The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Great," Ike murmured, following him out. He was about to ask if anyone else was around...but Titania was obviously nearby like a mother hen. Concern was clear on her face as she moved forward, Ike had always respected Titania...she was the mother he rarely knew, always there with a firm, but warm reminder of duties and placements...and life experience.

"Ike," she sighed faintly, hand running through his hair. "Look at you, you're a mess..." She had never seen him so...beaten before, so defeated and injured. She had aged like a fine wine, there wasn't a wrinkle on her face, it seemed.

"Sorry," he mumbled, not wanting to admit he enjoyed the gesture. Not...wanting to admit that he missed just...feeling things, honestly feeling them.

"They're waiting for you both, Soren. I have a hard time refusing the orders of the new leader," she smiled. Mist had...adapted quite well to the role of a leader, she had obviously followed Ike far more than she had admitted earlier. "But they at least wanted to wait until Ike was awake...should he be up already?"
"No, he shouldn't. But he wants to be. We need to go to Ohma." Soren told Titania in an absolute tone. Ike was determined, and so was he...he honestly hadn't felt that way in years...he missed it.
"Ohma? So soon?" Titania frowned. "Why?"

"There is someone out there that I sent away for her safety," Ike murmured. "...Someone I promised I would always be there for, and I will not break that promise. I can eat on the way. This is important."

"Then we'll all go," Titania said casually. "You're in no condition to travel, Soren and I will go with you and the others will be behind."

"...Thank you," Ike mumbled, and Titania's expression softened a fraction, glancing to Soren. What had happened to him...?
Soren saw Titania's concerned expression, but Ike's story was not his to tell. He would keep everything he had heard to himself. "..Before we go, I'm sure Mist will tend more to your injuries with her magic. That way you'll be in better condition to travel."

The trip to Ohma wasn't a long one...but it was surprising to see the gates wide open with no one seemingly around to guard it. The town was doing wonderfully from what he had heard, but if they were doing this wonderfully they must have had some confidence in their guests to keep them all safe. The band of vagabonds had long since been driven away, and the trade routes were left alone. Still, he didn't think they felt that safe.

The minute they passed through the gates, they were waved to and greeted. Some recognized Ike, and they praised the Goddess for his safe return. Soren ignored them, instead he went straight to the Inn where he knew they all were staying. His red eyes turned to Ike. "Well, they're in there from what Nephenee has told me, Ike."
It was...strange to see his sister again, to be honest. He didn't know what to say to either of them, but he settled for a hug that Mist was happy to give. He had a lot of talking to a lot of them, most of them seemed absolutely puzzled...or quietly puzzled. They all had questions, and Ike didn't know what to answer to them. But here he was, in Ohma...a broken, battered man. He was in a barely functional condition, his clothes were loose, his wounds still fresh and bandaged everywhere. He was not the strong eyed man in armor, carrying a ferocious sword.

No...he was...he was just a man, who had lost everything to what he had tried to do a good thing for, and he wouldn't let two more people suffer when he promised Samus he would do something, anything.

"...Alright," Ike murmured. "I'll go in alone."

"...Is that wise?" Titania murmured.

"No," he said, slipping off his horse. "...But whatever they do, or say. I deserve. Stay by the door if you must, Soren."
"...Fine." Soren really, really didn't like that. But he simply moved over to the front and waited there. Perhaps he was being overprotective...but even good men were capable of murder under the right circumstance...anger...vengeance...whatever it may be. Human nature was hypocritical and complicated.

He just crossed his arms and waited.
Ike stepped inside without hesitation, and immediately...people turned to look. Many of them stared at him for a long while, and Impa couldn't believe her eyes. It was Ike, wearing...loose clothing, bandaged to every which way. A man defeated, a man wounded...a man who made many glance at one another in almost furious bewilderment. Chrom was the first person to react, which Ike wasn't surprised by. Chrom had been speaking with one of the hyrulian men about their patrols as of late, and that's when his vision went red.

"You..." Chrom said, eyes bewildered and furious. Ike didn't move from his location, his expression neutral. "YOU!" he snarled, and before Ike knew it, there was a drawing of a blade and he was joined by others. "You bastard! You just waltz in here like you deserve it!?"
The silence was deafening, all up until the sound of a baby wailing was heard. Robin stood on the other side of the room, as far away from Ike as possible since she had their newborn baby in her arms. Lucina stood protectively in front of her mother, her hand on the hilt of her blade.

Sona was...Sona was shocked to see him honestly. The only reason why she moved so quickly was her natural sense to protect him. Before she knew it she was in front of Ike, between him and the blade. "Don't! Chrom, don't..." She knew he wouldn't attack her, she just turned around and looked up at Ike. She didn't know what to to feel...all she could do was ignore the aching in her heart. "..Ike. Why are you here?" She asked him as she ignored the stinging of her eyes. Why? How did he even know where to find them..?
"...To ask for something I don't deserve," Ike admitted. "...I am not here for me, Sona....I am here for Samus."

"What?" Chrom muttered. "Samus? That...shadow witch that poisoned my people!?"

"Yes," Ike said. "Under my orders, not her own choice. I have left her...alone, with Lethe. I promised her, and I will not break that promise. I need help. Help I may not need, but help I would rather have." Shortly after, Palutena and Pit were in the tense atmosphere, Pit blinked in surprise. Wow, Ike...he looked awful. He had so many wounds...
"Ike, what happened to you?" Palutena was not afraid to question how he got all those wounds. If he wanted help, she would give it to him. She knew that she had escaped because of him, even if he tried to make it look like he was serious about trying to recapture them. She had only kept quiet.

Sona was silent, she also wanted to know about the wounds...but more than that, she really didn't know what to say.
"...Five thousand men and women had come here, south of the border to try and get in." Ike murmured. "...I stopped them."

"...You stopped five thousand soldiers?" Chrom mumbled. "By yourself?"

"Yes," Ike murmured. "...I would rather die in the protection of my home, than die a hated man. But it seems I do not deserve even that. I do not care what you decide to do with me, or what your opinion of me is." Ike said, shifting with a pained grunt to drop to his knees, it wasn't a pleasant drop either. And he was...thankful that Soren wasn't here to see it. He settled his knuckles on the wood floor, and stared at the ground. "...Samus was the only person that I could trust, she was the only..person that I could feel human with. I promised her, she wouldn't be alone...and I will do everything in my power to keep that promise."

Chrom lowered his sword in genuine surprise, glancing at his wife and daughter. Chrom didn't know if he should pity him, or sympathize with him...both of them only frustrated him further.
Sona watched him drop to the ground, though she did not get the urge to try and help him. She didn't...she didn't feel anything. His words garnered no sympathy at all from her..neither did his injuries. She...she just backed up slightly.

"A man who can kill five thousand men all alone is a man who needs to be on our side, don't you think?" Palutena asked no one in particular this question. "I have seen Samus...back when I was a Goddess. She needs to be saved from the darkness. I will help him."

"..Hold on. Palutena, you need to stay here. If Medusa sees you again..." Zelda trailed off, frowning at her. She was..on the fence about this. It was a risky mission, they would be delivering themselves on a silver platter to Medusa and Ganondorf if they did this. Whoever wanted to do this, anyway...she couldn't even if she wanted to.

"There is someone else I want to see...someone I miss dearly. My son. I want him to be free, too."
"...I'll go," Link said after a moment, moving down the stairs. "...Regardless of Ike's offer, Chrom...I'm with Palutena, if she believes this is a worthy cause...then it should be," he murmured. "...and the son of a Goddess of Light should not be in the hands of Medusa, can we all agree on that, at least?"

"The other half of my...ex-forces are further up north," he murmured. "It should be quick, she is stationed there, Ganessa and Seig should be there as well...I'm sure the Mercenaries will help."
"Then...I agree with Link. We should help Lady Palutena, Alondite..." Sona said as she turned her back on Ike and joined her sister. He was finally here, but..she just didn't know how to feel.

"I will also agree to that. Father, we should go." Lucina moved closer to him. She knew he was angry, she was too but...if Palutena wanted to help, then they would help. She still didn't know how she felt about Ike.

"The other half...I will assume that is another five thousand waiting there?" Robin asked. If anything she could suggest a few strategies for them to go about this...but she wouldn't leave her newborn child alone here. She'd stay just in case anything happened.
"Yes...don't worry about them," Ike murmured. "Seig and Samus are the main priority, I will deal with them."

"Gods man," Chrom muttered. "I am either stunned by your stupidity or impressed by your bravery."

"It has nothing to do with either," Ike murmured, carefully rising up to his legs. "...I am simply cutting the weak from the strong, nothing more." he said. "...Thank you, Link."

"...Sure, Ike," Link smiled. He had never seen him so...broken. That was the only word he could think of.

Ooh...Light Goddess, do you smell it on him? Palutena's guest squirmed excitedly. Doyou?Doyoudoyoudoyou? He REEKS of it! Hehehehehehe... Yes, he would be paying very close attention to this one...perhaps his chance would be soon. Soon, I will be free!
Palutena could feel it in her..hear it. She tried her best all month to pretend it was not there..sometimes it would be quiet, other times it would make itself known by teasing her similarly to how it did the first night. She had managed to..keep herself under control at least. The only one who knew was Pit..she didn't want to make Link feel bad and she didn't want to worry the others.

"We should leave now then...but your current state, you'll hold us back." Lucina pointed out with a frown.
"I'll make do," Ike said, without much room for argument. "Death by the hands of my own men would be a mercy, at this point."

...Chrom wanted to argue, but a casual glance to Link confirmed that it was not entirely Ike's...method of how he normally spoke. But it seemed there was little choice as Ike headed out. Once Samus and Seig, and Lethe were safe...then...then he could relax. Until then, he would do everything his battered body could to get them.

"Soren, did you bring Gurgurant?" Ike asked. He knew Soren hated it, hated looking at it...Ike hated how powerful he felt with it, but it was the only thing he had to save those he held save the one person who didn't hate him from all of this.
Soren frowned, shifting his eyes a bit. He wasn't exactly sure why he even picked it up..maybe because he felt like if the wrong person had found it it would be abused. "Yeah...I did." He moved over to his horse, unstrapping a large item that had been bound many times with a dark cloth. He didn't even want to look at it, but he gave it to Ike. At least things worked least no one wanted to kill him.

Robin gave Chrom a kiss, and Lucina a hug. "Be careful." She told them with a frown. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost either of you. Be stealthy, Chrom don't do anything foolish. Please? For our daughters sake? Both of them." She gave him a smile.
Ike took the blade and hefted it on his shoulder as if it was nothing, despite his injuries. Some things just never changed. "Good," he murmured. "...I'm sorry for worrying you, Soren. I'm glad to know you'll always have my back...even when I don't deserve it."

"I won't," Chrom smiled, returning the kiss. "Gods know that Lucina would pester you about what foolish thing I did, we'll be back before the night is over, my love."
Soren frowned, though he kept his opinion to himself. Ike wasn't like this, and it was painful to see him this way. Irritatingly painful. But right now, they all needed to move out and catch up to the enemy. "We're friends, Ike. That will never change unless you want it to." He mounted himself on his horse.

Zelda gave Link a kiss, though it was honestly hard for her to walk around at this point. She was always tired...always pale. She felt drained all the time and slept for ten to fourteen hours a day. She wanted to give birth to whatever was inside her very soon. "Good luck, love. I'll be waiting for your return." She whispered in his ear.
"I'll be back before you know it," Link promised, moving out with the others. He...wasn't honestly expecting such a crowd of hard-eyed people. These must be the mercenaries Ike mentioned?

"...Sona?" Link murmured, as she came out with her sister. Alondite was adjusting well enough, but even she didn't know what to say about Ike. "...Is everything okay?" he asked.
Sona glanced up at Link for a moment. Was everything okay? She wasn't sure, but she forced herself to smile. "Everything will be after we're done rescuing Seig and the others." The others...for whatever reason she couldn't even bring herself to say Samus' name.
Link offered her an honest smile, squeezing her shoulder. "...Give him time, Sona," Link promised. "...Ike hasn't forgotten you." It wasn't hard to tell what was bothering her.
Ugh, she hated that Link could read her like a book. He hadn't forgotten her? Maybe not. Yet she just couldn't shake the feeling off...the feeling of betrayal. If he hadn't needed their help, would he have come back to them at all? "Yeah, I guess so."
"Trust me," he smiled faintly. But they would see, wouldn't they? They had more than enough people for a quick assault, a few loyal hylian soldiers, Impa and a few of her tribe joined in. It was enough, it'd have to be as Ike slid on his horse. No armor, just his blade...and he wanted to take part.

"Ike," Titania murmured. "Maybe you should take to the back."

"No," Ike mumbled. "I will not break my promise." Whoever this woman was...clearly, they meant a lot to Ike. She sighed a little, glancing to Soren. Was this truly a wise idea?
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