The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Months had passed, and in those months...Seig and Ganessa had grown, physically anyway. Ganessa had not taken the casual rub against her skills from Seig aside, but it fostered competitiveness. Ganondorf and Medusa had taken to her lessons personally, and it was an interesting contrast indeed. While Ganessa was indeed, more than acceptable with a sword...her talents lied in dark magic. Both of her parents possessed considerable skill in that, so it was unsurprising that it came to her as naturally as breathing. Seig excelled at martial combat, but magic was...a grasp, at best. An amusing contrast, since neither of them could maintain a distinct advantage due to their weaknesses.

They were ready, or...Ganessa was ready. It was quite the big deal, to say the least. She had armor crafted for her by the most skilled armorsmiths they had, a sword blessed by her mother and father...yes, she was ready. Her personality had been humbled, somewhat by Seig...but she was mature enough to handle things. What they didn't expect was Seig, moving through the throne room, past the worshipers and soldiers where Ganondorf, Medusa, Ike and Samus were watching. His son...he had grown strong, his body was tempered and honed, the numerous scars of a vengeful Ganessa littered his chest and arms...but he bore them with no shame. Ike felt a pang of regret, but it was one he simply ignored.

"Wait," Seig huffed. "Wait..."

"What is the meaning of this, boy?" Ganondorf snorted. "Do you have no sense of respect for your betters?"

"I wish to join your army, my lord." Seig murmured, Ike blinked in genuine surprise. Ganondorf tilted his head at that, glancing to Medusa. Well, the idiot parasite of a child continued to confuse him and annoy him...
Medusa looked at Sieg, her eyes narrowed slightly in minor annoyance. This was her daughters day, and for there to be an was displeasing, to say the least. "You? Join the army? You couldn't have waited another time to ask for this, Sieg?" He had served his purpose, Ganessa was at the point where she just needed the experience on the battlefield to get better. The only thing she needed now was time.

"Well, I say let him. If he really thinks he's good enough, anyway." Ganessa said with a smirk. She would never admit it, but having Sieg around was always good motivation. He also made a great punching bag...maybe not physically anymore like when they were kids, but she always enjoyed talking down to him. Because she was better. "If you're worried about him, I can keep an eye on my little brother. He just has to serve under me."
"With all due respect," Ike said after a moment, glancing at Medusa and Ganondorf. "As much as I am honored to have your daughter join my army...I do not let people join simply on name alone."

"Oh?" Ganondorf grinned in amusement. "Do you deem our daughter unworthy, Ike?"

"Untested," he corrected. "They have fought nothing but each other, all of their training. How do they fare against someone who actually knows what a life or death situation is?"
Ganessa frowned at Ike's objection, putting a hand on her hip. "So just because a peasant knows what it's like to have his life in danger, it means he's more worthy than me? I'm clearly superior, I'm practically bred for battle. How would you have me prove myself, General?" She spat just before rolling her eyes. She wasn't the little girl that cried when she didn't get her way anymore. Whatever she needed to do to prove herself, she'd do it.
"Hmph," Ike muttered. "I've cut down more than my fair share of arrogant warriors who think they are good because they have had no challenge, girl. Your idle threats do nothing but make you look like a child swinging a sword around. Let's see you handle me for a change, and I'll show you what it means to fight someone who means it. I'm not someone whose spine has been broken by your mindless abuse like Seig."

"Ooh," Ganondorf smirked in amusement. "A sharp reply from the otherwise taciturn general...I approve, what do you say, my dear?"
Ganessa hated it when people talked back to her...and this one reminded her of that fool Sieg. Though she learned to turn her anger into motivation..she wanted to kick this guy into the dirt. She gave Ike a grin and then turned to Medusa. "I want to fight him..let me fight him, mother! Please, can I?"

"Very well," Medusa said as she glanced over at Ike. She wondered how Ganessa would fare against someone other than Sieg herself...but Ike wasn't exactly the ideal candidate to be her first real opponent. She didn't have the experience to take him on yet. Still, she wouldn't say no to her daughter. "I want this to be private though. Shall we go out into the courtyard? I don't want my throne room getting destroyed..." Ganessa liked to go all out..after all.
"As you wish," Ike said, moving past Ganessa with a casual brush of his cape and his blade on his shoulder. Seig blinked faintly, but...followed, like many did, or tried to. He knew who Ike was, and...secretly, he was a little excited. His...his father was going to fight her? Why? Because of him? No, no...that couldn't be it. And yet...he hoped, like any son would.
Medusa made sure no one followed them to the courtyard. She didn't have much faith that her daughter would win this, because she would never admit to herself that some mortals were superior to her. She had only existed on in this world for a little less than a year, it was only to be expected. Her fully matured body didn't mean much in a situation like this, even if she was in top physical condition.

Ganessa didn't seem to be too worried. She drew her new sword, feeling her mother and fathers power pulsating within it. If anything that just made her more excited, her yellow eyes slowly shifting into an ice blue color as dark magic started radiating from her body. "You know, it's not that I think you're a bad fighter..." Ganessa started as she ran her finger over the blade of her sword. She didn't even feel it slice into her really was well made! "I just think that you are severely underestimating me. That, and I hate men with blue hair. They rub me the wrong way...unfortunately."
"Is that right?" Ike said, unclipping his cape as he let Gurgurant slip off his shoulder, the dark aura radiating off it so much that it gave off the illusion of haze as he pointed the blade toward her. "I think you need to be taught a lesson, girl. Blood means nothing, your strength means nothing...because all you rely on is your mouth, and your parents."
"Oh, you just know so much about me." Ganessa said with a casual twirl of the sword, using her free hand to pick at something in her ear. She wouldn't be infuriated right at the start of a match. It was just irritating more than anything. "Go ahead then, General Ike. Teach me a lesson, please. Anything to make me stronger. Even if you don't accept me into your army, I'm still going to be there...I'm going to do whatever I want, because I can." She grinned at him before taking on her fighting stance. Let's see just how great this general was, oh it would be so fun to knock him off that high horse of his.
"Hmph," Ike muttered, shifting into instance. Grgurant was not his first choice as a weapon...but it had become his comrade in arms down this dark path. Once, he fought against it...the power the blade wielded was perhaps greater than Ragnell. The more blood he spilled, the stronger it seemed to grow. When Ike sunk into a ready posture, blade resting against his shoulder, he catapulted forward in a blur, swinging his dark blade wide.
Ganessa brought her sword up to block, using both hands to to keep the blade in place as her feet sank into the dirt. The blow reverberated through her body, her breasts slightly jiggling from the force. She blinked a little as her blue eyes narrowed. It was...probably a bad idea to be too reckless around him. If she got hit with a blow like that...the fight would be over. Her sword seem to react against Gurgurant, the energy within flaring and for a moment it looked like the aura around his sword dwindled. She smirked as she came to a realization of what it was. Ah...what a nifty little effect...she'd be sure to use it to her advantage.

"Sorry, I can tell...that I can't hold back, otherwise you'll slaughter me." She said with a smile before her eyes flashed white and two twin beams of magic blasted right at him. She liked to catch people off guard with that...
If Ike was surprised, he didn't show it. He shifted his body to the left as dark magic tore into his cheek and hissed it's festering injury as he pressed his advantage, rearing his sword back and swinging it downward again. The aura was simply a benefit, but Ike didn't need two hands to swing his blade, this time, however...he did. His downward slash was powerful and fast.
Ganessa blocked once again, but...ugh. Her biceps were bulging as she struggled underneath his sword. It wasn't her own strength that kept her on her feet, it was something else. Gurgurant's aura was gathering around her sword, that's what had stopped most of the force. And still she was struggling? Ugh! How could mortals be so strong?! If it wasn't for her magic, and the She needed to put up a better fight.

She managed to push him away just enough to make her escape, but she was already breathing heavily. She wasn't sure if she could block his two handed attacks like that again, so she needed to dodge. Ugh, on the defensive...she hated playing this way!
"Pathetic," Ike said dismissively, holding his wicked blade to his side as the aura glimmered hungrily for more. "For all your bark, I was expecting more bite, girl."
"You want more bite?" Ganessa asked with a grin as she held out her free hand. "Fine, I'll show it to you. Just because you asked, General." Gods he was annoying! Why did he remind her so much of Sieg!? Ugh, they even had a similar scent...actually it was almost the same, Sieg's was just slightly different...mixed with another familiar smell..hmm. She'd think about that later.

An orb of black fire appeared in her hand. It's heat was intense, and Ganessa only smiled as she pointed her sword at him. "Well, lets go. Round two! Unless you're scared, just like that baby, Sieg."
"Remind me again who won most of your sparring matches?" Ike said casually, stance never changing. "Because I don't recall that it was you."

"Hm..." Ganondorf murmured, arms crossing in thought. Ike was playing his game well, and Ganessa had yet to catch seemed she still had more to learn.
Ganessa narrowed her eyes, feeling that anger festering inside of her. The fire in her hand grew larger and started flickering, but she kept it under control. She wanted to let it go, but she couldn't. She'd lose if she did that. Her mother said to keep it locked inside until she could manifest it into something more useful...that's what she had to do.

She kept the fire inside of her palm, though she simply shot another beam of dark magic towards him. This time she didn't let up, it was constant...she would make him come to her if he didn't want to do it on his own...
Ike swung his sword in a shockwave, offering him a fraction of a moment to move forward as he hurled his sword up in the air and leapt in a surprisingly graceful flip, catching it midway as he spun down to strike at her.
The shock wave wasn't anything she couldn't handle but the next move he did was a different story. What the...?

She jumped out of the way, staring at him in surprise. How the hell did he do that?! Ugh..never mind, she couldn't lose focus. She squeezed her palm shut, the fire surrounding her arm completely. She then sent a blast of fire towards him that shot all the way through the courtyard. Fuck it, she'd rather kill him then lose.
Ike's landing shattered the stone around him as he brought his blade up to block, the impact was solid as he went sliding back. He dug his heels in and returned the favor by hurling a shockwave towards her, using it to cover his advance. She was too reliant on her magic, getting in close was the only option...and the only way to properly humble her.
This time she saw through his tactic and used her own magic to deflect it back at him. He was trying to get close now...a wise decision...but she still wouldn't lose!
He leapt over it, teeth gritted in determination as his blade came down in a brutal downward swing. The aura of darkness was impressive, and it slammed right in front of her in a scatter of stone and well as dark magic. Ganondorf frowned, but said nothing as he uncrossed his arms. Ike was being far too enthusiastic about this...
She threw up her arms in defense, crying out in pain as the debris hit her. The magic didn't bother her at all, she was naturally immune to it. Still. She couldn't even see..damn it! What a dirty trick! This guy was Sieg, he was totally some future version of Sieg! Ugh!
Ike slammed his shoulder into her, putting her to the ground as his blade rested against her chin. "Hmph," Ike muttered. "You, girl...rely far too much on your mouth, and not your actions. Unlike Seig, you have nothing to you don't try. That boy crawled from nothing and became something...and that is something you will never have." he mumbled. "Learn to respect the people beneath you, or you will be dragged down by them."

"...It seems your pet has adjusted nicely," Ganondorf remarked dryly, although very quietly to Medusa. "And all because Ganessa tormented his boy," he snorted. An unpleasant lesson, one that soured Ganondorf considerably...yet these lessons would be harder if someone like Link foiled her plans, so he supposed he saw the merit in it.
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