The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Correct." Soren said as he took a seat casually. "I've known Ike since he was a child..we grew up together. I know everything about him, much more than any of you." This was the man whom Ike took prisoner..and his family? The younger girl looked exactly like him, that must have been Lucina..from the future. He couldn't say he understood how she got here, but that wasn't important. What was important was making sure Ike didn't have to suffer anymore than he had to.
"And that means what now, exactly?" Chrom said, arms crossing. "Are you telling me you can justify the fact that he slaughtered an entire city for...what? Thinking he was doing the right thing?"
"How many men have you killed, Chrom? How many people have you slain in the name of your beliefs?" Soren asked, his voice completely void of any emotion. He didn't need emotion...logic was better in arguments and settling things. He knew Chrom was angry..there was no sense in being angry back. He could understand why, but still...he needed to see things as what they were.
"...Nothing I have done has ever compared to the river of blood that Ike had caused," Chrom muttered. "And if it ever does, I will never carry a sword in my hand again."
"Killing is killing, no matter how many times you do it. We are all killers, we have all killed at some point. So let's just stop pretending for a moment that we're perfect, because we aren't. Ike had a decision to make when he stood against this Ganondorf alone. He could either die a fools death, accomplishing nothing...or he could live another day in order to help his friends and the entire world. It's easy to die...but not so easy to sacrifice everyone you've ever cared about in the name of greater good. Do you think his choice was one out of selfishness, Chrom? Evil? Do you?" Soren asked as he stared at Chrom blankly.
"...I don't know," Chrom admitted faintly, even if the frown never left his face. "...Are you suggesting that Ike sacrificed my entire capital city, simply for a chance?"

"...He did, Lord Chrom," Seig murmured. "...My father knows more about the inner workings of Lady Medusa and Ganondorf than any of us, he knows because he lead their armies, Medusa favored him greatly. This betrayal will infuriate her, if we ever fail, you can believe that his death will not be quick, if he is allowed to die at all."
"I'm sorry for your loss, Chrom. I truly am sorry. However, they shouldn't be in vain. Those people died for a not undermine that reason and make their deaths for nothing. Work with Ike..I'm not asking you to forgive him...I'm asking simply that you understand. He did this for the world...not because he's some evil monster. He is strong, he knows things no other man does about our enemy. He suffers enough for the things that he has done. I came here to ask you people to not make things anymore worse...he's suffering enough." Soren looked away, feeling a twinge of pain in his chest. "He almost died taking down those five thousand men. He would have if I didn't find him. He wanted to die...I saw it when he woke up and realized he wasn't dead. I don't want Ike to feel that way anymore. Please...just leave him be."
Chrom sighed, hand running through his hair. "...I'll think about it," he muttered. "...I understand what you're saying, Soren. But I cannot simply consider that all of my people have died for a purpose that we have not yet realized yet. It is...a hard thing to swallow. Nor is it easy to just accept that he has done this for a good purpose...but I will honor your wish to give him space. I to him, in time."
"..Thank you." Soren didn't expect much...but that at the very least was enough for him. "That's all I had to ask...I will leave now." He started to get up, but he suddenly felt a pair of hands on his shoulders push him down.

"Nonsense, stay for dinner! Talk, relax. You're more uptight then Chrom is!" A bowl of stew just...caried itself over to the table and landed in front of him. What sort of magic was that.

"Actually..I should..really get going." He tried to move again, but Palutena would hear nothing of it.

"Not until you eat first. I have things I want you to bring over for Ike and Samus anyway. Come on, just eat!" Soren sighed heavily at that..guess he didn't have much of a choice.

"...Fine." He muttered. At least he could bring Ike some food after this.
"Awfully pushy for a Goddess of Light," Chrom remarked dryly.

"Now you know how I feel," Pit sighed faintly, arms crossed with a sagely nod.
"Pushy? Me? I think generous is the better word here." Palutena said as more food started magically presenting itself to everyone.

Sona was glad that conversation was over, but she couldn't help but feel a little jealous towards Soren. She wasn't sure why...but she just pushed it to the back of her head and joined everyone at the table. Maybe eating would make her feel better...
It was, perhaps...a mercy that Ganessa was the one to deliver the news. Ganessa and the strange, shadowy man that milled around her like a curious bird. The elite of her army were downtrodden and exhausted, and fearful of their Goddess's wraith. Ganondorf had to admit...he was a little surprised at the news, but the skies had rumbled terribly ever since they had come into Ylisstol. She knew, of course...Medusa knew everything. But Ganondorf did not address the situation, nor would she until Ganessa reported.

"Hm, it seems your little pet did exactly what you wanted...for the other side," Ganondorf snorted. "How very interesting..."
Medusa was furious, even more so knowing she couldn't find and deliver judgement among the man that slaughtered more than half her army, but more importantly...betrayed her and her generosity. Samus, too...she wanted to find them both and put an end to them. She could only be glad that Ganessa was back safe and sound. Sieg was gone, but she didn't care too much about that. "They will pay for this...they will pay for betraying me in the most...treacherous...disrespectful..." Her eyes started glowing in anger as she trailed off.

"Let me help, mother. I am also as angry as you. They're hiding in Tellius...we can't get to them right now. But they can't hide forever..." Ganessa needed to get stronger so she could take on Ike, but she needed more experience. "Perhaps a campaign of destruction and terror among the non believers is in order...that should lure them out of their hiding."
"Patience, you two," Ganondorf murmured. "First, we must recover. Ganessa is correct, they will make their move eventually, and we must use the time wisely." he smiled, hand resting over Medusa's. "Calm yourself, my love. In time, they will get exactly what they deserve...but now, more than must show the people that they need your guidance." he said, rubbing her hand. "Fear will get us nowhere, we must instill proper faith. Ike has given us more than we need to inspire more faithful to join us...after all, how many peasants and farmers did he raise to strong and proud warriors, and how many were cut down today?"
Medusa stared at Ganondorf for a moment before she shook her head. She wanted revenge..she wanted to kill was hard to be patient when she was like this. "I'm going to find that meddlesome Goddess that is hiding those impudent traitors, and I will put an end to her..." She growled.

Ganessa frowned at her mother, she knew that she would be angry...but not this angry. "..I'll do whatever you wish for me to do, father..mother. Just tell me, I won't fail. I promise."
"And we will, in time," Ganondorf urged. "Otherwise, we are playing right into their hands, my dear."

"Hm...the Demon King is patient, yet the Goddess of Darkness burns...curious..." The little shadow milling about Ganessa mused.
Medusa was still fuming, her snakes where hissing. The presence of another entered her vision which was red with anger. She didn't even notice him after hearing the news...she just glared at him for daring to interrupt their talk with his pointless observations. "Ganessa, what is this thing you brought to us?" It looked like Link, but it obviously wasn't..not to mention she could sense her own power within him, which was something strange.

"My new toy, he said he could help us. So I brought him with me." Ganessa explained as she looked away nervously.
"I am an Interloper, my lady," he said, bowing respectfully. "Your world is fascinating, far better and as beautiful as the woman who rules it."
The glow of her eyes stopped for just a moment as she narrowed her eyes. A little ego stroking wouldn't calm her down, but it was a start to make her not want to turn him into stone. "I have not heard of your kind. Can you explain to me why you look like the Hero of Time? And also why I feel my power within you?"
"Ah, yes...your gifts, well...specifically, the gift from that blonde haired woman. It is quite wonderful," he grinned, flexing his hand. "And that blue haired man, Ike? He had so much fury, so much was a delicious treat. I was given more than enough to be free, while I festered within that Hero of Time, and Goddess of Light. Ganessa is perfect, I wish to assist her in whatever she plans to do."
Ganessa smirked when he called her perfect. Medusa looked him over for a moment and then to her daughter. "...This is what you want, Ganessa?" She wasn't sure if she could trust it...but because he had taken the shadow power she had given to Samus, it could be confiscated.

"Well, I guess so. Seig's gone...and it really pisses me off. I guess this one will make a suitable replacement. He's smart and has good taste." The march back to the kingdom was hard on her. She didn't want to admit something to herself..that she actually missed Seig. He had been there for almost as long as she could remember, and it only made her angrier to think he had gotten away.

Medusa just looked at Ganondorf for his opinion. She could barely think straight.
"Hm," Ganondorf mused. "I see no harm in it," he said, glancing at Medusa. "You, my dear...need to come with me." he said, smirking. "Your anger is unbecoming of your natural beauty."
Medusa just glared at him before turning back to Ganessa and the Interloper, as he called himself. "You can keep him, Ganessa. We'll talk more about this later. I know you want to help, I appreciate that. Thank you for bringing the rest of the stragglers back with you, you did well today." Medusa got to her feet and walked over to Ganondorf. She knew what he was going to say, she really didn't want to hear it...but she didn't want to take out her anger on him or Ganessa.

"Thank you. Leading around a bunch of idiots isn't hard though. I just yelled at them and they did what I said." Ganessa tried to be humble, at least for her mothers sake.
Ganondorf grinned at her, fingers linking with hers as he tilted his head and lead her to her personal chambers. Which...was quite the display. She would spare no luxury, the bed itself was massive, and the room was filled with all of her favorite luxuries and items, as well as a massive balcony that overlooked her new kingdom. Ganondorf kissed her faintly, hands brushing along her face. "Allow me to calm you, my dear..."
Even when he kissed her, she was still livid and stiff. "I'm not sure if even you can calm me down. I have lost all of prisoners, my toys...and now we have to replace more than half of the ten thousand men we had. A single man! A single man wiped out more than half our forces, and he didn't bother using that strength in my name!" That's what made her even more angry!
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