The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I) excellent question, he mused, hand resting on his...or Link's chin. What are any of us when it comes to dreams? You are a new thing...who are you? Why are you here? How have I not seen you before?
"I'm Link's friend. I told him I'd be there for him tonight, to help him with his nightmares. But I don't see him...just you. You're very presence here is're making his emotional state worse by being here. He'll never let it long as you're here." Palutena needed to find a way to talk to Link..wherever his conscious was.
This is not a nightmare, He smirked. However...if you wish to free Link, perhaps we can come to an agreement. he said, glancing at her. I need more...and yet, your Link is all that I have...
"I don't normally make deals with evil entities, but you can humor me if you'd like. What do you mean by more?" Palutena asked, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.
I need substance, he said. I can do nothing within his mind, I must be set free. he grinned widely. You may call me evil all you like, but I cannot help what sustains me anymore than you can help what sustains you.
"You want to be do what? To make more people miserable?" She probably would have a better time getting rid of him outside of Link's head...but if she messed up he'd just terrorize others. Still, she couldn't just let him continue to do this to Link...they needed him. Zelda needed him, and at this rate he would break...
To see, he purred. There is a vast world out there, yes? So much as changed...I only see it in fragments, I wish to see it with my own eyes...I have been blind for so long.
Palutena was quiet for a moment as she contemplated her options. "..Fine. If I give you form, you will leave Link and everyone else in his life alone. Deal?"
Excellent... he said as Link's body rose up casually, and then stiffened as the redness of his eyes faded...and suddenly, it lurched towards Palutena, sinking into her skin with a gleeful little purr. this is a body I enjoy feeling...
Palutena shivered as it sunk into her, grimacing at the strange sensation that made her nipples hard and tingly. She ignored its comment, she only moved closer to see if Link was okay. "Link...wake up..." Palutena called to him as she knelt over to his side and shook his shoulder.
When Link's eyes opened, the world came back as he shot up from the bed with a heavy breath, he glanced around quickly, finding only Zelda resting next to him. What...? Wasn't Palutena...?

He rubbed his face faintly, letting out another sigh. He...really felt exhausted for some reason, maybe he'd actually be able to rest

So many options in this body... Pulses here and there, teasing, playful...throbbing over her breasts, rumbling between her legs. So many wonderful thoughts! I have seen none of this! Even the sensation of her memories were not unpleasant to her to feel, but slightly a feeling of a small buzz.
Palutena was having more trouble waking up...her cheeks were flushed with red as she tossed and turned in her bed. Sultry moans left her mouth as she felt him exploring her curiously. He was like a child, honestly...sticking his nose and everything and anything..and she hated it. But there wasn't much she could do. "P..Pit..." She breathed in her sleep. She needed to wake up...
"Lady Palutena?" Pit said quickly, appearing at her side like a loyal guard dog. Wait...she mentioned this, she had to wake up, right? Uh...what was she dreaming about...? He had to wake her up! Shaking her wasn't doing anything...

"Oh man, I'm gonna be in so much trouble..." he mumbled, swallowing faintly as he closed his eyes and...gave his Lady Palutena the hardest smack he could offer across the cheek.
"Ouch!" Palutena cried out before she jerked up and rubbed her cheek. "I asked you to wake me up, not beat me up! That really hurt.." But at least she was awake...she had to figure out how to deal with this new...thing. Inside of her. She wasn't quite sure what it was...and she couldn't say that she had ever let anything like it possess her body before. Unlike Link, she was still aware of it's presence despite being conscious...
"Sorry..." he grinned sheepishly. "I didn't know what to do! I panicked! You were making really weird noises!" he insisted.
"Weird noises..." That was right...she could still feel those strange sensations that were turning her on and making her wet...that was going to be annoying. Hopefully it would go away soon. "Thanks need to watch your strength though. I can't take hits like I used to."
"Sorry," Pit grinned sheepishly as the pulses slowly returned. thought, he had never felt the same sensations from Link...down between the legs in particular produced a wonderful amount of shame to go with her pleasure, it was delicious...
"Mnn.." Palutena pressed her legs together in attempts to ignore the growing wetness between her legs. She had never seen Pit that way...but she was starting to right now. She knew that he was making her feel this way, and was probably feeding off how humiliated she felt as she tried to keep control of herself. "Well...maybe you should run along...and umm..." Ugh, she couldn't even think of a proper task to get him away from her. "Never mind.." She finished as she stood up. She needed to be alone...
"Huh?" Pit mumbled, wings perked up curiously. "Did...did I do something wrong?" He didn't hit her that hard, did he?
"No, you didn't." She felt like she should probably tell him, but she could barely think. "I just need to be alone, okay? Dealing with Link's problem was a little more..complicated than I thought it would be."
"Oh...okay," Pit said, relief evident on his face. "I'll keep your bedroll warm, Lady Palutena." he said dutifully. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Another throb, wait...what was this memory? Sex? Oh, he knew this one...with a muscular, blue haired young man...he recalled him from some of Link's memories. Ike? Yes, Ike...what a complicated little mystery this woman was...and what was this? The dirty little shame of being aroused? She was new to feeling it so intensely, to not having the control she was used to...
Damn it...why was she remembering Ike so suddenly? Why was he going through these memories of hers? She bit her lips as her face started growing hotter...her pussy was getting wetter as it painfully throbbed. God she wanted to touch, she wanted to feel a cock inside of her. She looked at Pit again, watching his mouth move but she couldn't hear a damn thing he was saying. "..What did you say?" She asked softly just before biting her lip once more. Pit was always such a good boy...he didn't know anything about things like this.
"...I said if you were okay?" Pit said, eyebrow raised curiously. Hmm...curious, the memory only triggered feelings...but he could do more than that, he could give sensations. Her pussy lips throbbed, and her muscles parted almost subtly...the mirth was evident, even if she couldn't hear a voice as it felt like there was a cock slowly slipping inside her moist folds.
Once again, his voice was lost to her as she felt started panting. The sensation was too much, she couldn't stand anymore and she dropped onto her bed when legs weakened. That felt so good..what was it doing to her?! She could feel her juices starting to leak from her pussy and onto the flesh of her inner thigh. "..Mnn." She whined as she started squeezing her legs closed again in attempts to make the sensation go away.
"L...Lady Palutena!?" Pit mumbled in surprise, moving to help her. "Are you okay!? Your face is burning up!" he said, putting his hand over hers as the muscles contracted, and then widened even more. It was a simple little process for him, to merely simulate the feeling based on her memories and how her body would she like it if he simulated the pace, too? That sensation of Ike's cock plunging in and out of her like a rabid animal? He supposed he'd find out! This creature was far more entertaining than Link!
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