The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"That's not what I meant, Link. As much's fun to be with you and Zelda..I miss being with Ike as a lover. It might not have been anything romantic to him was for me. And I didn't know that until I lost him." She slipped off him, though she remained in his lap as she wiped away her tears. "Not that I don't appreciate being with you all. It's okay though...I suppose I'll just get over it. I think that's how it works..."
"Not exactly," Link smiled. "Don't look at it like that, okay? Think of it like a fond memory...Ike's not gone just yet, I promise."
"Yeah, you're right. Thank you." Sona slid off his lap, giving him a smile. "I think I'll leave you alone to eat." She just needed to be by herself..she felt better but worse. Ugh, emotions were hard to deal with.
Link patted her back with a faint smile. "...Just remember, you're not alone...not anymore," he promised.
"I know.." Sona walked away, the smile she had for Link slowly fading away. She might have felt better about the future, but the present was a lonely one.

She didn't go very far...she just made her way onto the rooftop of the Inn. High spots were good places for her to think about things, even though thinking was the last thing she wanted to do.
Everything felt...strange. She didn't like it, to be honest. The weird thump in her chest unnerved her, and it seemed to get more rapid every time she actually thought about it. She had thought breathing would be easier to figure out, but being consciously aware of it just made it harder to do. And the memories. Goddess, why did she think this was a good idea? All of the memories came back like a tidal wave and she was struggling so hard to not react to everything all at once. When Master Zelgius first held her, when they went to fight Ike and her sister one last time.

It hurt, it didn't hurt like it used hurt like a knife in her chest that was slowly being twisted the more she thought about it. It made breathing even harder, it made everything harder. The tears made it hard for her to actually see, and she found it annoying to rub them every so often. Her skin was no longer so ashen and pale, it was fair skinned and beautiful, her face more expressive, her blue eyes warm with emotion and feeling. The only person she wanted see was Sona, she didn't know how she felt about that too. She felt...happy, she felt happy that she wanted to see her sister and was happy that...she was happy about that. But she was so confused. She was amazed with herself that she managed to find her without curling up into a ball as she came onto the roof of the Inn.

"...Sona?" Her voice didn't sound the same, it was once frigid and it came off wounded and vulnerable, her breath coming in panicked little huffs.
Sona could have sworn she had heard her sister...but the voice didn't quite match. Sure enough though, when she turned...she saw Alondite on the roof with her. She blinked before getting up. "Alondite? What's wrong..? What happened?" She felt different..looked different...smelled different. As Sona got close to her she could tell something was very, very off.
" all feels strange," Alondite admitted, rubbing her face desperately. "It...I can breathe, and...oh, goddess above, Sona...I remember and it hurts and..." she was barely keeping it together, the more she talked, the worse her voice got, and the worse her tears started.
"What didn't." Sona pulled Alondite into an embrace, rubbing her back. She did..didn't she? She wasn't sure how, Sona hadn't turned mortal of her own choice so she didn't know how that kind of thing worked. But that didn't matter right now, she knew that her sister was confused and hurting. "First, concentrate on breathing. Take deep breaths, it will help with the pain in your stomach." She was remembering things that were hurting her..Sona could relate.
"R...Right," Alondite said, huffing in choking, awkward breaths as they slowly started to even out with a shuddering breath. "Okay...I...I feel a little better..." she admitted softly, nuzzling against Sona's hair as she held her close. This...his felt so much better than before...
"Good. Now if you need to cry, don't hold it all in. It will make you feel better if you cry." Sona reached up to pet the back of Alondite's head. It was a little harder to since Alondite was much taller than her, but she didn't care. She just wanted to make her sister feel better.

She could hear the thumping in her chest, and the heat coming from her body. She was definitely mortal now. And Sona...well she didn't now how she felt about that. Being mortal meant she'd be able to tap into stronger abilities, but it was also very painful and she'd be more vulnerable now. And if she lost Alondite...Sona wouldn't know what to do with herself.
"I know..." Alondite murmured, sitting down to hold her. She didn't know what else to do besides this...and she liked it, it was nice. She nuzzled against Sona's shoulder, ignoring the tears. "...This feels different..." she admitted.
"Of course it does, why do you think I act so different? What happened, how did you get like this?" Sona asked as she kept rubbing her back of Alondite's head. Or..maybe she wasn't Alondite anymore? Just like she wasn't Ragnell any longer...
She glanced away a moment. "...What you said, earlier...about how I didn't know how you felt," she mumbled. "...You were right, and...we're sisters, aren't we? I...if I don't know how my own sister is, how can I help her?"
"Oh, didn't have to do that. Now you're going to suffer too..." Ugh, she had been an idiot. She had never once thought about the way Alondite felt...she was too busy wallowing in her own misery to think about what it was doing to her sister. "I'm sorry...for being so cold to you."
"...I don't feel like I'm suffering," Alondite admitted faintly, rubbing her face. "...I don't know what I feel, but...I...when I think about Master Zelgius, I'm...happy, and sad. Like I should have felt this way before. I hate how everything feels so vivid, but...I like it too."
"Really? I..guess that's how I felt too when I first became mortal. Hmm..are you hungry at all?" That was the second thing she felt, intense pain in her empty stomach. She would support Alondite every step of the way, just like Ike had supported her when she went through her change.
"...Hungry?" Alondite mumbled, as if on cue, her stomach rumbled loudly and she frowned in puzzled confusion. "I...yes? Is...that what this is?" she said, hand on her stomach. "It kind of hurts..."
"It will feel better when you eat food. Come on." Sona got up and took her hand. "Everything will be okay, Alondite. I promise. It'll be weird for a little while,'ll get used to everything. Like using the bathroom..." That was probably what took the most getting used to.
"...Okay," Alondite murmured, face furrowed a moment as she linked her hand with hers. "...What's a bathroom?"
"It's uhh...where you go when you need to..umm..expel things from your body. Eating and drinking things don't just disappear in your belly, they have to go through your body." Ugh, bathroom talk was hard to explain.
"...Oh," Alondite frowned. "...Sounds odd..." What a bizzare thing...didn't mortals need food to sustain themselves?
"The feeling is odder when you get the urge to go..." Sona grimaced as she led her back inside. "But you won't feel pain when you eat, so that's good."
"...Thank you for being here for me, Sona," Alondite murmured suddenly. "...I really didn't like when we had to fight against one another."
"I didn't either. I'm sorry...I know you didn't kill my master...that wasn't your fault. It wasn't my fault that I was used to kill yours...we were used against each other, nothing more." Sona sighed as she brought her towards where the food was. "Maybe we shouldn't talk about this right now. Just know that I love you. Always have."
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