The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

" you too," Alondite worded after a moment, her fair skin flushed with contentment. "...That is the term people use?"
"Sure is." Sona said with a smile as she sat her down. She then gathered some stew, meat and vegetables for her sister and placed it all in front of her. "There you go. It's not hot so you don't have to worry about burning your tongue. Just try not to eat too fast."
"...Okay," Alondite frowned, glancing down at the bowl curiously as she picked up the spoon of stew, letting it dribble back down into the bowl. It didn't smell bad...

"...This is appetizing?" she mumbled.
"It's supposed to be, just eat it." Sona said with a grin as she sat down next to her. "Come on, just stick it in your mouth and swallow it. It will make you feel better, I promise."
She grumbled a little, but complied by carefully slipping it in her mouth to taste and swallow, blinking a moment. "It's...really good..." she admitted quietly, before digging in hungrily.
"Thought so." Sona said with a smirk while she watched her sister eat. "My favorite is meat, but stew tastes good too. I think you'd like the vegetables personally. You seem like that type of person."
Whatever any of it was, she was devouring it wholesale. All of it tasted delicious, and it made her stomach hurt less! Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...except, the more she ate...the worse her stomach felt...she grimaced faintly, glancing down at what little she had left before pushing it away.

"...I don't like it anymore," she grumbled.
"That's because you're full, probably. You sure did eat a lot, but I can eat more." Sona grinned, rubbing her hand against Alondite's stomach. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that you can eat too much. Are you okay?"
"...I think so," Alondite murmured, squirming faintly at her touch. It was...not unpleasant, but an odd feeling...
"Good..that's good. Hmm, are you tired at all?" She was a sloppy teacher, but she would definitely try to take care of her sister in her hour of need.
"...I do feel...weary," Alondite admitted, rubbing her face. "It has been...very exhausting, being mortal."
"I thought so. Well it's not good to sleep right after you eat a big meal, so we'll get you settled into your bedroll and talk for a little, I set ours up right in the corner next to Pit and Palutena." Sona took her hand and led her over to where they'd be sleeping.
"...Alright," Alondite mumbled, following her willingly. "...Thank you, Sona. I didn't imagine being a mortal would feel so...strange."
"You should have asked me before you suddenly became one. How did you do that, anyway? I didn't do it on purpose, you know. How could you?" Sona asked as she pulled the covers back for her sister.
"I asked the Lady Ashunera to return her blessing," she murmured. "So that she could focus more on maintaining her presence, and less on my form."
"Really? So I guess we've always had the ability to become I thought it had something to do with Palutena's magic." Sona said as she sat down. "It still makes my head hurt thinking about it though..."
Alondite settled next to Sona in the bed, feeling...slightly out of place. "I suppose you never did get the benefit of learning from her," Alondite smiled. "...But I can teach you a few things to help."
"That would be nice. In return I can teach you about...other things." Sona grinned a little. "See you're going to start getting feelings soon...They make you tingle in your naughty spots, and when you get those feelings I'll tell you all about them!"
"...What?" Alondite blinked at her almost stupidly. "What is...what does that even mean?"
"Hmm, well lets see. Have you ever seen Zelgius naked before?" Sona asked. The attraction she had to Ike would probably be similar to the attraction Alondite had for her former master. Hopefully what she just asked didn't make her more sad than horny.
"W...What?!" Alondite said, her face immediately exploding in red. "Wh...what does that have to do with anything!?" she huffed. "I do know that asking such...such things isn't normal!" Of course she had seen Zelgius naked! He bathed regularly! Wait, that...that wasn't a feeling she was familiar with. She squirmed unpleasantly, feeling her face heat up. What...what was that?! What did she do!?
Sona laughed at her sister reaction. It was much cuter than she expected it to be, but she knew such a thought would make her flustered. "Normal? We're sisters, we can talk about anything. Like that feeling you just got, the sensation between your legs that's making you squirm. You're getting turned on thinking about Zelgius. When I think about Ike like that, I get that feeling too!"
" feels really nice," she admitted. "...But...I don't have Master Zelgius" That just...made it feel worse, how long could she have...felt this, enjoyed it...?
Sona sighed a little. "Yeah, that's the bad part of it. You just have to take care of it yourself, or with someone else you feel that way about. Other than Ike...Link has made me feel that way, and so did Pit..." She sighed heavily.
"...Pit?" Alondite mumbled, frowning a moment in thought. "I...I suppose he is appealing..." she murmured. "...He is not as defined as Master Zelgius, however...nor as mature looking..."
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