The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"I told you to be quiet," Ike growled faintly, hips starting to buck into her smoothly. He didn't think he'd ever get that image out of his mind. Lethe's eyes widening in complete betrayal. He had to continue, so he did...he continued as hard and as fast as he could manage. He wanted it to be done, he wanted it to be over. He wanted there to be some sort of karmic punchline at the end of this horrible mess that he had found himself in. What good had his position here done? What great deed had he accomplished?

Maybe he should have died against Ganondorf, maybe he should have done a lot of things different.
Ganessa watched with more and more curiosity as the punishment went on. That looked..interesting to her. This was really a punishment? It didn't seem like looked nice to her...

Lethe couldn't help but moan as he started slamming into her. It almost hurt, but she was used to this type of rough sex. In fact, she liked it...not that she wanted to admit that to herself. Her struggling stopped..she was submitting to him just out of instinct. He had overpowered her and managed to mount her..if he was a Laguz that would mean he had a right to her.
He rocked into her hungrily, his kiss was dominating and powerful as his hands slid along her hips. He was making it look as rough as humanly possible, Medusa knew how powerful he could he did just that, his hips resonating powerfully against her soaked cunt.
The sounds of Lethe's slutty wet pussy being violated made her ears twitch with shame, and the tips of her tail curl. She moaned into his hungry kiss, a slight hint of pain in her tone. "Ike..please!" She cried out. She could only hope he wouldn't cum inside of her..she didn't want him to breed her, it was wrong!
He broke the kiss when she moaned, teeth nibbling against her bottom lip as he bucked into her with hungry grunts. She would get no such luck, and whatever he murmured against her lips was barely legible when he felt the rush of pleasure. It wasn't about her getting off, it was about when he felt like he was close, he came with a grunt, his hips smacking firmly into her cunt as he flooded her pussy with seed, slowly pulling out with a heavy pant as thick lines dribbled from the tip of his cock.

"You...belong to me now, understand?" he panted.
Lethe just laid there with her legs wide open, trying to hold back her tears of shame and humiliation as his seed leaked from her twitching pussy. Ganessa was satisfied seeing such a proud creature turn into a sniveling cry baby. It was funny, and...well it was arousing too. This was the first time she felt such a feeling...

"...I'd say that was a good enough punishment. Hopefully it wasn't that easy to break her." Medusa said with a smirk.
"Knowing her kind, I only softened the initial trouble," Ike mumbled, looking down at Lethe before cleaning himself up and turning to face Medusa once he was fully dressed. "Take her to my quarters, Samus...will that be all, my lady?" he asked, giving a polite bow of respect.
Samus silently walked over to Lethe and excused herself, taking Ike's new pet with her. Medusa watched for a moment before she glanced back at Ike. "She mentioned Ashunera, did she not? Do you think she would know anything about the locations that are under that Goddess' blessing? Like a location?" Chi had found one of the places, but there were two others...she wanted to plan a strategic attack, and she needed to know all she could about those areas.
"I will see what I can learn from her, my lady," Ike said, tilting her head. "Although, it might be difficult to plan any form of attack...there seems to be something preventing us from looking within. Chi mentioned that it was like stepping through another world, correct? A large force may not be the most effective means, they could see us long before we could see them."
"Don't worry about that, just get me the information." Evil creatures couldn't pass at all..more neutral creatures like Chi could get inside but it was like a never ending maze and they would always find themselves back outside the barrier, never being able to go in far. Ashunera decided who could get passed that maze or not.

The simpler route was to kill Ashunera...but they still weren't anywhere near finding out where she was. But there were ways to get rid of the barriers...she had believers that had once resided in Tellius that spoke of the shrines that were used to keep each part of Tellius connected to Ashunera.
"As you wish, my lady," Ike said, hand over his heart in a salute as he turned to leave. "My apologies for not reacting sooner, Lady Ganessa."
"It's fine now, I guess..." Ganessa said with a huge grin. "Thanks for the show, General Ike. I forgot all about the pain that I experienced when she hurt me." Ganessa was seeing him in a new light now. Uppity mortal or not he was..handsome. Really handsome.
"...I am pleased to hear that," he said. "If you'll excuse me, I have matters to attend to. I expect you and Seig in armor by tomorrow, I have tasks for the both of you."

What a disgusting human being he had become.
"Yes sir..." Ganessa could smell was thick around thick as the smell of him mating with that cat girl. It just excited her even more...that was such a nice feeling in between her legs.
Ike had never been so quiet as he was since he had violated Lethe, who was equally quiet. He was the perfect general, ruthless and sharp. He sent Ganessa and Seig everywhere to test their mettle, to expand the borders of Medusa and Ganondorf. He was silent to Samus, his usual sounding board. The only words he had for her were orders, and more orders. Lethe would speak of nothing to Ike, no matter how hard he tried. The deeper and deeper his mind went, the further he felt lost from everything. Had he made the right choice? Had all of those people in Ylisstol died for a reason? Did the people who served Medusa believe that she was truly it, was it because of him that all of this had become so bad, and he had no answer?

Ultimately, he didn't know...even after all this time...he didn't know. He wondered if he deserved to know. Samus was bound to him by the Goddess herself, Lethe was forced to be a naked pet on a collar and leash to please Ganessa and her mother...there was no escape. Every day felt like a burden to wake up to, every order felt like it detached him farther. If they were getting close to Tellius, it was hard to say. There was nothing he could do to find them any faster, and the vague hints that Lethe suggested would not have helped if she was more direct..simply because the landmarks that Ike knew she mentioned were not visible.

Still, his army of five thousand strong stalked along every inch of their borders, searching and looking.

It was dawn, the birds were chirping almost cautiously. The world was adjusting the corruption that Medusa and Ganondorf...and he, had bled. The forces were on an easy march, something they were grateful for. Ike was as silent as he had always been, staring off into the distance.

"...Samus," he said, probably the first word that wasn't an order in the past month. "...I want you to do something for me," he murmured, glancing at her.
Samus had been worried for Ike...he had never been the same after that day that they had found Lethe. She...wasn't good at giving comfort when he refused to say a word. So when he said her name without an order following soon after, she was eager to listen to whatever he had to say. "Anything, Ike.."
"I want you to take Lethe and meet up with the secondary group in the south," Ike murmured. "We'll be meeting up with them in a few days, I want you there first to see to the situation," he said, looking at her. "You're the only one I trust with this, Samus. Can you do that?"
"Orders are orders, Samus," Ike murmured. "...Please, go. You've been more than I can say, to me. That is why I want you to personally oversee the second group." He was tired, so tired of it all. He was weak, he couldn't even follow through with his plan in the end, could he? What had he accomplished, besides making himself a name for people to be terrified of? For people to fear and hate? He had learned that nothing but a lack of faith would even remotely weaken Medusa, Ganondorf was unlikely to be killed by anything but what had he accomplished in this plan of his? Who had he saved? What had he helped?

Only Palutena, did one good deed make up for months of horrible ones?
"Ike..." She could hear it. She could hear how downtrodden he had become. Was he tired of it all? It felt like he had given up on himself...and she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "Are you...are you absolutely sure about this?" She didn't want to leave him, not when he was like this.
"Go, Samus," Ike said firmly. "You have your orders, see them done." They had found it, or...for all intents and purposes, they might have found it. They couldn't really be sure until someone stepped inside. But they had only found place that was Tellius, they...couldn't find any more. If there was one thing he could do right, it was this.
Samus slowly back away and then disappeared from his sight. Lethe was..quiet these days. Just as stubborn as usual, however...and she gave Samus some pretty dirty glares. But it was nothing she wasn't used to, and with her collar on she couldn't fight nearly as well as someone like her should be able to fight.

Whatever was going to happen, she just..she just genuinely had a bad feeling about it.
Ike watched Samus go off into the distance before glancing in front of him, after a saw where it could be. Minor little oddities, like you were staring through something...and you didn't really know how or why that worked. Maybe some part of him knew what home was, and that was why he was confident...or stupid. His men...did he even know any of their names? Did he even care? He spoke to them only informally, they trusted him implicitly. They were the finest of Medusa's army, ten thousand strong. Secretly, his blood boiled.

It was some cruel joke that Gurgurant was in his possession. It was almost a true representation of what he had turned into, a blade that had so much evil to it's name...a sword that seemed to soak in all the innocent, weak blood Ike had spilled. He could hear the voice of Mad King Ashnard burning into his ears as he closed his eyes.

Heh heh heh...I remember that stance well, so your father taught you swordplay, did he? How very happy that makes me. Ike discarded his helmet and turned to his men, drawing his blade in the same stance he faced him. Ragnell...Ragnell was a long forgotten dream, Sona was a distant memory. The smiles, the laughter...all of them were nothing he deserved for what he had caused. His men stared at him in confusion, glancing from one another. For once, Ike's eyes did not falter...they did not crack. They became wild and resolute.

Mad King Ashnard! I will cut you down with his blade and end your reign of terror! The blade swirled with darkness, making a few men step back in shock.

"L...Lord Ike?" One mumbled in puzzlement.

"By the name of the Goddess of Light, Palutena, and the holy protector of Tellius, Ashunera. I will not let you enter my homeland. Medusa is a thief, and a snake in goddess robes. I will no longer do her bidding, and I will no longer serve for the general of a army of zealots. All of you weaklings, you will never set your corrupted boots in my home!" he roared, rushing forward in a shower of darkness. He spun, his wide blade slicing through skin and armor like it was nothing. Men staggered back in shock, but their zealoted howls overcame their fear. Ike was a sacrilegious tratior! A heretic! They would kill him and burn his body for their lady!

You!? Cut me down!? Heee....good, if you possess the strength to do so...then do it. This process is the principal on which my ideal world operates!

They came at him in a wave of precise training, training that Ike had drilled into them effortlessly. They came with a wall of shields, and Ike's sword swung through it with a shockwave of darkness. Archers let arrows fly, three slammed into Ike's chest, but it didn't slow him down as he rushed forward, Gurgurant swung high and hacked an archer in two before he spun, slicing two more in half. Their lines were shattered, the blade hungered...and Ike fed it. Soon, the roars of fury and violence scattered into fear, blades and arrows slammed into Ike's body, but they did nothing, his eyes burned with inhuman rage. He hacked a man in two with a diagonal slice, the dark magic of his tainted sword hissing away at flesh and bone as he spun, slamming the long blade into the gut of another and ripping it out to connect across the chest of one more.

He remembered, he remembered everything. Every life that flashed before his eyes, every friendship he had shattered, every life he had ruined. He could feel the tears running down his face, but he didn't know if they were from pain or misery. Five thousand men, arrows and blades seemed to only infuriate the demon that had turned on them. Weaklings that scattered to the wind as the blade of the fallen King Ashnard harvested more weak souls. The world was different, rage was given form...corruption made manifest. Ike's eyes were full of fury and rage, pain made his arm swing harder. Retreating men were cut down, archers simply fled, mages were hacked in half with horrified screams.

It was over.

It was finally over.

The nightmare was done. His nightmare was done. Bodies of five thousand men and women, cut and slaughtered by a demon who had been festering within the body of a hero, too humble to admit his glory, too proud to realize he had caused his own death. His wicked blade dragged as he turned, moving towards the barrier. He knew it was the barrier...he knew it, he knew in his heart that his homeland was right behind that wall. His armor was bloody and punctured, arrows jabbed into his chest and back, gashes and wounds marred his skin.

He wondered...did he deserve to die under the sky of his homeland? Did he deserve death? His hand pressed against what he knew was there...and it offered no resistance as he limped inside, the pain was extraordinary.

Well done, boy. He heard, laughter thundering in his ears. His blade dropped from his hand, and Ike sunk to his knees. It was the same as he remembered...the beautiful blue sky, even the air smelled the same. The tears stained his dirty, bloody face as he looked up at the warm, forgiving sky. Everything would hurt a little less if he closed his eyes...he could see his father, and his far away from him now...maybe, if the goddesses had mercy, he would see least once.

The last thing Ike heard was the wonderful wind of his homeland sweeping against his slumped face.
If there was anything Soren expected when he woke up that wasn't seeing Ike in the condition that he was in. Bloody, pierced, slashed and near death. The Goddess had given that woman a vision, and that woman had made sure that Soren had heard it. In three days time, the Radiant Hero would make an appearance just outside the barrier near the southern forest of Melior. That was her message was correct. The maiden of miracles was rarely wrong...

He was barely hanging on, had it not been for Titania they would have not been able to bring him back in time to the nearest town to get the medical treatment he needed desperately. Micaiah should have said how injured he'd be...he would have bought a healer with him.

He didn't leave Ike's side very often, not even to eat. He sat by his bedside deep in thought. It had been years since he had last seen him, and Soren wished he knew what had did such a mass graveyard of bodies end up just outside of the sacred shroud that protected Crimea and Daein? Why was Gurgurant near Ike's body when he hadn't seen that dreaded thing since Ike had put an end to the Mad King. It didn't even look like a battle occurred between two just looked like a slaughter. Ike was the only one alive but...could a single man be capable of taking down a mass army like that?

Either way, the thought disturbed him greatly. Between his worry for his friend, and all the madness going on in a world that he didn't even know existed outside of Tellius...he was quiet. Even more so than usual.
Ike had wanted to die, if he had to be honest with himself. Ike had wanted to escape, like a coward. The pain of his injuries was nothing to the pain he felt burn in his chest. His shame was worse than any injury, but he knew who had saved him. He knew, because Ike had not seen his friend in years, but his presence was a familiar one. When Ike opened his eyes wearily to the world in front of him, he almost wanted to laugh...or cry. He couldn't tell which.

"...Soren," Ike said, his voice raw and lacking much more than a shred of empathy. "...I should have known," he joked, almost desperately...perhaps dryly, he didn't know. But if there was one person that would yank him out of death and force him to breathe, it would be Soren.
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