The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Oh, not that Pit. The other one...wait, they look the same aside from the color of their hair and wings...and clothes. And eyes. But they're pretty much the same...except their attitudes are way different." Sona said thoughtfully before shaking her head. "You can be attracted to all types, Alondite. Not just the big manly ones." She smiled.
"...I suppose that's true," she admitted, laying back. "...This is...normal? To feel these things?" she asked, glancing at her younger sister as if she was some wizened sage.
"Very normal. You were probably gone, but Zelda and Link were feeling those things earlier. Sheesh, Zelda can get loud." Sona smirked a little before laying in bed. "I can't believe this, we have so much in common now. I finally have someone I can relate to. It feels nice, even though I would have never asked you to become mortal for me."
"I wanted to do it," Alondite admitted. "...It was the first...thing I really felt," she murmured. "...I never realized how much it hurt me to be against my own be able to relate to what she was suffering."
Sona looked over to Alondite, regarding her for a moment before laughing a little. "I didn't think I was hurting you, really. I'm such an idiot...I feel bad for making you worry so much. But..thank you." She moved closer to her and then brought her down to the floor with her. The bedrolls were so close they were touching, so it wasn't hard. "It hurt when we were separated, even more when I had to fight against you. I just figured you'd never forgive me."
"...I didn't know if I would either," she admitted quietly. "...I don't know what I'm supposed to feel without Master Zelgius."
"Whatever you want to feel, Alondite. You'll never be able to forget him, but it's up to you if you want to move on...I know it's hard. I didn't have to deal with Gawain's death as a I only found peace when Ike became my new master. I'm afraid I don't have any advice for that." She held onto her sister tightly as she sighed. She wished she knew how to help her with that, too.
"...I'll be okay," Alondite murmured, arm awkwardly around her sister. "...I have you, that's enough for now, I think."
"Really? Well how about this, if anyone else makes you feel all tingly down there, let me know. Anyone at all. I'll serve them to you on a silver platter, all you have to do is point them out." Sona grinned at her sister, confidently. Not many people could resist her least the men. If Alondite liked a girl, she'd probably have to be a little more..persuasive.
"...A silver platter?" Alondite blinked curiously. "...What does that do? Do they like that?"
"It was an expression, a play on words or something? Ugh, did turning immortal make you stupid?" Sona asked playfully before kissing her cheek. "No, I'm saying that if you like someone, tell me. They're yours."
"...Oh," she mumbled, head tilted downward a little. "I...I suppose I could see..." She had no idea how to even begin with something like that...
"You don't have to look...they'll just come out of no where, and you'll want to do it. You're too practical and nice to get them yourself, so I'll bring them right to you. I think I asked Link to do it to me, I can't remember. And Pit...well I just rubbed him a little and he was mine. Ah, memories." Sona sighed contently as she closed her eyes.
Alondite stared at her a moment, before she settled comfortably next to her sister. "...Is it really that easy?" she mumbled curiously. Wow, she had no idea Sona was so experienced...she felt jealous...
"Oh yes. Link was a little bit different than Pit. Zelda had to tell him it was okay. Pit wanted to be difficult. He was trying to run away from me. But I just tackled him to the ground and then rubbed myself against him until he was so excited, he couldn't say no. The rest is history, I guess."

"What did you do with Pit?" Palutena asked Sona as she joined them on the bed rolls.

"Heh, other Pit." Sona said as she smiled sheepishly. Their Pit was cute too, she had to a slightly different way.
"...I guess I had no idea everything had so much...depth," she mumbled faintly, closing her eyes. She felt...really exhausted...
Sona rose a little and saw how tired her sister was. "Sleep, sister. I'll talk to you more about this stuff tomorrow." She told her.
Alondite didn't even last past the end of her sentence when she finally dozed off. She was too tired to be nervous about this strange sensation of...sleep.
Sona smiled and then looked over to Palutena. "Hey Palutena, can you tell Pit to sleep next to me?" She grinned innocently before she closed her eyes, not really waiting for an answer. She was exhausted too.

Palutena just chuckled and waited for Pit to join them. She would need him to keep an eye on her while she went into Link's dreams tonight. She had a feeling she might run into something..unnatural. If that was the case, he'd need to wake her up if anything she couldn't handle came up.
The dreams came easy, too easy if you asked Link...but they were the same every night. It was back to that day when everything changed, the roar of the storm was everywhere. The rain was pouring down endlessly, there were sounds of battle everywhere. Link...Link was stuck. Zelda was there, with Ganondorf. Her hungry, slutty squeals echoing over the rush of thunder as Ganondorf's cock slammed into her again and again, her face twisted in horrified pleasure. It didn't matter how many he seemed to cut down, he couldn't get to her...he could never get to her.

and that was the point Another thought said, malicious and almost giddy. Yes, it made him mad, it made him furious. That was good, but there were so many moments to choose from that could be punctuated with a lie...but above all, it was frustrating wasn't it? Yes...he possessed far more willpower than he ever thought possible, but in time, he would break. And that would be it.
As promised, Palutena appeared right in the middle of the battlefield. The monsters simply went through her, only having one target. They couldn't even see her, more than likely. This was normal, but she sensed something that wasn't. And when her eyes followed where the endless hordes of creatures were charging and falling, she spotted Link.

She made her way over to him, her staff in hand. She raised it high in the air, and a bright light tore through the sky. Everything stopped, the noise, the rain, the creatures...the only one who could move was her and Link. "You've never stopped dreaming about this day since it happened..have you?" She asked as she approached him.
"No," Link said, his voice was different. Distorted, it echoed within itself to produce something far less Link than it meant to be, or maybe it was supposed to sound that way. "I could have done something!" His voice warbled, his eyes flashing blood red in his frustration. "I could have saved her! I could have stopped her from feeling like this!"
Palutena's eyes widened just a fraction as he spoke. He looked like he was..possessed by something. This was what she was feeling every time he had these dreams. "Link," She started as she carefully moved closer to him. "You have to let this go...your frustration and anger is manifesting into something dangerous. You need to forgive yourself. You need to realize that this is the past, not your present."
No...No, No, No...No. That wasn't Link, but it was his voice...and his mouth moving. You see...I like him like this, it's tasty. He has so much frustration built up, you know that? It's very curious...I would expect a Hero to know what it means to fail, and yet...Link, he is so arrogant in his own little world. There is no battle he cannot win, and yet...this one... he said, motioning to it with Link's body. This failure haunts him like no other...I wonder, does he think that Zelda enjoyed it? Does he wonder if she secretly hopes for that child? I haven't gotten that deep yet...but he's a broken little hero, it's quite a shame.
"Who are you?" Palutena asked the moment she realized that she wasn't talking to Link. This wasn't good..she needed to destroy this evil that had taken form inside of Link. If she didn't, it might get out of hand. But she needed Link's help to do it..without Link here she had little power. He had to be willing to let her help for any of her magic to have any sort of effect.
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