down her back. "...and I wish you would more."
"..Then I will." Samus said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. It was nice to..just do something of her free will instead of her just telling her to do it. It wasn't an order, obviously..she didn't have to pretend anymore and she was glad.
"...Good," Ike murmured. "...Do you want to go inside, see the bedroom?" he asked casually. "...See about relaxing?"
"..Sure." She released him and then moved into the house. It was...dusty. No where near as luxurious as the places they had stayed before. She..liked it that way. This was much better than what she was used to.
"Gives us something to do," Ike said, glancing around as he headed up the stairs. "Cleaning, I's not perfect, but..." It was kind of nice that way. It had problems, like they did...they could fix the problems, maybe they could fix their own, too.
"It is perfect...It's quiet. I like that." No more dealing with Medusa and her more hearing the sounds of people praising the demon King and the Goddess behind him...she was just...glad she could relax for once.
"Me too," Ike said, it was more like a loft than a second floor...but it suited him just fine. The sound of the wind, the birds chirping...he had forgotten what nature sounded like, how peaceful it was. "We should find you some clothes, too...unless you're still comfortable in that?" he asked, glancing at her.
"I was just thinking that...There's no need for me to wear it anymore." Samus muttered as she looked out the window. It was something she wanted to let go. She wanted to let go of the past and live the present. "I still have no idea what happened to the shadows Medusa infused with's like they came alive and formed that...thing that looked like Link."
"I saw," Ike said, hand on her back. "...But right now, I want to worry about us, not about everything else...if only for a day," he murmured. "No talk of what's going on, the only thing I'm interested in is you getting that off and me getting to enjoy what's underneath it," he smiled.
Samus returned his smile, feeling some sense of relief that Ike was...more or less being himself again. She missed him..a lot in those lonely weeks where he withdrew himself from her. "Then show me the bedroom like you said you would.."
"...Tada," Ike said, with as much dry humor as he could as he waved to the room behind them. Yep...that was it. No door, nothing. Just some stairs, and some railing. And a bed. That was it. "Romantic, isn't it?" She was beautiful when she smiled, or terrifying. He wasn't quite sure which...either one, it excited him.
Samus looked up for a moment and then made her way to the bed. It was...just as dusty as anything else. "Isn't your friend still here?" Samus asked as she started patting off the bed. His friend..Soren. He was quiet, just like her. She liked him already.
"He won't be back until dinner." he said, shifting off his borrowed tunic. He an interesting shape, much of his injuries were still healing, marring his muscular frame with jagged lines and stab wounds, arrow puncture marks dotted along his shoulder. He watched her pat off the bed, and he felt a pleasant sensation throb at the base of his spine. This...felt different, in a good way. In a much better way.
His injuries weren't a turn off to her at all. She only casually peeled off her suit after she dusted the bed off. Her body was just as flawless and toned as usual, and she seemed very aloof about it. Confident, but aloof. She bent over slightly to pull the covers back on the bed, her large breasts gently swaying with her movements.
Ike slid behind her, his boots coming off as he let his hands roam over the perfect, muscular tone of her back. His hands were rough and calloused, and his lips were smooth and hungry as they kissed along her spine as he pressed his hips against hers. "Samus..." he breathed faintly. "You're beautiful..." It felt different, it felt honest...there was no lie they had top keep up, no words they had to say. He didn't have to treat her like she was underneath him, he could finally treat her like she deserved, a respected warrior...and a frighteningly loyal woman.
Samus shivered at the touch of his hands and his lips. She remembered how their relationship started..she had been offered like a thing for him to use by Medusa. She didn't like that..never had. But now? Now they were both their own people. So it felt different for her too. In a good way...the tingling between her legs told her that. She wanted to make love to him, not as his property..but as..something more. She turned around and kissed him again, dragging him down to the bed underneath them.
He went with her happily, the kiss going deeper as his tongue brushed across her bottom lip and his hands slid along her perfect, toned legs. His erection was throbbing hungrily, for attention...honest attention. He had forgotten what it felt like to feel anything other than...forced apathy.
Samus let his tongue slip into her mouth, and she greeted it with her own. She bucked her hips slightly so she could feel his cock against her wet folds. She drew her lips back and started to kiss his neck, her lips grazing against one of his mending wounds. Again..she didn't care. "I want you..badly" She whispered. They hadn't been together like this in a long while...things just weren't the same after he had to violate Lethe.
He grunted in appreciation, eyes fluttering closed as his cock pressed against her. She got what she wanted, because he wanted it too...he pressed against her and pushed inside with a heavy breath, face nuzzled against her breasts as he started to rock into her, fast and firm. All of it felt so good...
A sigh of pleasure left her lips as he pressed into her soaking wet folds. She missed this feeling..and the moment he started rocking his hips hard, she couldn't control herself. One hand went to grab the sheets underneath her, the other found it's way to the back of his head. "Mnn!"
Ike panted happily, hands resting on her upraised legs as he rocked into her with a hungry pant. Any sense of calm was gone the moment he heard her, and his mouth attacked everything on her chest. His teeth and tongue trailed over everything, he wanted her...he wanted all of her.

"Samus..." he groaned. "I love you," It was a stupid, foolish thing...but it was true, he knew deep down in his heart that it was absolutely true.
She squirmed when she felt his mouth all over her breasts. Her nipples were erect and throbbing and by the time he pulled away...she could barely think. His mouth and the feeling of his cock driving into her over and over was an overwhelming, blissful sensation. Though when she heard his words, she was brought back to reality in an instant and she opened her eyes to look at him. Her cheeks turned bright red, she was genuinely confused..baffled even. He loved her?

Those were words she could never bring herself to say to him. She wanted to say them earlier, but she couldn't. He could say them freely? "Ike...I love you too..." She said after a few seconds. Not because she was purposely hesitating..she just couldn't believe what she heard for a moment.
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