The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Yes," Ike murmured. "Ganessa found her stalking around the front, I assume you are not aware of the Laguz, my lady?" he murmured. "They are formidable opponents, ones that shouldn't be ignored...I would like to keep this one, she shows...spirit."
"I am not some pet for you to keep!" Lethe snapped stubbornly. Medusa released Ganessa and then walked closer to them, her eyes focused on this "Laguz". Ike wanted to keep her...he knew she would kill her otherwise. There was something about his intentions that seemed false.

"You want to keep her for what? For her fighting potential? Or something else?" Medusa asked as her gaze went back to Ike.
"...She is quite attractive," Ike admitted, glancing at Lethe again. "A challenge is more interesting than a docile servant, wouldn't you agree, Lady Medusa? She would look suitable in a collar."
Medusa grinned in minor amusement as Lethe growled in objection. "Of course...challenges are always much more interesting. But, she cannot go unpunished for what she did to Ganessa." The only reason why she was even considering leaving the mangy little thing alive was because she wanted to corrupt Ike...his suggestion sounded so...dark. She loved how well her pet was adjusting to this lifestyle.
"Hm, very true..." Ike mused, rubbing his chin in thought as he regarded Lethe, glaring daggers at him. Goddess forgive him, not that she ever would...or anyone would. "Samus, kneel her."
Samus did as she was told, having Lethe kneel over as she started cursing in a language that Medusa had never heard before. It was...relatively amusing. She watched Ike carefully, wondering exactly what he had in mind.
Ike grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back, so she could stare at Medusa. "This is your Goddess now," Ike said casually. "You either pay the respect she deserves, or you will find a far greater suffering awaits your people, Laguz." He wished he could have apologized, but Ganessa was nearby when they first saw her. Ike wondered where the lie was and where the truth had begun.
She hissed in pain when Ike grabbed her hair but she didn't lose any of her fire. "Never! Ashunera is my only Goddess, traitorous scum! You Beorc are cowards unlike us Laguz! I will never turn my back on my Goddess, so you might as well just kill me!" Lethe shouted as she shifted her eyes away from that Dark Goddess...she would never, ever worship her!

"Traitorous?" Medusa asked curiously. Did she know Ike?
"Yes," Ike said, keeping his grip firm as he yanked her head back further. "She served with me, long ago." A lifetime ago, it felt like. He wasn't surprised that Lethe would make this difficult, he couldn't blame her. All he knew was that Ike was spitting on everything that they had shared together. There was only so much that he could do, to keep her alive.

"However, if she wishes to be uncooperative, perhaps her sister would be a more willing companion." he mused. "Unless she wishes to avoid such an unfortunate fate."
Lethe gritted her teeth as she stopped struggling all of a sudden. Medusa grinned. It was really an amusing sight. The cat had lost it's claws all of a sudden.

Lyre..Lyre would definitely try to search for her if she was gone for too long..which meant she would leave the safe area...which meant Ike could capture her. She..she couldn't risk that. She wouldn't. She let out a sigh of defeat as she glared at the ground. "Don't you dare touch my sister..."
"Then look at your true Goddess, and tell her you serve her, and only her," Ike said, tilting her head back up. "Look at her!"
Lethe shifted her eyes to the smug Goddess in front of her, but the fire did not leave her violet eyes. "..I serve you and only you." Her words were empty, she obviously didn't mean it. But she was doing what she was told.
"Say it with conviction," Ike said firmly, blade raised against her throat. "Or your sister will be the fur around Ganessa's shoulders."
The blade did nothing but make her nose turn up..she hated the smell of steel mixed with blood. Beorc weapons were awful. "I..serve you and only you." She repeated, this time with more conviction as he asked.

"As if she deserves to serve you, mother." Ganessa muttered under her breath. What kind of punishment was this?
Ike let go of Lethe's head, slipping his sword away. "Is that suitable, my lady?"
"Since when is serving me a punishment, Ike?" Medusa asked as she moved closer to Lethe and stroked her cheek. "She's a pretty thing, I'm sure I can figure something out if you can't. She spilled my daughters blood...that's an offense that punishable by worse than death." Medusa wanted to see how bad Ike really wanted this woman. If he was willing to do more..sinister things to keep her alive. That seemed to be his goal...but she would only give that gift to him if he proved himself to be worth it...and she wanted to see something worse than what he'd been doing.
Ike narrowed his eyes a barely perceptible fraction. "And what exactly did you have in mind, my lady?" He chose to ignore that first question, not out of ignorance...simply out of not wanting to fall into her conversational traps. She knew exactly what he meant.
"Well, there are a few things I could do...I could let Ganessa use her pretty new gift on Lethe and let her do what she wants to her until she's satisfied, or I could give her to someone else for them to use...roughly." Medusa said thoughtfully. "Ganondorf likes...exotic things, come to think of it."
"...I see, so that is what you wish?" Ike said casually, glancing at Lethe. "For her to be punished like that?"
"It seems suitable to me. Such a punishment would be worse than death for her. I like the fire she has in her eyes." Medusa commented as Lethe glared up at her. If it wasn't for them threatening her sister, she would have bit her stupid hand.
"Then it will be done," Ike said easily. "Would you enjoy seeing something like that, my lady?"
"Of course." Medusa said with a grin, hearing a low growl coming from Lethe. "She will definitely being entertaining. Ganessa, you should watch too, I'm sure you'll enjoy." She was getting to be around that age anyway...
"...Very well," Ike said. "Samus? Strip her," he said, stabbing his blade into the cement.
Ganessa raised an eyebrow as she watched Samus's shadows tear apart her clothes. Lethe hissed and tried to struggle as much as she could, but it was too no avail. Her cheeks started burning the minute she was fully naked, her tail twitching in an agitated manner as she gritted her teeth angrily. "Don't touch me!" She barked at him. How could he do this to her?!
"You're quite attractive," Ike mused, holding her chin up. Every inch of her, toned and muscular...perky breasts, toned legs. It was a shame...a real shame. Misery long buried, Ike simply let his hands trail down, squeezing her breasts together firmly, and sharply. There was no real going back after this, regardless of what Ike could or couldn't tell her, Lethe wouldn't forgive him. He wasn't expecting it, and...maybe somewhere, he wasn't surprised. How many more people would he damn to his foolish path?
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